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Small Talk: The Library

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Hugs and empathy for you, LittleVolce.  But hanging with the family can be therapeutic, at least I found it to be; so I hope it was the same for you.


This is my first year without Mom too, but due to our strange family dynamic, and my Mom having lived 1,000 miles away for several years before passing, it all seems very remote.  It's bittersweet, though, when my sister who is handling her affairs reports something we never knew about Mom - like, she stashed $2  bills between the pages of old magazines.   Or that she purchased changes of clothing for her Paddington Bear (who is now living with me). She also made him some overalls with "CK" stitched on the butt pocket out of some jean legs that had been cut off.  Sort of like finding little clues about someone I/we thought we knew so well.  


Erratic, that sounds like an awesome Mother's Day. 


A very belated Happy Mother's Day to all who qualify, have qualified in the past, or plan to qualify for the honor. 


I am more of a Tom Waits Looking for the Heart of Saturday Night  kind of Saturday night song person.  


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We went to TIny C's first tap dance recital tonight. SO CUTE. She's been taking lessons since the beginning of the school year, and she totally loves it. Grinning from ear to ear through the whole performance.

You know how you know you misread something because it made no sense and you had to go back and reread? So. Lap dance.


I'm so sorry for your loss, LitteVoice, and hope the transition is as simple as it can be.


harrie, how many magazines got tossed before finding $2 bills? I heart $2 bills, but I keep them in a cigar box with all our foreign bills and coins, including my favorite, a 1 billion dollar bill from Zimbabwe.


Thus begins the marathon end of the senior year for SilverKid, including graduation and prom, and all the exams and AP tests and concerts that go with it. It's gonna be hairy all up in here schedule-wise for the next 3 weeks. I keep putting off scheduling the skydiving that he and I are gonna do, mostly because of money, but that will likely be in June as well.

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How does SilverFox feel about his wife and only son jumping off a plane together?


That must have been a very emotional Mother's Day for you, LittleVoice.

Hopefully now you can have some closure and just hold on to the good memories you have of your Mom.


Does Once Upon a Time get better? I'm about 5 or 6 episodes into the third season and it's become a real chore to watch.

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trudi-tru, SilverFox is perfectly happy that we are doing that, but also perfectly happy to keep his own feet on the ground while we do it. SilverKid's generally anxious mom, however, has asked her son not to tell her about it until after it's done, which seems smart. I'm less nervous about the idea of jumping out of a plane than I was about jumping off the Stratosphere in Las Vegas, I assume because it will be tandem, and the person I'm strapped to will do the actual jumping. Making myself let go of the platform in Vegas was not the easiest thing I ever did.

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Thanks all. There were tears but also laughter. My family is good that way.

Hugs to harrie. I think it would be kind of cool to find out new things about your mom.

I gave up on Once Upon a Time midway through season 2.

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Boliver, I am so jealous of your tandem skydive jump. I've only done a static line jump (so technically not free fall), but it was incredible. I also didn't tell my parents until after I safely landed. And, you're right, the person you're jumping with has just about as much incentive for the jump to go well as you do, so you and Silver!Kid sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Boliver, really, right? (about the junked, and possibly loaded, magazines.  If nothing else, Mom gets points for craftiness.)  I hope someone in real need found some of them while dumpster diving or something.  And I'll bite; how does one procure Zimbabwe currency in such an amount?    I thought you were maybe kidding about the skydiving, you're so casual about it.  Have fun and all, but my tummy's already flipping.


Thanks, LittleVoice


I also wanted to like Once Upon a Time but dropped it.

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Nope, the skydiving's been in the works for a while, and while I work for an attorney who used to manage a skydiving place, who has thousands of jumps under his belt, and who represents skydiving companies, I still haven't yet done it. My stepson said he wanted to, and this is the perfect excuse for me to be the awesome stepmom who does shit other stepmoms won't do. It's been on my bucket list for years, but I haven't had the cojones to do it yet.


My husband's previous boss gave him the Zimbabwean money. I guess he'd gotten it on trip, but I don't exactly remember.  It's one of the coolest things in my house, including me. See above re: skydiving. Just kidding; I will be happy I wore my brown pants.


I got through the first episode of Once upon a Time, and then quit because I didn't care about any of the characters. I heard it got a lot better after that, but I have such a backlog of stuff to watch -- including 3 episodes of Orphan Black! -- that that show's not even on my radar.


I will use an example from this week to show how it typically goes. SilverFox wanted me to see the original Godzilla, so we started watching it 2 nights ago at about 9 PM. I got 12 minutes in, and fell asleep. We paused it, and went to bed. Yesterday we got another chunk of the movie watched before I fell asleep, 20 minutes before the end. It would be great to finish it tonight, but he gets off work at 9 PM and I probably won't see him until 9:45.

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@harrie - I'm sorry to hear about your mom.
@trudi-tru - I watched the first season of Once Upon a Time after it aired in one fell swoop while I was recuperating from the flu. I've been watching since. I like some of the storylines more than others and do think this season has dragged a bit. I don't think it's great tv, but it's good enough that I continue to watch - for the time being anyway. Unlike, say, Under the Dome which actively annoyed me. Did you watch from the beginning or pick it up in Season 3?

we started watching it 2 nights ago at about 9 PM. I got 12 minutes in, and fell asleep. We paused it, and went to bed. Yesterday we got another chunk of the movie watched before I fell asleep, 20 minutes before the end.

This is how I've been watching a lot of shows lately.

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Hostile, the quizzes are way hard these days.  :)


OUAT is uneven (and I annoyed about last night's ending), but when it's good, it's amazing.  And I love Robert Carlyle.  He can pretty much do no wrong. He was in a small (not so great) movie called Go Now and his performance slayed me.  His girlfriend has cheated on him, and she sorry.  So she stands out across the street in the rain.  She stands there for hours.  He's very (terminally?) ill but he hobbles down the stairs and across the street and tells her to go away.  She doesn't, so he hobbles back down and tells her, "If you don't go now, I'll kill myself."  He goes back inside, and she still stands there.  Then he hobbles back to down her and they are both cryings and he says, "I love you" and they get back together.  Writing this down makes it look foolish and silly, but just thinking about the scene makes me a little tearful.  Both characters were flawed and human, but there was something so beautiful about a person returning, and standing in the rain for me.   /child of divorce abandonment issues.


Long day with no sleep, but reading people's posts always cheers me up.  Thank you all and happy vibes.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Hostile, the quizzes are way hard these days.  :)


This morning I was very confident about many of my quiz answers - and got four right, IIRC.  


Thank you, Endeavour.  My mom passed last summer, and she was 90 and essentially in good health 'til the end; so that, plus time to adjust and come to terms with things, helps take out some of the sting. 

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Finally snagged Dallas Buyers Club from the library today and started watching some of it before. Damn it's hard to look at McConaughey throughout the film. The weight loss is scary.

After seeing this and The Wolf of Wall Street, I'm surprised to find myself agreeing that DiCaprio was robbed at the Oscars. McConaughey was excellent, but I think viewers were voting for the weight loss and the new career path of a former lightweight as anything else. DiCaprio is audacious, really throwing himself into an over-the-top role. There's one scene in which he tries to get back to his car after taking out-of-date (super-potent) quaaludes that's as fine as any of Buster Keaton' s physical comedy.

Have you seen them both, val? Compare and contrast.

Edited by Hostile16
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Did you watch from the beginning or pick it up in Season 3?

I watched from the beginning. I loved season 1, plowed through season 2 and now find myself completely uninterested.


McConaughey was excellent, but I think viewers were voting for the weight loss and the new career path of a former lightweight as anything else.

Same thing happened with Jaime Fox: I wonder if had still won had he not resembled Ray Charles so much.

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Robert Carlyle is very good. As for Revenge, KPC, hard to say. My initial reaction was that I did not like the twist/cliffhanger. Have to see where that goes I guess. That's another uneven show I think.


Today's quiz was a bit better. Although, I'm annoyed that I switched two of my answers to wrong ones. I'm a very slow reader too because my times are terrible.


I haven't seen any of those movies. I have a growing list that I'll get to some day.

Edited by Endeavour
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I've enjoyed Once Upon A Time from the beginning.  It's not appointment TV, but it's good enough to keep me interested and entertained.  I miss the TWoP recaps.


@Hostile16 I really enjoyed the quizes the few times I took them.  I would still, if the site weren't blocked from my work computer and remembering to use my phone at lunch weren't too much for my tiny brain to retain.  It's a nice thing you do to set them up though.


Happy skydiving @Boliver !  That's on my bucket list as well.


ETA:  Although I still miss the recaps, this is a nice summary of how I feel about OUAT.  Contains some S3 spoilers though.

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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People who think the quizzes are too hard should suggest alternate topics so my brain won't make that funny ping! noise every Friday or so.



Oh, I love the quizzes.  I just wish I were smarter. 

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After seeing this and The Wolf of Wall Street, I'm surprised to find myself agreeing that DiCaprio was robbed at the Oscars. McConaughey was excellent, but I think viewers were voting for the weight loss and the new career path of a former lightweight as anything else. DiCaprio is audacious, really throwing himself into an over-the-top role. There's one scene in which he tries to get back to his car after taking out-of-date (super-potent) quaaludes that's as fine as any of Buster Keaton' s physical comedy.

Have you seen them both, val? Compare and contrast.

Sorry Hostile16,haven't seen Wolf...yet.  But I will let you know after I do. Funny but I was similarly re-thinking about the Oscar for Supporting Actor after watching Dallas Buyers Club. Sure, Jared Leto was pretty good, but I was just expecting a meatier part(no pun intended) Yes,I know it's only a supporting role,but I wanted to see more scenes with him that lasted longer than they did. His best scene was the one with

 his father,asking him for a favor(money he needed to keep the Buyers Club going)

 Then I thought of Michael Fassbender's role in 12 Days a Slave. Sure it was a despicable character, but I think it might have had more substance and his performance was just good or better than Leto's.  I really don't want to revisit that movie again,so I don't want to watch is performance again to compare.


Has anyone tried the new sitcom on the USA channel called Playing House?  I heard some good things about it,even though I had never ever heard a word about it. I was pleasantly surprised, The pilot was pretty funny, I laughed quite a lot and at one part I actually had tears from laughing. I know on my cable system it's on Demand  and you can also see the episodes on the USA site.


Pilot    About the show/Review

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I watched the first couple episodes, @Valny . I enjoyed it, but I guess it didn't make enough of an impression that I've gone back for more. But now that so much is available on demand, I let a lot more shows fall by the wayside until my appointment shows (like Game of Thrones and Mad Men) are in reruns.

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People who think the quizzes are too hard should suggest alternate topics so my brain won't make that funny ping! noise every Friday or so.


How about a weekly "non-BtVS fandom" day? Pick a dozen or so SF/F subjects (Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Galactica, X-Files, etc.) that likely are known to many people here, and just rotate through them over the course of several months?

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How about a quiz on 'Finning'? Apparently, that's what it's called when you kill a shark and use only its fin. Fun fact: it's not called 'slicing', 'cutting' or dismemberment'. Just 'finning'. So, we need a quiz on that topic so that we can all learn that amazing fact.

That being off my chest, Hostile you rock!!!

How about a book quiz - children's lit, dr. Seuss, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Tolkien etc?

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I like all four of the above comments :)


I struggled through watching Once Upon a Time in real-time during season one except for a few episodes (Red-Handed and the finale come to mind.) Then I loved season two except for the last third, and season three has been the most consistently entertaining. (I think I actually liked the first half better; my enjoyment of 1/4 of the spring season was a little dampened.) It's not the most high-quality show in the world and sometimes I have problems, but I'm really in love with it. Like, really. It's my only real appointment tv. I mean I love Orphan Black and Continuum, and I hate not watching on time, but they don't tap into a certain part of my brain that triggers fervor. And the latest finale, except for a few minor parts I have doubts about, was the thing I most wanted out of this show. Especially the main plot and character arcs. The highs were classic OUAT.


Now that Wiscon programming is up I need to make my schedule. And does anyone know if it's cold in Wisconsin? I go around saying I hate heat, but the closest I've been to the cold is a few summer days in Canada.

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I've been sticking with OUaT, but it's definitely not appointment television for me. I've got four episodes on the DVR right now. I just love the Evil Queen and Hot Captain Hook.

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AnnieF, squirrel assassin; erratic, suspected shark hunter.   Then there's me, KPC, who may or may not be using kittens when playing poker.  We're a motley bunch here for sure.


I watch OUAT for Regina and Hook too.  I'm kind of annoyed that they set Regina back in the finale.  I mean, can't she have more than a second of happiness?  I would love it if Marion turned out to be eeevil.


Bleu, I've never been to Wisconsin, but given the crazy weather we've been getting, I'd wear layers and take them off as needed.


Praises for our wonderful trivia host Hostile! *throws confetti*


Yes yes yes!  Today's quiz was hilariously hard and I loved every second of it, trying to figure out if I knew the answer or not.  I'd say bring on The Next Generation, but I'm not sure how I'd do on that one either.  Hee!

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AnnieF, squirrel assassin

They ran out in front of me! I couldn't help but hit them! The furry little bastards. ;)

My brain is almost fully consumed by the new-house-buying process. So many inspections! And sorting and getting rid of stuff is...blergh. Sometimes satisfying, sometimes annoying (there's a place where I could donate the prom-type dresses that I somehow ended up with, including my sister's maid-of-honor dress from my wedding. [Why do I have this peachy confection?] but it only accepts donations through the end of April. What to do, what to do...) Anyway, forgive me if I'm in vapor lock. I want to have moved. Sigh.

I wish I could do the quizzes. They just stress me out. It's ridiculous, I know, but that's my brain. I love that Hostile does them, though. She rocks. :)

val, I dissed the American League over in the other place. ;) In a Mets-Yankees game, there can be only one team that I can root for, and it ain't the Yankees. Hee hee.

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AnnieF, squirrel assassin


They ran out in front of me! I couldn't help but hit them! The furry little bastards. ;)


  I see you haven't still strayed from that story AnnieF. Consistent, yes you are!


val, I dissed the American League over in the other place. ;) In a Mets-Yankees game, there can be only one team that I can root for, and it ain't the Yankees. Hee hee.


I didn't just read this. ;)   Heh, I understand though.  I'd actually root for the Mets if they were in the World Series(hah!) if they played some AL team I hated(coughRedSoxcough*.

So I guess I'm not loyal to the American Leaguer.


Boo Brooklyn Nets for not holding the lead to beat the Heat.(even though you were never going to win the series from the get go)

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AnnieF, what about a local high school drama program or theater?

@Harvester, great idea, thank you!

I see you haven't still strayed from that story AnnieF. Consistent, yes you are!

Yep. Is my lawyer here yet? I have nothing else to say.

I'd actually root for the Mets if they were in the World Series(hah!)

Let us take a moment to acknowledge @Loandbehold. We laugh at the idea of the Mets in the Series because we love. Honestly. I totally, totally mean it.

(They are only three games out of first in the NL East. Could they please attempt to get ahead of Atlanta? Fucken ATL, they suck. Go Mets, already. ;P)

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Boliver, how are you? I see scary reports of wildfires in San Diego.

Thanks for asking! The fires aren't near us, but they do affect people we know, like dentists and coworkers, who have been evacuated from their homes. It's scary every time.


AnnieF, there are also charities or thrift stores that cater to crossdressers, and they'd love some peachy and girly ass clothing donated. There's one in Vegas, but local theaters would be closer and easier to use immediately.


It's funny. SilverFox and I are so alike that we rarely have conversations that are tinged with even a hint of frustration, but the only circular discussion topic we have is Costco's liberal return policy. He's the "fixer" they call when they have a member who wants to return a [completely made up example] 8 year old vacuum cleaner they're no longer happy with, he will do that refund even if the member is an asshole about it. After 30 plus years and being an expert on the policy, he knows that he has to skip over the interim internal mental teeter totter between fairness and customer service and go straight to the refund, but my brain still gets stuck in the "but, that person is unethical and needs to be stopped!" mode that would get me fired if I worked there.

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Let us take a moment to acknowledge @Loandbehold. We laugh at the idea of the Mets in the Series because we love. Honestly. I totally, totally mean it.

(They are only three games out of first in the NL East. Could they please attempt to get ahead of Atlanta? Fucken ATL, they suck. Go Mets, already. ;P)

It's tough to be a Mets fan. You learn all sorts of things about intestinal fortitude, delusions of grandeur tinged with a healthy dose of realistic skepticism. And, everytime they start to play better, something happens (like Gee going on the DL). So, I wouldn't expect them to get past the Braves. Still @AnnieF, you gotta believe!

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AnnieF, there are also charities or thrift stores that cater to crossdressers

I realized this after I asked, and I also realized that I have a good friend here in town who does all kinds of theatre, and she's probably got some ideas too. I'll get rid of these dresses somehow, dang it. I have a really pretty purple dress that's never been worn, just sat in my closet for two decades. Time to say goodbye to stuff like that. :)

@Loandbehold, it could be worse. You could be a Cubs fan. ;)

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Hey, I'm also a NY Rangers fan, so had to wait for 38 years, which was my entire life up to that point, for a Stanley Cup. Trust me, I'm used to frustration. Still, even I recognize how difficult it must be to be a Cubs fan.

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He's the "fixer" they call when they have a member who wants to return a [completely made up example] 8 year old vacuum cleaner they're no longer happy with, he will do that refund even if the member is an asshole about it. After 30 plus years and being an expert on the policy, he knows that he has to skip over the interim internal mental teeter totter between fairness and customer service and go straight to the refund, but my brain still gets stuck in the "but, that person is unethical and needs to be stopped!" mode that would get me fired if I worked there.


Heh. I know it's terrible, but my first thought was that I really should do more shopping at Costco.


Have fun on your trip, Bleu.


I am having the worst week ever at work. One more day...one more day...

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Well, in today's episode of "Why Do I Have All This Crap?" I have discovered an amazing treasure trove in the craft cupboard -- the place where we store all the construction paper and crayons and colored pencils and pipe cleaners and safety scissors blah blah etc. Guess how many bottles of Elmer's glue I found? It is ridiculous.

Sending you super-strong get-through-the-day vibes, @Endeavour. :)

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Thanks everyone! This week was brutal. Next week isn't going to be a picnic either. I was toying with working a little over the weekend, but I'm taking your advice and putting it away until next week.


Anyone have any interesting plans? Nothing definite for me. Just going to take it easy and maybe do some small projects around the house.


@AnnieF - you're making me want to clean out my closets.

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Anyone have any interesting plans?



Well, the kids have various kid things--birthday parties and play dates and whatnot--and we have tickets Sunday to see our local professional soccer team. And it's going to be FUCKING COLD. Mid-May would seem like the perfect time for that sort of thing, but no, it's going to be in the 50s. Bleh.

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we will not be discussing NLL or Lacrosse for another seven months.

Not a problem. ;) I'm sorry, Erratic. Sports are indeed stupid.

The answer to "How many bottles of Elmer's?" was six. Six bottles of glue. I don't have any defense for that one, either. Every year when the classroom supply list said "bottle of Elmer's" I bought one, and some years they came back home at the end of the school year. And went into the cupboard. And were apparently never heard from again. Huh.

Happy weekend, everyone. :)

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