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Small Talk: The Library

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Ditto to all that ^^^. Darkpool is a very fun conversational partner. And I'm jellus of all y'all. I hope you're having a great time. :-)

On another note completely -- composting? I finally have room and can do composting (I could've done it at the old house, but there were all kinds of rules in the CCRs and it was more trouble than I cared to take). Bol, I know you do composting, yeah? Anyone got tips or warnings?

Also, I think I remember Chyna's kids dressing up in Harry Potter regalia for Halloween and I know YME visited Universal Studio's Harry Potter themepark but who were the adult Harry Potter fanatics amongst us?


*raises hand*


So, it's our last night in Toronto and apparently, there's a bachelor party or some such thing going on in the rooms next to and across the hall from us. Who wants the over/under on how many times we'll have to call hotel security to get them to quit partying in the hallway right outside our door? The count is already at 2.


Also, what kind of losers party at the Day's Inn when you're in downtown Toronto?? Seriously, we're less than three blocks away from the main party strip in this area. 


I am at Niagara Falls at the moment. Eating at Applebee's. Still in Canada, I'll cross over to the US on Monday.



And when you get here, we'll have to find you some better grub than Applebee's. :)

Darkpool can represent we West Coasters, and yes, is the King of Gettin' Around,


Just don't ask me to find a restaurant right across the street.


what kind of losers party at the Day's Inn when you're in downtown Toronto?


I think "losers" pretty much covers it, actually.


we'll have to find you some better grub than Applebee's.


Not exactly a tall order. But you gotta do Applebee's at least once for the Friday Night Lights experience.


Looking forward to seeing everyone this week.

I'm another adult (really?) Harry Potter fan. My youngest is finishing up the books for the first time (I assume there will be re-readings), so very soon the entirety of the household will have read the series--if/when the kids read the Tolkein books may be the only other time when mom, dad, and children will have read the same series of books. (one offs will happen a lot, and the kids are reading my old sic-fi/fantasy library so 3 out of 4 will happen a lot, too.) Actually, I hooked my oldest on Anne McCaffrey's Pern books this summer, it's a hoot talking about these books that I last read 30 years ago! I'm also the mom that will read the current YA fiction the kids are into, partially to monitor, and partially because if it is good, I like it and if it isn't, I can use that as teachable moments.

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So the final answer is 3! 3 calls to hotel security. The losers finally realized they were in downtown Toronto and headed out around 11, making as much noise as possible. Then, the drunken idiots returned at 3 am, and were staggering back and forth between each other's rooms (pounding on the doors and then opening and slamming them) for about an hour.


New bet: Just before we leave, will Mr. C stop to pound on their doors really loudly to wake them from their hangovers, as he's been threatening to all morning?

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Go Mr. C!!  Go play "you shook me all night long" as loud as you can outside their doors and windows.


Trudi, how were the serving sizes at Applebees?  I wonder if it's like the cheesecake factory.  I ate there once, and the serving sizes were so big, I realized why (in part) there is an obesity problem in this country, and I also had left overs for about a week.  I hope that when you are in the windy city that you can have a pizza (rome vs. nyc vs. chicago style) contest.  Keep us updated!


Thanks for the well wishes val.  Today should be good, I hope.  This is the day the reviewer will most likely be there.  I have such a small role I doubt I will be mentioned, but I want the show to get a good review, because damn, 160 seats is hard to fill if you don't have a press agent.  Pray for word of mouth!

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Good luck KPC!

I am a huge Harry Potter fan. Now my nephew is really getting into the series. I am worried the dementors might scare the shit out if him though. I warned my sister the books get a little scary then really emotional. We'll see how he does, but I geek out over our Harry Potter talks.


That's nice you two have something in common and bond can over. How old is your nephew harvester?


Waiting to hear about KPC's first night of the play. How'd it go @KPC?

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Trudi, how were the serving sizes at Applebees?  I wonder if it's like the cheesecake factory.  I ate there once, and the serving sizes were so big, I realized why (in part) there is an obesity problem in this country

The servings are huge pretty much anywhere in North America. Also, I noticed in some places fries are free as a side dish, but salad you have to pay for. That's not good.

I got an half order at Applebee's (I always do that if it's an option) and that was acceptable.


Wishing KPC a sold out show and great reviews.

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Also a Harry Potter fan. I remember staying up very late reading the new books when they came out. Had a lot of fun with the niblings as they were reading too. One was reading the books at the same time I was initially and the other caught up a few years later. We had a big debate about Snape's motives, went to midnight movies - good fun.

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Safe and happy travels to all, and good review-vibes for Shakespeare performances.


You can count me among the adult Harry Potter fans.  I hope my nephew will read them someday, but at the moment his interests don't extend far beyond dinosaurs and sharks.


I don't mind giant portion sizes since they always mean leftovers for later meals, but I absolutely cannot stand Chicago-style or deep dish pizza.  I hope the real thing is better than all its imitators. 

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I absolutely cannot stand Chicago-style or deep dish pizza. I hope the real thing is better than all its imitators.

Me too. My reaction to Chicago-style pizza is always "Ew, what? No, wrong." I have never had the real thing, but I have a hard time imagining that it's good (I mean, it might be? But I have trouble seeing how. This could of course simply be a failure of imagination on my part :P).

Today is the first day of school. Now begins my nine months of driving the F-let every day, whee! :)

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Exactly.  The ratio of cheese to sauce to bread is just that: wrong.


Seems so early for school to be starting, but happy driving!  :-P  I couldn't imagine being a school kid and not going on a traditional 9 month schedule, but I know it's becoming more and more of the norm (and has its benefits).  The most shocking I've seen was a FB friend posting "first day of school pics" in June.  Fuh?  My brain just doesn't work that way.

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I used to be a huge Harry Potter fan, but the last 2, mostly the last one, and the ending killed a lot of my love for the series. Nowadays, if I have to choose a wizard named Harry - I tend to go for Dresden. But I loved Harry Potter a lot for sure. 


Ditto to all that ^^^. Darkpool is a very fun conversational partner. And I'm jellus of all y'all. I hope you're having a great time. :-)

On another note completely -- composting? I finally have room and can do composting (I could've done it at the old house, but there were all kinds of rules in the CCRs and it was more trouble than I cared to take). Bol, I know you do composting, yeah? Anyone got tips or warnings?

This is from a couple of friends who were doing it entirely organically (not sure if it applies over there) but vegetable waste only. No meat or you'll get maggots. (And then they had to kill the maggots with loads of red chilli powder). But yeah, vegetable waste only is all I have. And they got a powder at the end that was really superb fertiliser - I remember raptures. What was ironic was that they lived in an apartment complex with a very small garden. 


 I'm also the mom that will read the current YA fiction the kids are into, partially to monitor, and partially because if it is good, I like it and if it isn't, I can use that as teachable moments.

There is a lot of excellent YA out there - especially in the urban fantasy sphere, which is what I tend to read. Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy was a terrible series, but were decent books - as is her spin off - Bloodlines. Though Bloodlines is a little more adult I think. I love Lili St. Crow and Kelley Armstrong too. And I'm a big fan of Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires series. They went on for a long time, and she managed to make most of them engaging. I don't even mind that my ship didn't land. What books do you enjoy?


Go Mr C! Choose Mr C!

The last time I experienced the "drunk assholes partying in the hallway" scenario was at a Holiday Inn in St Cloud, MN. Somewhat more understandable, still entirely not okay. People suck sometimes.

These are the times when I thank my stars that I tend to sleep the sleep of the dead. The times when vendors and couriers and delivery men and garbage men leave because I can't hear the doorbell? Not so much. 

Another thing we discovered about this wonderful (*sarcasm*) hotel is that they only have 4 elevators to serve 23 floors plus 2 parking levels, and the housekeeping and other staff use them too. So mid-morning on a Sunday, when everyone is checking out and housekeeping is doing their thing, it can take up to 15 minutes to get an elevator. So Mr C didn't pound on the doors and run just before the elevator came, but I think the noise of the growing group of people bitching about the long wait for the elevator probably did the trick. We also learned from other elevator-waiters that the bachelor party extended to other floors in the hotel as well. I can't imagine why they wouldn't put that whole group on one floor to leave the rest of us in peace.

Robin Williams?  :'(   I just found out...like right now.  How terribly, terribly heartbreaking and shocking.  A famous blogger has said, "Depression Lies," and I am deeply sad that he (and countless others) have believed the lies.  


Veering off for a second:  I loathe chicago style pizza.  I'm all about regular crust.


My show opened and in light of this, I don't want to be all peppy.  It opened, it went pretty well. 

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Robin Williams...wow.  Back in they day, I bought rainbow suspenders because of him/Mork. I thought they were cute too. They also had glitter vertically in between the colors. I've been trying to find them,but I might have thrown them away thinking, when the hell am I going to ever wear these again. Which is odd for me because I hold on to stuff forever.


Anyway...My nephew had posted a pic on his FB page of RW. I have the photo too. It's Robin,my nephew and niece from years ago. The kids were in NYC one day and saw him outside where lots of people were waiting for him, I think he was doing one man show. Not sure.

Here's the picture of them  I'm could have sworn I have another pic of them because I remember you could see his armS and how crazy hairy they were. But, who knows, I could be hallucinating that one.


@KPC- it's ok to be peppy, but I understand.  So glad the play went well. Was opening night exciting?


I loathe chicago style pizza.  I'm all about regular crust


.Mmm...crust.   Of course I love NY pizza the best, but I wouldn't mind  Chicago style every now and them. It's just we don't have any around here .And the frozen kind just isn't as good as fresh made.  KPC, do you loathe it because it has too much crust?

Edited by Valny
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Yay for your new show opening well, KPC, one of these days I'll be in your audience!

Fuck depression! Fuck mental illness.

On another note completely -- composting? I finally have room and can do composting (I could've done it at the old house, but there were all kinds of rules in the CCRs and it was more trouble than I cared to take). Bol, I know you do composting, yeah? Anyone got tips or warnings?

I would see if there is a composting co-op you can join. That way, you keep your kitchen (non-meat) scraps in a small bin in compostable bags, and 'donate' when you feel like it. Plus, grass clippings.

Thus way, you can have the benefits of composting without the extra mess or work - adding extra 'brown' layers, making sure it's the right level of damp, turning, mixing, having too much un-composted at one time so you have to 'waste' good material in the garbage.

We used to do it ourselves, but then our town now picks up our compostable materials every week and takes it to the town compost pile. And, if we want fresh compost, we go down and get it.

Talking about mud, you all *must* do a Mud Hero or Tough Mudder before you die. It was soooo much fun- I am not a peppy person but I giggled like a five year old the entire run! Photos over the other place.

Edited by Erratic
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Val, that is an awesome picture and kinda made me tear up. The kids look so happy. And this is equally awesome:


Robin Williams...wow.  Back in they day, I bought rainbow suspenders because of him/Mork. I thought they were cute too. They also had glitter vertically in between the colors. I've been trying to find them,but I might have thrown them away thinking, when the hell am I going to ever wear these again. Which is odd for me because I hold on to stuff forever.


The breadth and variety of the tributes have been pretty amazing, people of all ages.


And in other news, fuck police brutality.

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Oh, shoot, I hadn't heard about her. How she would hate being upstaged by Robin Williams. I met her once after a play, and was warned by the stage-door manager -- I always talk with them because they have the best stories -- that she was horrid. And she was. But undeniably gorgeous and talented. Old Hollywood is down to -- who? -- Debbie Reynolds, Leslie Caron, and Olivia de Havilland?

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Just heard about Bacall a little while ago too.


Old Hollywood is down to -- who? -- Debbie Reynolds, Leslie Caron, and Olivia de Havilland?


I was thinking the same thing @Hostile16. There aren't many more celebs left from her era. So that makes it sadder. I'm glad I got to see Debbie Reynolds in concert though. She was a hoot.   And I thought de Havilland had passed not long ago, I probably mixed it up with her sister, glad I was wrong.


On a lighter Hollywood note, here's a great question...and I haven't even checked if my answers were right yet:


Only five times in Academy Award history has the same person been nominated for Oscars for acting,directing and writing for the same film. How many can you name?


I'll put my answers in spoiler form:

Woody Allen(not sure if he was nominated for acting), Barbra Streisand, Kevin Costner(not sure if he wrote Dances with Wolves,doubt it)  Mel Gibson(don't know if he wrote Braveheart) and John Huston?

Those are the best I could come up with for now. If anyone knows the correct answer don't tell me, just let me know if I got any right.


Hostile16-  have you ever seen this question around before? 




I met her once after a play, and was warned by the stage-door manager -- I always talk with them because they have the best stories -- that she was horrid. And she was.


What happened? Did she just not want to be bothered to talk to any of the common folk?

Edited by Valny
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Nowadays, if I have to choose a wizard named Harry - I tend to go for Dresden. But I loved Harry Potter a lot for sure.


I watched The Dresden Files but haven't read the books. Have you read those? Are they any good?


Glad the opening went well KPC.


I used to watch Mork and Mindy all the time. Very sad news about Robin Williams.

Hope this week turns out better for you LnB.

 I met her once after a play, and was warned by the stage-door manager -- I always talk with them because they have the best stories -- that she was horrid. And she was.


Now our KPC would NEVER be that way! :)


I threw out my lower back again. This seems to happen about once year lately. I notice it happens after I bend down for something.  Once you have back issues, they never go away, at least for me.

I just hate not being able to stand up straight. It's annoying shuffling along.  It will take at least a week before it feels better, it just has to heal itself,nothing you can really do. Maybe a hot shower, or cold compress.

Edited by Valny
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Ugh, feel better Valny.

I have recently started a top secret project that I can't wait to share with you, but only 5 people in the entire world know about it so I have to remain non-specific right now, but it is exciting and awesome... Can I have some non-specific vibes for this, and I promise to fill you all in as soon as I can. And sorry for being fucking vague.

Edited by Erratic
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Valny, I think you're right about the first person on your list and wrong about the woman. I'm not sure if the next two were writers. One person you're missing is European, and another has hit this hat trick (plus producing at least one of them) twice. He has a Thalberg, too, and a lovely Botox-free wife.

Interesting question; I don't think I've seen it before. Usually they look at writer-director-producers.

Yea for Erratic for providing positive, if non-specific news. We need cheering up.

Ouch.  Back pain is no fun - feel better @Valny.   And a ton'o non-specific vibes to you @Erratic.


I will throw

Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola

into the hat for the excellent Oscar question. I could think of more suggestions if it weren't so early.


Yesterday I booked a mini-getaway here.  It's a surprise for Mr. Earl.  I'm debating adding a night in Niagra Falls since we'll be close, but as I am currently passport-less it would be US side only.  Anyone who's been know if that's worth it, or should I plan a future trip when I can cross the border too?

The Oscar question, I'd throw in

Clint Eastwood - not sure if he wrote any though, Matt Damon or Ben Affleck, but did they direct? George Clooney wrote and directed 'Good Night and Good Luck', but I have no memory of that being nominated for any awards, but it's George Clooney so probably was.

Whoever said Woody Allen above *has* to be right on sheer volume alone. His movies are always Oscar bait, so I'd be very surprised if he wasn't in this list.

Oh, and maybe add Mel Brooks to the list.

Edited by Erratic

Back relief vibes to valny. And awesome, albeit non-specific vibes for Erratic.



I'm debating adding a night in Niagra Falls since we'll be close, but as I am currently passport-less it would be US side only.  Anyone who's been know if that's worth it, or should I plan a future trip when I can cross the border too?

 I saw Niagara Falls only from the Canadian side. I've heard it has the better views, but I'm sure the American side is pretty amazing. I don't know if you can take a boat from the American side. I did go on "The Maid of the Mist" and it was spectacular. And wet. After it was over, while still in my poncho, I had a picture taken of me at the lookout point calling for the waters to become angry. Unfortunately, I don't know where that picture is (it was in the days before cell phone cameras).

  • Love 1

Valny, I think you're right about the first person on your list and wrong about the woman. I'm not sure if the next two were writers. One person you're missing is European, and another has hit this hat trick (plus producing at least one of them) twice. He has a Thalberg, too, and a lovely Botox-free wife.

Interesting question; I don't think I've seen it before. Usually they look at writer-director-producers.

Yea for Erratic for providing positive, if non-specific news. We need cheering up.

Nice clues Hostile16,those helped.  so would those two be

Warren Beatty and Roberto Benigni?


Mysterious vibes to Erratic. Intrigued to know what this is all about.

Thanks for the back vibes everyone!

 ETA- love seeing the pics of trudi-tru's Chicago meet up.


Edited by Valny
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I'm debating adding a night in Niagra Falls since we'll be close, but as I am currently passport-less it would be US side only.  Anyone who's been know if that's worth it, or should I plan a future trip when I can cross the border too?



I've only been on the Canadian side too (last week!) and I think the view is better there, because you're across from the American Falls instead of above them. Horseshoe Falls, the biggest ones, are viewable from either side, I think. And if you go on the Maid of the Mist, as you should, you can get a good view of the American Falls as well. They're pretty amazing to see in real life--unless you think you're going to get a passport and get over to Canada in the very near future, I say you should take the opportunity and go!

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I'm on pins and needles awaiting Erratic's good news!!

Had a funny conversation with my doctor yesterday:

Dr.: How are you doing?

Me: Ok, I suppose (long explanation of the stuff happening in my life)

Dr.: Well, I'm glad you're doing ok, but remember continuous stress and sadness lead to depression.

Me: Yeah, it's funny like that.


ETA: She's a good doctor, this was meant as a joke--in case anyone thinks this was the extent of my visit.

Edited by Barphe

Ah, funny ha ha. That's a relief. And good ;o)


I watched The Dresden Files but haven't read the books. Have you read those? Are they any good?
Glad the opening went well KPC.
I used to watch Mork and Mindy all the time. Very sad news about Robin Williams.

Hope this week turns out better for you LnB.

Agree with everything you said. I haven't watched The Dresden Files - but I've read the books. The books are awesome, and he's managed to make every single one of them better than the previous one. You can start from #3 / #4 and go back and read #2 and #1, because the 3rd one, Grave Peril(?) is when Butcher says he solidified Dresden's voice. I love all of them. Read them as soon as you can. (And if you want to go the audiobook route, as KPC can attest, they are narrated by James Marsters, except for Changes which was narrated by John Glover). 


I have read reports that the series and books have little in common except character names and probably occupation. 


*sends good vibes Erratic's way*

Barphe, your doctor is kind of hilarious it comes to stating the obvious.  I'm glad that she's a good doctor.


How go things down by you?  


erratic, patiently waiting to find out what awesome thing is possibly happening as I type.


LnB, I hope your week is going better than your last weekend?  


There is a reviewer coming to the play tonight. I sort of hope it gets a decent review, even though I am certain that my teeny role won't get mentioned in it.  But I can always hope someone will write "KPC had a delightful turn in her role as etc. etc."  Gee, I don't have an ego do I?  ;)


Also, Spike reading the dresden files is great.  I heartily recommend.  

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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I watched The Dresden Files before I picked up any of the books. The tv show was fun for what it was, but it's not the books. I've read the entire series and, so, I would recommend watching the series (it's only one season), then read the books. 


This weekend is definitely looking better than last weekend. First off, 4-day weekend! Met game on Monday, and the highlight, KPC's play on Saturday which I will be attending with Endeavor, who I am sure will be a lovely person to meet, and someone with two highly functioning kidneys, so she won't miss one.*


I have been both enjoying the pictures and yet very jealous of those in the Chicago meet-up. 


Endeavor, if you aren't aware, there is always some organ harvesting that takes place at our meet-ups. First to lose a kidney was valny, and you can tell that, after the convalescence, she has recovered nicely.Also, we've gotten even better at not leaving very ugly scars.

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I'll definitely have to check out the books. I'd have to start with the first though.


Yep, I've jumped right out of my comfort zone. I'm looking forward to seeing KPC's play and meeting LnB but a bit nervous too. And all this organ talk certainly isn't helping. I'm very attached to my organs. They love me and don't want to leave me. They will not go easily.


Good review vibes for KPC, back healing vibes for valny and mysterious vibes for Erratic.

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