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Small Talk: The Library

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My weekend plans involve housesitting for some friends on vacation, watching movies on their very large TV, and playing with their hypoallergenic cat.


Anyone out there who's a fan of "Mark Watches" might want to take a look at Some Wonderful Kind of Noise. Assuming he's not trolling us about his age or background, Jeremy is a really bright 19 year old who grew up in a rural area raised by his grandparents. He saw lots of old movies and musicals on VHS, and watched his grandparents' choice of television (sitcoms and every episode of Law & Order), but he never got to see most of the pop culture stuff the rest of us take for granted.


He's recently moved to the city, and for the first time in his life has a fast internet connection and a roommate with a massive DVD library. He also recently suffered an accident that left him confined to his apartment for the next few months, other than medical visits. So he's catching up on everything in pop culture and blogging his reactions. I find them really entertaining and smart. And he's going into everything completely unspoiled. (Seriously: he had no idea about the Big Reveal in Empire Strikes Back. Or anything at all about Star Wars, really.) BtVS is on his very long list of "to see" recommendations from friends.


Anyway, just wanted to pass that along to anyone interested.

Edited by Darkpool
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I might need to check that out.

How was everyone's long weekend? It was hot as balls here, but the weekend was lovely and relaxing.

cko, I am sending you vibes to help you get through the not-so-fun work week.

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You guys are all the absolute best! I just talked to the new boss, and I will start the new job in a week! Your positive support has meant a lot because I have been fucking terrified. I will say the new boss is awesome, and I am so excited to move forward. I am so, so relieved.


Congratulations!  And right in time for you to enjoy a long weekend.

I'm having my usual, pre long vacation jitters. Can't really explain it, but I think it's related to feeling like I've saved so much to accomplish over a month and now the days are getting eaten up and earmarked.


Anyway, I'm a bit on hold for total relaxation since I'm getting called in next week as part of our campus being investigated by various and multiple state and federal agencies for our handling of sexual assault cases.


Good luck with both, cko.  Hopefully once the investigation is over you'll feel less of the jitters too.


I've loved this 4th of July weekend.  


buffyjunkie your feel good post made me smile on Friday.  So glad you got to enjoy such a great day. 


My own holiday shore weekend was less than stellar.  The first day was spenting waiting on an A/C repair man, followed by a day of really bad weather.  This resulted in two house-bound days with an alternately cranky and demanding 2-year old.  We did finally get to see some rescheduled fireworks on the beach on Saturday night, which were nice, but it wasn't quite enough to save the whole weekend for me.  I have been spending the 4th at this same friend's shore house since college, but the last few years have forced me to face that the fun times we used to have just aren't going to be there anymore.  Just life moving on, but still it makes me sad.


I hope everyone else feels relaxed and recharged this Monday morning. 

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My last day at the library was yesterday, and to make it all that much more memorable, the internet and the A/C went out while I was there. The internet came back on about halfway through the afternoon, but they couldn't get an A/C repairperson in (without considerable cost) until this morning. It was up to 83 by the time we left, which isn't that bad when you're outside but when you're inside and there's no breeze, it's pretty stuffy. Blech. At least the two people I was working with were two of the co-workers who I really like. :)


Finishing up with one of my pressing deadlines today, then two more tomorrow and Wed, and another Thurs. Hopefully I'll be a lot more free by the end of the week! (Fingers crossed...)

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Chyna, it seems like the universe was giving you its signs (and its blessings) to move on (and out of an AC-less place of work.  Congratulations on your last day.


I hope everyone had a glorious weekend, holiday or not.


I know my lines!  I know my lines!




But I don't know my cues.

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Yeah KPC, 


Breaking keyboardless silence to let you all know that my daughter has passed her high school equivalency and now has her  "good enough diploma" tm Chris Rock a full year before she would have graduated if she had actually bothered to go to school. She is working this summer scooping ice cream for my brother and doing pretty well all things considered. I thought you would all like to know.

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"good enough diploma" tm Chris Rock



Heh. Glad to hear things are going well for her, and I hope they continue in that direction!


And speaking as someone who spent a summer scooping ice cream, I suggest that you do not try to challenge her to an arm wrestle until she finds another job. :)

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Dusky, great news!!! I scream, we all scream for Alexa! ;)

I am off to Vancouver in a couple of days for the wedding. I can't wait to get out of town, and I can't wait to see my best bud get married :)

As far as my job application, I applied for a job with the local city council that I am amply qualified for, however, last week I noticed a job ad go up for a junior position in the same department, and even though the qualifications required included a very specific university degree (that I happen to have), and 5-7 years experience managing this position, (which I have and more), it would seem that they hired from within to a person with a high school diploma, but hands on experience in the field in this city. So, no interview, and I am a little disappointed, and my frustration with my currant job just grows.

And I know that my recent posts here have been all me me me, but I have no vent hole here, and you guys are great. Thanks.

Edited by Erratic
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i'm so happy for Alexa, and Erratic, sometimes it's good to wait (but I know it's hard). Joining a job that you are overqualified for is its own heartache, you'll feel under appreciated right of the bat (because they never pay what you are worth) and it snowballs from there. 


In other news, my lack of general knowledge strikes again, but in a good way. Peeps - Community is getting a sixth season!! How did I not know that? I know that product's not the same anymore, but still, I was sad and now I'm so happy. I hadn't realised how sad I was. 

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for some of you: Crumbs closed its doors Monday. It might be back after financial reorganization, or its frosting might be out of your reach forever. I'll assume the shops will be replaced by cronut bakers who will also be gone in five years.

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I've been out of the loop - working kind of hard, which is a different and good thing these days,and also goofing off by going to Gettysburg for the holiday weekend. Much fun was had, weather could not have been better, fireworks, some good pictures, lots of nice people met, etc.  General vibes to anyone who wants or needs them - and who doesn't, really? 


Yay to Harvester, KPC, dusky and anyone I missed for new jobs that are definite, knowing lines, graduating early (and ice cream, of course) and anything else that's good. 


Supportive vibes to Erratic - I'm trying to get out of a dead end job and feel like I'm thwarted at every turn - not to mention that everyone else interviewing for the same positions is younger than I - so I feel for you.  I'm currently underemployed, and it's extremely frustrating, so I agree that a move for the sake of moving isn't always a good thing - and I hope the right opportunity heads your way soon. 


Connecticut has its own little ComiConn event; which seems to get more popular each year; this year it takes place August 15-17.  Nicholas Brendon is attending this year (as are the guy who played Dante in Clerks and a guy from Agents of SHIELD, among others).   Tickets run about $30 for each of the weekend days, and the Webster arena in Bridgeport is two blocks from the train station (Amtrak of MetroNorth), just in case it looks enticing to any NY-based (or visiting) friends.  

Edited by harrie
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The Comicons are getting bigger all the time.  Folks in new york now refer to the new york comicon as THE comicon (I try not to correct them about San Diego).  Cool that there is one in CT too.


I don't know when I'm performing in August, but if I'm not, it might be fun to take a day trip out of the city.  


Hugs Erratic.  Sorry for the job woes but glad you get to go see your friend get married.  And I'm sending you better job vibes.


I swear, if Crumbs had given us ANY advance notice, I would have arranged for them to send cko a couple of dozen.  In the cupcake wars, I always conceded that crumbs had the better cake, but that magnolia had the better frosting. 


Congratulations Dusky on your daughter graduating!!!  Since she works for an ice cream shoppe this summer, does this mean you get free ice cream?


LnB how did your softball game go last night?


I've got a horrible itchy, awful, itchy, terribly itchy, icky itchy eczema.  Does anyone have any advice? I look like I have chicken pox on my elbows/hands and one ankle.  And did I mention it was itchy?

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I doubt I'll attend the Connecticut ComiConn, and it's an easy 15-minute drive - just thought I'd mention it because I don't know how often Whedonverse people attend them. 


On the wildlife front,. this morning I think the dog and I met the deer who has been eating my parsley.  The pot is up the driveway and under the porch a bit, so she's got nerve.  But I think my neighbor two doors down might be feeding her -- she used to feed the skunks, so the deer is an improvement -- which would account for the doe's comfort level with people (and 60-pound dogs). 

@KPC, could you have poison ivy?

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KPC, we were an offensive machine last night. 12 runs in the first inning, one in the second, and another 10 in the fourth. The game was called after 4 innings (mercy rule) 23-3.


Lots of vibes of all sorts, and some hearty congratulations for old jobs ending, new jobs with great bosses beginning, and high school graduations with ice scream scooping.

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I have been spending the 4th at this same friend's shore house since college, but the last few years have forced me to face that the fun times we used to have just aren't going to be there anymore.  Just life moving on, but still it makes me sad.


I'm sorry to hear your weekend was disappointing, Earl.  Even though things may be changing, hopefully you will still have good times with this friend - maybe just a little different.


For KPC - A yay! to learning lines and a boo! to being itchy.


Another yay! to dusky's daughter.


Have fun at the wedding Erratic. Sorry to hear about the job. Keep at it though. The right opportunity will present itself. I really need to start testing the waters myself but it's a bit complicated with my home situation so I haven't done anything about it.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for some of you: Crumbs closed its doors Monday

That article was terrible. Hate to be an employee there.


she used to feed the skunks

Why would someone do that?


Did everyone hear about the new Harry Potter story over on Pottermore?

I'll have to go check this out. I joined ages ago, but have not been there in quite some time.


Not much going on here. Was feeling a bit under the weather but am close to being better. Work has been brutal - very overloaded. Enjoyed the nice weather over the weekend and got a caught up on a few things around the house. So not too bad.

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Did everyone hear about the new Harry Potter story over on Pottermore?



Yes! I have the tab open--just need to find time to read it. It also took me some time to dig up my login info.

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Thanks for the supportive wishes on the federal investigation, all. Still waiting to hear if i'm being interviewed--apparently they are sending out the schedules at 4 pm for the following day. Ugh.


I swear, if Crumbs had given us ANY advance notice, I would have arranged for them to send cko a couple of dozen.  In the cupcake wars, I always conceded that crumbs had the better cake, but that magnolia had the better frosting.


Aw, thanks KPC, it is the thought that counts. I know that's a cliche, but it is still true! I like the Crumbs hard frosting, mmmmmm.

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it might be fun to take a day trip out of the city

Come to Chicago! Come to Chicago!


Did everyone hear about the new Harry Potter story over on Pottermore?

I did not! *Rushes over to Pottermore*


My condolences, cko. I was really looking forward to trying Crumbs since you love it so much. Poo.

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Keep your chin up, cko.


 -- she used to feed the skunks

              -Why would someone do that?

I think she fancies herself a country girl (in her late sixties) and has always fed critters off her back patio.  Thing is, when you live in a block of four condo units, with another set of units about 50 feet across your back yard and feed the wildlife every day, you become kind of unpopular.  I tend to be a live-and-let-live person and don't mind when the deer eat my pepper plants (because they just eat the foliage and leave the peppers) or skunks mosey by, but I don't believe you should feed wild animals, particularly when you have neighbors very close to you.


I have never had a Crumbs cupcake.  And now perhaps I never will.  Oh well.

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cko, definitely let us know how the interview with the Feds goes (if you're called). Of course, if it goes badly and you only have one phone call, I would suggest Darkpool as he would have a better chance of knowing a good criminal defense attorney on the West Coast.

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I have been around this planet for 42-odd years, and I have come to an astounding conclusion that people? -they are weird.

In other news, let's say that you are slightly older than me, and have been trying to start a family. Would you announce openly on Facebook to all of your followers that even though you were secretly pregnant, you just miscarried at 12 weeks? And, being a 'friend' of this person, would you really feel that words like "Everything happens for a reason", or "console yourself it was not meant to be.of course there will be something much.much better in store for you" etc are appropriate or soothing? Gawd! People!
Another friend of mine announced on Facebook about a month ago that he and his girlfriend are expecting. Yesterday they posted the first ultrasound pictures. Taken yesterday. At 8.5 weeks!!!

Is it just me being overly British? People overshare way way WAY too much on Facebook.

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I have come to an astounding conclusion that people? -they are weird.


And you've only discovered this now, having known all of us for lo these many years?! 


I think the sonogram photos okay (except at 8 weeks aren't they still the size of a jellybean?), but announcing pregnancy before 12 weeks is weird, I think.  Miscarriage? Ymmv, but I think that unless you only have Facebook and no email, it's weird.  It seems like it would be a more private thing than a Facebook thing.


cko, I hope, that if they call you, that the interview goes well.  Sorry that it's stressful.


Holiday coming up (yay!) with the family (still yay, because I get to see my nephew), but I may have sporadic internet.  I am yearning to see the ocean and to swim in it.  All of my nyc friends hate the beach, which means I don't get to go to the beach unless I go by myself (which I don't like because nyc beaches are full of groups and I'm the only one there alone).


But yay, holiday commencing soon!

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Sounds like fun, KPC. Enjoy yourself.


And, speaking of KPC, I have posted information in the other place regarding her upcoming Fringe Festival show. 


ETA: Orphan Black officially renewed for 10-episode Season 3! [insert Kermit the Frog waving his little froggy limbs back and forth saying "Yayyyyyyyy!"]

Edited by Loandbehold
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Enjoy the upcoming holiday, KPC.

Not being on facebook, I don't know what's normal to share. I'm amazed by what people tell me in person, so I probably wouldn't be surprised. I think people overhsare all the time.


@Loandbehold - would you mind messaging the Fringe info to me as I don't have access? I'd like to see if I can make a show and meet some of you.

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cko, definitely let us know how the interview with the Feds goes (if you're called). Of course, if it goes badly and you only have one phone call, I would suggest Darkpool as he would have a better chance of knowing a good criminal defense attorney on the West Coast.


I'm going in tomorrow. Darkpool, get ready. L&B, bullpen. Thanks for the well-wishes, all! In other news, whew the "summer" sure is getting busy. Spent a day at the Russian River with some fun friends who got a house up there for the week today; tomorrow federal investigation (I know, I know, I'll shut up about it soon); Friday meet with an old high-school acquaintance that I remet at the reunion who is a geneaologist (sp?) who is looking up some stuff for me; Saturday help prep for my nephew's birthday party; Sunday birthday party; Monday two different dental appointments; Tuesday, drive to SoCal for a week with some friends. After that, collapse and don't do the 20 days worth of house projects in the remaining 7 days of my vacation. Wheeee!

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It was more sharing a pregnancy at 4 weeks, and an ultrasound at eight weeks that disturbed me.

Friday meet with an old high-school acquaintance that I remet at the reunion who is a geneaologist (sp?) who is looking up some stuff for me

I TOTALLY ms-read this as 'gynecologist' and wondered why you'd let your 'friend' "look up some stuff" down there.

So, I'm off to Vancouver for the wedding. It's a 13.5 hour drive each way, so we are overnighting 10 hours in tonight, but on Monday we are driving the whole way back as Kory heaves for the arctic at 6am on Tuesday.

Someone s going to be tired next week...

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The clip is nice but I've decided Emmy voters just don't watch television and are just going by name recognition. There's just no excuse otherwise. The only rootworthy names in there are Cat Deely and Josh Charles. Don't care a tuppence about the rest. Don't even care two paise. Blech. 


I'm still okay with oversharing news on Facebook. It's cheaper. What gets me is when wives wish their husbands happy birthday on it and there's this huge long 'how meaningful they are to each other' post. And I'm sitting there thinking 1. why am I supposed to care exactly? and 2. so, I take it you guys are not speaking to each other currently? There are many reasons why I don't Facebook much. 

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I use facebook just to talk with you guys and other friends who live far away and I almost never see.

I'm not a very sharing person in real life either.


Emmy voters just don't watch television and are just going by name recognition.

I believe this apply to pretty much all awards of any kind: tv, cinema, music.

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While I am happy for Laverna Cox, as far as acting accolades, she is a transgender woman being recognized for playing the role of a transgender woman in a small supporting role. I am not sure that her Emmy nomination is any more than the Emmy Committee feeling good about making a political statement.

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Mark Oshiro has started Farscape; if anyone wants downloads*, I've got 'em (Mark watches the episode, you watch him watching. Sounds goofy, is totes entertaining). Message or email me if anyone's interested.

We are moving on Tuesday. I'm kinda frozen in anxiety. Bleh.

Vibes as needed. :)

*Mark sells the downloads (I'm the purchaser in this case) and makes them clickable ten times, as a promotional thing. Here's the link to his store. He loved Buffy, btw. :)

Edited by AnnieF
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While I am happy for Laverne Cox, as far as acting accolades, she is a transgender woman being recognized for playing the role of a transgender woman in a small supporting role. I am not sure that her Emmy nomination is any more than the Emmy Committee feeling good about making a political statement.



Well, this slate of noms is for s1 of OitNB, and Cox did have a larger role in that season. That's where we got her backstory, her prescription plotline, and the awesome friendship with Sister Ingalls. So I can get behind that nomination. Now, if Danielle Brooks doesn't get a nom next year for her work in s2, I'm gonna throw some pie.



We are moving on Tuesday.



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Yes. Have a stress-less move, @AnnieF

Well, this slate of noms is for s1 of OitNB, and Cox did have a larger role in that season. That's where we got her backstory, her prescription plotline, and the awesome friendship with Sister Ingalls.

I didn't realize it was for Season One. Then I grudgingly accept her nomination as more than just political. Edited by Erratic
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Did y'all know that pre-transition Sophia is played by Laverne Cox's twin brother, M. Lamar? The show wanted, daresay needed to show the character pre-transition, but didn't want to force the actress to put on male drag. So her brother did it! So cool.

Thanks for moving wishes, everyone. I am pretty much in a state of controlled panic at this point. Just keep reminding myself that it'll all be fine. Hahahahahahaha??

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Good luck with the move @AnnieF! It is stressful but it's a good thing!


Did y'all know that pre-transition Sophia is played by Laverne Cox's twin brother, M. Lamar? The show wanted, daresay needed to show the character pre-transition, but didn't want to force the actress to put on male drag. So her brother did it! So cool.

I did read about this. Very interesting.


I just read an article about the emmy nominations and what's weird to me is the categories the shows are being put into. I certainly don't consider Orange is the New Black a comedy. Luther and Fargo end up in miniseries while True Detective is in drama. Luther, to me, is a series. I think both Fargo and True Detective are coming back with possibly a different cast than in the first seasons - much like American Horror Story (which I haven't watched).  Maybe the categories have always been this strange and I just never paid attention to it before.

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Did y'all know that pre-transition Sophia is played by Laverne Cox's twin brother, M. Lamar? The show wanted, daresay needed to show the character pre-transition, but didn't want to force the actress to put on male drag. So her brother did it! So cool.



I saw an interview with Cox where she said they did attempt the male drag, and she was delighted to find that she didn't look enough like a dude. She looked like a woman in men's clothes. And that's when she said, "Oh, BTW, I have an identical twin brother." (Which, I'm sure, delighted the producers!)

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I did not know that. I am picturing Riley putting them in separate rooms and performing experiments on them.

AnnieF, moving is a son of a bitch! but I bet this new house brings you lots of happiness. Is the rest of the family excited? I will send you all positive moving vibes.

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AnnieF, I'll add my moving vibes. Before you know it, the move will be over and the unpacking will begin (yay?). Really, in the end it will work out. It reads like a good place, so I'm sure you and the family will be happy there.


I haven't watch OITNB, but it's certainly not unheard of for shows and actors to be nominated in weird categories. From what I read, OITNB decided to submit as a comedy because the drama category was overloaded. In the past, all the Modern Family actors submitted themselves in the Supporting Actor category, and Michael J. Fox went from Best Supporting Actor to Best Actor (much to the enjoyment of John Larroquette who then went on to win at least one Best Supporting Emmy for his work in Night Court. In fact, part of his speech was thanking MJF for no longer being in the category. In any event, after the second straight snub of Tatiana Maslany, the Emmys are dead to me. I shall speak of them no more. *ptui*

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TOTALLY ms-read this as 'gynecologist' and wondered why you'd let your 'friend' "look up some stuff" down there.


Hahah, I can see that. I mean, not that I can see her looking up my stuff, or anything. Actually I have a very small thought that she might be interested in me that way--I mean, not THAT way, but romantically. Which I don't feel that way about her at all, so here's hoping I am wrong.


The interrogation went fine, they were very cordial. We're in for some trouble, but oh well, we will weather it. Next up: 4-year old's birthday party!


Vibes on the big move, AnnieF, I bet it goes great.

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Glad everything went well cko.

More good moving vibes to AnnieF.


it's certainly not unheard of for shows and actors to be nominated in weird categories. From what I read, OITNB decided to submit as a comedy because the drama category was overloaded.


Just seems like a bit of a cheat to me.

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