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Small Talk: The Library

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I missed the first week of Blackish, but I gave the second episode a try based on hearing good reviews.


I wound half-watching it while messing around on-line, and finally got so bored I turned off the TV at the second commercial break. Sorry, Blackish -- you had your chance to hook me, and blew it. You're gonna need really stellar recommendations for me to give you another shot down the line.

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I just thought it was hacky. Both of the main storylines have been covered repeatedly by many other family sitcoms over the decades. There was nothing about them that was unique to their show--either one could have been done (and probably was done) on any other family sitcom and you wouldn't have noticed the difference.

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I'll always chat with you guys about Buffy, but I'm not sure I'd ever want to join another website and chat ad nauseam about.  


Toe is better, thumb is NOT (who knew hand/foot digits were so sensitive?).


In hilariousness, I knocked over essential oil jar (room freshener thing) and most of it soaked into the carpet.  My place is going to smell like a Sabon essential oil for the rest of eternity.


Love and vibes and the fried food of your choice!

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Eh, different people different views, I guess.


I've also had a LOT more exposure to The American Family Sitcom, both in terms of my location and how long I've been alive. :)

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Yeah, after BtVS and AtS I went nuts for BSG and Lost.  The latter I was able to share with one co-worker and one soccer parent and the former I had to go to the on-line world because I watched it after it aired so no one IRL to share with (other than the spousal unit, even the boy didn't watch that one.)  I find it interesting how my views have evolved over time so far on BtVS so foresee me trying to do a marathon 6.5 seasons watch every 5-10 years but I can't really see replicating what we collectively created and I'm not really sure that I'd want to.  At this point in the the downward slope of my life cycle, I just want to enrich the friendships I already have.  Not to say I don't intend to make new friends along the way, but I don't need dozens of new acquaintances - if that makes sense.


May all toes, thumbs, hearts, and other bruised things heal quickly.


KPC your scent dilemma makes me laugh.  At least it is a good scent.


The girl has been running hot and cold of late and today she seems to be running hot so we are off to do a little mother-daughter bonding time at the mall.  I'd prefer the park but don't think that's going to happen.


Has anyone read any John Scalzi or Rainbow Rowell?  They are what I call airplane reads but I rather enjoyed them. 

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One of my close friends had a heart attack yesterday. He is 32 years old and quite active and sporty. He had a small surgery - I am guessing to deal with blockages? - and was recovering enough last night to text a bunch of us to fill us in.

No history of heart disease, and a moderate smoker (maybe a pack and a half per week).

What the fuck?

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Vibes to your friend, Erratic. Not to minimize what happened to your friend, but anytime I hear something like that, I go back to Jim Fixx on The Dick Cavett Show. Fixx had written a book on jogging and health and was telling Cavett how great and healthy he felt. He then closed his eyes and passed away. I believe he was in his 40s or early 50s, but don't quote me on that. Hopefully your friend will be OK and maybe even quit smoking entirely.


Vibes to thumbs, toesies, and ever-fresh-smelling rugs. Oh, wait, those are all KPC-related. So, additional vibes to all others.


Last night, for the first time since the movie came out, I watched Chinatown. My mother took us to see a double feature back in 1974. Claudine with James Earl Jones and Diahann Carroll, and Chinatown. I was eight. I recall that every other word in Claudine was "fuck" and that it was fun watching Jack Nicholson get beat up a lot. I also recalled that 

the girl was Faye Dunaway's daughter, but didn't understand the incest that occurred.

It's kind of funny to spolier that, but if you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. It's a complex noir with a phenomenal cast. 

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Erratic, I'm glad your friend is okay.  It's terrible that this has happened, but I am glad it's a situation he and his doctor be on top of.  How scary for you all.


China Town (fyi I first spelled it as Chyna) is a GREAT noir.  I'm not sure I want to see it again, but it blew me away.  Also, I never want to live in LA because of the water issues.  I don't know that I ever saw Claudine.


I have to see a friend's stand-up this coming week.  I don't like stand-up really.- I'm not a loud laugher- I'm more of an appreciative  chuckler.  Also, I feel like I'm watching people get paid to be mean.  This will be a labor of love.  I hope she will be good (fingers crossed).  I intend to show up and when she's done, get the hell out of dodge. 

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I went to a friend's on Saturday for a game night and one of the games we played was Pictionary. One of the categories I unfortunately got one time was the "difficult" category(gulp) and the word was "complete"  How the hell do you draw that??! I really didn't know what the hell to draw. All I could think of was making a drawing that looks like someone wrote some scribble on a  piece of paper then another drawing  of a piece of paper with a little scribble on it then I put an X on it, like it was incomplete.  I was stumped. Needless to say,  no one on my team guessed correctly. Anyone have any ideas? But I did knock it out of the park when my word was "rattle" and instead of drawing a baby rattle, I drew a rattlesnake and circling the rattle part! Bam!

I take back what I said about Blackish--episode 2 was DUMB and Anthony Anderson's charm wasn't enough to save it. It's off the DVR season pass list.

I missed the first week of Blackish, but I gave the second episode a try based on hearing good reviews.

I wound half-watching it while messing around on-line, and finally got so bored I turned off the TV at the second commercial break. Sorry, Blackish -- you had your chance to hook me, and blew it. You're gonna need really stellar recommendations for me to give you another shot down the line.



I only watched the first ep and decided I didn't want to watch anymore. I know it was just the first ep,blah,blah,blah...but after hearing so many good things about it,I was expecting funnier/better, but it just felt flat for me. Any those two little kids are cute but I don't like when sitcom kids are that precocious for some reason. It just seems phony and overly cute.


KPC your scent dilemma makes me laugh.  At least it is a good scent.
  yeah, it could have been fish oil or something! I don't even know what fish oil smells like but if it has the word fish in it, I'm saying it smells fishy.

Erratic - hope your friend is doing better.

I have to see a friend's stand-up this coming week.  I don't like stand-up really.- I'm not a loud laugher- I'm more of an appreciative  chuckler. 


Really? Not me, I've belly laughed lots of times at certain stand-ups...like crying laughing too.  When's the last time you really laughed hard at something KPC?

Also, after a decade of TWoP debate on the subject, I don't think that I have anything interesting or inciteful left to say about the show. So, if you have any idea, please direct them to the Season Six thread here, and I will try to pass them on in a witty and intelligent manner.


Erratic-  remember, the newbies on the podcast haven't had the exposure of what long time fans have been saying all these years, so it will be all new to them...they'd love to hear anything you can bring and it will definitely be interesting and insightful to them. You given good comments before,you know these eps inside and out so you'll do great.  And that's my pep talk for the day.

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Vibes to your friend, Erratic. How scary.


Has anyone read any John Scalzi or Rainbow Rowell?


Rowell's Fangirl was fun--a perfect airplane-type read. I need to pick up her new one, and I hear Eleanor & Park is great too. I read Scalzi's Redshirts and didn't love it (it fell apart at the end), but he's such a delight online that I think I should read more of his work. Which one did you read, buffyjunkie?


I watched Chinatown a few years ago for the first time, and I was so horrified at the treatment of the one female character in the movie that the whole film left a bad taste in my mouth. I know a lot of people love that one, though.

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I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Erratic, and hope he recovers quickly. The podcast sounds exciting though. Valny's advice seems spot on to me.


KPC - I hope all of your digits are doing better soon. That scent, however pleasant, would probably give me a migraine.


I'm sorry, Valny, but that game story made me laugh. I have no idea how that would be drawn - especially under pressure. I used to play Draw Something on the phone with some friends. It was a lot of fun, but I was terrible at it.

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I don't need dozens of new acquaintances - if that makes sense.

It absolutely does to me. I'm open to the possibility of new friendships, should it present itself, but I don't actively look for it.


I'm sorry about your friend, Erratic.

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Healing vibes to Erratic's friend.  I'm glad he survived.  Scary thing, that.

I read Scalzi's Redshirts and didn't love it (it fell apart at the end),

Exactly Chyna, I first spotted Redshirts in the airport bookstore and thought it sounded brilliant.  I read his latest Lock In which I enjoyed more, and read Rainbow's Attachments and Landline, which I found pleasant enough (as graded on my airport/beach read scale.)



I hate being an office drone, and I hate meetings.

Sing it, sister.

I am exhaused of late, not sure if it is the lack of daylight thing or just generic kids-in-school-related stress.  Signing off to vege on the couch.  Carry on.

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I hate being an office drone, and I hate meetings.


Do you have to be in a lot meetings, Earl? In my current job, I don't have too many which I'm thankful for. In one of my past jobs, there were quite a few meetings and conference calls. I do not miss them. There are always those people who love the sound of their own voice. I have very little patience for that. I don't mind the meetings if they are productive, but more often than not they're time wasters.

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I am HR- I hate the kind of meetings that I had today where I tell a manager I like that his 'relationship' with a married underling, whether sexual or not, is inappropriate and is being complained about by many other employees and he needs to shut it down.

It is humiliating to him, to me, to his boss in the room with us... sooooo fun!

So, I recorded 'Entropy' tonight. 'Seeing Red' is postponed for another night.

I re-watched SR the other day. Crap! That AR scene is still the worst!

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Scalzi's Old Man's War series is quite good.

Chinatown I didn't love.

I sympathize with those who must suffer through meetings. It sounds horrible (I don't know firsthand; nearly every job I ever had involved a uniform, and sometimes a nametag. ;) )

Vibes to all; I hope good things stay good and bad things improve. :)

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Erratic, I can't imagine how awkward that must have been. Why were people complaining? Cause he was overtly favouring this person?

There is a similar situation here, I don't know whether or not the two people involved are actually having an affair, but it would never occur to me to file a complaint.

I honestly don't care if they're doing it.


When is the podcast? You really picked from the worst episodes ever list, eh?


I hate being an office drone

You don't like flying? *rimshot*

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Erratic, that sounds horrible. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.  I often feel bad for our lone HR rep when I think about everything she must have to listen to when people storm into her office to complain about [fill in the blank].  I'm sure more than half of it is nonsense. 


There are always those people who love the sound of their own voice. I have very little patience for that. I don't mind the meetings if they are productive, but more often than not they're time wasters.

This, exactly.  I should be grateful that my current position doesn't include nearly as many meetings as my former one did, but yesterday was just a bad combiation of the above for 5 of the 9.5 hours I had to be here.  I left work a very cranky person, which is something else I don't prefer.  Today's calendar contains only two such torture session so hopefully it'll be an overall better day.


Years ago I read Scalzi's Agent to the Stars, which I remember finding delightful.  I have never seen Chinatown

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Why were people complaining? Cause he was overtly favouring this person?

There is a similar situation here, I don't know whether or not the two people involved are actually having an affair, but it would never occur to me to file a complaint.

I honestly don't care if they're doing it.

Yes, the fact is that they take more breaks together than anyone else gets, whenever someone asks a question to the manager, the underling answers for him, even though she has no authority or knowledge of the situation, if a coworker makes a complaint about the girl, suddenly that person gets extra work, or refused overtime, and the perception is that the 'friend' gets preferential treatment.

Also, it's the start of our quiet season so people have time to get annoyed with coworkers.

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There are always those people who love the sound of their own voice. I have very little patience for that. I don't mind the meetings if they are productive, but more often than not they're time wasters.



You ain't kidding. One of the best things about going freelance is the fact that I rarely have to attend meetings anymore.


At my last office job, there was a VP who loved nothing more than the sound of her own voice. She was a very nice person--I just don't think she had any idea how long she made everything take. She would even write up meeting agendas with times listed (as all the time-management experts say you should) and then not follow it at all, so that we'd only get through half the items in the time allotted. So then she'd schedule another meeting to finish it. We seriously spent an hour discussing potential committee names, based on which one would have the niftiest acronym.


I got stuck on a committee led by her once, because I was the lowest level manager in my department at the time and the managers above me called "not it!" first. It was brutal. A couple years later, I got an email from her: She was at another organization and needed to hire a freelance writer. I almost never turn down paying work, but the more I thought about it, the more I dreaded working with her again, so I told her I was too busy to take on another client.

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Man, kitchens are different. Mostly (all IME, YMMV) you just had to be tough enough. Because there weren't long meetings about bullshit, there was just an exec chef and/or an expediter screaming at you to produce. But if you couldn't take being yelled at, and you couldn't dish back the rudeness, then it wasn't a good fit. This is why I ended up in a test kitchen; way less time pressure than in a restaurant, and waaaaay less screaming. :)

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I think I'm one of those people who enjoy the sound of their own voice, because I don't mind meetings at all. Which is probably a good thing because there are days when I've had 3/4/5 back to back or ones with 6 hours or more in one day. I'm usually the junior most so there's a lot for me to learn, so that helps. 


But though your meeting sounded uncomfortable, it sounds like it was productive, which is all one can hope for, really. 

Edited by romantic idiot
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That does sound like a bad situation, Erratic, and a mighty uncomfortable meeting.


Years ago I had to fire someone who worked for me. I had to have several meetings with HR to work it all out and make sure that all the proper steps were taken leading up to the firing. Lots of things to consider. Even though I was the one doing the firing, I was very nervous. Not a pleasant situation even if the right thing was being done.


I always wondered, AnnieF, if the kitchen environment was really like that - with all the screaming and such. What a high-stress environment. A test kitchen sounds kind of cool though - checking out new products and equipment.


Hope today is a better day, Earl!

Edited by Endeavour
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Oh, man - the restuarant kitchen.  I was never on the line (except occasionally to pinch hit on the fryer), but I waitressed my way through college in both the diner and later fine dining and banquet worlds.  AnnieF  I hear you about the screaming and the bullshit, but I also think that when it worked, when you had a team that really gelled, it sure did become a tight family. Like every night was a battle and we were in it together.


Thanks, Endeavour.  Today has been better.  I'm still really glad I'm taking a 4-day week this week though!  Good work, good boss, and good wine vibes to all.

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Like every night was a battle and we were in it together.

So much this. When everyone's firing on all cylinders and things just flow? Nothing better. It feels like a huge accomplishment to get through a busy shift with both the front of the house and the back of the house (and hopefully the guests) agreeing that it went well.

I always wondered, AnnieF, if the kitchen environment was really like that - with all the screaming and such. What a high-stress environment.

Not all kitchens are like that; most of the screaming I saw was at one restaurant. From one particularly coked-up dude. So, yeah. There are calm ports as well as turbulent ones. Alas, addiction issues are a big problem for restaurants. I wonder if it's any different now from when I was in culinary school (almost 20 years) -- we actually had a discussion about whether or not the shift drink* was a bad idea (it is a terrible idea).

A test kitchen sounds kind of cool though - checking out new products and equipment.

It was a great job; I worked on so many different things, but mainly what we did was develop new product ideas for large packaged-food companies (eg Kellogg and Heinz). Weight Watcher's Main Street Bistro Bowls, yup. (The food part of Weight Watcher's is separate from the weight-loss weigh-in thing part of Weight Watcher's. Heinz owns the food product lines, or at least they did.) The job required patience, since often I made the same recipe over and over again with only minor changes, like " try it with 20g more cumin." Okey-dokey, off I go to make iteration #2, carefully noting whatever changes to ingredients have been made. And then we all (everyone working there, so around 10 of us, the kitchen staff and the front office peeps) would try it again, and decide if adding 20g more cumin was good or not. Etc etc.

Random things I learned in the test kitchen: cinnamon does not scale up -- you can't multiply a recipe by 50 and also multiply the cinnamon by 50. Your sensory apparatus will hate you if you do that. Tequila** does not dehydrate into a tequila-flavored syrup that can be added to foods for "real tequila flavor!" It turns into a vileness that I struggle to describe. Let's just leave it at very bad. And (some) pastry chefs/chocolatiers are assholes. At any rate, I have a specific person in mind in each of those categories, and they both sucked*** to try to work with. Enormous egos. (The company I worked for was a small consulting firm, and a big part of their draw was that they had access to celebrity chefs. I was part of the team that turned Martin Yan's recipes, for example, into actual mass-unit-scale products for Stouffer's.)

*The shift drink is when staff sticks around after their shift is over and has a cocktail, traditionally the first one being on the house. It's an old trick to try to get your staff to spend a bunch of the tips they just earned buying cocktails in the place where they just made the money. It never leads to anything good, ime.

**This was before I got sober. I wish I could describe the tequila syrup (all we did was pour a couple of cups into a shallow dish and put it in the dehydrator, I have no idea for how long. Until it was syrupy.) And all of us kitchen peeps tried it. Our collective reaction was not caught on video, sadly. It was high drama indeed: "Dear God in heaven, WHAT HAVE WE WROUGHT?!!!??!" "The evil, make it stop!" "I can't feel my mouth, and yet it tastes horrible. What dark magic is this?" Ah, good times. :)

***His profile picture is in profile! Geddit? Oy, this guy.

Edited by AnnieF
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That is really fascinating stuff. What a great job.

Tequila is a bad flavour in liquid form- that is why we shoot it down as fast as possible after dousing our mouths in salt and lime juice. I am not overly surprised that it didn't make a good concentrate.

I love cinnamon - now I am curious to see at what point I hate it.

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The cinnamon thing was really interesting: it was cereal, so probably a thing for Kellogg's, and we were trying to scale up from the prototype batches. At some point (and I suppose my brain realized that I probably would never need to produce industrial-sized batches of cereal, so why retain this info?), I have no idea what, but some point, some ratio of other ingredients:cinnamon, the cinnamon switched from being a team player to a solo artist who wants alllllll the attention. A really bad solo artist too, cloying and lingering and coming on way too strong. There is a cinnamon tipping point. ;)

Another thing I learned is that if there's a fragrance or flavor that you can imagine, IFF makes it. Just in our little test kitchen, we must've had 20 different kinds of apple-flavored syrups. Granny Smith flavor, Red Delicious flavor, apple pie flavor, apple pie a la mode flavor, apple strudel flavor, applesauce flavor, baked apple flavor, and on and on. An entire enormous business is devoted to making things that smell and taste like other things. Amazing.

Edited by AnnieF
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And now I want an apple fritter. With raisins.

Not to minimize what happened to your friend, but anytime I hear something like that, I go back to Jim Fixx on The Dick Cavett Show.

Excuse me for being the annoying editor-type-person that I am, but Jim Foxx died while jogging. He was, of course, in tremendous shape when he died, but he was a former heavy smoker who was also more than 50 pounds overweight when he took up jogging and forced a nation into a life of overpriced shoewear and shin splints.

It was Jerome Rodale who died on Dick Cavett. He was the founder of Prevention magazine and supporter of organic foods, but he was elderly when he died.

I met with a lawyer about my will today. Behold the irony.

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It was Jerome Rodale who died on Dick Cavett. He was the founder of Prevention magazine and supporter of organic foods, but he was elderly when he died.



So he actually died on the show?

I just read disturbing news about the actor Stephen Collins(the dad on 7th Heaven,among other roles)  Eeew!  Sicko! 

I was hoping to find a 7th Heaven topic thread to read reactions but there was no thread.

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I just read that too, val.

I don't know how I feel about someone being recorded during therapy sessions without their knowledge.

It should be up to the therapist to report the patient if they are committing a crime, but recording the sessions and then have them leaked to the public?

Maybe I feel particularly sensitive about this because I'm in therapy myself, and the idea that there could be tapes with the recordings of my sessions horrifies me.

I'm not even sure it's legal here.


I met with a lawyer about my will today.

So, what are you leaving us?


In good news, my spanish classmates and I had dinner with our teacher last night, the one who had her uterus removed a few months ago, and she's doing great.

She's done with chemo, her latest test results came back negative and she is looking fabulous. Yay!

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I think I'm one of those people who enjoy the sound of their own voice, because I don't mind meetings at all. Which is probably a good thing because there are days when I've had 3/4/5 back to back or ones with 6 hours or more in one day.


Me too! My whole day is meetings. What can I say, it's my job. Which I do love most of the time.


I saw Chinatown when it first came out and it blew me away. I think it's the first film I ever saw that I was aware of metaphor, imagery, things working on so many levels, shot-framing, the personal being political, all of that. Of course I was in college as an English major and likely under the influence of something, so take that into account. I can see how it could become dated and likely offensive, but at the time, it was a revelation and I still consider it to be one of my most influential films.

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She's done with chemo, her latest test results came back negative and she is looking fabulous. Yay!


Yay! indeed.


The shift drink is when staff sticks around after their shift is over and has a cocktail, traditionally the first one being on the house. It's an old trick to try to get your staff to spend a bunch of the tips they just earned buying cocktails in the place where they just made the money.


I waited tables in college at a Ruby Tuesdays, and while that wasn't a Thing, there was a group of servers (mostly the careerists) who would do that. It's not like the tips at Ruby Tuesdays are that awesome--seems like a bad idea to spend them away like that,

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trudi-tru, there is a famous California case holding that a psychiatrist has a reasonable duty of care to a third person to alert them, or the police, of a serious danger of violence from a patient towards the third party. Now, that may not be the standard applied in all states (although I think many have adopted similar standards), but the question comes down to whether the psychiatrist believes the patient is going to carry through on the threat. If the incident has already occurred, then doctor-patient confidentiality may remain in effect. If the doctor does not believe the patient is serious, then, even if the future incident occurs, they can say that they did not believe the patient would carry out the threat (maybe the patient has made hundreds of other threats and nothing ever came of them). As for taping the sessions, that I do not know about. Certainly releasing the tapes to the press or the public would seem to violate the privelege, which resides with the patient, not the doctor.


I'm glad that your teacher is doing well.

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I found myself seriously in doubt that a therapist would release a recording of a session with a man who possibly molested minors years and years ago; there's no imminent threat to anyone there. What seemed more likely was that the wife either made the recording herself if she was in the session, or she had it stolen from the therapist. And this morning, from a CNN article: "Collins, 67, is involved in a contentious divorce with Grant. But she told E! News she had nothing to do with the release of the recording. "'I woke up today to learn that an extremely private recording I handed over to authorities in 2012 per their request in connection with a criminal investigation was recently disseminated to the press," she said. "I had no involvement whatsoever with the release of the tape to the media.'"


Rant ahead against people who are not you guys in here: I wish we as a culture didn't clutch our pearls when stuff like this happens or comes out. It's been happening as long as there have been humans, and half of my women friends were molested by family members or family friends before they were 18. It can have long-lasting effects on people, but mostly people grow and heal and are then fine. It seems to me that every person in the situation deserves empathy: the victims, surely, and the victims' parents; the family of the abuser; and the abuser themselves, who had to have known what they did was wholly inappropriate, but yet they were still compelled to do it. What an awful sexual and ethical trap to live in for your whole life.

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In good news, my spanish classmates and I had dinner with our teacher last night, the one who had her uterus removed a few months ago, and she's doing great. She's done with chemo, her latest test results came back negative and she is looking fabulous. Yay!


That's great news, trudi-tru.

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"Dear God in heaven, WHAT HAVE WE WROUGHT?!!!??!" "The evil, make it stop!" "I can't feel my mouth, and yet it tastes horrible. What dark magic is this?" Ah, good times. :)

Hee, best chuckle I've had all day AnnieF.




    I met with a lawyer about my will today.

So, what are you leaving us?

Second best.  And yay for trudi-tru's Spanish teacher's good news.


Wish I had some humor to add to the mix but my day was mostly ordinary, which is fine by me.  Went to the HS boys soccer game last night.  Aww man, seeing these young men who we knew when they were wee toddlers.  Sigh, the time...it does fly.  Beautiful evening though with spectacular sunset and then watching the huge moon rise above the tree line along the field-gorgeous.

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Sounds like you had a nice night, buffyjunkie. Sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day we forget to slow down and take in all the amazing things around us.

Speaking of regular old day-to-day stuff...I had to screen a bunch of resumes. Ay yi yi. I know I shouldn't be surprised by some of the responses, but I still am. I also don't understand why people don't follow the instructions in the ad. I'm not talking complex here either. If you can't respond to an ad correctly, what makes you think I'm going to have any faith you'll follow instructions or take direction when hired? Yeesh.

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Griping: I had to suspend an employee today, and I have to fire three more (unrelated to each other) next Tuesday, because nothing ruins a Thanksgiving Weekend (Canadian version) like worrying about ruining three families lives the next day.[/gripe]

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trudi-tru  that's fantastic news about your teacher!


I am deliriously exited about the new season of American Horror Story tonight.  And it's 90 minutes which adds to the awesome. Freak Show here I come!  Anybody watching? Come on! It's going to also have a creepy killer clown in it called Twisty.  So freaky looking. I am no fan of creepy clowns or clowns in general, but there's something about being creeped out that is fun. I know some people who won't even watch this at night, they wait until daylight hours. That cracks me up. But maybe if I lived alone, I'd feel differently. Houses can make those creaking noises sometimes,so that can mess with your head.


Hostile16- will you be watching? I know how much you loved the movie Freaks. ;) 


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Sorry, Erratic. How large is the company you work for?


I put American Horror Story on for about 10 minutes once and turned it off. I don't think it was anything to do with the show. More that I just wasn't in the mood to watch something new at that point. That being said, I'm not much of a horror person, so I don't know if it would be for me. How horror-y is it? Is there another show you could compare it to?

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val, I'm a fellow AHS fan. It should air here soon. I'm very excited about the circus setting. It could provide plenty of weirdness.

Did you know a former Voice (I know you also follow that) contestant was chosen to do a song for the series? It's called Carousel and it's really good.


Thanks for the legal input, Lo. I think maybe Boliver is right and it was the wife who recorded the session and probably reported him to the authorities.


That sucks, Erratic. I'm sorry for the people involved.

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