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Small Talk: The Library

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I want to officially thank KPC for coming out and supporting the team. I believe she's our first (un)official groupie. I almost feel like a rock star. Assuming someone (and by that I mean someone who is NOT me) is willing to take over as captain, we will be playing again next season. Captain is a thankless task. From collecting money for the league fee (which usually means laying out the fee b/c so many people don't pay until later into the season), to dealing with the commissioner and other captains, to making sure that we have enough players, it's enough to turn anyone into a lush.


cko, we try not to play like the Mets. Often we are not successful in that regard. Then again, we also can't buy players like the Yankees do. We're sort of a middling Cincinnatti Reds-type team.


Hoping that the party for buffyjunkie's husband's party goes well.


It seem there's some progress on my mother's dispute with her landlord. Their attorney has asked if we could settle the case. I made an offer (less than I my original one) and am now waiting for her attorney to hear back from them. Any vibes for an end to this proceeding is greatly appreciated.

Edited by Loandbehold
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so weird calling you that now that I know you.


I had the opposite problem when I met LnB and KPC. I had trouble using their real names.


A round of vibes to all who need them - smooth party planing for @buffyjunkie - lawsuit settling for @Loandbehold - and mysterious for @Erratic!


As for me, this work week can't end soon enough.


@Valny - did you stick with watching The Leftovers? I've heard it's rather depressing but am thinking of checking it out.

Edited by Endeavour
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Vibes all around, as needed (mysterious vibes may also be there, but it's hard to say. They're mysterious. :P).

The F-ster had his first class at high school; it was "fine." The teacher? "Fine." Your classmates? "Fine." Ah, adolescence. What a wonderful time of life it is.

I've never had a problem remembering people's real-life names, but sometimes the online handle just slips out. And I remain glad that I chose a handle that I'll respond to IRL; makes it easier at meet-ups. :)

btw Portland is awesome, I haven't been there in years, and it's an affordable flight for me. Just sayin'. :)

Edited by AnnieF
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Yay! Vibes work!!! Great news all around, especially for KPC and endeavour's families.

My mysterious project is progressing well and currently we are drowning in paperwork. Lots of paperwork. But it's all exciting stuff.

I hate being vague with you all. I promise to share by November/December. (Ugh, now I feel I have jinxed myself).

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we try not to play like the Mets.


I bet you score more runs than them! *cymbal crash*  (and the Yankees too if I'm fair)


Then again, we also can't buy players like the Yankees do






My mysterious project is progressing well and currently we are drowning in paperwork. Lots of paperwork. But it's all exciting stuff.


Now when you say "we"....who are the "we" you talking about here?

*Tries to get any info out of Erratic*

The F-ster had his first class at high school; it was "fine." The teacher? "Fine." Your classmates? "Fine." Ah, adolescence. What a wonderful time of life it is.


That was pretty much my response too when I was younger,I'd mix in a "good" too sometimes.


Valny - did you stick with watching The Leftovers? I've heard it's rather depressing but am thinking of checking it out.


  Believe it or not, I have stuck with it Endeavour. But it usually takes a week until I check out a new ep. It's weird, it's not high on my to watch list,but after I stop procrastinating and start watching,I get into it. But it's still such a strange show,I don't love it but it's weirdly intriguing. It's hard to put into words why I'm still even watching. It draws me in and I guess I want to find out more each week.and yeah, not the most cheerful series out there. It's a very heavy show, rarely if any,light moments.

And I had kind of given up on Extant, but started watching it again and I'm enjoying it for the most part, storyline has gotten better.


There's a new show on BBCA called The Intruders that starts this Saturday. I've seen the promos ever since S2 of Orphan Black started,so I've been waiting a while to check it out. Here's the trailer.


Endeavour-   Glad to hear the good news about your mom!

Loandbehold- good/speedy vibes on the landlord proceeding.

Edited by Valny
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I'll probably give The Leftovers a shot. The second season of Rectify just ended. I'll renew my recommendation for that. The actors are very good and, while the pacing is slow, it's another show that draws you in.


I'm undecided about The Intruders but will probably check it out. They have it sandwiched in between all the Doctor Who season premier shows which I will be watching. It's looks a little creepier than I like my tv but I haven't seen more than the trailer and the commercials. I keep getting distracted by the item that one guy holds up that looks like a 45 adapter. I'm easily distracted. I keep thinking it can't be a 45 adapter but then that one woman in the trailer mentions something about getting carried away by the music? I guess I'll find out.


Happy Friday to all !

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Glad to hear the vibes are working for healthy family members and mysterious, exciting projects.  Plenty more issued for party planning, successful landlord lawsuits, "fine" first days of school, and all others who could use 'em.


This is my last day of work until after Labor Day.  I am giddy.

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When it comes to cable and dishes, I think my building is allowed to tell me that I can't put up a satellite dish outside my window without endangering the people below, or else they won't let me put it on the roof.  But it is worth exploring.

Erratic, I'm going to be impatiently waiting until you can tell us.  But don't tell us before you are ready to.

I shot a scene for the leftovers (nothing special) but I was there for a fight scene and....I don't know if has aired or not, and I'm not going to talk much about that here, but it was an odd scene to shoot.  Once you see something, you can't UNsee it.

Happy weekend for all!

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Ah, adolescence. What a wonderful time of life it is.



Yeah, I'm starting to get some of that from Chynette. "What were you and Josie talking about all that time?" "Stuff."


But she got the teacher she wanted and 4 of her BFFs are in her class, so she'll have a good year. And Tiny C got the teacher I wanted, and 2 of her BFFs are in her class. Whew.

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Today's the first day the F-ster will walk from the high school to his online school's physical location, which happily is an easy walk from the high school. He has ID from both schools, so in the event that a truant officer happens to see him, he can explain why he's walking there. He's going to do his work in the computer lab, since he's getting hella distracted at home. I am all anxious, still, just because it's the first time we've tried this. I'm sure it'll be fine. Deep breaths, heh.

I kinda can't believe I'm saying this, but I will really be happy once the F-ster can drive himself. I have to drive the kids around a LOT, which, duh. But if I could offload some of the driving, that would be sweet. The mom of our old carpool partner (a classmate of the F-ster's) told me that since her older son is a junior, and her daughter is a freshman, she doesn't have to do any driving down to school anymore. And then she taunted me, hee hee. But someday, I will also be in the position of telling my older kid that he has to give his younger brother a ride to school. Can't. Wait.

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There are actually truant officers?  It's not an urban myth created by parents to keep their kids from cutting school?


annief, is it the walking to his school that is hard for you, or the online schooling for this year?


It feels wrong that kids have to go to school before Labor Day. As a kid, I thought it was Labor Day because it was the time of year when everyone went back to work/school after the summer holiday.


Because I'm LnB's one fan on his softball team, I am ordering you NOT to become captain next year.  It seems like the quickest way not to have fun.  Keep pn being a rockin' second baseman.


Because I forgot to mention it (my last post was all kind of cranky with computer gliches and I had to edit it a bunch):


Super Vibes for LnB with your dispute; yay for endeavour's Mom and good vibes for all parents and their children on this first day of school.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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They're not actually called truant officers, but there defs are school police, and they will stop you and ask you what you're doing out of school. There aren't a lot of them, so the F-ster's likelihood of getting stopped is pretty low, but it's one of those things where you make sure that you got both schools' ID cards, just in case. Bureaucracy, bleh.

I was anxious about him walking from one school to the other, just because it was the first time, and while it's an easy straight shot up the street, it's a 15-minute walk, and I just wanted to be sure that it was all going to be okay. I swear I am only like this about my kids. I'm kinda laughing at myself, 'cause damn, I can sure be a Nervous Nellie sometimes. And of course it was all fine. Now we just have to get him a phone (not w/a data plan or anything, I'm talking burner-from-the-corner-store phone). So that's this weekend: get a phone. Oh, and rent a violin.

Yep, 'cause the F-let has 6th-grade music, and he has chosen orchestra, which means strings. Because of course he wouldn't want to try an instrument that we already own (a clarinet and a flute). Nope, gotta strike out, try the violin. Whee? ;)

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Our local high school has school police-types, but they check on kids who haven't shown up in a while without calling, or kids who are suspected of living outside the district. We've got so many hippie-granola homeschooler/unschoolers around here, stopping every kid they saw during the school day would take up all their time!

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It feels wrong that kids have to go to school before Labor Day.


It does. One of my niblngs in high school goes six days a week. Saturday isn't a full day, but still. Looking back at how it was when I was in school compared to today, I feel like we barely did anything. The workload seems much heavier and more advanced. Even any activities (sports, dance, etc.) seem like a huge commitment.


It seems completely understandable to me, AnnieF, that you would be a bit worried about the F-ster. I don't have kids, but I'm that way with the niblings. One is starting to drive and you can't help but worry a bit (or a bunch).

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I went to school six days a week in high school- but I went to a boarding school.  In retrospect, I think it was a good idea for a boarding school (because it helps keep kids from getting into too much trouble), but I'm not sure it would be a great idea for a day school.  Who knows, maybe when when we're old a grey (get off my lawn) it will be standard for all schools.


One last show today, and then it' over.  I truly wish it had been a happier experience for me.  Hopefully there will be another one soon that it will be more fulfilling.  I cannot thank lnb and endeavour for coming to see it.


Tomorrow I leave for the hinterlands to visit my Mom and Stepdad.  I would really rather not go, but Mom is insistent and my stepdad's health is slowly declining.  His mind is sharp as a tack, but his body is not as spry as it was once.  And he's super skinny.  If they have internet access, I hope I can post occasionally, if only to be able to say "aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!"  Hopefully I won't have to.


But Doctor Who premieres tonight.   Wheeeeeee!!!

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The school is a boarding school but the nibling goes as a day student.

Hope today's show and the trip goes well, KPC, and there's not much aaaaahhhhh involved in either.


I'll be watching Doctor Who tonight too - starting with the live pre-show. Decided to record The Intruders and will see how that is. There's another Doctor Who special after that.

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I am waiting to get an oil change and replacement tire (I had slow leak and then while trying to put air in the thing pulled out the valve). I am so tired right now except for the weekend of my niece's wedding, which was lovely, I have worked 50 hour 6 day weeks all summer. Of course things like needing a new tire keep me from getting ahead on all the OT.

I have been keeping up with the thread just still being without a keyboard makes posting difficult. I am apparently very old and not good at posting from my kindle. This post has taken 20 minutes. So I will just Offer general vibes and let you all know i think the world of you all.

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Vibea for all and happy birthday, Chyna. sorry I have not been around much. I have a guess about Erratic's mysterious thingie and it will be fun to figure out how off I am when the myatery is revealed.

I am finally going to be in the same part of the world but it is Mexico City so I am sorry I won't get to meet any of you. Going there for two weeks on work stuff. And can I ask for some good vibes for my work? It is great that I have this opportunity but I need to do well at it and deliver the project and I could really use the help. I am excited and terrified at the same time.

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Vibes to dusky for the car and the keyboard. We think the world of you too. :)

Vibes to romantic idiot for the big work trip, which sounds like it will be exciting and challenging. You are going to rock it. It's going to be great. I hope you have a wonderful experience. :-)

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Happy birthday Chyna!


Vibes to dusky - I hope things improve soon. Glad to hear you enjoyed your niece's wedding.


Vibes to romantic idiot - I'm sure you'll do well. I hope your able to have some fun while you're away and it's not all work.

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I cannot thank lnb and endeavour for coming to see it.


Why can't you thank them @KPC? How rude!  ;)  Hope the trip to your mom and stepdad is good and not too"aaaah!"


Decided to record The Intruders and will see how that is.



Oh crap I totally forgot to watch! Sooo mad!   And I'm the one who said I'd be watching and gave the link! D'oh! I was watching that mildly amusing Ice Cube/Kevin Hart movie Ride Along instead and I did not remember at all. *slaps face twice*  Thank to tv gods for On Demand!



Work trip vibes to romantic idiot, hope all goes well.


dusky- invigorating vibes to you. I would not be a happy camper either if I had to work a six day week.

Hope you had a great birthday Chyna!

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Oops- I cannot thank Lnb and endeavour enough for coming to see the show.


I talk a good game on Facebook re: show- but tonight was the best show I think we have had.  Yay to go out on a high note.


Happy work trip romantic idiot and happy energetic vibes to dusky.


Happy Sunday all- you are all amazing.

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Work vibes for romantic idiot. You'll kick ass on your project!


Anti-AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH vibes for KPC while she's with her Mom and Stepdad.


More rest and less work vibes for dusky. Not to mention a new keyboard.


Happy birthday, Chyna!

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Happy belated birthday, Chyna Safe travel and work vibes to you romantic idiot And dusky, not having a keyboard sucks. I've accepted phone typing as a fact of life but I capital H Hate it. Keyboard vibes to you.

We are heading to Lake Geneva today for what is supposed to be a little romantic getaway. Cue stupid and nasty argument last night. Things seem status quo this morning but I'm less enthused than I was. Boo.

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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Thanks for the bday wishes, everyone! The fam and I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy (finally), then for pizza and then froyo. (Cake is great and all, but I'll always pick ice cream or froyo first.)


In the midst of all this, we found out that some very good friends of ours (the parents are friends of ours and their oldest is one of Chynette's best friends) were in a serious car accident, thanks to an asshole who got behind the wheel while on drugs. Thankfully, they were wearing seat belts and they have air bags, but still, mom broke her right hand, younger kid broke his collarbone, and dad has some pretty bad bruising. Clearly though, it could have been far worse. Don't forget to wear your seatbelts, everyone!

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Damn, my post got eaten. Or, I forgot to hit reply. I will endeavor (but not endeavor) to repeat as well as I can. Mexico City travel and work vibes, Romantic Idiot. Overwork and lack of keyboard vibes to dusky. KPC, anti-aah vibes when you see your mother. Happy belated, Chyna, and recovery vibes to your friend.* Shake, rattle, and roll vibes to cko after the northern Cali earthquake. And, lastly, for Earl Is Dead, may your vacation be fun and romantic, with nasty and super arguments being left at home.


* A football player was arrested in the past day or so for DUI. He hadn't been drinking and said that he didn't realize you weren't supposed to drive while high. 

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Enjoy your getaway Earl.

I hope your friends have a speedy recovery, Chyna.


A football player was arrested in the past day or so for DUI. He hadn't been drinking and said that he didn't realize you weren't supposed to drive while high.


Just wow.


Oh crap I totally forgot to watch! Sooo mad!   And I'm the one who said I'd be watching and gave the link! D'oh! I was watching that mildly amusing Ice Cube/Kevin Hart movie Ride Along instead and I did not remember at all. *slaps face twice*  Thank to tv gods for On Demand!


I watched and am in at least for a bit to see where it goes.

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A football player was arrested in the past day or so for DUI. He hadn't been drinking and said that he didn't realize you weren't supposed to drive while high.


Oh no he di'nt!  A grown ass man said that? He sounds like he's 12.  I just can't.




I watched and am in at least for a bit to see where it goes.

Glad you will still be watching Endeavour. I'm going to start watching it(The Intruders) tonight and see what I think. I'll let you know.


Watched Divergent today. I didn't care for it all that much. The Hunger Game films were a lot more interesting IMO.


Blah, Monday is here again,back to the old nine to five!  But a co-worker/friend is having a birthday tomorrow, and we always have lots of goodies out to eat,(cookies, cakes,pastries,fruits) so at least I have that to look forward to.



Chyna- Sorry to hear about your friends accident but glad they're all  ok.

Have a relaxing and fun getaway Earl is Dead!


Yay for a great last day of your play KPC!


Tonight is the series finale of True Blood and you know what? I don't care. I was ready for it to be over last season. I've never even seen one ep from start to finish this season, only bits and pieces if I caught it while channel surfing. But I supposed I will watch the whole finale when I get a chance. Think I'll even go into the TB and see what they're saying,spoilers be damned.

Edited by Valny
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Tonight is the series finale of True Blood and you know what? I don't care.

Val, I never made it through last season, much less any of this one. It got way too soap opera and, well, I stopped caring. 


Vibes for all.

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I fast-forwarded through a good chunk of the finale. So Much Filler.

Really? That bad huh. This doesn't fare well for my TB viewing since I fast forwarded most of the eps I've seen anyway.

Looking forwarded to the Emmy's. But this new Monday time is thowing me all off.

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Were you happy with the show, val?


Is there a particular reason it aired on a Monday?


I think some people dress ugly on purpose, cause there is no way they are unaware on how bad they look. Case in point: Lena Dunham. Who always tries her best to be the worst dressed person at any event she attends.

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Doesn't sound like I should bother checking out TB. I never watched that one.


Think I'll even go into the TB and see what they're saying,spoilers be damned.

I find this to be how I know I truly don't care about a show anymore. Otherwise I usually avoid spoilers.

Was out for a bit last night, so I only saw part of the Emmys. I recorded it and watched through the awards for comedy. I'll watch the rest tonight. Granted I didn't see much, but I thought the show was pretty good.

Hope everyone's week goes well. Does anyone have any good plans for the long weekend?

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Yeah, I dig Modern Family, but it's not as good as it used to be, and it's certainly not better than OitNB, Louie, Veep, or Silicon Valley. Same goes for Jim Parsons--he's very talented, but he doesn't need to keep winning every year.

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Oh, I liked Frasier - at least the early years. I think Breaking Bad deserved to win. I don't watch comedies so I don't have an opinion there. OitNB is definitely good, but I don't think it picked up a single award. I wonder if putting it in the comedy category hurt it.

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OitNB is definitely good, but I don't think it picked up a single award. I wonder if putting it in the comedy category hurt it. 


Endeavour- It didn't win any of the major awards but it did win Best Guest Actress in a Comedy series- which apparently Uzo Aduba was.(Crazy Eyes) She was great and I picked her for the win. But they didn't even show that award. So boo.  I believe the show won for Best Casting too.(those kinds of awards I think are given the day before the actual show...cause there are tons of other technical awards given out then too)  I did so bad on my Emmy pool. I only got 12 picks correct. I'm blaming all of Sherlock's wins, they screwed me up. I also thought for sure OitNB would win for Best Comedy. I really thought it was the hot show last year,guess I don't know the voters well enough.   And it figures, the year I don't pick Modern Family for Best Comedy, it wins.


I'm so glad Breaking Bad won for all their actors, I was afraid Matthew McConaughy would win instead of Cranston because he was really good in True Detective has been on a roll, but after recently re-watching the last eight eps of BB, it reminded me of how amazing Cranston was, so I really wanted him to win. 


Were you happy with the show, val? Is there a particular reason it aired on a Monday?



What show are you talking about trudi-tru?  The Intruders? The Emmy's? Aaah, I'm so confused.


If it helps at all, the host did say that Tatiana Maslany was robbed. I think it was in taped segment where he was running around talking to people on the street.



I loved that bit. That was Billy on the Street.  Parts of it were hysterical. He has tons of stuff on YouTube. I highly recommend.


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What show are you talking about trudi-tru?  The Intruders? The Emmy's? Aaah, I'm so confused.

I was taliking about the Emmy's. Sorry for the confusion. You watch too much tv ;-)


It seems the Emmy's always have a favourite they award year after year after year: Fraiser, Sex and the City, Modern Family, etc...

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It didn't win any of the major awards but it did win Best Guest Actress in a Comedy series- which apparently Uzo Aduba was.

Ah, ok. I'll have to look up the complete list.

Overall, I thought the Emmys were good. Not too drawn out, no real disasters but nothing terribly funny either. The last clip they showed in the Robin Williams tribute did get to me. I remember watching and loving that special.

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Okay, I remember that special and I hated that father/son skit as much as the parachute pants. I wanted to laugh at Robin Williams back then, not feel emotions. It was the 80's and I was cynical.



* huh. I use this all the time without thinking, and I am not even close to being fluent in Inuinnaqtun, but this is the central arctic Inuit word for "whatever", which works great as 'IMO', IMO.

Edited by Erratic
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