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Small Talk: The Library

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Erratic, as a contract worker, what benefits, if any, would you still get? I assume that as head of HR you are aware of all the perks that come with the job. If there is no provision in Canadian law that requires the employer to give time off, then there probably isn't some sinister ulterior motive in your boss' offer. Still, if you want to make absolutely sure, you might want to discuss this with either a labor law attorney or even the adoption agency or an attorney in that area. You can't be the first person in this situation. Other than that, I got nothing. Perhaps our resident left coast attorney can chime in. Darkpool, doesn't Oregon operate basically under Canadian law?

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So, my problem is that he is promising to take away everything except the (19!) payrolls, but given that the benefits, and the GRSPs, and the promissory notes, and the commissions are all related to payroll, I can hardly pass them off, and then, I might as well do the account reconciliation for all that as it will be easier for me to do that than have a third party struggle through my Journal entries, and as far as HR policy or advice on Labour Laws or Disciplinary measures, or dealing with the Human Rights Commission for complaints, well, as I am still working, (albeit from home), why wouldn't they call me up to deal with all that as no one else is qualified? And suddenly I am back working full time hours from home being paid much less. Great deal for them!

I think that the only way to accept this deal is to take the power back and demand my regular wage but that I will be working from home.

It's not ideal, but it is the only fair way for me to retain my job and not feel unjustly treated.

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Oh, oh, oh. Remember that one person who thanked me for speaking up last week? Turns out she is married to a woman.

I wrote out my complaint and sent it in today.

In other news, I was totally and completely humbled today by meeting four different caregivers: one who has been fostering for 29 years, and adopted a sibling group of 8, all of whom have various levels of special needs - some quite severe, whilst still fostering and caring for more. One who adopted a premi Downs Syndrome baby with serious medical issues (he is two now and still has a feeding tube, and has had open heart surgery), and two others who foster some of the trickier children in the system, and they were all smiling and telling us how great it can be.

I am humbled at the great people out there.

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I wrote out my complaint and sent it in today. .

Glad you did that, let us know if you get a response.


I am humbled at the great people out there. 


And you are one of them too Erratic. And Cory along with you of course.


The Walking Dead was great again tonight. Crazy stuff!! . I am loving this show this season more than American Horror Story I'm sad to say. Still waiting for that one to click in with me. So far it's just ok.



Back to the 9 to 5 again!

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That sounds like an amazing, and yes, humbling experience. But like val and trudi said, you're not so shabby yourself, Erratic. I know I couldn't do what you're doing. It is truly an awesome thing you're undertaking, in every sense of the word.

We are back from SF, and I have finally, on Saturday, witnessed a win for the Giants in the World Series (I'd seen a loss already, back in '02 when the Giants lost the Series to Anaheim, and then we saw a loss in the first game on Friday night, ugh). It was so much fun. We all screamed our heads off, I was sore the next day from clapping, and then they won again yesterday (our friends in SF who we always stay with went to that game), so we're going into game 6 up 3 games to 2. I am excite!

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Bumgarner won't start. He could end up pitching most of the game, though. At this point, Bochy'll use everyone he's got. But he's not going to make a panic move (different from a Panik move, those are awesome). If we see all the starters, so be it. Whatever it takes.

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Ah, the Big Unit. He remains the funniest pitcher I ever saw bat. His brief stint with the Giants at the end of his career was all about watching him try to hit. "Gangly" doesn't quite capture it.

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I can't remember which Royals pitcher had his first ever major league at bat this series (game 4 maybe?), but swung wildly at a pitch and managed inconceivably to foul it up and back, and his grin was that of a four year old in the playground! It was fantastic to see :)

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That was Kelvin Herrera. It was his first at-bat since he was 16 years old playing a local game in the Dominican. He struck out, but he was SO HAPPY just to make contact, heh. Giants pitcher Yusmeiro Petit also got a hit in game 4, and he's number 4 on the all-time worst list of batting pitchers. Baseball, man. ;)

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Heh. No worries, Trudi, it's all over now :)

So, update on my thing: we had to fill out new application forms, some long written questions showing that we understand 'legal risk' and the emotional risk of Foster to Acopt, and we now need to get a health inspector to pass out house as a potential childcare facility so they can license us. Then, we are back on hold until November 27th when we do our next 3 hour class, then, they will start the home studies.

Good lord! This is a long drawn out process, and weirdly, if we were sticking with the original pure adoption plan then we'd we done with classes by now and on to the home studies and that would be the end of it all. Although, I am kind of pleased that we get more training. Kind of.

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I'm done talking about sportsball until April, since my team won, so there you go. We were hoping to maybe go to the parade, but it's tomorrow, so yeah. What a performance by Madison Bumgarner. Very, very fun to watch.

Good luck with all the classwork and inspections, Erratic. :)

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I'll take up the slack on baseball discussions. First, we'll have the awards, and Jacob de Grom should win NL Rookie of the Year. As a Mets fan, I need any excuse to celebrate. This will be followed by the Hot Stove season when free agents go on the market and trades are discussed. All of which will bring us to mid-February, when pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training! Stuff happening almost 'round the clock.


Good luck with all the trainin', studyin', and health inspector reviewin' Erratic.

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You are a lucky gal, Erratic.


The adoption process sounds exhausting. I get that it's important that they assert a couple's adequacy to care for children with special needs, but it's not like people who give birth to babies with special needs have to go through such a lenghty process before they can take their offspring home.


Happy Haloween! What are you all wearing?

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Ohhh, that is very cute Ace. I'm going as a flapper for many reasons. Among them is that the dress doesn't require I hold any accessory other than a drink, is cool enough that if I have a hot flash I won't melt, and is loose enough that I won't be mistaken for a deluded middle-age lady trying to be a sexy anything. Also, when you shop the day before Halloween...well, it was in my size.

Erratic, your husband rocks.

Right now

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No dressing up here either. We didn't even have one trick or treater but we were out tonight. Went to see my nibling in a school play. It was a smallish part but she did really well. She's usually very shy and soft spoken, so it was nice to see a different side of her.


Now I need to rid the house of the of the large bowl of candy before I eat it all...

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No dressing up here either. We didn't even have one trick or treater but we were out tonight. Went to see my nibling in a school play. It was a smallish part but she did really well. She's usually very shy and soft spoken, so it was nice to see a different side of her.


Now I need to rid the house of the of the large bowl of candy before I eat it all...

Nobody here also! Since I got home from work, we only had TWO trick or treaters(and their parents,who I gave treats to too even though they weren't asking)  I did see a bunch of kids in other neighborhoods when I was driving home,but not around here. I am no threat to the excess candy though. I'm not a big candy loving person in general, certain things though( I do love just some good chocolate bars)

What was the play your daughter was in Endeavour?


What are you all wearing?


   See FB page.


KPC- what was Halloween like in the city?


Going to finish watching the rest of the horror movie,Quarantine that I started before. I didn't think it would be this good. The only thing I don't really love is the hand held camera style filming.



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It was my niece, Valny. No little ones here. The play was Romeo and Juliet. It was a lot of fun. Well, you know, for a tragedy and all. This is the first play I've seen her in and the second one she has done. Over the summer her school went to Scotland and she was able to be in a play at the Fringe Festival there. It's been a great experience for her. I'm amazed at the opportunities kids have these days.


Chocolate is my biggest weakness and, of course, I bought a huge bag of stuff I would like. I'm trying to shed some pounds. I've put on a lot weight over the past year and need to knock it off with the late night snacking.


How was the end of the movie?


Anyone have plans this weekend? I've got a family function Sunday and am going to spend today catching up around the house.

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How was the end of the movie?


Would you believe when I went to find it wasn't there anymore! I was not happy! (it's streaming on the channel called Crackle...which sucks because it has annoying commercials that cut into the movie)  Maybe that particular movie was there just for Halloween or a couple of weeks before, but that annoyed me that it was gone.  Anyway, I had to see how it ended so luckily I found the dvd at my library today and finished. Only had about 20 minutes left to watch. It ended where

everyone died, even the girl you thought might make it out alive somehow, actually at the very end she all of a sudden gets dragged off into somewhere while she's lying on her stomach... whoosh! and you never see what happens but it didn't look good for her. 

I enjoyed it and recommend if you like some infected flesh eating zombie-like movies. Fun little mindless horror movie.  There is a part two so I want to check that out one day.


Oops, sorry Endeavour, I thought "nibling" meant "daughter." :)  I'll try to remember next time!


Anyone have plans this weekend?



No plans today, it's miserable outside....cold and rainy.  Good day to catch up with stuff on Netflix and such. Or fool around on the internet.  I should really start to find out what relatives/friends want for Xmas so I can start cyber shopping! I also could use a new comforter for my bed, but those are no fun to shop for though.

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Glad you got the movie at the library, Valny. 20 minutes to go and not being able to see the end would be terribly annoying. I have Crackle too, but haven't checked it out. There's a few movie channels on the tv, but I always seem to just watch Netflix.


I thought "nibling" meant "daughter." :)  I'll try to remember next time!


Someone here - I can't remember who - first brought up that nibling meant nephew or niece. I just like the word.


Cold and rainy here too, which made for an awesome day to catch up with my DVR.


Here too. I did the same thing. For some reason though, Elementary didn't record this week. I'll have to watch it on demand. I'm not crazy about that because you can't fast forward through commercials on the regular networks. I did get some housecleaning and laundry done too so I was somewhat productive.


I've been thinking about Christmas shopping too. I have a couple of ideas so far but really should get started figuring it all out. It will be here before you know it.

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Talking about Christmas - (are we, really?) - who is in for Secret Santa?

It's Kory's birthday this week and I have bought him a Lego Millenium Falcon. I wanted to get the Death Star, but damn! Y'all should google the price of those mofos!*

*Okay, just googled it again and I can find it for $600, but when I looked last month it was about $1200, which I consider unreasonable.

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I was just coming by to remind people about Secret Santa. Gun jumped.

So instead I need help from you music people: I'm trying to think of what I call "an irresistible disco tune," which means it's one of the few I like. But I can only remember the refrain, which is sung in a deep mellow solo -- think someone from Kool and the Gang or Earth, Wind, and Fire -- "1, 2, 3, 4 dancin'; 3, 4 dancin'." I've tried to put together various permutations of "boogie," "disco," and "wonderland" to no avail. Google and You Tube haven't helped, but I know one of you will get it instantly.

Also don't forget that Trivia does not recognize time changes so it now ends at 1 a.m. EST.

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who is in for Secret Santa?

Me me! I'm in!


Polo shirt and black slacks. Like most days.
I'm not dressing up this year
No dressing up here either. We didn't even have one trick or treater but we were out tonight.
Nobody here also!

I hope you know you're ruining a perfectly good stereotype. Shame on you.

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