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I will happily concede that Sleep Hollow is better than Scorpion, but somehow, the show has just lost me.  I sort of wish it was more fish out of water fun than x-files myth/arcs.  It gets too convoluted for me.

Yeah, I really enjoy the fish out of water stuff the most; the premiere was especially super wacky. Maybe I just have to get back into the swing of ridiculousness of the show, since it's been a while.   But I'm sticking with it for the characters. If I didn't care for the two leads so much, I'd probably wouldn't even watch. Luckily they have mad chemistry! Plus I love Tom Mison/Crane and his awesome revolutionary garb that he still wears.


Awesome new Hostile16! Vibing for some more good news about dad.


trudi-tru-  Did you go to Clooney's wedding?  ;)  I think my invitation got lost in the mail. Huh.


Yay Endeavour! You made it through the week! I bet you were so happy/relieved.




There is a huge concert in central park today, and they've been sound checking all day

  What concert is it KPC?


Happy wedding day arcticgirl!

How is everyone's weekend going?


Not bad.  It was a gorgeous day so took a little jaunt down to the beach to see if I could pick up some shells. It was an especially shelly day right the shore, tons of them! Some days you just can't find anything good. My bag was filled so fast. So I just walked back and sat down to take a little sun, then zipped off again. I love that I just have a 15 minute drive from the beach!

Sunday there's an Italian street festival at a town not too far away(Massapequa...home of the Baldwin brothers..whoop dee do!) so I want to go to that. I went least year and it was really nice, but parking was awful,so I want to get there earlier this time.


Pain free vibes for AnnieF


Edited by Valny
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val, I would have gone, but my motorboat is in the shop.


Aw what a shame. Maybe you should taken the helicopter then.  :)


The Italian street fair was really nice. Oh the smells of delicious different foods coming from there were heavenly. (some video on my FB)


At the festival, I actually tried a slice of fried pickle!  My friend's hubby bought one and offered me a slice(it was a whole pickle that was sliced up)  In my mind I was thinking, uh... I don't know about this,but I decided to give it try. It actually was pretty good.  ( I am such a picky person when it comes to food,but getting better in my old age and trying new things every now and then)


Hey, I think I forgot to tell you guys, my niece got another Corgi puppy. Now she has three! Introducing, Buckingham.  Oh those ears!

And here is another pic of Buckingham and sister Hampton.


Thanks for the memories Derek Jeter! It will be weird not seeing you next season. I will probably never have another player I'll call my favorite again. But life/baseball goes on. Next time I'll see you in a Yankee uniform will probably be at Old Timers Day. I bet they have him throw out the first pitch at their 2015 home opener.

Edited by Valny
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For those Talking Heads-Muppets fans, and, who amongst us isn't, I give you http://dangerousminds.net/comments/its_not_easy_being_david_byrne_kermit_the_frog_covers_once_in_a_lifetime


That was great. I still love that song whether it's Kermit or David Byrne.


How did the match go buffyjunkie?


You had a good weekend for the beach and a street festival, valny. Fried pickle doesn't sound appetizing but I'd probably try it too.


I'm totally not a fan of baseball (to put it mildly) but I saw most of the coverage over the past few weeks because my mom is a Yankees fan. I've got to say I'll probably miss Derek Jeter as well. He seems like such a decent guy.


I can't see the adorableness of the two pups. One day...


My weekend was a relaxing one. Caught up on a few things but didn't overdo it.


Steady work vibes to KPC, continuing good luck vibes to Erratic. pain free vibes to AnnieF and general good vibes to all who need them.

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At the festival, I actually tried a slice of fried pickle!

What kind of Italian festival serves fried pickle? *shakes head*


I saw the doggie pictures on FB, so much cuteness.


Wish us luck and no injuries.

You got it. Go buffyjunkie's daughter!

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What kind of Italian festival serves fried pickle? *shakes head*

If it's anything like the Scott/Irish festival I attended this weekend, where vendors served (among other things), corn dogs, turkey legs, and tacos, I am not surprised.


I'm not a Yankee or Jeter fan but that was a remarkable way to end a career. 


Did arcticgirl marry George Clooney?  Congrats to them both ;o)


Good vibes and well wishes to all who are struggling.

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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I'm guessing if Clooney wants to go into politics, he'll run for Governor of California first. He wouldn't be the first actor to hold the job, after all. The governorship will be open in 2018 (Jerry Brown will be term-limited out), and whoever wins the Democratic primary is highly likely to win the general unless California Republicans stop self-destructing by then. Clooney probably has as good a shot as anyone. If he does a good job, he'll get a second term in 2022.


On the assumption that Hillary Clinton runs for president and wins in 2016, she'll seek reelection in 2020. No point in anyone challenging her at that point, unless they're looking for headlines. But in 2024, the primary should be wide open. Clooney could then seek the presidency as the second-term governor of one of the world's biggest economies. If he can energize the base the way Obama did, he's be in a good position to win the primary. And given current demographic trends, Democrats will have the edge on winning the White House for the foreseeable future.


So yeah ... he has a chance, if that's his plan.

Edited by Darkpool
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I think Clooney probably enjoys being able to speak freely ever to go into politics and have to monitor what he says or the causes he supports. Did you know he co-owns a satellite? It tracks troop movements and has discovered mass graves in Sudan and South Sudan. He then provides the info to the U.S. in hopes of resolving the Darfur conflict.

I think once you're involved so hands-on in projects like that, trying to get something accomplished in our polarized legislature would be like beating your head against a brick wall. He could probably raise more for a cause with an appearance on Letterman than he could with a bill inching its way through Congress.

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I don't see Clooney running for office.  Ben Affleck, on the other hand...


Trudi, such a shame about your boat and helicopter both breaking down so you missed the ceremony.  I hope George sent his so you could enjoy the rest of the weekend's celebrations.   The whole getting married thing (and so quickly) confuses me.  Something is up.


Fried pickles?  I guess it can't be any worse than fried snicker bars.


The concert this weekend was to wipe out Hunger all over the world.  Hugh Jackman was the host, Beyonce, Sting, No Doubt, Carrie Underwood performed.  I guess everyone who got a ticket has somehow helped out with the charity- happily, other than the onstage talent, it seemed like everyone there was a normal person who had truly helped in some way.  It would be really nice if everyone out there got food to eat.  Maybe if people weren't to "hangry," the world would be a more peaceful place.


Not working so far this week (ggrrrr) but hopefully something will come along.  I worked out TWICE yesterday, and OH I am sore.  This might also explain why I'm so tired today.  Ya think?  ;)

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The whole getting married thing (and so quickly) confuses me.  Something is up.



I think the relationship was under wraps for a long time. Since she's on in the entertainment biz, it was probably easier to keep the public's nose out of it. I do find it interesting that after decades of dating women who were much younger and less-accomplished than he, Clooney ended up marrying someone closer to his age who has a laundry list of her own accomplishments.

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I guess it can't be any worse than fried snicker bars.


Oh for the love of God.

There's an English pub one block from my apartment. They fry everything. All kinds of deserts including snickers bar. Hell, they fry frys.


When all this talk about Clooney and possible political ambitions began, I though people were still talking about Arctic Girl's new husband and wondering how everyone could know if he was even interested in running for office.


In the happy news of the week, we lost my mother's motion in housing court. Not unexpected given how the judge seemed to act. The next court date is October 30. The attorney asked me if we would be willing to offer more money. After consulting with my brother, we agreed and told him to make the offer. Still waiting to hear back from him. Also, I now have the answer to how long a cortisone shot lasts. One-and-a-half weeks.

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I would have married SilverFox within 4 months or so after we met had I not still needed to get divorced. I'm typically cautious with big decisions, but this one was so obvious. I'd like to think that after years of not truly connecting with a woman, Clooney had his socks knocked off and an "Aha! Life is too short!" moment.

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I once had a fried oreo, and for the love of god, it was delicious.  But never again.  I can't fall down the well of fried cookie addiction.


I am so sorry to hear about the ruling LnB.  Both the judge and the evil landlord deserve some karmic payback.  Where's a vengeance demon when you need one?


Can you get another cortisone shot?  Or will the one you have now kick in again?

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Can you get another cortisone shot?  Or will the one you have now kick in again?

I see the doctor again in a couple of weeks. She said that I could have one more, but I don't know what the point would really be If it's only going to mask the pain for a brief time. I'll have to think about my options.

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At the Texas State Fair, which I believe bears much of the responsibility for the "Everything Is Better Deep-Fried!" craze, they serve fried butter. Seriously: chill, douse in powdered sugar, deep fry. It's yet another reason the rest of the world hates us.

Does anyone remember the Gilmore Girls Thanksgiving episode when Sookie agrees to let her husband cook the turkey, and he decides to deep-fry it? By the end of the day, he and his drunk friends are deep-frying everything in sight, including the mashed potatoes, cake, and random footwear.

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we lost my mother's motion in housing court.

Boo! Stupid judge.


they serve fried butter. Seriously: chill, douse in powdered sugar, deep fry.

You know I come here first thing in the morning. Just, ugh.


It's yet another reason the rest of the world hates us.

Well, can you blame us?


FYI, we don't hate you. You're more like a very annoying younger sibling.


Heh. I kid.

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Sorry to hear about the judge's ruling Loandbehold.  Have you settled on a new place for your mom to live yet?


I've never had the pleasure of fried butter or oreos or twinkies and I'm probably better off for it, but I am a sucker for and often quote Joey on, "fried stuff with cheese!"  It's just so hard to go wrong there.

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Earl is Dead, we pretty much know where she'll be moving. We first have to get her doctor to examine her and fill out some forms, which will happen on Columbus Day. Then, we'll make arrangements for her to the facility one day where she will be evaluated and get to spend the day observing and hopefully participating in various activities. At that point, she'll have 30 days to move in or else she'll have to have the evaluation again. We want to get her moved in sooner rather than later, so we'd be able to clear out her apartment w/o having to rush that joy too much.

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In some ways, she's looking forward to the move, especially given the landlord situation. Still, she has lived in this apartment for 30 years, so she sometimes tells me that's she feeling homeless. We're also selling off, or at least trying to sell off, furniture.* So, she'll say that it's OK to sell the elliptical or the couch. Yeah, mom, it doesn't matter whether it's OK or not, there will be no room for it in your new place.


*Actually, my brother is in charge of that, and that is another reason I'm so happy he is my brother and willing to put in as much time as he is given that he has a family and his mother-in-law is living in his house. If he told me that he could only take on 25% of the responsibilities instead of 50%, I couldn't legitimately complain he wasn't doing enough.

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Even though it's for the best, it's very difficult to imagine what it must feel like to have to move from a home that you've been in that long. My mom also had some very close relatives nearby which made it even harder. It was difficult for all of us to come to that decision, and it's so easy to second guess every step of the way. I'm sure, although difficult to move at first, it was a relief for my mom to not have to manage/remember all the things that go along with living alone. I do think my mom has a better quality of life after the move. She's much more active and has met a new group of friends she sees regularly.


It's great you and your brother work so well together. We're not there yet, but my family is coming along in that regard. As you know, I also feel your pain about cleaning out the old home. It's a bunch of work. I think we are starting to see the light at the end of that tunnel though. I'll be happy when I get to the other side!

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Big vibes to you, your brother, and your mom, L&b. Mr F's grandmother was heartbroken about being moved into the senior living place. For about a day, until she met a bunch of people and learned about all the activities available to her at the new place, then she was good. We visit her every weekend, too, and that's waaaaay more than we ever used to see her, so I think she likes that part. I hope it all goes as well as possible for your mom.

Both my kids are home sick, oh joy. Thanks everyone for vibes; pain-free is too much to ask, alas, but pain reduction is a thing worth aiming for. ;) Unfortunately it seems that my leveling up is indeed the new normal, which...well, it just sucks. I was going to try to be philosophical or some shit, but y'know, it really does just suck. I try to swim some of it away, but it's always, always there. Blergh.

Anyhoodle, here's my question: what is the texture of deep-fried butter? Is it still a cohesive solid? I have a hard time envisioning the physics of that one, because if the butter starts out cold enough to hold its shape then when you bite into it, isn't it just a mouth full of (tepid?) butter? Yum?

Edited by AnnieF
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Maybe it doesn't hold its shape?  And it tastes like melty butter on fried breading?  I don't know the logistics of how that would work, but it sounds better than biting into a stick of breaded cold butter.


Pain-reduction vibes to you, AnnieF, and sustaining ones to you and your families, LnB, Barphe, & Endeavour.  I've watched several friends go through similar situations for their parents recently.  May it go smoothly for everyone.

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I'm going to skip over any fried butter conversations as my stomach has been a little topsy turvy all week.


AnnieF - huge vibes to you for all that you're dealing with and I hope your kids are feeling better soon too.


On a different note, I've watched both eps of Gotham and it's just ok so far. AoS, on the other hand, is getting to me with the Fitz stuff. I never would have thought that possible last year.

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I also hear that they deep fry Coke (the soda).  Which brings up another "how do you fry a carbonated liquid?" question.


[LnB HUGE vibes to you and your Mom (and everyone else here who is so awesome about caring for their grandparents/parent).


Sorry about the F sickness.  And your own pain- I don't suppose Dr. Awesome has anymore ideas?   FUCK ms.  Fuck it to the closest black hole.


Didn't get any work this week.  Dammit.  In other silly news, I think I sprained a toe.  Not 3 toes or a big toe- just one toe in the middle of my foot.  Weirdest thing, especially because I don't remember stubbing my toes or anything.  

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Maybe the concern is you guys are thinking unsalted butter? The butter over there (as much as one hotel in Mexico / airline food is representative of all of the west, the butter seemed a lot less salted than I'm used to. So I'm thinking frozen slab, dip it in batter like KFC type butter and then fried. 


Maybe I just like it because I used to have butter as a kid? I'd sneak in when I was up late and hungry and go straight for just the butter and nothing else. 

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I'd sneak in when I was up late and hungry and go straight for just the butter and nothing else.


Too funny.


I hope your toe isn't bothering you too much, KPC. Sending more steady work vibes your way.

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Alrighty, the fried butter question hits me right in my former test-kitchen-worker feels, so I looked up several different articles and recipes. While there are some recipes that are savory (including one from Paula Deen, because of course), most are sweet. The video here shows the texture -- the butter essentially melts into the batter, which is a pancake-type. Messy and probably really frelling delicious. But then later on your digestive system might feels some regrets, heh. This looks like the origin of the thing, and these ones sound tastier, I have to say. The butter is whipped up and then frozen, so you're not dealing so much with a stick of batter that drips butter down your face when you bite into it, but a pastry that's really, really butteriffic. Fascinating. ;)

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I have enjoyed butter chat.  Thanks for the research Annie.  It really makes me want some pancakes right now.


I hope your toe heals and you get some work lined up, KPC


Happy weekend, everyone.  I hope you all enjoy it to its fullest.  I should be staring down a rainy, lazy Saturday tomorrow and a visit with the niblings on Sunday.  Not too shabby. 

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It's what I used to do, heh. Fried Coke, btw? Is really fried Coke-flavored batter. It's essentially a pancake batter that uses Coke as the liquid ingredient. The original fried Coke balls were served with a garnish of cola syrup, which no doubt boosted the cola flavor. Fried beer, same basic thing. It just sounds more "whaaaaaat?" if you say it's a "Deep-Fried [Liquid]!"

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All of those fried things sound good to me, except the Snickers b/c peanuts ugh.


Hugs to LnB through this transition with your mom. This is a tough phase of life, elder care; we're here for you to rant or joke or whatever.


Likewise to health and hurt problems.


My work life is really hectic with all the (warranted!) attention on our handling of sexual assault cases. And regular life, which is busy without being specifically fun-filled, see phase of life comment above.


Always good to see you all here communing. Onward, life!

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Onward, life!

Here, here!  You know, I always felt ...out of step through most of my school years, even as early as 6th grade.  Like I was an anthropologist or someone looking in at life as it unfolded even while experiencing it unfold.  My senior year of college everyone else was so eager to graduate and move on and I was, "Whaaaat?  Are you kidding me?  These are some of the best and easiest years of our lives."  Then when I was getting all sentimental a few weeks back while going through old photos I felt that sort of punched-in-the-stomach sensation of how sweet life had been, yes, even during the bad times.  Ach, I ramble.  But just knowing you are all here and how supportive everyone is does add to that sweetness of life, especially during the bad times.  Roll on with your wonderful selves.

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I am craving carbs this month, and if they are fried, I kinda want them more.


Luckily, for the most part, I can disguise a lot of baked products as deep fried, but that is also a problem, because if they taste good, I still want to eat alarmingly large portions. Thanksfully my camping/wedding/party season is over and I can start getting back on a semi-healthy track.


Oh hey. Remember that Buffy podcast that Valny and I have been following for about 7 years so far? They are recording 'Entropy' and 'Seeing Red' this monday, and yours truly is guesting on those two episodes. I was all excited and then I realised that I'll have to rewatch those two episodes this weekend, and you know what? I think that I might have reached full absorbancy of Buffy re-watching because I am not sure that I'll be able to get through them both without the use of a FF button. Plus? Spike rapefest 2002 and evil/dead lesbian tropes. Fun.
Also, after a decade of TWoP debate on the subject, I don't think that I have anything interesting or inciteful left to say about the show. So, if you have any idea, please direct them to the Season Six thread here, and I will try to pass them on in a witty and intelligent manner.

Vibes a-flowing to you all!

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after a decade of TWoP debate on the subject, I don't think that I have anything interesting or inciteful left to say about the show.


I know the feeling. We came, we saw, we analyzed the hell out of it. And now I really have nothing more to say.

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I'm like that with Farscape, too, I've realized -- I sponsored a shit-ton of eps for Mark Watches, and I'm excited to see Mark's reaction to the show, but I have absolutely zero interest in participating in the comments section of his site. I've already said everything I need to say about Farscape. Same with BtVS and AtS, when Mark watched them. I watched the vids, I laughed, I cried, I did not need to share that with another set of people. We all (this specific "we," I mean -- TWoPpers of Yore) have probably already figured out how we feel about these shows. I have nothing left to say that I haven't already said a bazillion times before.

Edited by AnnieF
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