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Small Talk: The Library

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Remember my former horrible boss of terribleness? She was significantly demoted today.

It's good to know that sometimes, karma works. Now, if only Donald Trump would go bankrupt and be forced to live on food stamps....



I might be a small, mean person, but I am very happy about this.

You're not. And, you wouldn't be the only one (see comment above).

I also feel vicarious glee, Harvester. If that makes me small, we can all be small together. :)

I need to confess something insignificant that is nevertheless making me feel guilty; in the locker room at the pool where I swim, one of the showers got a new showerhead that clearly does not have the flow restrictor in it -- water comes out of this thing in a torrent. I told three different people about it, including the general manager and the facilities engineer, but so far, they seem to be happy to just leave it. Which is bad, but also awesome? Because for this particular purpose, it is perfect. It makes rinsing out all my gear (swimsuit, goggles, cap, paddles, earplugs, etc etc swimming sure needs accessories, jeez) really easy and fast. So I haven't followed up, which is kinda eating at me, because I am a child of the desert, and water coming in a rapid crushing flow out of a faucet is a thing I have been indoctrinated to believe is wrong and bad. (Because it is. So much waste!) but I did my due diligence already? Y/N?

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I don't think there's much more you can do if the manager doesn't seem interested in fixing it. :P


Hugs and vibes to all my Meet Market friends! I haven't been around much - for the past two years my job has just been killing me. However, we finally hired an assistant for me who started in the beginning of August and he's mostly all trained so I'm think a lot of my depression and anxiety are will be relieved.


I have been watching so. much. tv - I recently watched all five seasons of The Good Wife (not my usual kind of show) and am now part-way through season two of Hannibal.

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However, we finally hired an assistant for me who started in the beginning of August and he's mostly all trained so I'm think a lot of my depression and anxiety are will be relieved.

Thank goodness!  Yay for Anne.


Today I did something I don't normally do.  I went to a clothing store over lunch because I wanted to try on a top and a sweater I had seen the day before.  But today the (male) clerk was all about the unrelenting cross-sell.  Even when I had told him I didn't want a necklace (after he asked if he could take anything) he put it behind the counter for my check out.  Finally while I was walking to the check out and he said something again I said, "Enough with the hard sell already."  Geez, sales is an art - not supposed to be a hammer.

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Some people just don't get the hint buffyjunkie. You have to be direct. I've done close to the same thing when a salesperson has pestered me too much.
I agree with everyone here, Harvester. Not a mean person at all. It can be satisfying to see someone get what's coming to them. How's the job going otherwise?
Yes AnnieF - you did what you could. Stop feeling guilty. And I'll admit you are a far better person than me.
Glad things are improving Anne. I don't think The Good Wife is my type of show either, but I've been thinking about watching because so many people keep saying it's great.
I am absolutely looking forward to the weekend. It cannot get here soon enough. This has been the work week from hell and every day it keeps getting worse. I am just wrapping up for the day and am exhausted.

we finally hired an assistant for me who started in the beginning of August and he's mostly all trained so I'm think a lot of my depression and anxiety are will be relieved.



Yay! For most of the summer, I've had 2-3 MAJOR client projects ongoing in addition to my usual all-the-time freelance gig. They were supposed to be consecutive but ended up being concurrent. It SUCKS. Most of this should be done in the next two weeks or so, but I've been SO stressed all summer. I can't imagine dealing with that for two years. About time they got you an assistant.

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I'm just finishing up Season 4 of *The Good Wife,* which IS my type of show in that I've seen every flavor of *L&O* a zillion times. But I don't really get all the acclaim. The production values are great and the casting impeccable, but I don't think the writing is much above average.

The best thing about it is the stable of recurring characters who are unusually fleshed out. It's a true joy of anticipation seeing who is on the other end of a phone call. Plus: Christine Baranski.

And if I can be shallow, by Season 4 the makeup people are scaling back a little on Julianna Margulies's eyebrow pencil. I'm a heavy browed person myself, but those caterpillars were hypnotic.

Hey, speaking of the Emmy Awards, was anyone else underwhelmed by Weird Al' s segment, which should have been awesome? I haven't heard one person mention it in the post-show coverage.

Edited by Hostile16
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It's ace to see you around here, Anne.

Heh. I see what you did there.

I'm glad you finally got some help, Anne. Hopefully you'll be less stressed and you'll feel better. Are you still fostering doggies?


Annie, you reported the situation three times. Until they fix it, enjoy the water flow.


buffyjunkie, I hate it when clerks harrass you like that. He totally deserved the scolding.

You have to read a few posts back from trudi's. :)


Oh, I did. (It's a habit from TwoP that I can't seem to break.) And, I did see this:

huh. I use this all the time without thinking, and I am not even close to being fluent in Inuinnaqtun, but this is the central arctic Inuit word for "whatever", which works great as 'IMO', IMO.

But it seemed like there should have been something before it I was missing. Not that important.

I hope today is quiet at work and the day goes fast. I really need the long weekend.

Happy Friday!

I am so happy that you've finally got an assistant, Anne. Yaaaaaay!!! :)

Thanks for letting me off the hook about the shower. I have this convo in my brain every time (so, like three or four times a week): "This showerhead really needs to be fixed! But it is so awesome! Gragh!!" Heh. The childhood indoctrination about not wasting water really took hold, apparently. ;)

Happy weekend, everyone. :)

Welcome back Anne!  Congratulations on your new assistant.  I hope s/he will give you the space you need so that you can have a life.  


Huzzah harvester on the karma visiting your mean, mean coworker.  It's so nice when the universe decides to right the scales.


And Annief, glad you let yourself off the hook re shower.  Life is too short to stay on any hooks.


In other news, I'm back!  And I survived (mostly) without too many "Aaaaaaaaahs."  I hold you all responsible for the lack of matricide.  (Hunauva).


And now I am back, hungry to work.  And also, just HUNGRY.  I want to eat a dozen apple cider donuts.  I seem to have a yen for old school donuts these days.


Now off to unpack and finally watch the premiere of Doctor Who and the finale of The musketeers.  I'm turning into a little BBC america geek.

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Okay, so I don't remember where I left off in the saga of my f'ed up life. So, a quick recap: Yesterday, we closed on the next door neighbor's house, today construction on it began. In theory, my in-laws were to stay in their home, until we'd finished and moved, and then move into our current home. In practice, they injured themselves 4 weeks ago, and are now living with us -- UNTIL WE FUCKING MOVE. Yes, I have a 60-75 day window (from today) to suck up and deal, but man, this is an ordeal. For whomever recommended the 36 hour day, I've got it, and I'm reading it, and it helps, but the reality of 24/7 with these people is pretty damn awful. (and, this is taking a toll on my kids, and for that, I have tons of guilt and no sympathy for those stressing them out).


I am reading about you all (yay assistant for Ace! Welcome back KPC--btw, how's your step dad and sis? yay for karma harvester, etc. etc.). I am not posting a lot, because well, all I want to do is bitch and moan (or on the bad days, cry and cry). I know you are my safe space, and I love you for it. Thanks. Really. Thanks.

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Wow Barphe, that is a LOT. Vibes to you and your whole family, with hopes that your new house will be so awesome it will have been totally worth it.


Can I have some Meet Market vibes for Chynette's best friend? He's the one whose family was in that big car accident last week. He was, they thought, the only one who escaped with minor scrapes and bruises, but the night before last he went to the emergency room with an asthma attack--and he doesn't actually have asthma. He's been in the hospital since, and they think it's from inhalation of the chemical dust in the car's air bags. They're hoping he'll get to go home today or tomorrow, but we're worried about him.

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Vibes and easy breathing for Chynette's friend.  How scary.  Could it have been a panic attack? Because the post traumatic stress might be harder on a child?


Barphe, vent (and/or cry) away.  It sounds like an incredibly difficult time.  I hope you can give yourself some respite time and take in a baseball game or time with your kids somewhere.  I'm glad Endeavours's book (I think it was she?) is somewhat helpful.  Hugs and vibes.


When I was in maine something bit me (a mosquito on steroids) and my wrist is pretty swollen.  It's better than it was yesterday, but it's only confirming that I am so not friends with camping.  


I'm trying to redo my drawers, and have bought some dividers from BB&B.  They are working okay, I think.  But I definitely have to buy more.  I'm tired of my clothing mixing itself so that I read for a shirt and pull out socks instead.  


Happy Labor Day to all- and for those outside the US, I hope you get a three day weekend soon.

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Okay, so I don't remember where I left off in the saga of my f'ed up life. So, a quick recap: Yesterday, we closed on the next door neighbor's house, today construction on it began. In theory, my in-laws were to stay in their home, until we'd finished and moved, and then move into our current home. In practice, they injured themselves 4 weeks ago, and are now living with us -- UNTIL WE FUCKING MOVE. Yes, I have a 60-75 day window (from today) to suck up and deal, but man, this is an ordeal. For whomever recommended the 36 hour day, I've got it, and I'm reading it, and it helps, but the reality of 24/7 with these people is pretty damn awful. (and, this is taking a toll on my kids, and for that, I have tons of guilt and no sympathy for those stressing them out).


I am reading about you all (yay assistant for Ace! Welcome back KPC--btw, how's your step dad and sis? yay for karma harvester, etc. etc.). I am not posting a lot, because well, all I want to do is bitch and moan (or on the bad days, cry and cry). I know you are my safe space, and I love you for it. Thanks. Really. Thanks.

Kids are resilient, they will recover. Vent away, but do not worry about that. 

Can I have some Meet Market vibes for Chynette's best friend? He's the one whose family was in that big car accident last week. He was, they thought, the only one who escaped with minor scrapes and bruises, but the night before last he went to the emergency room with an asthma attack--and he doesn't actually have asthma. He's been in the hospital since, and they think it's from inhalation of the chemical dust in the car's air bags. They're hoping he'll get to go home today or tomorrow, but we're worried about him.

Poor kid. Major vibes for him. 


Will update more next week. I am vibing away, but am net challenged here and Spanish keyboards are funny (well, okay, not funny, just not what I am used to)

You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Absolutely. Hang in there and vent away whenever you need to.

Would it be possible for you to take the kids away for a weekend? Get a couple of days of peace and decompress?


Where are you, romantic idiot?


Vibes for Chynette's friend. I agree with KPC that the asthma is probably stress related. Poor kid.

Thanks for the vibes, everyone--Friend is coming home later this afternoon! The asthma was most definitely not stress-related: It was inhalation of the chemical dust from the car's air bags. Those air bags did quite a bit of damage to him and his family--better than having one's face smashed into the dashboard, but still--severe bruising, broken bones, and seizures of the lungs are no picnic.


Chynette and Friend have decided they need to invent a new type of air bag that saves you without beating you up in the process.

Edited by Chyna

My Mom and StepDad disabled the airbag in the passenger side of the car- it would do more harm than good, given their age (and in some cases) the frailness.  And I guess they have to keep the airbag on the steering wheel active?  


Anyway, I hope Chynette & Friend come up with a less dangerous and bone-breaking airbag pronto.  I'm looking at those moonwalk/bouncy houses for inspiration.  Something fun AND live-saving.


Hola romantic idiot!  Donde est?


I got to go to the US open today.  W.o.w  I've never been and I got to see some fabulous tennis.  Except for Federer, who was clearly playing the first 5 games without heart because he was waiting for the rain delay to kick in.  But man, he is cute.  And the women are amazing and their play is better, I think, than the men's game.  I hope I can go to another match next year (starts saving pennies).  Downside- I lost my house keys.  Oops.  Maybe some drop dead gorgeous tennis player will find them and magically return them to me and then he'll look deep into my eyes and whisk me away somewhere romantic.  And since I'm wishing, I'd like a pony.




LaboUr Day


Oh you crazy canadians and your spelling!  How colo(u)rful you are.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Chynette and Friend have decided they need to invent a new type of air bag that saves you without beating you up in the process.


Kids these days. :-)


Vibes to all who need 'em and one never need apologize for ranting. That's what we're here for!


Seems like a lot of you have pretty exciting lives *coughKPCcough*. I'm getting ready to do laundry. Woo hoo!

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I woke up and forgot that it's Labor Day, so I've got that going for me so far today. ;)

Big huge vibes to Barphe. Big, big vibes that never get tired and never wear out.

And vibes to Chynette's friend; I remember reading about toxicity in airbags years ago. I guess it is still a problem. :(

We've been visiting Mr F's grandma in the senior living place where she moved -- it is waaaay closer to us than her old house, so it's way easier to get there every weekend. She is doing SO much better; she likes the food, she says all the "girls" who work there are nice, and there's always something to do. "You can get on the bus, doesn't matter where it's going, you just get on and they take you someplace! Sometimes they drive downtown, sometimes out around in the neighborhoods -- I've seen places here that I didn't know existed and I've lived here 60 years!" I think they actually do tell you where the buses are going, but she can't read it on the sign and her short-term memory isn't too good, so there you go. Her goal has always been to make it to 100 years old (she's 97) and I think that having better care might actually help her get there.

So it's awesome for her. On a societal level, though, it freaks me out (also because I think Barphe can relate, maybe). Because the only reason that she can get decent care, and live in a place that isn't horrible, is because she can afford to pay for someplace decent. And the only reason she can afford it is because she's got both her own and her late husband's Social Security benefits, and she has a small pension from working as a teacher. Pretty much all of her monthly income goes to pay for her current living situation, which requires 24-hour on-site care. How many Baby Boomers have saved enough money for this (very few, alas)? We've got some real social problems on our horizon.

Um, happy day off? :P

Edited by AnnieF
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I am back from the getaway and back online after a brief self imposed computer-break.  Vibes to everyone, especially to Barphe and Chynette's friend and his family.  I endured an airbag punch to the face in an accident a few years ago and it left me more than a little dazed and confused.  They are no laughing matter.  Barphe,  I'm sure 60 - 75 days feels like forever right now, but one day at a time.  You are doing a wonderful and selfless thing for your in-laws.  


I'm also finally caught up with my DVR.  I thought Weird Al's Emmy bit was funny, but mostly because of Andy Samburg.  And the True Blood finale was as meh as I was expecting.  They spent the last few episodes wrapping up story lines in what they considered neat little bows.  Whatever. At least Pam and Eric came out on top. That's all I really wanted.

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Oh and speaking of clueless Baby Boomers*, the last time my brother-in-law was in town, he told us about a convo he had with his dad in which his dad was shocked, shocked to learn that BiL does not earn a pension at his job, and was further shocked, shocked to learn that almost every job does NOT have a pension anymore. He then proceeded to tell BiL that he should've become a schoolteacher like himself, then.

So, that's my father-in-law telling my brother-in-law that he shouldn't have bothered with the PhD in physics that he earned (hey son, who cares about dreams and passion and stuff!) because a teacher earns a pension. At that point my BiL was so frustrated that he walked away, so my FiL still hasn't been corrected on that last bit of misinformation -- teachers today don't earn the kind of awesome pension that he got. Nobody gets what you got, Boomers. You sucked it all up for yourselves.

*I think that to be considered a true Baby Boomer, you have to have been born before 1960. Technically that "generation" goes to 1964, I believe, but c'mon. Boomers were born in the 50s.

Edited by AnnieF
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I didn't know airbag contained toxic chemicals. Huh.



I didn't either. Apparently, they contain a "mild" explosive, which is how they inflate so quickly. And is more than a little alarming.


So, that's my father-in-law telling my brother-in-law that he shouldn't have bothered with the PhD in physics that he earned (hey son, who cares about dreams and passion and stuff!) because a teacher earns a pension.



Yeah, we get that from Mr. C's family. One relative worked for the Post Office for many years and was able to retire in her early 60s with a kickass pension. Which is great, but everyone forgets that she HATED her job for the previous 30 years. 

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My current retirement plan is to work until I am 70 and then drop dead suddenly and not be found for 2 days (so no costly medical intervention).

My daughter thinks I will be a cute old person and wants me to live until I am 90. Houston we have a problem.

Super vibes to Barphe and semi super vibes to everyone else.

Question for you all, I am working with a woman who is driving me crazy, no mater what I say she will correct me, whether it is something work related or not. I have any number of concerns about how she does her job but it isn't my place to say anything. I am very angry about this but do not know how to deal with it, any thoughts?

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Well, there's always the "huh" reaction. Whatever she says, your response is "huh." Perhaps followed by "actually, I'm pretty sure that it's X, but maybe you're right, could be Y. Anyway, how about this change of topic?"* She sounds insecure, which is not an excuse (abso-fucking-lutely not) but is something you can use to your advantage. If she does this to get a certain reaction from you, you can try not to give her that reaction by becoming extremely boring. Your reaction can become really predictable ("huh" "interesting" "I never thought of it that way" "could be" "you never know" "that's a new one on me" "I'll think about that") and really dull. Maybe, if it's the attention or reaction that she's looking for, this'll help.

Do your concerns about how she does her job directly affect how you do your job? If not, I would try my hardest to let that one go. It's your boss's problem, not yours. If it does affect your job performance, then you need to do...something. I think ask a manager dot com is a good place to look, and also captain awkward dot com.

I hope others have some good advice. This situation sounds sucky. :(

*This occurred to me a few minutes after I posted, but also! When you do change the subject, change it to something work related. Every single time. Even if she never catches on consciously, she may twig to the fact that dusky is really boring to talk to, because all she ever talks about is work. Maybe? Argh, I feel for you, dusky, that is a crappy situation.

Edited by AnnieF

Sigh. One thing about being a Baby Boomer, whereas we are in the (I'm sure extremely annoying) majority in the population, we are in the minority in online communities, so it's always up to me to skulk off on my lonesome with my faint cry of "But what about all the social change we led?" when people get pissed at Baby Boomers.

Edited by cko
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Glad to hear Chynette's friend is home and doing better.

Is this a short-term assignment Dusky or will you be working with her indefinitely? Also, is this something she does with everyone? Is it possible she's not even aware she's doing it or actually thinks she's being helpful? I would go with trying your best not to give her any type of reaction. If you're going to have to work with her long term though, you may need to address it directly. A short conversation may clear it up.


The U.S. Open sounds fun. Glad you had a good time KPC. While not at all a sports fan, that is something I think I would enjoy.


Glad Mr. F's grandmother is doing so well.

Edited by Endeavour


Sigh. One thing about being a Baby Boomer, whereas we are in the (I'm sure extremely annoying) majority in the population, we are in the minority in online communities, so it's always up to me to skulk off on my lonesome with my faint cry of "But what about all the social change we led?" when people get pissed at Baby Boomers.

Not the only one cko.  I just finished reading a book that discusses how the generational war is factioning the feminist front and thereby rendering it less effective.  Also, I'm pretty sure that of all the things to choose from in regard to bashing boomers, getting a wee slice of the corporate pie via a pension is not going to be one of them.


Dusky, does she do this about everything, which is what I suspect?  You could always try the Boliver approach , "Are you aware that you correct me on every topic?   As a sheer probability problem, what do you think the odds are that I'm wrong every single time?  And why do you think you do that?"  Good luck.

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Of course it's #notallboomers; I just get annoyed because my FiL is far from the first Boomer I've heard say something like that. Or "well, go to your union rep." Ahaha! Sweet person, there is no such thing! Boomers did a whole lot of good, no doubt about it. But a certain portion of them have been trying for the last 30 years to turn it all back, and sometimes there can be some obliviousness there. I'm sure Gen X is annoying too. ;)

I feel part of no generation. Born too late to be a boomer, and I don't think I have much in common w/ Gen-Xers. I do have a decent retirement plan (government job), a self-financed pension, and social security, as well as very good health insurance, except for dentalm which sucks, but at least I have a dental plan. All this is supposed to make up for the fact that after 20 years, I earn significantly less than 1st year associates at medium and large law firms, and in-house counsel. While I do have a union, it's pretty much incompetent. This year, they have endorsed a gubernatorial candidate who has absolutely no chance of beating the incumbent governor. And, this governor (who used to be my ultimate boss) has a well-deserved reputation for being petty and holding grudges. It will be so much fun to see just how little we get in raises when our contract negotiations begin next spring.


KPC, I miss going to the Open. I always had a good time, although I don't like Ashe Stadium. It's just too big and makes me feel like I'm watching two ants play. Also, as you said, tickets are very expensive. I found the best deal was to get ground passes for late in the first week (Thursday or Friday). You can get to see a lot of matches, both singles and doubles, and even watch players practice, which is actually more exciting than it sounds. You just can't go into Ashe, and possibly Armstrong and the Grandstand, but there are so many large screens you can pretty much watch those matches anyway. Also, going to a night session is cheaper and the crowd is rowdier, which makes for some matches.

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LnB, I was fortunate.  My friend had tickets that were low enough to see them look more life size- and they had these ear pieces we could wear so we could hear the tv commentary if we liked.  Which was good for people like me who don't understand tennis.  BUT my friend usually does what you do- get a ground pass the first weekend.  I am so glad I am not there today, though- it's like a sauna out there.


I feel like I'm of "generation meh?"  I'm too young for x, too old for y-er/millennial.  But then I'm not sure I would accept any generation that would have me as one of their members (tm Groucho Marx).  As for unions, I belong to some, but they don't really do much to get its members work.  I keep hearing about other unions where they actually give people jobs.  I know that unions are important, and I support them, but right now I'm a little down on mine.


cko, I think a lot of what the Boomer generation did was AWESOME.  And I am determined to keep the healthcare/women's rights in the forefront of every voting decision I make.


Dusky, I also use the "I'll take that under consideration."  And then I repeat that phrase every time the annoying person makes another annoying "my way is better than yours."  Or, you can just say "Hunauva" and look all condescending.

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I have a co-worker who is similarly annoying, but I don't have to deal with her often. I like the "I'll take that into consideration" option since she sounds bitchy and will likely stew over any kind of confrontation. Is it possible to start looking for a new job? I know you had a hell of a time for several years, but is the job market any better in your area?

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