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Small Talk: The Library

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But neither the comedy or the drama categories are a great fit for shows like OitNB, and dramedies usually enter themselves in the comedy category (probably because they'll be seen as lightweight against other dramas, but they'll get credit for being a more serious comedy).

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But neither the comedy or the drama categories are a great fit for shows like OitNB, and dramedies usually enter themselves in the comedy category (probably because they'll be seen as lightweight against other dramas, but they'll get credit for being a more serious comedy).

I can see this but it seems so misplaced against shows like The Big Bang Theory. Although, I don't watch the other shows in that category, so it might not be as far as a stretch as I'm thinking. Another one I don't understand is one ep of Sherlock being in the movie category. Also, Luther and Treme in miniseries?


It all seems a bit weird to me. Maybe they need to rethink some of the categories. Is each category limited to 6 nominees?


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Also, Luther and Treme in miniseries?



Downton Abbey has been in the miniseries category before as well. I think that has something to do with the way the seasons are contracted with the network. That makes even less sense.

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My stress level is...I don't even know. We are moving tomorrow. And we are kinda ready? Arghhhhh...

Thank you all for all the vibes and good wishes; it really helps knowing you all have my back. And I'm sure it's going to be fine. I just...I am wound so tight right now, holy crap. Gotta call the moving company to confirm in a few minutes (once it's 9) and also the garbage. In this fabulous world of the future apparently you don't involve the phone company at all; the cable company does all that (cable from Charter is our option, whee). Because the phone line is for the cable, duh, (and even that is kinda retrograde) and the fact that you can also use it for telephoning is just a bonus, because people who live in the future use cell phones, duh. I'm learning a lot about the FUTURE, heh.

Deep breaths, deeeeeep breaths...

Edited by AnnieF
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Good luck with the move and try not to stress out too much @AnnieF.  That damn stress can make you physically sick and you don't need that.  And try not to hit any squirrels along the way, unless it makes you feel better! :)

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Hang in there @AnnieF - good luck tomorrow.


Yeah, awards categories are often odd. Is it the Golden Globes that have the same category for comedies and musicals? That makes zero sense.

I don't know which show it is but that always bugged me. Shows like The Daily Show were in with musicals or something.

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So, cko, no chance of your needing Darkpool's services. I'm glad, but, in a way I'm also disappointed. I think you'd do a kick ass job on season 3 of OITNB.


Well, no one relax yet. There's still the report and review and requests for more information, oh my.  You guys stay on alert.


Off on a road trip to Laguna Beach tomorrow!

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Well, no one relax yet. There's still the report and review and requests for more information, oh my.  You guys stay on alert.


Off on a road trip to Laguna Beach tomorrow!

Do you think it's a such a good idea to flea the jurisdiction?

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AnnieF, let us know you survived the first part of the move!

Hey! Remember last winter I planned to drive down to Phoenix from Edmonton Alberta? A 24 hour trip. In winter. Through icy mountains?

Yeah. Yesterday, as Kory and I passed the ninth hour of a twelve and a half hour drive in glorious weather, and stress-free roads, we realized (after a 30 minute cold silence) that our marriage would fare better if I got over my flying phobia...

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Do you think it's a such a good idea to flea the jurisdiction?


"flea the jurisdiction" to make it itch.

Damn wrist brace. I've made more typos since I've had to start wearing it. Still, it is kind of funny. I guess I won't edit the post. 

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Major move is complete. Movers were nice (and efficient). I'm beyond exhausted. But it's done, and everyone's bed is ready for sleepytime. Which is very, very soon in my case. Thank you all again; I really appreciated all the good wishes. :)


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Do you think it's a such a good idea to flea the jurisdiction?


Took me several readings--and Barphe's post--to get this...and anyway, it's the Feds. As you should know, I'm still in the jurisdiction.


Congrats AnnieF!  And wow, beach motel wifi. I shudder to think of my Trivia time later tonight. Not that i'm complaining about free beach motel wifi.

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Glad you're all moved in AnnieF. Relax and rest up for awhile before the massive unpacking begins. Yay?

That was a cool rehearsal video @romantic idiot.

Enjoy Laguna Beach @cko. I love the beach!  How far is that from where you live?

Edited by Valny
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Housewarming party for Annie! *cue the music*


Erratic, I don't remember if you've already told us, have you ever tried one of those courses set up by flying companies for people afraid of flying? They have a pretty high success rate.

I think your marriage will be fine anyway.

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If you already have wifi, that is a major win.

I'm using a personal hotspot through my phone. We won't have internet, phone, or cable for another week (something about the access having been left open to the elements all last winter, sigh. This house had been vacant for a while before we bought it).
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Glad to hear the move went smoothly, AnnieF.  Hopefully the worst of the stress is over now.


Erratic I hope at least the wedding makes (or made?) the drive worth it.  I feel your pain.  I don't have a fear of flying but I do have a loathing for long car trips, especially with the mister.

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I'm glad you survived the move AnnieF without any serious problems.
I haven't been posting much because my "stay-cation" has turned in to one week of yardwork to make up for months of neglect.  I remember when we bought this house and were so happy it had a "small" yard to reduce work.   Ha, ha, ha...little did we know how much weeding it takes to keep those shady perennial areas clear of weeds.  And by "we", I mean me.  Plus now I read there is some type of Asian worm invasion.  This worm voraciously consumes the forest floor thereby killing native plants and resulting in a proliferation of invasive species.  I have enough garlic mustard and buckthorn to deal with already, than you very much evil worm.
Otherwise life is fine as it usually is on vacation.  I've been on a real mystery book reading kick which is different for me:  Lake of Tears by Mary Logue, Trickster's Point by William Kent Krueger, Haunted Grounds by Erin Hart.  Next up is Track of the Cat by Nevada Barr.  And the hubbie and I watched Desolation of Smaug, which didn't rock my world. 


A round of good vibes for one and all.

Edited by buffyjunkie
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Asian worm invasion broke the thread.

We are getting settled into the new house, but there is still a lot to be done. Today, however, I am doing nothing. The cat has trapped me, I think because she's still unsure of wtf is going on, heh. So she's sleeping on my lap.

I really do like my new house. Although the AC pooped out day before yesterday, and it's been hot. So there's that. That's my day, essentially -- wait for the aircon repair person.

I hope everyone has been busy with good things, not bad. :)

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I'm so glad everything is going well with the new job @Harvester - is it much different from what you were previously doing?


Also, glad to hear everything, with the exception of the A/C, is going well and you're happy in the new house, @AnnieF - soon the major work will be done and you'll be able to relax more.


The cat has trapped me


That's a bit better than my morning. I was trapped by a small bat that took up residence by my front door. I know, I know, they are wonderful creatures. I would just prefer it be wonderful farther away. That's the first (and I hope the last) time something like this has happened. It was injured and I think that's why it was staying there.


Happy Friday to all and I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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This morning my friend at work comes over and offers me two FREE tickets to Saturday's Yankee game(plus free lunch in the VIP room! ) She gets them from a company we do business with. She offered them to me first since she knows how big a fan I am,so I was frantically texted people I know who'd be interested but alas, everyone had something to do that day. It was short notice so I knew it wouldn't be easy.(even couldn't get Loandbehold to go unfortunately) I didn't want to go alone, so I had to turn them down. I went into her office and said, can I at least hold the tickets.  :(

If it was five or so years ago, I would have gotten my dad to go with me,but since he's in his early 90's, it would be too much walking for him and his legs aren't as strong as they used to be and he gets tired fast lately. 


I was trapped by a small bat that took up residence by my front door. I know, I know, they are wonderful creatures. I would just prefer it be wonderful farther away. 


Yes, much farther Endeavor!   The other day some of my co-workers were having a conversation about bats and one said,"they're more afraid of us than we are of them"  Speaking for myself, I highly doubt that.


Figuring shit out vibes to you Erratic!


Glad you're really liking the new job harvester!


Have a great weekend everyone!

Edited by Valny
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Val, Laguna Beach is about 300 miles from where I live. We had a great time there, though there was a bit too much sitting around on the beach for me. I love the ocean but just beaching it isn't really my thing. And grrr for not being able to go to the Yankees!


Now in Newport Beach (hahaha they're all called "beach" down here) at the home of my college roomie. Gossip, chit chat, shopping, eating, fun.


Vibes to Erratic. Decisions must be hard when you have so many talents.

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Sorry to hear you couldn't use the tickets @Valny - hopefully, you'll get another chance to go soon.


@Erratic - Is it just the job situation or do you feel like you need a change in general? What about taking a class or taking up a new hobby? Maybe trying something like that will change things up just enough for you while you're sorting out the job situation.

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Sending vibes your way, Erratic. Even though I'm going to a Yankee game this coming Thursday (and one Yankee game per year is usually my limit), I wish I could have accepted valny's generous offer as she's great to hang out with and her company would have made the game palatable. If it had been a night game, I'd have been there. But, we're taking mom to look at another assisted living place this afternoon, and one next Saturday as well. 


Endeavor, just remember that most bats don't drink human blood. Well, not much of it, anyway.*


*I have no idea if this statement is true, and following any advice or information contained therein is done solely at the reader's own risk. 

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Jealous of @Harvester and @AnnieF

I desperately need a change, but can't move and can't think of a career that I am young enough for, or passionate about.

Can I have some vibes while I figure shit out?

I hear you so very much it's not funny. I'm vibing for you to get what you need. 


@Valny , I wish I could have gone with you ( I don't get baseball at all, but I do love Major League).  


Has anyone watched The Tyrant? It just got recommended to me, I'm wary. 

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I really wish the nearest Ikea was not 250 miles away. /furniture is expensive

Big vibes coming atcha, Erratic.

More importantly, is there a Trader Joe's anywhere around?!

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just remember that most bats don't drink human blood. Well, not much of it, anyway.


To not quote Giles - I'd like to not test that theory.


Haven't really heard anything about Tyrant.

How was the assisted living facility you visted @Loandbehold?

Edited by Endeavour
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More importantly, is there a Trader Joe's anywhere around?!

The same one I always go to, since this house is only a six minute drive from my old house. It's zoned for the same middle and high school that we were zoned for before. It is the closest move I've ever...ha, as I was typing that I realized that no, in fact when Mr F and I moved from our first apartment in San Jose to our second, that was literally across the street. So this is the second closest move we've ever done. The rest of our moves were from one end of CA to the other, and then finally CA back to NV. I've only lived in two states.

The A /C is working -- the repair guy took the pleated paper filter out of the return air duct, and the air coming out of the registers was almost instantly cooler. "I hate those things," he said about the paper filter, and advised us to use the cheap fiberglass kind. That repair guy did, however, find another problem. The ABS flue? Yeah I have no idea, but apparently it's supposed to be metal, ours is plastic, that's bad because it can split and then leak carbon monoxide. Why didn't the home inspector see this? YEAH I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KNOW. I don't suspect the AC repair guy of trying to sell me on repairs, either; he actually asked us if we had a home warranty (yes) and said, "well, here's a thing you're gonna wanna call them about." Yeah, and my realtor, too, 'cause she needs to know that her recommended home inspector missed a major problem (not major as in expensive to fix, but major as in potentially deadly. S I G H.

But in happier news, all the new bits and pieces of furniture that we need to fit into the new house, which we thought was going to be pricey just because furniture? We found everything that we wanted on clearance at Dania (mostly WA-based Danish furniture store) and saved a LOT of money. I love it so much when that happens.

Mr F's grandma has moved into assisted living and is much improved. We were all worried that she'd just give up and die (especially because the home-care nurses told us that she'd told them that her family was moving her into a home and it made her so sad :(, like great, Nana, twist that knife). Turns out that this always-used-to-be-lively-and-social woman perked right up once she was surrounded by her peers and could spend mealtimes and other times doing social activities. So hallelujah for that. I know it's not analogous to your situation, L&b, but I was relieved to hear that it was a good thing for her and that she is doing really well. I hope it can work that way for your Mom. :).

Edited by AnnieF
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How was the assisted living facility

It was pretty good. Very near to where she currently lives. The company took over about a year ago and has been doing a ton of renovations, so inside is looking very nice. The rooms are also large. It's kosher, which is OK with my mom, but that limits certain things. The biggest draw back is that the neighborhood is boring and there's really no place to go in the area. They do take trips. The other draw  back was that the residents that we saw didn't look too lively. Now, it might just be because we got there after meal time (they only have a single sitting for meals). 


The one we went to before was just off the water, and the residents seemed more lively. They have two sittings per meal and I know my mom would prefer a later seating. The rooms were a little smaller than the other place, which in a way is a good thing as it encourages the residents to leave their rooms. It has a microwave and small refrigerator in every apartment and you can walk to various places in the neighborhood as well as take trips. It's a little more expensive. My mom has a long-term care policy which says it's "unlimited." Many policies only last a few years for places like assisted living, so I'm not really sure what it means to be unlimited. If/when we decide mom has to relocate, we'll have the facility contact the insurer to see what exactly is covered.


We're seeing another place next Saturday and my brother is going to make an appointment to see a fourth place. I would like my mom to be with active people her own age. When she was going to a senior center, she was doing better. Unfortunately, the other people, while they were more "with it" than my mom, they were also older, by like 10-15 years. The center no longer took trips. So, mom got bored and stopped going. 


I'm glad Mr. F's grandmother is doing better at her new digs, AnnieF. I believe it is important for people to remain sociable as they get older. 

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Yeah, and my realtor, too, 'cause she needs to know that her recommended home inspector missed a major problem (not major as in expensive to fix, but major as in potentially deadly.



I wonder sometimes about the "relationships" between realtors and home inspectors. It seems that the inspector has a vested interest in finding "no problems" with most homes, because if they call out too many things, the sale may not go through and then the realtor might be mad and not recommend them again. Maybe not what's happening here, but still.

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Great news about Mr. F's grandmother.

Glad you are having some luck finding options for your mom, LnB.


I believe it is important for people to remain sociable as they get older.

I didn't realize how true this was, but joining a senior center has made such a difference with my mom. We're lucky that the local center has a really nice group of people.


I wonder sometimes about the "relationships" between realtors and home inspectors. It seems that the inspector has a vested interest in finding "no problems" with most homes, because if they call out too many things, the sale may not go through and then the realtor might be mad and not recommend them again. Maybe not what's happening here, but still.

I went with an independent inspector for the reason you stated, but I would like to think that's not the case. You would hope it's the exact opposite. Plus, I would think it's ultimately the inspector's responsibility if something is missed.

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Firstly, vibes to everyone who needs them, especially when it comes to parents/grandparents and finding them new accommodations, path-of-life issues, and baseball tickets.


Yay on the new home, the new furniture, and new, safer air conditioners Annief


cko, glad that your interrogation went well and that you haven't had to flea.  Yeah, that's never going to get old for me.  It needs to be a t-shirt.


I hope the wedding and car ride with Kory was a happy one.  Are you allowed to take valium?  A friend of mine pops one when she gets on a plane and sleeps through the ride.  I don't know that it works for everyone though.  I loathe long car rides with the fire of a flock of dragons, so I'm lucky that flying doesn't bother me.


I'm back!  The holiday was pretty good, but I'm worried about how my sister/brother in law fight, and my nephew, who has started hitting his parents when he throws a serious tantrum.  I'm not okay with ANYONE hitting my sister.  And what would happen if he threw a tantrum and hit someone at school or the playground or something?  


Bats are scary close up, but I keep thinking how they eat a bazillion mosquitos a day, and then I kind of love them, especially if they stay in the trees and off doorsteps.


What else did people do this past weekend?

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For the first time in a loooong time, I did nothing this weekend. Apart from a brief meltdown on Friday night, and the fact that I fell off the no-smoking wagon (after ten months), it was a pretty swell weekend of me, the dogs, experimental cooking and carbs.

I am, or will be tomorrow, back on non-smoking as I have a damn Mud Hero race in less than a month, and I haven't been training too hard yet, and fucking up my lungs will probably not assist in getting me over 18 obstacles in 6km of muddy fields and hills.

I have figured out my existential crisis though:

1. I have a crummy job, which I could deal with but for,

2. I have no friends or family within a 200 to 4000 mile distance and I hate flying, and

3. I don't know what I want to do with my life

Not too bad for a weekends work. By next week I'll have figured out that The Answer is 42.

Sadly, the actual Question remains elusive...

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You should have gone alone, val.


How old is your nephew, KPC? And how do his parents respond to him hitting them?


I'm glad Mr F's Grandma found her groove again.


So happy for you, Harvester!


Super strong vibes for an all-kinds-of-awesome new job for Erratic. I'm sorry you're feeling down. Would it be possible for you to move closer to one of your friends? And maybe not work for awhile?


I don't have a problem with bats. I have a lot of them living under my roof. Baby bats are cute.

Edited by trudi-tru
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Lots of vibes being sent your way @Erratic - I hope you are feeling better about things soon.


Welcome back KPC. I hope everything will be ok with your sister, brother-in-law and nephew. How long have your sister and brother-in-law been together? How old is your nephew?

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