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Small Talk: The Library

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Now that we've turned the page into the new year, all sickness ends. Parents, siblings, in-laws, and all other family behave, if not always pleasantly, at least tolerably. Work is steady, but not overwhelming, grades are good, and vacations and other fun times are plentiful.*



* This is by no means a comprehensive list.

Edited by Loandbehold
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A hex on the scourge!  Happy 2015!


2015.  A new year, and as LnB said, ONLY good things allowed.


Has everyone gotten their secret santa gift?  I don't know who mine was, and I'm curious.


Also, I may or may not be wearing Hamlet Chapstick today.  To wear or not to wear, that was the question.

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Has everyone gotten their secret santa gift?  I don't know who mine was, and I'm curious.

Yes, I haven't heard whether my recipient received theirs yet.  My SS was dastardly clever so I can suspect but not really know who they are.


I believe I owe thanks to Erratic for a yummy crockpot sesame chicken dinner that fed the family tonight.  Yummy--licious and an easy dish for the boy to learn to make.  Speaking of whom, we drive him to the airport to tomorrow.  I am happy and excited for him with an underlay of anxiety.  I know worry is like a rocking chair - all motion and gets you nowhere.  So I am focused on being pissed off if Dallas wins.

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I have received my secret santa gift (and will post a pic in the other place tomorrow). It is a t-shirt that says "Rogue demon hunter." Perfection. Thank you, not-at-all-secret santa! ;)

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Yeah, my kids are finally back at school today and I think I have strep throat. I had big plans for all the stuff I was going to get done today, but instead I'm going to the doctor to have them gag me with a cotton swab.

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Oh, and checked the mail at lunch and was overwhelmed by my generous Secret Santa. Pictures someplace that's else. I got really spoilt this year, and will try to figure out who my SS was before the reveal.

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Boo to sinus infections and sore throats. Hope that stuff disappears ASAP. Yay to wonderful Secret Santas!

The boy manchild is supposed to be in the air in an hour and twenty minutes. We just got back from the airport. The girl womanchild asked if I cried. Pfft, I told her I am made if tougher stuff than that but really I'm just too nervous until I hear he has arrived at the Uni. Trudi-tru you are an absolute sweet heart and it does make me feel better.

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Oh, Buffyjunkie, I didn't realize the boy was going to foreign parts. Stay strong, just think how exciting and wonderful time he is going to have. And how much he owes you for raising him right.

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Thanks Erratic. My fears are more boy-specific than foreign-parts specific. It's not like I'm sitting here thinking he is going to pick up Ebola. It's more his notoriously poor navigation skills (and a little bit of his lack of advance planning.) The plane has left the gate though, as they say. And we will even get to see him in a couple of months when we visit.

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Buffyjunkie, is he going for a semester or for a year or two?  Hugs and good vibes.  I think you've done a fantabulous job in raising him.


Erratic, wow on your secret santa  A hey na-na-na-Nah!


Chyna, get thee to that hot toddy.


The Polar Vortex is coming.  I read that it was -50 farenheit in minnesota. Ack!  My toes are freezing already.

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buffyjunkie, when I studied abroad during college, some of my most fun adventures were the result of bad navigation or a lack of planning. :) He's going to have a blast. And the fact that he's willing to take this on and you and buffyhusband are willing to let him go is a testament to your most excellent parenting.

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I hope everyone that's feeling under the weather is better soon.

buffyjunkie - I'm sending vibes your way. I'm sure all will be well and it will be a great experience for him.

First day back to work for me after vacation. Blergh. It was fine but I was totally getting used to not having to do that. Back to reality...

Almost finished with the second season of Arrow. Two more to go. Will probably wrap that up tonight. I'm really enjoying it. Right mix of seriousness and humor for me and, outside of one glaring exception, I like all of the characters.

Excuse the non-formatting. Using a tablet and those features aren't anywhere obvious. I'll have to get used to putting the code in.

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buffiejunkie, I studied in England, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I had to figure out how to get around, how to deal with being completely on my own, and I enjoyed being an adult. I think he will do well, and good for you for supporting him.
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Another enthusiastic proponent of studying abroad from someone who can't tell her left from her right and who graduated pre-Skype and cell phone.

I got back from my dad's to find my slightly soggy Secret Santa gift waiting for me: a pack of geek-themed magnetic poetry and a mug with famous movie quotes (including two from my top ten favorite flicks so well done there). Mug contents currently easing away the last of my bronchitis; first quickie poem below. Thanks, Secretish Santa!

I await the day

Nachos can be delivered

Digital download.

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Endeavour, I'm posting from my iPad and it's a pain.

especially cause the autocorrect keeps trying to turn english words into italian.

I'm glad the strep turned out to be just a cold, Chyna.

Yay for awesome secret Santa gifts and boo for having to go back to work.

As everyone else said, your son is going to have a blast, buffyjunkie. I started doing a month in UK colleges in the summer when I was 14 and it taught me a lot. Not just language wise.

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I'll have to get used to it trudi. I love the convenience of it, but typing is awkward and autocorrect is very aggressive.

One of my niblings spent a semester in England and it was nerve wracking at first for her parents but they were good about communicating so that helped quite a bit. Skype, FB and texting made a big difference. It was a wonderful experience for my niece who now has taken a few more trips all over and made some great friends.

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Happy Birthday Barphe!  


This year, we got the famous Polar Vortex to come visit you.  Hope you like it!


I am working tonight and I fear they will put me outside. Fingers crossed they put me inside the bar and not outside it.  My nose will turn so red, people will start telling me to go back to the north pole.


Everyone, stay warm today!!!*  




*Unless you happen to be somewhere tropical, in which case I'm jealous.

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Happy Birthday Barphe!



So school was cancelled here because it's supposedly too cold for kids to be outside. So guess where they are now?



No fair. I hit my buzzer first. Then again, I was going to say "inside."


And, lest I forget, yay for work KPC! If they want you to work outside the bar (dirty!), I say you demand use of a star trailer when they're not filming.

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Happy birthday Barphe!


Stay warm KPC and another yay for work!


What's the temperature where you're at Chyna? It's about 10 degrees here now with the wind chill which is plenty cold for me. Will be getting to 15-20 below from what I've read.

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The sun is out though, so it really doesn't feel that cold. Tiny C and her friend have been outside twice, for about 20-30 minutes each time, and they were fine. Which makes me wonder why the kids can't go to school--the way our districts are organized, literally no one is more than 20 minutes away from their elementary school.

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Today's 'Adventures in Modern Feminism'

One of our Finance Managers came back from maternity leave yesterday to find her office taken over by her assistant (who is still off on holidays).

When I saw her sitting in a cubicle, I asked her why she wasn't in her office. She showed me the texts from her boss. I have to paraphrase the texts, but this is pretty darn close to the exact words of part of the exchange:

"I can hardly take the office away from XXXX, she really stepped up in your absence and really earned that office. Don't sweat it."

Followed up with:

"Look, it's like sports. There's a starter (you), but then they go on Injured Reserve, so their back up gets a chance, and they perform really well and earn the top spot. That is what happened her. Business is just like sports."

So... Legal issues aside, how much of a tool is this fuckwit? "Don't sweat it"???? Take a demotion as punishment for having a baby. It's just like football, and you dropped the ball when your water broke. But, you know, don't sweat it.

Edited by Erratic
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Erratic  you work with some real winners don't ya? Oy.


Happy Barpheday! :) (boy, I had to struggle a bit with autocorrect to write that word)


Bitter cold here in the NY area. And all you warm West Coasters just hush up! ;)

As I wrote on KPC'S Facebook, I'm so glad I bought some new flannel sheets back on Black Friday, they are so warm. And I don't even care they have little snowflakes as a design, I'll keep them on my bed  until it gets warmer.
I'm even cold at work. I put a blanket on my legs and sometimes wear fingerless gloves! I pretty sure the air conditioner is on here too, so that's not helping.

Hope you have inside work tonight KPC! And if it's outside, hope you have a really warm coat and are wearing pants!


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Thanks so much for the birthday wishes.

My secret Santa gift arrived today, so that's perfect timing. Pictures are in the other place.

I've been keeping up with everyone, I just haven't been writing a lot, or at all. In brief, things are developing into routine and I'm getting used to it, it just sucks.

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Wow. That's terrible Erratic. I probably shouldn't be, but I'm stunned. Unbelievable.

Barphe - I hope things improve for you soon.

Our office never warmed up today either Valny. It's very windy too which isnt helping. I have a circulation issue so my hands get cold easily. I used to wear silk glove liners indoors to help with that.

I watched the first episode of Black Mirror. Whoa! I had heard about that ep on a podcast but forgot the name of the series.

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Erratic, surely the woman has some legal recourse?


Of course, she could always accidentally slapshock a hockey puck into his mouth and say, "Wow, business is really like sports. Well, you didn't need teeth or a working jaw anyway."


I worked in 8 degree weather last night.  They were pretty nice at getting us into heated vans when they could.  But today, no work, and I'd rather be warm today.  I hope you are all staying warm.


Glad you are lurking Barphe.  We're always here if you need to vent.  I miss you.



Extra hugs and vibes today, partly because of the cold, and partly because yesterday's awful events in Paris.  Je Suis Charlie.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Hang in there, Barphe. I hope things improve soon.

Erratic, I don't even know what to say to that. What a tool.

First London, then Madrid and now Paris. Something tells me we're next. Why so much hate in the world?

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That is a glorious ending to the story.

Absolutely, and now I picture Erratic wearing a cape and gold gauntlets for verily she is a super-hero!



ETA:  Last message from the boy, "Ahhh everything is so big, wet, and expensive here."  Methinks he is experiencing a wee bit of culture shock.


Double ETA:  Did anyone watch Agent Carter?

Edited by buffyjunkie
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I quite enjoyed 'Agent Carter'. It was good ol' fun, slightly reminiscent of the old 'Batman' TV show with all the face punching and OOT fun.

And, boy howdy! I am super glad that sexism died in the 50s!

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I liked Agent Carter but haven't been able to get all the way through it yet.  I tell you, Chad Michael Murray gives me the skeeves.  But I like HER.  And I like Jarvis.  And Stark.


Buffyjunkie, glad your boy is doing well.  It's always great to see another country.


This weather is so cold and/or dry that it's murdering my skin- is it possible to get hives from the cold?


I might be hibernating this weekend.  What is everyone else doing?

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