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Small Talk: The Library

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KPC, you and me both. Beatrice is the best! Her balls that when a man declares his love for her, she demands him to prove it by killing his best friend? One of my favourite moments in any story ever. She loves him too, but wants more than empty words.

So... My friend's marriage update: I was kinda confused when last we chatted as she seemed to indicate that she wanted me to come for a specific reason (beyond my awesomeness). I thought that she had implied that she wanted me to be her best woman, but she never said as much, and I never asked (we are both English and not good at outwardly expressing emotion), but anyway, I told her I was going and she was grateful.

Today, out of nowhere, I got a short text: "By the way, you're standing at the front with me"

She asked so nicely!

Edited by Erratic
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*I've also put a vengeance techno-pagon demon on retainer.  Say the world and someone will hack havoc on her!**


**Oh I wish I actually had a vengeance demon.


Oh, I wish I actually had a techno-pagan on retainer. ;-)

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We are talking tasteful trousers!

Nooo! I want crazy colors and puffy sleaves.


Sorry about Grandma, Annie.


I hope everything gets sorted out soon at work, harvester. So you can move on and be happy and relaxed without people using it against you.

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Anyone going to check out the new HBO series premiering tonight called The Leftovers? Looks weird enough for my tastes.


Hadn't heard about this one. Did you end up watching? If you did, do you think it's worth checking out?


"There are two 4-point bucks right there," she said. And holy shit, yes indeed, there were two bucks, their antlers all in velvet, eating crabapples off the neighbor's tree.

We visited with Mr F's 97-year-old grandma yesterday. She told us the same story about 15 times. She gets moved into assisted living this weekend. It sucks.


We have deer occasionally in the back yard. I've always been inside when they're around though. I'd probably be a little nervous if I was outside when they were around (not a very big yard).

I hope the move into assisted living goes well.

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Today I beat the tornado/bad storm home by five minutes, for which I am very grateful. 


There's a part of me that has always wanted to witness a tornado in person, but the rest of me is grateful to live in a place where they're not common. 


We visited with Mr F's 97-year-old grandma yesterday. She told us the same story about 15 times. She gets moved into assisted living this weekend. It sucks.


That does suck, @AnnieF.  On the other hand, if she's been healthy and sound enough to live on her own up until 97?  That's way impressive.


If I had been in even just one wedding that allowed me to wear tasteful trousers, I would have kissed that bride myself.  My personal collection of bridesmaids costumes (because really, they are), includes a custom made halter style top with boning in it, that cost me $350 to have made. 

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custom made halter style top with boning in it, that cost me $350 to have made.

Good grief. Was it a Ren Faire wedding? (Halter top makes me think no, but "custom-made w/boning" sent my brain straight to Corsetville.)

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custom made halter style top with boning in it, that cost me $350 to have made.

Good lord! Some brides expect a lot from their friends.

That being said, I am back in panic mode. The other bride, who I am yet to meet, texted me first thing this morning to ask what I was planning to wear so her sister and friend can coordinate. This is news to me, the whole coordinating part. I was planning to wear blue and white striped dress pants with a teal or black blouse. But they don't have striped pants, and the brides are wearing teal blouses with their off-white suits, so now I am back in Nocluesville, population me.

The only pants suit I have is an off white one. My nice blazer is white with a black piping on it. So, I am recommending that only the brides wear jackets, and that they pick a colour for our tops to be, and whether they prefer to have solid pants of a certain colour rather than patterned.

If you'd met me, you'd know that fashion talks before 8am are so very much something I do not do.

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Garish gown??? Dude! We are talking tasteful trousers!

But isn't the half the fun (and pretty much the point) of a wedding getting to get really dressed up? 


Good lord! Some brides expect a lot from their friends.

This is something I really don't get. On the other hand, I've been at a wedding where a cousin tried to outshine the bride, so maybe I get it? But honestly, culturally, I don't get why bridesmaid dresses are always traditionally terrible when bridal gowns are so pretty. 

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Good grief. Was it a Ren Faire wedding? (Halter top makes me think no, but "custom-made w/boning" sent my brain straight to Corsetville.)

Nope - just the regular overblown kind with a very picky bride who was also my sister (so I was kind of SOL).  It did feel very corset-like.  The seamstress said the boning was necessary on account of my extra boobage.   

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But honestly, culturally, I don't get why bridesmaid dresses are always traditionally terrible when bridal gowns are so pretty.



Are bridesmaid gowns for Indian weddings traditionally terrible as well, romantic idiot? I've only seen Indian-American weddings, and in those, the bridesmaids' dresses were ridiculously gorgeous saris--for all, not just the Indian bridesmaids. I think the non-Indian bridesmaids were more delighted about the saris than anyone else. :)

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First off, virtual hugs to AnnieF on the grandmother's impending move. Even if she's 97, it's hard to watch someone go through that.


Erratic, I recommend being bold. But, not so bold that you outshine the brides.*


Now, to make this all. about. me. (Feel free to ignore.) We went to take my mom to visit an assisted living place. When I got to her house, she'd received the non-payment and eviction petition from the landlord. She was upset, in part because she forgot that we had talked about this several times. I took the notice and my brother picked us up. The place was nice, although she couldn't get evaluated because the nurse called out sick. Still, we saw the different size rooms, and the place is across the street from the water (which is something my mother loves). There's a lot of shops and restaurants within walking distance, they do take trips (someone donates a boat during the summer months), to places like the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, nice restaurants. There are plenty of common areas, including a small library. Each meal has two servings. We were told that the early serving is populated by the more territorial residents, which would work out since my mom would likely prefer the later seating anyway. The hallways are bright and the residents we saw seemed happy (maybe they lock the surly ones away on the weekends when people visit). They also have a really cute dog that one of the coordinators brings in every day. He followed us around on a large portion of the tour. My mom seemed to like it, although part of that was parroting back things that me, my brother, and my sil said about the place. We are planning to visit another place later this month.


Getting back to the rent situation. I went to my office on Monday to learn how to write up an answer (you have five business days to submit one and mom received the notice on Friday). So, I put in for a personal day. I also sent an e-mail to request permission to represent mom in this. While waiting for the pro forma reply, my boss was bringing around some forms and the rules of court. As I was starting to prepare the answer, I got the response to my e-mail. I didn't understand it. I showed it to my boss, and he couldn't understand it either. We had to refer to the document cited in the response (which was abbreviated and I had no idea what the abbreviation stood for). Well, it turns out that I can't represent her. While you can do pro bono (free) work, which includes for family, you can't represent anybody in litigation, which housing court is. So, now it's 11 AM on Monday, the answer is due on Wednesday, and I now need to obtain an attorney. I know nobody who does landlord-tenant law. I called a couple of referral services and was transferred to this attorney. I explained the situation to him and he asked me to send him the information. I sent him more than he asked for since I had done quite a bit of research and told him that I had case cites if he took my mom as his client. He called back and said he thought we had a very good case and suggested filing a "pre-answer motion to dismiss" on several grounds. (Sorry for the legalese - if anyone is interested, I can go into a little further detail.) I would have had no idea that I could do this, so I'm glad that he seems to know enough about this area of law. Certainly he knows a lot more than I do.


In any event, it takes a $2,000 retainer, but he would ask for attorneys fees, so, if we were to win on the motion, we might get the money back. The judge would decide. If we lose the motion, then we would have to pay extra for the attorney's continued representation. I asked the attorney if I could sign the retainer agreement (since he won't do any work without it signed), but bring him a check on Monday. I offered to pay by credit card, but he's a solo practitioner and credit cards take fees out of the transaction. He agreed to this arrangement. Today, I signed the retainer. About an hour later, my computer crapped out at work. It will hopefully be working tomorrow, but that could have been a very bad situation if I wasn't able to access my e-mail which had the agreement. A freak-out averted. 


I'm always here to provide fashion advice. Don't be shy - just ask. 

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Oh man, I can't believe all the legal tape that is tying you up, and considering that it confuses you as a lawyer, my heart breaks for people in your mother's situation that don't have legal-savvy family and friends!

Best of luck. At least the new home sounds promising.

I'm always here to provide fashion advice. Don't be shy - just ask.

Will my navy blouse clash with the brides' teal tops? Are white pants with thick blue stripes too close to off white suit pants? Is a light fawn/tan coloured cropped pant suitable? My friend doesn't care, I'm not too sure that her bride does either, but the bride's sister does, and should that really be a factor?

Given that one bride is on the East Coast of Canada, one is on the West Coast of Canada, and I am in the northern prairies, and the wedding is in ten days on the west coast, how much effort should be going into my damned wardrobe?

Edited by Erratic
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My friend doesn't care, I'm not too sure that her bride does either, but the bride's sister does, and should that really be a factor?


how much effort should be going into my damned wardrobe?

No more than this. You're good. Wear what you think you'll be most comfortable in and have a great time celebrating the important thing, which is the marriage. Unless you wear something truly wack, no one (who matters) will remember what you wore. They'll remember that you were there to stand up beside them and help them celebrate. :)

L&b , big-time vibes about your mom and her situation. The thing that really sucks about Mr F's nana is the amazing speed at which she declined; six months ago people were still guessing that she was in her 80's. To lose almost everything, so quickly, is just...not fun to watch. As I know some of you all know. This aging-forebears thing is a giant bummer, huh?

Edited by AnnieF
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Oh huge hugs LnB on the legalese red tape.   I'm glad your computer didn't conk out The place you, your mom, and your brother toured sounded pretty nice.  If she ends of living there, I hope she gets a room with a water view.  You're being a pretty damn wonderful son.


The US is out at the world cup.  *Sobs*  But at least we made it out of the group of death.  Looks like I'm rooting for costa rica and colomia now.


erratic; photos or it never happened.  Just sayin'

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Will my navy blouse clash with the brides' teal tops? Are white pants with thick blue stripes too close to off white suit pants? Is a light fawn/tan coloured cropped pant suitable? My friend doesn't care, I'm not too sure that her bride does either, but the bride's sister does, and should that really be a factor?

Given that one bride is on the East Coast of Canada, one is on the West Coast of Canada, and I am in the northern prairies, and the wedding is in ten days on the west coast, how much effort should be going into my damned wardrobe?

Yes. Or no. Possibly maybe. 

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Thought so! And yeah, I agree with AnnieF, I'll keep the brides happy, but the brides sister can suck it. I'm sure she's nice and all, but she isn't important here.

Funny story: remember how the wedding came to be? Well, the military bride went to her staffing officer to have the "getting married, want a transfer" conversation, but before she even mentioned anything, he handed her her transfer papers to the West coast anyway! Bwah! Better news: they are now getting married because they *want* to, and don't *need* to.

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@Loandbehold - I'm glad the tour went well and the place seems nice. The move sounds like it will be very positive for your mom. I'm glad you were able to find a lawyer to help out. It's such a tight timeframe to respond.


The thing that really sucks about Mr F's nana is the amazing speed at which she declined; six months ago people were still guessing that she was in her 80's. To lose almost everything, so quickly, is just...not fun to watch. As I know some of you all know. This aging-forebears thing is a giant bummer, huh?


@AnnieF - If you don't mind my asking, was there any illness or event that precipitated her decline?


Thought so! And yeah, I agree with AnnieF, I'll keep the brides happy, but the brides sister can suck it. I'm sure she's nice and all, but she isn't important here.


That sounds like the right plan!


@KittenPokerCheater - how are you doing with the memorization?

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Oh, I wish I actually had a techno-pagan on retainer. ;-)

Well years ago when I took a survey about "which religion suits you" the survey said I was a neo-pagan.  So I could be your neo-pagan friend and you wouldn't even need a retainer!  (I know...close but no cigar.)



I wish I had a librarian on retainer...

I wish I was the techno-pagan who had had the librarian...because Giles mmmmm.



Communication is not really her thing, so I might be in a holding pattern for a bit.

What fresh hell is this?  Sorry about the suckitude Harvester.


Loandbehold that entire situation gave me a headache.  Eee gads.   I hope the case or hearing or plea or what have you goes your way.


Erratic my sympathy on the whole finding appropriate clothing thing.  Wouldn't it be grand to be so popular or so rich or so eccentric that you could wear whatever you wanted wherever you went?  I hope the wedding is a blast.  And for what it's worth, I think navy and teal are supposed to live in harmony.



There's a part of me that has always wanted to witness a tornado in person

Trust me Earl is Dead, you really don't.  I am just grateful that of all the natural disasters, with current weather monitoring and communication systems it is probably the only natural disaster that a person can most easily hide from and remain safe.



The US is out at the world cup.  *Sobs*

There, there, KPC <hugs>.  Just think how happy little itty bitty peace-loving doesn't have a military Costa Rica would be to win!  Wouldn't that be what is called a Cinderella Story in American college basketball?

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Wow, LnB, your family is very lucky to have you help sort all that legal stuff out. My brain nearly exploded just from that one paragraph. Huge vibes to you and AnnieF's family in trying to make things easy and comfortable for aging relatives.


So for about the last year, I've had a part-time job at the local library. I'm still freelancing, so the library was just kind of a supplement--a regular gig that I could count on during the ups and downs of freelancing. But in the last year, I've started on a series of projects for a client who is very nice to work with and pays very well, and I've gotten a part-time gig doing editing, writing, and social media for a local nonprofit that I really like. I thought I could keep the library (which doesn't pay well, but was pleasant work), but in the last few weeks, it's become clear that I will lose my mind (and most of my sleep) if I do.


So I gave my notice at the library, but this week--my last--is when all the freelancing stuff has decided to ramp up. AIEEEEE! I suppose the insanity of this week will make me not miss the library when I'm done with it next week.

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Vibes to LandB. I have said it before, but you are a very good son.

I doubt I will know anything until next week. My current boss is leaving town for the holiday, and she has not responded to emails in weeks.

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Wow, LnB, your family is very lucky to have you help sort all that legal stuff out. My brain nearly exploded just from that one paragraph.



 My head DID explode and my eyes rolled back! Your mom and brother are lucky to have you Loandbehold!  




Anyone going to check out the new HBO series premiering tonight called The Leftovers? Looks weird enough for my tastes.


Hadn't heard about this one. Did you end up watching? If you did, do you think it's worth checking out?


Well, I was little ambivalent about it  @Endeavor.  It was an ok first ep and it looks like there are a bunch of questions to be answered, but it didn't really having me thinking when it was over, wow, I can't wait to see the next episode....like say, the pilot of Orphan Black did for me. (that's a high standard) But I will keep watching because it seems like a very different sort of show, but the minute I lose interest or storylines get too out there,  I will cut it loose.

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I don't get why bridesmaid dresses are always traditionally terrible

So the bride looks better by comparison? I don't know. We don't have bridesmaids.


My friend doesn't care, I'm not too sure that her bride does either, but the bride's sister does, and should that really be a factor?


Exactly. Wear whatever you want, the bride's sister will just have to deal with it.

Yay on the transfer!


Lo, the place you visited seems very nice. Plus, dog!

Was you Mom evicted because she didn't pay rent? Anyway, I hope you win the case and get the retainer money back.

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My current boss is leaving town for the holiday, and she has not responded to emails in weeks.

I can't imagine why you're wanting her to NOT be your boss anymore. She sounds just delightful. :/ Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Harvester.

AnnieF - If you don't mind my asking, was there any illness or event that precipitated her decline?

Warning for TMI and general yuckiness...she had an anal prolapse, and that seemed to be the beginning of the end (so to speak.) (I'm so sorry. Can you tell one of my coping methods is inappropriate humor?) There was talk of doing surgery on her, which got shot down, happily (seriously, if you just want to kill the tiny, birdlike, almost-100-year-old woman, by all means let's give her general anesthesia!) but that was the end of Nana as we knew her.

Good luck with your busy busy week, Chyna. :)

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trudi-tru, my mom hasn't been evicted. The landlord does want her out. It's a long story involving a quirk of a NYC rent program designed to assist senior citizens. It provides a rent exemption so the rent amount doesn't increase, and the city reimburses the landlord for the difference b/w the rent the elderly tenant pays and the lease rent, which goes up every year depending on what is known as "The Rent Guidelines Board" approves for rent-stabilized apartments (another NYC rent regulation designed to keep many apartments affordable for tenants - it's not age-related as I am living in a rent-stabilized apartment).


What happened was my mom had been approved for this rent exemption on several occasions. The approval is based on income - once your income exceeds a certain amount, your application will be denied. My mother reapplied for the 2007-2008 lease. She doesn't think that she received any notice that her application was denied. I'm pretty sure that if she had, she would have called her son the attorney. In any event, the way the program works is that the landlord must give the tenant a 6-month grace period to allow the agency to approve or disapprove the application. The landlord then has one of three ways to check to see if the tenant was approved - go onto the website, e-mail the agency, or call "311" (NY's non-emergency information number). If the tenant was not approved or no action was taken by the agency, the landlord can then go back to the tenant and demand payment of the difference b/w the rent exemption and the lease rent for that six-month period, which would make the landlord "whole" since they won't be getting any payment from the agency. The tenant must then pay the lease rent going forward.


The landlord didn't do that and continued charging my mom the rent exemption rent. She always paid what was on the rent statement. She signed several more leases. When I took over her finances, etc. I was told for the first time about this program. When I learned the income limit, I knew my mom exceeded it (social security and distributions from her IRA), so we didn't apply. This was the case for the past two or three years. On the lease, there is a line that says that if the tenant is entitled to a lesser rent, to write the amount on the line and attach the agreement or application to the lease. We left that question blank. They continued charging her the same rent, despite the lease rent increasing. This continued until she received a letter dated January 15, 2014. The letter said that her application for the rent exemption was denied and she owes the landlord over $20,000 starting with January 1, 2007.


I unsuccessfully attempted to negotiate a settlement. The landlord flatly rejected my offer and said that they would sue her to collect all the money and see to have her evicted. She's been livng in this apartment for 30 years and has never failed to pay the rent listed on the rent statement. I did a lot of research and there is pretty much no way that they can evict her. NYC has a strong bias to keep tenants in their apartment if they haven't been evicted. (There is also a bias against requiring a landlord to let the tenant move back in once they have been evicted.) And, since mom has always paid the rent, no judge should rule that the landlord can evict her. We also have a very good case that the landlord fucked up by not taking any action when they should have. A judge might even dismiss the case.


My biggest concern right now is that the motion must be filed today, but my mom will need to fill out an affidavit and get it notarized. She doesn't have a fax machine, so I must wait for the attorney to e-mail me the motion for review and the affidavit. Once it's good to go, I will have to go to her apartment, take the affidavit to get her signature notarized and then give it to the attorney. Hopefully I will get this stuff soon.


And, that was probably way more information then you wanted.

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Busy Busy Week vibes for  Chyna!  


harvester, this soon to be ex boss is awful.  If she is not going to be loyal and professional with you, I vote for going with your gut (whatever that is), and screw what she thinks. 


Hugs and vibes to you, LnB and Annief on the changes your older relatives are faces, and how awesome you are in the face of it.  This goes to you too, endeavor.


endeavor, I'm off book on act one (except I need to be better on my cues).  I'm not quite off book for act five;  I will be by next week, latest.  Doing Much Ado messed with my personal timeline.


I don't get why bridesmaid dresses are always traditionally terrible


I've always thought that when the bride decides to get married, some weird kind of gene turns on that makes them color and fashion blind when it comes to bridesmaid dresses.  I'm only half joking.  Especially when they say, "...and you'll be able to wear it again too!"

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How did everything go today @Loandbehold? I hope everything is able to work out for your mom. I echo everyone here that you're a great son.


Easy, stress free work vibes to @Chyna and @Harvester!


Well, I was little ambivalent about it  @Endeavor.  It was an ok first ep and it looks like there are a bunch of questions to be answered, but it didn't really having me thinking when it was over, wow, I can't wait to see the next episode....like say, the pilot of Orphan Black did for me. (that's a high standard) But I will keep watching because it seems like a very different sort of show, but the minute I lose interest or storylines get too out there,  I will cut it loose

I'm going to throw it on a list I keep of shows I hear about and check it out at some point. This past weekend I watched Les Revenants (The Returned) and really liked it. I watched the US series this past year and, after what I thought was a promising start, tired of it fairly quickly. What a difference between the two versions. A bonus is that Les Revenants will be airing a second season in 2015 I think. I didn't know that when I started watching. I may check out a few eps of the US version when it comes back but, if it doesn't improve quickly, I'll be done with it.


Warning for TMI and general yuckiness...she had an anal prolapse, and that seemed to be the beginning of the end (so to speak.) (I'm so sorry. Can you tell one of my coping methods is inappropriate humor?) There was talk of doing surgery on her, which got shot down, happily (seriously, if you just want to kill the tiny, birdlike, almost-100-year-old woman, by all means let's give her general anesthesia!) but that was the end of Nana as we knew her.

I'm sorry to hear that she is going through this but hope she is comfortable now. I'm 100% behind you with the inappropriate humor as a coping mechanism though.

Keep plugging away with the memorization @KittenPokerCheater! I seriously doubt I would be able to do something like that.

As for me, nothing much to report. A teeny bit of drama with some relatives that I'm trying to push out of mind - not worth the energy - and I'm very much looking forward to the long weekend. I can't seem to get caught up at work. I may put in a bit of extra time tomorrow morning, just so I can put work away and enjoy the long weekend.

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KPC: A very late congratulations on getting to do Shakespeare this summer! I'm bummed because the Fringe Festival ends the day before I get to NYC so I won't get to see you perform. I wish I could have.


I know I don't post much and its a wonder that I've really only had one close friendship that has lasted 10+ years when I'm so terrible at doing my part in building new ones. Been going through some emotional crap and about the best I can do these days is post occasionally on FB in an effort to not withdraw/disconnect from everybody in my life that cares about me and that I care about. I'm not asking of myself more than what I can give these days.


Anyway, I hope that everybody has a fun & safe weekend whether or not you celebrate the 4th of July.

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Sorry to hear you're been having a rough spell @CherokeeRose4 . Good thoughts and vibes to you. Try not to be too hard on yourself.

Happy holiday weekend to all. I have made it to the shore. Cue the nice hurricane coming up the coast. Oh well. At least it'll only bring rain and thunderstorms to New Jersey.

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Are bridesmaid gowns for Indian weddings traditionally terrible as well, romantic idiot? I've only seen Indian-American weddings, and in those, the bridesmaids' dresses were ridiculously gorgeous saris--for all, not just the Indian bridesmaids. I think the non-Indian bridesmaids were more delighted about the saris than anyone else. :)

Sorry for the late reply. I realise I don't know what happens in the Christian (or Muslim & Parsi for that matter) weddings but we Hindus don't have bridesmaids. We have a little flower girl-ish (though that's not really a part of the ceremony and it's the equivalent boy who's got  a real role in the ceremony) and sisters and cousins who would outshine the bride are usually too busy greeting guests and being part of the organising committee to have time to shine that much. But no bridesmaids really. And the bride is usually wearing too much gold and a gorgeous dress and unique makeup to be outshone much, really. No one is better dressed than a bride at the wedding, someone trying to do that would just look silly. 


I;m vibing for you, but all the elderly sad sit talk is making me anxious so i'm not commenting (and this doesn't mean you stop talking about it, it just means i'm practising my swimming in Egypt).

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You guys are all the absolute best! I just talked to the new boss, and I will start the new job in a week! Your positive support has meant a lot because I have been fucking terrified.

I will say the new boss is awesome, and I am so excited to move forward. I am so, so relieved.

I want to return the favor and offer love and positive vibes to Cherokeerose and LandB and anyone else who needs them.

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Yay, Harvester, that is awesome! I'm so relieved for you. :)

Big big vibes to CR4.

I've had the weirdest morning, people being all grouchy and just...weird. Huh. Mercury must be in retrograde (substitute your own variety of woo as desired ;) ).

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Yay, harvester! That's great news.I saw your FB post and I hoped that meant everything had worked out for the best.


Today is an unbelievably gorgeous day in Chicago--warm but not hot, with wonderfully blue skies, and I spent most of it inside the library. I should have quit a week earlier (except that I didn't want to screw over the manager who does scheduling because he's a nice guy). And now that I'm home, I have work to do. At least I have a laptop so I can sit out on the deck.

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Yay @Harvester! I'm very glad to hear that.

I hope things improve for you quickly @CherokeeRose4 and you're feeling better soon.

I have made it to the shore. Cue the nice hurricane coming up the coast. Oh well. At least it'll only bring rain and thunderstorms to New Jersey.

Enjoy your weekend. I think after tomorrow morning, the rain will clear up and Saturday and Sunday should be really nice.

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Happy Fourth of July!  I'm just mainly excited for a three day weekend and some extra sleep; when you're a kid,it's mostly about the fireworks and such.  Not looking forward to hearing those big ass M80's going off anywhere near here. I never expect to hear them,so I friggin' jump out of my skin sometimes when they go off.  *old and cranky* aka...Get off my lawn!



Harvester- great news about the new job!

Vibes to CR4.Hope things get better for you.

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that was probably way more information then you wanted.

Actually, that was very educational. Especially language - wise.


I'm sorry you're feeling down, CRose. We all have times in our lives when we take more that we can give. How's trip planning coming along?


So happy for you, harvester!


Happy 4th of July, USers!

Edited by trudi-tru
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Positive vibes to CR4, L&B. L&B, fascinating and well-explained overview of your mom's rental situation. Very edifying. Though I will admit that towards the end, I did quickly scan back up to the top to see if you'd started with "to make a long story short." :)


Thrilled to hear that your job situation is turning out so positively, harvester!


I'm having my usual, pre long vacation jitters. Can't really explain it, but I think it's related to feeling like I've saved so much to accomplish over a month and now the days are getting eaten up and earmarked. Talk about Gift Horse/Mouth! I'll get over it. Got a lot of fun stuff planned, as well as a clean-up, toss-out schedule that adds up to about three months of work. No problem!


Anyway, I'm a bit on hold for total relaxation since I'm getting called in next week as part of our campus being investigated by various and multiple state and federal agencies for our handling of sexual assault cases. I'm on the prevention side, and not specifically under the microscope, but gotta do my time. Problem is we won't know when until the weekend, so I got some fun plans on hold for it. It's actually rather fascinating, and will have good outcomes, but it's a weird, contentious process to go through. Much longer story as to how all this came about, maybe I'll tell it sometime.

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Harvester: I was so excited & happy for you when I read your FB status. I had read all the stress you were going through in the situation and I'm glad it was a great outcome!


Trudi-tru: Trip planning is...going :). My apartment is in a state of organized chaos. I'm trying to just breathe and remember that I have 7 weeks to put it in more on the organized side. Right now, I have new clothes (that I still haven't unwrapped) taking over the couch and papers everywhere. Still got some shopping to do but most of it is done.  

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Though I will admit that towards the end, I did quickly scan back up to the top to see if you'd started with "to make a long story short." :)


cko, I was tempted to edit to include that. 


I hope everyone was able to enjoy their 4th of July celebration, or just their Friday. I can't remember a time when I haven't heard many fireworks in the days and weeks approaching the 4th, but that's been the case this year. I will definitely hear fireworks tonight since they are once again going to be set off on the East River (the last few years, they were on the Hudson). 

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I've loved this 4th of July weekend.  First, it is the start of my vacation.  Second, the kids were both busy so on Thursday night the spousal unit and I walked to the neighborhood fireworks.  I ADORE fireworks.  The big firework show for the whole city used to be held at this park but then they moved it.  And I, for one, am grateful to do without the hideous overly-loud music and slightly too long show and the hour-and-a-half return home due to crowd traffic.  Unfortunately, unless the neighborhood finds private funding this will be a thing of the past.  Third, today I had the luxury of sitting for almost an hour after working out, cooling down, hanging with the cat.  This is an unheard of luxury and I reveled in it.  Fourth, after a nice soak in the tub I went to the grocery store, came home and made homemade strawberry shortcake.  Oh yeah, baby.  Although I did discover that I don't ADORE strawberry shortcake as much as I used to.  Fifth, the laundry is now done.  Sixth, I can once again see the top of my desk in the kitchen.  I'm going to go hang with my new NF book from the library now.  Vacations rule.


Peace everyone.  May all beings be free.

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