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Small Talk: The Library

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I'm in for SS.

We had zero trick-or-treaters, and I'm relieved. My new house is in a hilly area with twisty narrow roads and most importantly, no sidewalks. I was concerned that maybe there would be some stupid people who risk it, but happily, it looks as though everyone goes a ways up the road, closer to my old house. That's where my kids went. And because the weather was getting kinda crappy, my boys ended up with SO MUCH CANDY. I think Chyna posted something about that in the other place -- people worry that they'll get stuck with leftovers if the trick-or-treaters stop coming because of weather, so they give out very generous amounts of candy to the early kids. That was defs true for us.

Today we visit Mr F's grandma. That's it, that's all the plans. I like days like that. ;)

Edited by AnnieF
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I don't know who Raffaella Carra is, but my song has male singers so it's not her.

I ran out of my glow-in-the-dark bracelets so I had more than 100 trick-or-treaters. The rain held off until 9 p.m., but it was chilly. Some unhappy princesses had to wear coats over their spangles.

ETA: "Boogie Nights"!!!!

Edited by Hostile16
I ran out of my glow-in-the-dark bracelets so I had more than 100 trick-or-treaters.


Holy crap Hostile16, you had that many kids?!! Do you live a youngish couple neighborhood?


But I can only remember the refrain, which is sung in a deep mellow solo -- think someone from Kool and the Gang or Earth, Wind, and Fire -- "1, 2, 3, 4 dancin'; 3, 4 dancin'."


Are those the words? I thought they were "got to keep on dancin', keep on dancing." Or are we talking about different songs?


We had zero trick-or-treaters, and I'm relieved.


Does AnnieF win for fewest trick or treaters?


Does anyone see that ad on this page for vintage things with the Victorian looking doll picture? Those kinds of dolls are kind of creepy to me.


I live in a house/townhouse development in a good neighborhood and adjacent to one of those over-the-top Halloween display houses. So people park on the side street and hit dozens of places in a half-mile jaunt. It was actually better a few years ago -- as the numbers of kids increase every year, a few more houses drop out.

[Link=http://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=Q35nE2BpC50]"Boogie Nights"[/link] in all its glory. I think Val's right about the words. No surprise: It's clear I don't even speak disco.

Edited by Hostile16
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I'm in for secret santa.


Guess who came to visit for 6 days last week?  If you can't guess, I'll give you the hint that there was a lot of criticism about my weight.  He called on Sunday to say they'd be arriving on Tuesday morning, so I hustled and bustled trying to get my place ready in time. 


I am getting new photos taken before thanksgiving so I have to lose some weight, and since I hit food wall on Saturday after he and my stepmother left and went to cookie town, I am spending THIS week focused on working out hard and trying to get back to where I was.  If I could hit 115 I would be over the moon happy, but I'll be lucky to hit 117.  


But enough- I am GLAD that everyone had a happyish halloween, that your Mom is soon to be in her new home LnB, and hopefully once she has moved, you will have a little time for yourself.


Erratic, you and your guy are already awesome parents-It's so cool that there are people like you for children out there.  

KPC, when the biological family is full of asshole behavior, your internet family is here to remind you that you are thoughtful, kind, loving, smart, and hilarious.

And a perfectly fine weight!


We love you.


  That too!


I was a bear for Halloween


  Brown,black or polar?  :)   Aw, cko sounds like a little kid..."I was a bear for Halloween."  :) 






I don't know who Raffaella Carra is

Too bad, because she's awesome. In a very cheesy way. Enjoy.


That was a catchy tune you linked there trudi-tru!  I watch some other ones too. Good lord, she wore some awful outfits though.But then I remember these are old videos.  She kind of looks like Paris Hilton in that video you linked!

Edited by Valny
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Those were mostly from the 70s and 80s, that explains the outfits.


I am getting new photos taken before thanksgiving so I have to lose some weight

You can't see me but I'm making a disapproving face. Also, what everyone else said.


ETA: I believe yesterday was Darkpool's birthday. Happy birthday, D!

Edited by trudi-tru
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Do I? Huh, turns out yes. Well, how the hell did you pull that out of your memory, Darkpool? I don't care about birthdays anymore, so feel free to ignore mine, everyone (that's what I was doing without even thinking about it). And when I ignore your birthday, all y'all, remember: it's not personal, I just don't care unless I gave birth to you. :P

i remember weighing 115 pounds. Ah, the late 80s, what a time that was... ;)

  • Love 2

Happy (belated) Birthday Darkpool.  And a very merry UNbirthday today!


Annief is tomorrow.


You are all the bestest of the bestest.  I am truly lucky to have my internet family.


I voted today (yay!).  I get so annoyed when people tell me my vote doesn't count. I might be a predictable voter, but I know my vote matters.  Has anyone else been able to vote today?  Or counting the votes when the polls close?

  • Love 1

I'm heading over to the polls pretty soon; the weirdest race on our ballot is the Reno mayoral contest. The incumbent is term-limited out, so we've got a choice between a guy who my stepdad knows professionally (stepdad's opinion? Dude's not very bright) or the younger sister of a high-school friend of mine. It's weird, to think that this person who I mostly knew as "annoying little sister" could be the next mayor. I'm voting for her; she never struck me as stupid, just irritating the way younger siblings are, heh. Smallish town politics are weird.

  • Love 1

I voted this morning--the only big election is for the Illinois governor, in which both choices suuuuck. But one of the candidates is a Romney-ish rich dude who has never held any public office before (he's really done nothing in public service EVER) and is trying to buy his way into the biggest office in the state on his first run, so I've decided he sucks more.

Edited by Chyna
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Sounds like solid reasoning to me Chyna. I don't even want to hear what I predict the results will be here.

I have something kind of weird and cool to share. A long while ago, after reading T. C. Boyle's latest book, I wrote him a letter with a compliment and a question. I ended up mailing it to the Uni he works at because I couldn't find a fan-mail address. Then I promptly forgot about. So here I am going through my mail and wondering why some CA uni is contacting me instead of my daughter...and OMG he wrote me back, in pen! I am irrationally excited.

  • Love 9

Very cool buffyjunkie!

Happy birthday Darkpool and happy regular day tomorrow AnnieF.

I voted this morning and between currently house/dog sitting away from home and recently changing my name it was a bit more challenging than usual, but election days always inspire a bit of excitement and patriotism in me so I don't mind. Best local race story for me has to be the candidate whose flyer advertised all of his animal activism on the back but just said: "Barks and treats and belly rubs for everyone!" on the front in GIANT font. Going for the dog vote I guess?

Edited by Earl Is Dead

Aw, we missed Darkpool's birthday?!!  Hope you had a great one Darkpool!


In case I forget-   Happy early b-day to you AnnieF! I'm with you, I don't care about birthdays anymore. It's just another day to me.And when you get older, you don't like to be reminded, at least I don't.


So here I am going through my mail and wondering why some CA uni is contacting me instead of my daughter...and OMG he wrote me back, in pen! I am irrationally excited.


How exciting for you buffyjunkie!  I was almost done typing my famous person story who wrote a letter to me but somehow I got taken out of this forum,(boy I was pissed) and I don't feel like re-typing it again, so it will have to wait for another time.

Do I? Huh, turns out yes.

Can't get anything past us, so don't even try.


I believe your yesterday's tomorrow is my today, so: happy birthday Annie!


That's way cool, buffyjunkie. What did he say?


Nice place, Darkpool. Sounds like you had a very good birthday weekend.


The other day a national newspaper compiled a list of the 30 strangest places where you can swim. One of them is in Oregon: Blue Pool - McKenzie River. Do you know it?

Some of those places are really cool. The Zambia one looks terrifying.

Happy Birthday Annief!  I hope it's a happy and delicious year to come!


The national elections were depressing.  I hope things turn around in 2016.


Have I come out as an Agent of Shield Fan here?  I'm grumpy that there was no new episode this week, and I'm embarrassed that it's made me grumpy.  I need to get a life.

  • Love 1

Right there with you KPC.

Nothing too significant trudi, just that he had visited my town on several occasions. Truthfully, I was so shocked he wrote (in pen) that I didn't fully register his response.

Yeah, politics suck. On one hand I'm furious the boy didn't vote. On the other, we are so outnumbered. I read today one economist's belief that even raising the minimum wage and having Obamacare wouldn't significantly improve things and that it would take corporations raising wages across the populace to significantly close the gap within the next three decades. Yup, you read that correctly. It would take 30 years of a cross the board wage improvement to make a dent. I don't know what type of world will be left for our kids and grandkids.

Edited by buffyjunkie
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Have I come out as an Agent of Shield Fan here?  I'm grumpy that there was no new episode this week, and I'm embarrassed that it's made me grumpy.  I need to get a life.



If not, know that you are among friends. I only wish the show had started off as awesome as it is now. It started off slow and I think they lost a lot of folks who would love it.

Have to agree about last season. I decided to stick with it to see if it improved this season. Glad I did. It's much better.

  • Love 2

Yeah, they really expected the audience to stick around on name recognition, and iMO, you can't do that for like 18 episodes. Half a season yes, but Skye for 18 of them just too much, when there's no indication in the writing that they could do better. Plus it was frustrating when they had the virus thing and the one before that which were decent and went right back to being all boring and all Skye. 


I'm sorry I missed the birthdays - belated wishes, Darkpool and AnnieF

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So I think we may have peer-pressured-by-example our neighbors into doing something about the (yikes! So bad) state of their yards. We are two houses up from the corner, and I think that because this house sat unoccupied for such a long time, the neighbors just didn't think about it or care too much. When we moved in I seriously thought that the house on the corner was abandoned, because it is a falling-down wreck. But no, a guy lives there, he's just apparently very weird, according to my next-door neighbor (so, the person between our house and the corner). However, since we moved in (and put some more work into the yard, frelling erosion) the next-door neighbors have done a ton of cleanup in their yard, and today, like a miracle, there is a crew of dudes doing major cleanup work on the corner. Amazing. I am choosing to believe in the positive power of shame. Heh. ;)

  • Love 2

Whatever works, right AnnieF? You're apparently a very good influence.


We've been crazy busy at work lately. I'm looking forward to the weekend. I'm planning to do a little more work at my mom's house gathering a bunch of items and donating them. I think we're close to getting some advice on putting it up for sale. I don't think it's the right time of year but we can get someone in to start advising.


Good luck on your mom's upcoming move, LnB. Just a few days now.

Today I cleaned out our garage. A sucky job but it feels so great to have it done. Tomorrow I may tackle a small corner of our basement.

After sending back to Zappos 5 pair of rainboots, I may have solved my "what shoes do you wear to London in winter" dilemma. And the answer is my old Ariat horse back riding ankle-high boots. They have thinsulate lining, are waterproof, reasonably comfortable, and black.

And if any of the ladies are in need of some snuggly lounge-wear (black fleecy leggings and oversized top with pockets), Costco has awesome ones right now.

Today I cleaned out our garage. A sucky job but it feels so great to have it done. Tomorrow I may tackle a small corner of our basement.


It does feel great to see the progress. I did a large chunk of organizing around the house a week or two ago and will be doing a bit more tomorrow too. I've got things to a manageable point now where I can do a little at a time. My goal is to get this next chunk done by Thanksgiving. I think that is realistic without overdoing it, but I'll see what happens when I start. These types of things always take longer than I expect.

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Doctor Who rant:

I was watch 'Journeys End' this morning on TV, and the bastards cut the episode to fit the time slot.

What did they cut?

Well, at the end they show Captain Jack, Martha and Mickey leaving together, then suddenly we are at Donna's house with her complaining that she slept through everything and checking her 32 texts.

So Rose and the other Doctor vanished without explanation, and we were cheated the mind wipe explanation.

Fuckers! That was the only reason I was watching.

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