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Small Talk: The Library

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I've watched a lot of series through Netflix after they have finished airing, Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Deadwood, Carnivale, Homicide - I'll stop now. I've started other series, like Orphan Black, Justified, Once Upon a Time, and Breaking Bad (again, I'll stop) through Netflix, caught up and then watched live. Part me of likes watching live and having the time between episodes to think about things and discuss. Another part of me likes to just go through the series at my own pace. I definitely think it changes the experience.


In addition to very long breaks between shows, what I don't like is all the weird breaks that seem to happen more frequently now. Shows seem to disappear for weeks or months at a time, then another ep or two will air and then the show will be gone for another few months. If I'm watching live, I prefer a normal schedule.


@AnnieF - are the sellers being reasonable with repairs? You mentioned they were minor. When I bought, there was a bit of back and forth because the sellers didn't want to do much. It makes it a lot easier if the sellers are willing to work with you.

Endeavour, they are totally being reasonable, hooray. There's a $2500 repair allowance, which is a common thing here (I don't know about anywhere else), and the required repairs are going to come in less than that, so it's all good. The chimney has been cleaned and the one loose roof tile replaced, the outlet T (I'm just going to accept that this means something -- my realtor assures it is a thing, so okey dokey) for the septic has been replaced, and the wax seal for one of the toilets has also been replaced. The last thing is also the biggest -- the AC defs needs refrigerant and may also need a new compressor. So, that'll get fixed, then we just wait for escrow to close in a couple of weeks. I am trying not to think about how much more work I need to do.

AND the F-ster has to take math in summer school, damnit. He has to physically show up for this one, no doing it from home. 8 am to 11 am five days a week for three weeks. Grrr. As the one who'll be driving most of the time, I am not happy. And the kid is no longer familiar with 8 am, so it's more happy-fun-Mom-alarm-clock times. Whee.

My soccer condolences to Erratic. I feel partly responsible.


Even though there are long waiting periods between seasons, short series are better. I feel like 22-24 episodes per season work well for comedies, but dramas suffer. You get a lot of filler and stupid storylines just to drag things out.


Is this new house a sure thing now, Annie? Do you already know when you'll be moving in?

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AnnieF, changing homes is a lot of work but it also a wonderful opportunity.  I'm not an andrenalin junkie so I don't go out looking for ways to shake up my placid self.  But moving demands you look and touch and consider what you want to keep in your life.  And moving things physically seems to give them new life too, probably because you are really seeing them when you look at them in a new location.  Then again, between being ridiculously sentimental and worrying about losing what is left of my memory in old age, I have a difficult time letting things go. 


Valny I'm not sure we will be able to watch OB live either (because wedding) but will certainly watch asap.  I'm very excited. 


So, I took my second and last drawing class.  The teacher showed me how to draw eyes.  Fascinating.  Given the reasonableness of his fees, I could see taking a class once a month and then drawing as a hobby.  It could even be done in the family room while journeyhusband watches TV (he watches more than I do.) 


Has anyone seen this blog: http://www.advancedstyle.blogspot.com/  ?  I think it might skew rich and he's just promoting his book but still, anything that assigns some value to age is a little rare in American life.


Ok, must go grocery shopping now.  Hope you all have a fun weekend.  I'm actually looking forward to the wedding.  At my age there are fewer to attend and I think you begin to appreciate them more, especially the opportunity to get together with a big group of family and/or friends. 


I must confess, I was rooting for Costa Rica, because they'd be such a surprise, and I don't think the odds were much for England making it anyway. Unless, trudi, you are blaming yourself for Italy's loss and not the win? I'll confess, I'm not that much surprised by England and Spain's performance, Spain used to be chokers from way back and England are always iffy. 

Edited by romantic idiot

Wheeee!  Every four years, world cup happy.  I have my teams, but mostly I root for everyone because it's so entertaining  with the highs and lows- the happy celebratory dances, the big massive group tackles of hugging and tears.  And then there are the fake injuries in order to get a penalty kick:  (Oh NO!  I was gently bumped so I took a dive and my knee is in agony forever, FOREVER!  I wait, the referee isn't going to call it a penalty?  Nevermind.).  It's like watching a soap opera.  


The real injuries, of course are awful and scary (that poor guy who got kicked in the eye and the guy who broke his nose).  Ow. 


I, too, was very sad about England getting tossed so early.  So now I'm rooting for Colombia, usa, and Italy.


Thank you all about my Dad.  He is showing up Monday, I think.  I had the place cleaned, and now I'm tip toeing around afraid I'll get dust somewhere.  I'm eating my feelings today but hopefully will get on the food straight and narrow tomorrow.


YAY on the new house being almost yours AnnieF!  Sorry your young one has to get up and go to school.  Wish he could drive himself.  I like that you seem to be an effective Mom, though.  Why is he taking a summer math class?  I can't imagine a summer class at 8am is by choice?


I have mixed feelings about 10-episode seasons that air a year apart


Me too.  Mostly, I feel like a year between a  short season series is too long.  Six-8 months should be the waiting time, tops.  I loose interest and get interested in other shows.  And then I don't seem to care as much when it comes back and stop watching.*  


Buffyjunkie hurray on the drawing classes.  It sounds like you're having a grand time- and if you can get eyes- they ARE the window into the soul.


Chyna, you are a cheater cheater pumpkin eater for getting to skip to the store for the second season of Veronica Mars.  ;)  The amount of speculation that summer was hilarious (look at the time on the clock!  Read it upside down!  It MUST be a clue!).  I'm so glad you're enjoying the series.  First season was genius.


I think I am missing something here, but I'll be back, I am sure.  


*Orphan black is the exception, thus far.  I blame valny and LnB for getting me hooked.

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how was the show?


Motown the Musical was a lot of fun. I went with sister,my cousin and her aunt.  I really didn't know it was about it's founder,Berry Gordy. There were tons of songs,and it was nice to know the majority,there was a few original songs thrown in there too. But everyone was singing along to the ones they knew.  The lead guy who played Berry Gordy had a really amazing voice but I think the act that stole the show was the little kid who played a young Michael Jackson in the Jackson Five numbers. He was so cute and sounded pretty much like him. He got the biggest applause at the end. Another time someone got a crazy amount of applause and hoots and hollers was the guy who play Rick James,when he pulled back his jacket we got treated to the most amazing abs! Holy crap, I know vocalized some wooo's!  It was a beautiful day out too, like 91,so it was perfect for walking around in the city. My cousin wanted to drive into the city instead of taking the train. We were running late and got into Manhanttan around 1pm but man it was extra crazy NYC traffic that day;bumper to bumper and crawling with people out and about, it was lunch time so even more people were out. I could never drive in Manhattan, too stressful but my cousin was a pro since she had worked in the city for years and she knew her way around really well and knew how to manuever around traffic. Took us about 50 minutes to find parking garage that was not too far from the theater.We walked very quickly to the show and made it with time to spare. Afterward we had nice Italian dinner at a place called Becco.


Looking forward to the Orphan Black finale.  My sister is visiting so she had only seen three eps, so we had some catching up to do before the finale,but we made it through all nine.  We're going to my friends house to have an OB finale party. I really wanted to try to find a Helena wig to wear,but didn't even know where to look and didn't have enough time.  Enjoy the finale all you OB fans!


Buffyjunkie think you'll let us seem some of your drawings eventually?


Late congrats Loandbehold.

Glad you enjoyed the show Valny. Sounds like you had a really nice day.


they are totally being reasonable, hooray. There's a $2500 repair allowance, which is a common thing here (I don't know about anywhere else), and the required repairs are going to come in less than that, so it's all good. The chimney has been cleaned and the one loose roof tile replaced, the outlet T (I'm just going to accept that this means something -- my realtor assures it is a thing, so okey dokey) for the septic has been replaced, and the wax seal for one of the toilets has also been replaced. The last thing is also the biggest -- the AC defs needs refrigerant and may also need a new compressor. So, that'll get fixed, then we just wait for escrow to close in a couple of weeks. I am trying not to think about how much more work I need to do.

That's great everything is getting done. No $2,500 or other allowance here. The only thing I managed to get the sellers to do, after a lot of negotiating, was to take a couple of thousand off so I could make some repairs (roof, etc.). Things like a fireplace cleaning were my responsibility. I had a lot of cleaning to do, had to repaint and pull all the carpet and do the flooring. I knew that going in though. I don't regret any of it. I'm very happy here.


Sorry to hear about the summer school. The timing of that certainly isn't good with the move.


Have a great time at the wedding buffyjunkie. Over the past years, I've tried to attend more family gatherings. It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget to make the time.

Not sure if I'll watch Orphan Black tonight or tomorrow. No later than tomorrow though.

Anyone watching Rectify? I was listening to Extra Hot Great and it was mentioned. It's about a man who was convicted for rape and murder as a teenager, was on death row but released due to DNA evidence. It's in the second season, but I'm only up to ep 3 of the first season. So far I'm finding it interesting.

That sounds like a very depressing series. Is it? 


On the opposite spectrum, I'm so glad I started watching The Mindy Project and got to learn of Mindy Kaling. She seems so awesome. 

I wouldn't say depressing. It's somewhat strange and a bit intense at times. It may turn out to be too intense for me, but right now I'm hooked. There were only 6 eps in the first season.


I don't watch comedies often, but heard The Mindy Project is good. I thought I heard it was canceled though. Not sure about that. That speech seemed pretty funny.

I don't watch comedies often, but heard The Mindy Project is good. I thought I heard it was canceled though. Not sure about that. That speech seemed pretty funny.

It wasn't cancelled (yay!), and it is very funny, if you enjoy quirky. It has a similar feel to the first couple of seasons of '30 Rock'.

I recorded this season of 'Orphan Black', and Kory and I have spent the last couple of days binging. Two more episodes tonight and we'll be caught up. Holy crap! All the acting props!!!

  • Love 3
Not sure if I'll watch Orphan Black tonight or tomorrow. No later than tomorrow though.


You better, or I'll sic Helena on you Endeavour!



Anyone watching Rectify?


I was iffy about watching when it first aired,but now that it's on Netflix,I threw it on my queue(I still don't want to say "my list") Just don't know when I'll get around to watching...as usual. My friend at work said it was good though. Let me know what you thought of the whole series when you're done Endeavour,sounds like you are enjoying it so farAnd if you really thought it was great, I'll bump it up in my queue. No pressure though. :)


I probably mentioned it before, but I highly endorse the USA channel sitcom called Playing House.  I got my sister and niece into after one day of  burning through a bunch of eps. They liked it after watching the first ep,but I think the second ep sealed it for them. The first season ended last week (10 eps) but I don't know if it got picked up for a second season yet. *fingers crossed*


refers to her spouse as journeyhusband

Hee, good catch LNB.  But in all fairness, I was feeling the need for the change, not him ;)


I hope everyone had a good weekend.  I know my spirits were lifted this weekend.  We attended a wedding and a graduation.  First, it was nice to have two happy occassions.  Second, an eerie but surprisingly touching thing happened.  At both events the hosts said something along the lines of ,"You are not here by accident.  If you are here, it is because you matter in these (young) peoples' lives."


Courage to all for the work week ahead.

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The us/portugal world cup match was nail biting and heartbreaking.  But at least

Cosima's not

dead (I would have been inconsolable).*


Glad you had an affirming weekend buffyjunkie.  I like that quote about not being somewhere by accident, and I like to think that we being here isn't some cosmic accident or insane troll logic.


It seems like it was a pretty decent weekend for everyone.  Yay!


I'm almost off book for the first (of my two scenes)- just one more speech to go.  The second scene (my ego says, "I hurt, you only have two scenes," but the team-playing side of me says "yay! You have two scenes!") is mostly dialogue and that's a hell of a lot easier to memorize than speeches that are 30+ lines.  The last speech is only 15 lines but it is all one sentence. My lungs might have different ideas, but oh, I relish the challenge. 


*spoiled in case folks haven't seen the latest episode of Orphan Black.


ETA:  My autocorrect says that buffyjunkie is actually billyjunkie.  Weird. 

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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So now I'm actually getting anxious that I won't be able to craft a post with all the appropriate vibes, sympathies, kudos, and mentions. Realizing that *that* is not what this place is about, I'll just give blanket hugs all around and go from here.


Orphan Black--I'm not terribly invested in the mytharc, though it did send a zinger in the finale, but still loving the show for the constant WTF moments, the characterizations, and the fact that the characters don't just wait around and hope for the best, but go at it aggressively to try to control an uncontrollable situation. Not my way, but fun to see.


One more week of work, then off almost all of July. Before you get too excited, some of it is unpaid due to my unit having major budget shortages. But still, no complaints here.

  • Love 1

You better, or I'll sic Helena on you

Done! Not risking that. And while we're on the topic,

poor Helena.


And if you really thought it was great, I'll bump it up in my queue. No pressure though. :)


Oh, I wouldn't feel right prioritizing your queue. I did finish the first season - only six eps. It doesn't have a lot of action or humor, the pace has been described in reviews as glacial, but somehow it just drew me in. I found the story and characters interesting and I want to see where it goes. I thought it was very well done. It's definitely worth giving a shot.


That's great you're making so much progress with the play, KPC. That seems like an awful lot to memorize. How long before it begins?


Not much into sports, so haven't been following the world cup and can't contribute there.

Edited by Endeavour

Congratulations, KPC!  That's very impressive memorization.  Has your dad arrived yet?


I'm jealous of your July freedom, @cko , even if some of it is unapid.  Enjoy!  My only planned fun-time off will be spending the July 4th weekend down the shore.  Oh how I'm looking foward to it, and it's only 3 days long.


Busy weekend spent getting ready to have a yard sale next Saturday.  My living room looks like an episode of Hoarders, only with more boxes and less dead rats.  I tried staying organized about it, but somehow it exploded after I went to bed last night.  Harmph.

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cko sorry about the unpaid part, but yay on all the freedom!  The myth arc of Orphan Black is a little too much for me, but I love the stories of the clones.  


Dad arrives sometime today.  I'm guessing around 1 or 2.  So I'm memorizing (or trying to.  "Which Princes would they not may disanull" is a doozy and I'm a bit stuck on it. I know what is means, but remembering its unusual sentence structure is a challenge.  I'm loving it through.


Chyna, I read Mindy Kaling's book and she is awesome.  I never watched the american Office, but I started watching the The Mindy Show and I adore it.  Chris Messina is my boyfriend on two shows now.

cko, I'm glad you've got time off, but I believe you have the right to complain about some of it being unpaid. I'd do so before and after the leave, and not during the actual time off. That should be just fun.


KPC's play is part of NY's annual Fringe Festival and will be on sometime in August. She has assured me that she will provide the dates sometime before the play closes. I shall Endeavor to make a performance.* All are welcome to join me if they can. There's a vicious rumor that I'm actually pretty good company.


* See what I did there. *

  • Love 1

She totally is! If you like the show, romantic idiot, you need to read her book.

Done. I've been waffling since I don't read non fiction as a rule, unless I get it as a gift or something (like Takei's one -which I really liked). But yeah - it's high time I read it. 


"Which Princes would they not may disanull" is a doozy and I'm a bit stuck on it. I know what is means, but remembering its unusual sentence structure is a challenge.  I'm loving it through.

I'm so happy you are having fun. I had a childhood - well more teen friend - who, so I was told, got majorly into Shakespeare when she was 15 or so and apparently spoke "Elizabethan" English for a month or so. Must be exhausting. 


re: Orphan Black, all have said better than me. But I will say,

I so wish they'd gone with Enver Gjokaj

. I miss him. 

Enjoy the shore, Earl. I'm taking a day off to extend the weekend but don't have plans to go anywhere.


You too, cko - that's a nice stretch. Do you have any plans?


All are welcome to join me if they can. There's a vicious rumor that I'm actually pretty good company.

I never heard of the festival before. It looks great. I'm very tempted to take you up on your offer if I can get up the courage (I'm somewhat shy about meeting people) and get my schedule sorted. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun and it would be nice to meet some of you.

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I'm very tempted to take you up on your offer if I can get up the courage (I'm somewhat shy about meeting people) and get my schedule sorted.


I strongly recommend it. Every person I've met through these forums turned out to be awesome. Do it if you get the chance. Nobody here bites.


(Okay, a few of us have been known to drug people and steal their organs on occasion. But we don't bite.)

  • Love 2

I will personally attest that Loandbehold is awesome in person. 10/10 would meet up again. ;)

(Okay, a few of us have been known to drug people and steal their organs on occasion. But we don't bite.)

Well, okay, there is that. But do you really need your spleeen? I mean, really?

Thanks everyone for asking for real estate updates: it looks like we'll close this Friday, and get the keys, so by this weekend we'll have access and ownership! I am very excited, but also still freaking out about how much work is ahead of us. Mr F has been doing a yeoman's job of going through boxes of old crap and throwing away 90% of it. He has serious packrat tendencies, so this is awesome. Getting rid of craaaaaaappppp, yaaaaaay!!!! (Darkpool (and other Trekkers) -- any interest in mint-in-package TNG action figures from the 90s? Going for the price of postage, pretty much. If anyone has interest in seeing pix, PM me here).

Good vibes to all.:) Break a leg, KPC. :D

Edited by AnnieF
  • Love 1


I will personally attest that Loandbehold is awesome in person. 10/10 would meet up again. ;)

    (Okay, a few of us have been known to drug people and steal their organs on occasion. But we don't bite.)

Well, okay, there is that. But do you really need your spleeen? I mean, really?

Pffft, what's a kidney or two shared amongst friends...with a nice Chianti.


Good luck on the on-going memorization KPC!


I hear you on who you are missing romantic idiot.  Now all I have left is SYTYCD (So you think you can dance?) on Wednesday nights.  Which is probably a good thing because I need to start drawing eyeballs.  (And that has to be one of the weirdest sentences I've ever written.)

  • Love 3

(Okay, a few of us have been known to drug people and steal their organs on occasion. But we don't bite.)


Well, okay, there is that. But do you really need your spleeen? I mean, really?


Pffft, what's a kidney or two shared amongst friends...with a nice Chianti.

You all seemed so normal until today! ...backing away slowly...


Good luck on the closing @AnnieF - that's so exciting.

  • Love 3

I had a nice long chat with my best friend the other night, and I am now 100% behind her wedding. So, I'm going to Vancouver in a couple of weeks. Yay!

In a fit of panicked wedding gift shopping, (seriously! What do you get for unregistered folk when you've never met half of the couple?), I was *this* close to buying them medieval European sword fighting lessons. I didn't, and it turns out that they would both have really loved that. Shit! Now I am really regretting the engraved (names and wedding date) Waterford crystal decanter and glasses set!

To make up for that, I had to guilt sent an engagement gift of three zombie garden gnomes. (Only thing I know about the fiancé is she likes zombies and sword fighting and my friend!)

I have another couple of friends getting married in September - he is a Vikings fan, she is a Steelers fan (remember Arcticgirl?) so they are getting a team helmet each. I hate weddings.

Edited by Erratic
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cko, I'm glad you've got time off, but I believe you have the right to complain about some of it being unpaid. I'd do so before and after the leave, and not during the actual time off. That should be just fun.


KPC's play is part of NY's annual Fringe Festival and will be on sometime in August. She has assured me that she will provide the dates sometime before the play closes.

Loandbehold-  yes,let us know the dates.  KPC can always use two pimplicists! :)


Mr F has been doing a yeoman's job of going through boxes of old crap and throwing away 90% of it. He has serious packrat tendencies


I'm the same way AnnieF.  If I were married to Mr.F, we'd just may have had a hoarder's house!  (minus the smell of dead animal carcasses)




(Okay, a few of us have been known to drug people and steal their organs on occasion. But we don't bite.)


And I've got the evidence to prove it!



You all seemed so normal until today! ...backing away slowly...


Mwahahaha!  *sharpens big ass knife*


Finally got to watch the Fargo finale tonight(when my sister visits, my tv watching get all backlogged,but she went back to her home today :(... so now I can start to catch up on a bunch of things.  

Anyway, it was an enjoyable finale and season but I did wish

Lester would have gotten arrested for the terrible things he did instead of death by falling through the ice.

Edited by Valny
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Good luck with the closing AnnieF - I hope it all goes as planned. Do you still have to sell your current house?

Thanks, Earl. We do have to sell the old house, after it gets some renovations (it needs new carpet, new paint, and a new kitchen). I'm in the very lucky position of having my dad help us financially -- we couldn't do any of this without him. I'm super lucky; I don't ever forget that.

We sign documents at the title company today, then have the final walk-through, at which will be present my husband and two kids, my mother, and my brother-in-law, his wife, and their 2 1/2-year-old daughter, who drove from Santa Fe to visit this week and are staying with us.* Lots of people! As soon as documents are signed, I'll find a moving company and get started on that fun process.

*MM folks might remember from Xmas I was talking about how my SIL had exploded all the bullshit and lies in my inlaws' family, and how I was rooting her on because she was finally shining sunlight on all the ugliness that I decided decades ago was too much effort to even attempt to deal with. She said at Xmas that they wouldn't stay at the inlaws' anymore, and they're sticking to that; they're at lunch right now with my FIL and his horrible wife, but they're staying here at my house. A toddler is frelling exhausting, man. But my niece is delightful, and I can carry on a conversation with her in French, because "two-year-old language skills" is right about the level of my French. ;) (My SIL is from France, and they are raising their daughter to be bilingual, which is cool.)

Vibes all around. :) I'll be glad when this real estate stuff is done; it's taking up all my brainspace. :/

yay on the walk-through and boo on the packing (although unpacking is fun, I think, once beds are set up and made).


My is here.  He leaves tomorrow night.  I'll post more after he goes, but the first thing he did when he came to my apartment was change all the lightbulbs.  We spent the next hour doing that and discussing what to do with the (working) old lightbulbs.  I appreciate that the new ones are energy efficient, and I appreciate that he thought of me saving money on my electricity bill, but I wish he hadn't assumed that he didn't need to ask me if it was okay.


deep cleansing breath.


What fun things are people up to right now?  cko, are you on break yet?  Anyone have any fun plans coming up?

Relatives - I bet we all have a few that are exhausting to deal with. Two spring right to mind for me. Hang in there KPC.

That's a lot of people at the walk through AnnieF. I hope you're having a bit of a celebration after.

As far as plans go, I'm hoping to take a long weekend. Just waiting for the boss to approve that. We're having a small party for my mom's birthday and I'll take the extra time to catch up on a few things.

KPC, far be it from me to say anything in favor of your dad because, duh, but were they LED light bulbs? Because those seriously rock and last forever, but they are Spen. Dy. We saved noticeably on our electric bill the month we changed ours, which was perfect because it was right when SilverKid moved in and lights were on most of the time. My only complaint about the bulbs is that they are so sensitive to electrical feeds that on my older fixtures, they'll faintly glow even if the light switch is off. Which is fine if it's in the kitchen, but not so much in the bedroom over my light-sensitive eyes.


That job I applied for doesn't close until 2nd July.

I *really* need to get it. My current job is [quite surprisingly) sucking a lot.

I adore LED lights, love them, but I hate those *other* energy saver bulbs that look like coils of white worms.

endeavour, we need to swap homes two months ago. All my lighting was low light and miserable until *my* dad visited and helped is change all of our light fixtures. I am so happy with the change. When we bought our house 6 years ago, it was two years old and the previous owner had cheaped out on every fixture and appliance. This year alone, heck, this *month* alone, we have changed all of the kitchen and living room light fixtures, the washing machine, the drying machine and the fence.

Prior to that, we finished (and started) the basement, changed the oven, changed the flooring from dirty carpet and cheap Lino to laminate, and slate tiles, and other exciting stuff like that where his money-saving short cuts ended up costing *us* tonnes.

It's almost time to move again to start a bunch of new projects, except the whole hating of picking, unpacking and physically moving.

Again, good luck within that, AnnieF

Edited by Erratic

@KPC I had to "train" my parents not to think they could take charge of my space as an adult. They refused to understand that as a 30something woman living on my own, all decisions were mine. So for me it would be less about the bulbs and more about the boundaries. Sorry your dad's visit started out on that dynamic. I hope it goes smoothly from here on out.


Yikes, Erratic. That's a lot of work you've done. Are you able to do any of the work yourselves or are you hiring people to do that? I can only manage small projects myself. I wish I were more handy.

where his money-saving short cuts ended up costing *us* tonnes.

One of my friends is doing a lot of work in her home remodeling and has all kinds of stories about what they "uncover" that the previous owner did.
I don't like the coil lights either. The ones I bought looked like regular light bulbs. I'll try some soft white and see if that's any better. Maybe I just need to leave the ones I have in for a couple of weeks to see if I can adjust.
@Earl Is Dead - how did you manage to get so fast at trivia? Wasn't it you a couple of weeks ago that asked about that?

And many good job changing vibes @Erratic!

Edited by Endeavour
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