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Small Talk: The Library

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Mr F and I will often sing VERY LOUDLY along with They Might Be Giants, too, much to the chagrin of the kids.



For us, it's "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)." Fortunately, the kids like to sing along with that one. 


We've been rewatching the new seasons of Doctor Who with them too--Tiny usually isn't as interested in sci-fi as Chynette, but she has a mad girlcrush on Billie Piper and she has started using the word "Fahn-tah-stic!" on the regular. I think she's OK with the switch to Tennant (we've only seen his first episode) but when Rose goes, I think she's going to take it hard. Chynette's crush is on Captain Jack, so she was just relieved when he was revived. :)

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I am currently sitting in the Madison airport on a delay, but I had the pleasure of meeting buffyjunkie and JHeaton last night. Both are lovely individuals, and I really appreciate them making last-minute adjustments to their schedules so we could hang. It was delightful, but all meet ups have been for me

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My mother has since told me that she thought we were nuts, that the whole thing seemed crazy to her. She's right; I really don't know why we thought we needed to get married, but we did. We've teetered on the edge of things going badly, but mostly it has worked out. Luck, and effort, heh. :)

So jelly about the meetup. I've had the pleasure of spending time with buffyjunkie, who is awesome, but not Harvester or JHeaton. We need more meetups, y'all! Or a transporter. Did we ever assign the transporter development job to someone specific? Someone should get on that, soonish. ;)

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Mr. Earl was the person I was dating at 21, but thank GOD we didn't get married back then.  I don't think we would have survived.  It took breaking up and growing up for us to be right for each other. 


I am an unapologetic car singer, and heaven help the car who pulls up next to me during Copacabana. 


Today has been a big day.  The sale of my company closed so we are officially part of the new organization, AND, after being out of work for almost a year Mr. Earl finally got a job.  So essentially we both started working new jobs today, which is a very bizarre coincidence.

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Yup, I was dating Mr. C at 21, but getting married then would have been Bad Idea Jeans. We didn't do the break-up/make-up thing, but we both just needed a few years to live on our own and be sorta grownups who weren't responsible for anyone but ourselves.


Also: Mega-jelly about the WI meetup.

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San Francisco is totally doable for me, especially in July when there will be (almost certainly) no snow over the Sierra. Make it so! :-)

Edited by AnnieF
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"Not to put to fine a point on it, say I'm the only bee in your bonnet..."

I am *always* jelly of your meet ups. One of these days I'll come Stateside and meet the hell outta you all!

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Oh man, you're killing me.  Honestly, I don't know if it is doable for me this year between vacation time and money consumed by our two big trips this year.



AND, after being out of work for almost a year Mr. Earl finally got a job.

Oh, congratulations Earl is Dead.  We know how rough uemployment is.


Finally there are crocuses in our yard. That makes me unreasonably happy given that it means Claritin is soon in my future.  Still, flowers!  Pretty! 

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Birdhouse in your soul and Mr Me are probably my favorite songs (also particle man).


Yay for those who can make a meet-up.  Woot!


Yesterday there was a lot of stair climbing on set.  Those 2 long flights up  (and then back down)  many many times.  In heels.  My quads are very, very sore today.  Guess I can skip the gym.  I got home at about 2am, and today all I want to do is nap and be lazy.  Sadly, housework beckons.


Wishing everyone here could have a happy, lazy day.

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Wishing everyone here could have a happy, lazy day.



Thanks, KPC. Someday....


I'd love to see everyone in July. Let's keep talking about it!

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Good morning, Buffy fans! (I've made it to Season 7 of my time watching through on Netflix. What a great show!)


If any of you have ever played the party game Mafia, we play an online version here at PTV. I'm running a round soon that's a crossover of Joss Whedon's works, Buffy included (along with Angel, Agents of SHIELD, and Dollhouse). If you're interested in playing, come on over and leave a message!

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So TODAY I met up with a friend who hasn't been to NYC lately.  He wanted to see Central Park and we walked and walked.....6+ miles according to my pedometer.  I've got to stop running around so much- my quads and hamstrings are protesting.


Season 7......there are no words. 


We had the best weather so far this year.  I was reveling in the warm weather.  I think I may have to trip through tulips and dance amongst the daffodils.  Who knew?


How has everyone's monday been?

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I think I may have to trip through tulips and dance amongst the daffodils.  Who knew?



What a lovely image. Somehow I picture you doing this in Central Park near Alice, fluttering fairy dust and munching on a scone.

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We had our first potential match phone call today.

When our Social worker called us, she started with, "I may be stretching your comfort level here, but..."

Yes, she was. I can't give details, but a sibling group of three hyper kids aged 4-6 that their present Foster family needs gone asap? (Aand other not fun stuff) Yeah, it was a big stretch. But, hey! We survived our first phone call, so yay us! :)

Edited by Erratic
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Hey, all - don't mean to butt in, but since there's TMBG talk, I didn't know if anyone knew (or cared) that the Johns have revitalized Dial-a-Song.  It's online now (so no more explaining the weekly toll calls to Brooklyn to my parents were they still here), and they release a song every Tuesday.  Some are better than others.   


Congratulations, Erratic; and good vibes to everyone.

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So the NSA/PTV are spying on us?  shiver.


Erratic how wonderful that you got a call!  It shows you are on their list.  I hope you and your Mister find a happy match soon.  


I had a nightmare last night that a plumber came into our apartment (I had a roommate called Dana in the dream) and he (unjustly) charged us 21,300.  And we were panicked, tell him we couldn't afford to pay more than 6,000 at the very  most.  He was inflexible and threatened legal action.  


My mind, it is a very weird place.  I'd rather dance among the daffodils than have nightmares about mean plumbers with big bills.

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Erratic, I have a friend who went through a foster to adopt program, and he and his wife took in two boys. He said when they got them, they were the wildest children he had ever seen--keep in mind he is a teacher and a minister (and thus knows wild). Once they had stability, the kids began to really thrive. They added a girl a couple of years later.

I am not sure what my point is there, but your call made me think of that story. Adding three kids all at once sounds overwhelming to me, but you are going to find the right fit. You are going to be an amazing mama.

KPC, Dana can foot that bill. I had a dream that I was at work wearing only a tank top and underpants. I kept pulling the tank top down so no one would see I was almost naked--clever of me, yes? Today I ripped the back of my skirt open, so this dream was almost prophetic.

Edited by Harvester
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Been MIA for a bit but my mom's house is finally up for sale! It's a little sad but what needs to be done. Please send reasonable offer vibes my way.

I thought about you going through this process, LnB. How are things going with your mom?

Congrats to Earl and Mr. Earl. Good luck to both of you.

Sending continued vibes your way, Erratic.

Agree with everyone on the They Might be Giants' love.

What a strange dream, KPC. Dreams are so weird sometimes.

Valny, how is your dad doing?

I'd also like to try for another meet up if possible. I think I wouldn't be so nervous this time as I came back with all my organs intact from the last one.

ETA that Harvester wins on the dream strangeness scale.

Edited by Endeavour
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These dreams are quite intriguing. I keep getting flashes during the day of snippets that must be dreams; I'm sleeping weirdly so that's no surprise I guess. Not remembering them though.


Kinda entering some tough times in the ol' Caregiver Cavern here. Not worth going into detail but just to say, so nice to have this place to connect with. These flurries of "life goes on" as well as shared concerns and worries is always so reassuring. Fingers crossed for you, Erratic, and I echo the wonderings about others out there. Report in when you can, everyone!

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Erratic, I'm glad you got your first call and hope you get another, less challenging one, soon.


I think I wouldn't be so nervous this time as I came back with all my organs intact from the last one.

Are you sure about that? There are some non vital organs I'm sure you wouldn't even notice they were gone.


Reasonable offer vibes for Endeavour's mom's house, as requested.

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House selling vibes to you Endeavour. May the process be quick and painless. And also caregiver vibes to you, cko, L&B, barphe, valny, and any others who could use them too.

ETA: Tags!  And also thank you for all the well wishes. 

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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Reasonable house offer vibes, Endeavor. As well as vibes to all those dealing w/ parents, and teenagers, and younger children, whether living in the house, or (hopefully) soon to be living there.


Thanks for the well-wishes about my mom. I'm not up to talking about all the goings-on, which is why I haven't written much here lately.

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Huge massive, supportive vibes to you LnB.  Sorry life has been so tough, but it's good to see you.


Massive vibes for all caregivers out there.  While being the awesome caregivers that you all are, remember to take a little care for yourselves too.


Rsndeavour reasonable offers for selling your house vibes.


I hope folks can check in here when they can.  

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Thank you for the vibes. It's been a long road getting to this point, and I know the road ahead is even longer. The support here helps a lot.

Many vibes coming your way, cko and LnB. We're here when and if you're ready. Hang in there.

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Checking in.  Vibes to ALL caregivers of every kind.  Bless their hearts, and hands, and burden-bearing shoulders.  And good house-selling vibes to all in need.


Tonight I received an e-mail from a fellow UU whose husband of 40+ years just passed.  Long story short I am providing the meeting house flowers this weekend. They will be forsythia, which were her husband's favorite spring bloom.  She was wondering if I would mind if they were used in her husband's memorial service. (I had asked the flowers be donated afterwards.)  Forty plus years is a long time and a big hole to fill. 


Everything is so anticlimatic post-meet up.  Mostly just juggling the usual - work and house and parents and daughter's last soccer season.  We finally have spring blooms here which makes things cheerier.  We don't hear much from the boy but apparently there is a girl for whom it was worth skipping a trip to Amsterdam.  Mostly I'm grateful for my friends here and at home.  My family whom I love dearly even when we drive each other crazy.  My job, crazy-making as it may be, since it feeds and clothes and houses us.  And my remaining abilities impaired as they may be by "the usual suspects" collection of pains and aches and stiffness that are collected with age. 

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When I was there, it rained pretty hard which should make for lovely blooms. I hope you get to enjoy the spring buffyjunkie.

Major vibes to the caregivers. You all inspire me with your sheer awesomeness.

House selling vibes as well. May a bidding war ensue!

Edited by Harvester
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there is a girl for whom it was worth skipping a trip to Amsterdam.

Must be quite a girl.


Sorry about your friend's husband, buffyjunkie. It's good that you can do something nice for her with the flowers.


Mega support vibes for Lo.

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Lo, let me know if you ever want to talk. You can text me or message me at FB?


Buffyjunkie, lovey story and support you are providing. I didn't know you are UU? Would love to connect about that, sometime.


Y'all are so reassuring. Thanks.

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What' going on, Hostile?


It appears to be something about a film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2172584/


Today I had the most awesome breakfast with our former minister and she gave me the most fantastic parenting advice.  It sounded so logical as she said it.  Now if I could only get it to come out of my mouth sounding the same way.  Wise women rock 'yo.


Beautiful spring day here.  Hope everyone else is experiencing equally lovely weather and a pleasant day.  I'm supposed to clean off the screen porch now.  Life is much harder without caffeine (but much easier on my stomach.) 

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Orphan Black! I'll admit I was a bit lost, but the action kept moving. Also, I'm not sure what I think of this

Male Clone Army angle;

it's creepy and almost too uncomfortable to watch.


What was amazing is that when

Alison was acting as Sarah, I kept thinking "how could they be fooled, it doesn't even look like Sarah."

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I haven't watched orphan black yet, but can't wait to.  I've been waiting for months for it to come back.  Also, I am fascinated with Daredevil- hot damn!  Is anyone else catching it?


I could use some work vibes for this week.  NEXT week I'm out of town to see my sister so I need to build up some work prior to that.


And...tomorrow I might get to see the famous LnB make his major league (in my opinion) debut for 2015.  Woot!


Buffyjunkie, I hope you can tell us the awesome parenting advice sometime- I may have step kids, or adopted kids if I ever meet the right man to spend the rest of my life with.  Thus far, it's been frogs.


Many many vibes to the caregivers out there, the ones they love, and all the even more awesome people on this thread.

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Anyone who can do a reverse rain dance (an un-rain dance?) tonight will have my undying love and respect. 


cko, when it comes to Orphan Black, 

I'm always amazed how TM plays a clone just a little "off" when it's one clone portraying another. And, here, we had her doing it twice!


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OMG Orphan Black totally knocked it out of the park.  Genius, sheer genius.  My sentiments exactly cko and LNB regarding the last part of each of your posts.



I hope you can tell us the awesome parenting advice

Well it is rather difficult to boil down and we were really discussing how to evolve the relationship as the children transition to adults.  It started with explaining the concept of the "myth" and "fantasy" conception/projection of the parent.  Then moved on to attempting to be your most authentic self in relation to the other.  Took a tangent into giving advice "My wanting you to do this should not be enough reason for you not to do it."  And then circled back to having to be brave enough and strong enough to share your true emotions and set your boundaries.  In essence, no matter how much you would like to spare their life by warning them about the lessons life taught you, it simply won't work.  They need their life to teach them their lessons.  


But the best parenting advice I ever heard I received too late.  It was to keep two phrases in mind.  "Tell me more."  and "You're smart; you'll figure it out."


Had great weekend.  Saw a cool indie movie White God.  I'd highly recommend it.  Washed the screen porch and looking forward to putting the cushions out.  Maybe some pansies in a pot to cheer up the front porch.


LNB is the rain messing up ballgames?

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Had a nice weekend as well. The weather was beautiful Saturday. Uncovered the patio furniture and got some flowers for outside. Makes such a difference.

Work vibes heading your way, KPC.

Anti-rain vibes for LnB.

I haven't watched Orphan Black yet. I got caught up with Daredevil too. I finished that today. I thought it was really well done. A smidge more violent than I was expecting, but I really enjoyed it.

Hope everyone has a nice week.

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You know what else was a "smidge more violent" than expected? 'Kingsman: The Secret Service'. Imagine a writer/director wanted to out-Tarantino Tarantino, and out-Ritchie Guy Ritchie. Yeah, he might make this movie.

Oh, and it was fantastic.

Edited by Erratic
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That's rather fascinating and high-level parenting advice, buffyjunkie!


Work vibes and anti-frog ones, too, KPC. And no rain for LnB.


Not much news here. Watching a lot of TV, something we can do with Dad. Wow, commercials, amirite?

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