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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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On 6/22/2023 at 9:02 PM, OoohMaggie said:

Im not very computer literate, my first experiences were with windows 95 and such, I struggled with the almost constant need for downloads and updates with Windows software.

I can't remember my first foray into an Apple product, but what I do remember is the fact that it "just worked" you weren't constantly having to download this or upgrade that for it to work.

Apple products are without doubt over priced and very fragile to use, but having used them I could never go back to a Windows based machine, its not something you can explain, it has to be experienced, I'm in no way wealthy and every Apple  product I purchase literally cuts me to the bone and leaves me asking myself if I'm insane,  but its a price that I will save up to pay!

I’ll agree with you I prefer them. I have an iPhone however I’m a peasant and barely have an X. Before nov 22 I had an iPhone 7. I’m always several generations behind. And for work most graphic design is on Mac’s. All through school and my entire working life is apple. 

11 hours ago, nachomama said:

I have an iPhone however I’m a peasant

As am I, Apple gear being the only things ill spend silly amounts of money on.

Until I recently dropped it in the bath, I only had an iPhone 5s, that's as big as I want to go with a phone, I'm just too damn clumsy and forgetful, I've left them on car roofs and driven off, next to tills, dropped in cans of paint and at £1000 a pop its just a no-no. Im hoping that with a desktop it might survive my stupidity, now where's that piece of wood 🙏🏼

  • Mind Blown 1

Since I'm an engineer, I started on PCs, all the companies I worked for used PCs, so I use a PC. My wife is an artist, so she uses a Mac. 

I also use Androids, mostly the Google Pixel, which I find works well and is less expensive than Samsung and Apple. 

The only Apple product I use is my vintage iPod, which you can pry from my cold, dead hands. 

  • Applause 1

I do not see the usefulness of an Apple Watch. The only thing I know anybody uses them for is to count their steps. I know you can receive calls etc but honestly the thing I use my iPhone for THE LEAST is actually as a phone.  And I damn sure don’t want to count my steps. 
I do not know how you kept an iPhone 5s Alive that long. Mine actually blew up. Like the battery got so bad it swole up and lifted the screen so you could see inside. I did go replace the battery and it lasted about a year then it also had the swellage and I thought it was going to burn my house down in my sleep so I did move up. I’ve only ever paid about $300 for any phone I’ve had. $1000+ Is way outta my pay grade. 
I did have to block and delete my sister she just churned out constant garbage 24/7. I had her muted the she started sending me dms. All just really nonsense. I think she needs to up her meds because she’s on the 24/7 dead baby kick. What would my baby look like? I love you rhinatta. On a scale from 0-100 how nuts is asking your supposed baby daddy 35 years after the fact for a lock of hair? So you can have something to hold of your pretend dead baby? I say about 678,942 on the Richter scale of nutso. (On no planet do I believe this baby existed) I could be wrong. She was chunky she probly could have hidden a pregnancy but I lived in that house and I don’t think so. She also didn’t walk up a hill 7 miles, pop a squat have a dead baby, dig a hole and bury it in a red blanket then walk 7 miles home. (My first reaction to the story was “you carried a shovel and a blanket?”) it just didn’t happen.   She couldn’t finish the parade route for homecoming carrying a drum. That was a mile and she wasn’t in labor 

  • Mind Blown 2
On 6/26/2023 at 3:57 PM, Superclam said:

The only Apple product I use is my vintage iPod, which you can pry from my cold, dead hands. 

Hallelujah, I couldn't agree more, the best thing Apple ever made.

I've got two 160 Gb classics from 2009/10 that are still working perfectly, the crazy thing is that because my iPad and brand new iMac won't recognise the old iPods, I've got to install an older version of Windows on my new iMac to be able to connect the pods to an older version of iTunes, only then can I add to / remove or alter the music on the pods. 

The whole situation is crazy, Apple won't support a perfectly working piece of its old equipment because they've taken the insane decision to stop making iPods? 🤬🤬🤬

  • Mind Blown 1
7 hours ago, Superclam said:

I had to have the battery replaced on my 160GB Classic, but now it works perfectly. I hope I can keep it for the next 10 years. 

I seem to have been very fortunate with the batteries on the pods and old phones. Since dropping the iPhone in the bath, I pulled a very old Sony Walkman phone out of the cupboard, its a minimum 15 years old and hasn't been used or charged for at least 10 years, I charged it up expecting not a sign of life, yet it took a full charge and is working perfectly, the battery lasts days and days. I tell people this and they laugh at me for talking BS.

I think this proves beyond a doubt that we are sold crap nowadays compared to the quality we were given all those years ago, the throw away society didn't have its claws fully embedded in us back then!

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Does it seem to anybody else the Primetimer forum website navigation and operations seem increasingly… broken?  Maybe it’s just me, but the Last Unread forum options haven’t worked correctly for over a month now.

And just for reference: the lag between typing text and seeing it reflected in the Reply box has been so bad, it’s taken me - very literally - in excess of 9 minutes to type these three sentences.

No, ha! But the weekend involved Darius. Oppenheimer and the Jewish heritage museum in Atlanta. If I’m not mistaken I believe Rev Run from run DMC made an appearance at Darius Rucker. Somebody came on stage and hugged him and he sang “no diggity” (Darius not rev run) rev run does Live in Atlanta. My view was blocked because I apparently paid money to have captain white guy do his white guy dance in front of me for the whole show.  Literally did not sit down the entire time. There was an iconic hat but couldn’t really see if that was indeed him 

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  • Sad 2
On 7/25/2023 at 8:01 AM, nachomama said:

My view was blocked because I apparently paid money to have captain white guy do his white guy dance in front of me for the whole show.  Literally did not sit down the entire time. 

I have paid for those same seats more times than I care to count.  Last time was when my wife wanted to see Garth Brooks on one of his last few “final” tours; we ended up directly behind a couple of liquored-up over-the-hill cowgirls who decided their seat entitlement included infinite air rights; they were determined to stand and dance (with accompanying “WOOHOO!!!”s) for the entire performance.  
Unfortunately, my wife has a bad hip which prevents her from standing for extended periods of time - and after about 20 minutes of not being able to see nor hear shit, she was on the verge of tears.  
I took a certain degree of issue with that.  
The resulting conversation was… not pleasant.  
Security got involved, in pretty short order.  
But we got to watch the rest of the concert in peace.

  • LOL 1

I know you, yourself if you want to dance or bounce around a mosh pit you do so. I do not understand standing for the ENTIRE show. But theres also a time and place for it. Hootie isn’t somebody you need to thrash about for. They had screens so I was good but people paid for their tickets too. Plus aholes that want to sing along for the entire sho?. I paid for Hootie you twatwaffle. You suck. They give you the moments they want you to sing back. Otherwise shut your pie hole. 

  • Applause 2

On my last trip to the cinema to watch Dunkirk, however many years ago that was, we had 20 stone Father and 15 stone 12 year old child sat behind and to the left of us, from the moment their lard asses hit the seats until they went one munch too far, food was constantly being shovelled noisily down their throats.

Upon taking one munch too far, I unleashed the rage that had been building up over the previous thirty minutes,I was reassuringly surprised at the applause and shouts of support I received, they were very quiet when they left though 🤔

Edited by OoohMaggie
  • Applause 1

The last concert I went to with same friend there was an asshat who kept getting up and was smoking, singing, dancing and was quite clearly drunk. Soon he was being escorted out by security but I look over at Becky and she’s got her hands on her hips waving bye bye at him very sarcastically. I was like “girl if you got up to fight him, then you know I gotta fight him too and I didn’t wear my fighting britches” I’m a lover not a fighter. 

  • Mind Blown 1
  • Applause 1

There are rumours circulating that the ginger twat, due to his admission over drug taking, may be deported back to the UK, well let me assure you we're not having him back, no way no sir, this could well end up with arms being taken up, if we had any left 😱

I suggest the Canadians take him back, no offence but someone's got to take the hit and you did have him last 🇨🇦😁

  • LOL 1

I need help. Thinking of a movie again and cannot place it. A time traveling motorcycle guy. It’s not “time bandits” but some dude on a motorcycle in the desert finds himself back in the old west. The old timey  dudes poke at his motorcycle and he upsets the locals. Gets on a gunfight. Shoots some dude in the face (I thought it was William Sanderson. Dude from Newhart that says this is my brother Darryl and my other brother Darryl.) but I IMDb him and couldn’t find anything fitting this description. It would be 1982-1986 ish??? Sincerely if anyone other than my family ever saw this thing I’d be shocked. 
my power went out for like 2 hours last night and I’m sitting in the dark wondering how anyone survived the olden times and I don’t know if that’s why I was reminded of it and got fixated. Who knows. I’m a moron 

  • Wink 1

Holy shitballs yes. How did I not remember that was Fred ward? Tracey Walter is who I was mistaking for William Sanderson. The only clear memory I have of the movie is him shouting “you shot my nose off”. Now the big question is, why in the Sam Hill did my mom take us to this movie? As far as I can tell there’s no one in it that she would have wanted to see. (Although shocked at recognizable names in it) Killing time? She took us to see some doozys one had a guys brain getting drilled 

I REMEMBER THIS! was there an episode where they had to convince a preacher they were religious? And they turned a bar into a church. Made the saloon girls be the choir? Thought this was a figment of my imagination. If you also tell me you watched a show where Michael learned was the guardian for young up and coming models (one of whom was Leah remini) I will be completely freaked out that we are the same person inhabiting 2 bodies. 

  • LOL 2

That is it. I watched it because it was mama Walton. I really didn’t like Leah remini. Didn’t see her as model material. Didn’t recall halle Barry being in it. It was a spin off of whose the boss. Didn’t last long. And didn’t really see that as being in your wheel house. But at the time we only had the 3 major networks so you didn’t have a lot of choice 

Oh! Nashville. I thought of your wife recently. Watching my “match game” and they had jack Klugman and of course Brett summers was a regular and his ex wife. They were kinda hilarious. I guess they got along somewhat after divorce because they had banter. Like she made fun of his shirt and he said you don’t get to be In charge of that anymore. I enjoyed it and was like “too bad there’s not a single human being on this planet whom I know who watches this” but you said she does. 

On 8/16/2023 at 10:31 AM, nachomama said:

Oh! Nashville. I thought of your wife recently. Watching my “match game” and they had jack Klugman and of course Brett summers was a regular and his ex wife. They were kinda hilarious. I guess they got along somewhat after divorce because they had banter. Like she made fun of his shirt and he said you don’t get to be In charge of that anymore. I enjoyed it and was like “too bad there’s not a single human being on this planet whom I know who watches this” but you said she does. 

We both do; she’s a GSN junkie, and I’ve been a Match Game fan since back its initial airing back in the 70s (yes I’m OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD, in case anybody forgot) - still enjoy the reruns.

Personally, I can’t imagine any of today’s networks having the testicular fortitude to air anything like Match Game - can you?

Sometimes it’s very politically incorrect to watch. Like when he’s doing an accent for whom ever but they were fairly forward thinking. It’s offensive but they weren’t trying to be offensive. They weren’t hiding that Charles Nelson Reilly was gay. They just worked around it. I guess I used to watch with my mom when I wasn’t in school. I don’t think I got many jokes. I always liked Brett and Fannie Flagg. Upon my rewatching I’ve picked up on things from Richard Dawson like he always had his mouth set in a certain way and it actually looks like it would be painful. I wonder if he had dental issues? People smoking is a hoot. 

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On 9/11/2023 at 3:28 PM, nachomama said:

I dunno if I can’t take unwashed darryl again. 

Not only is he washed, but he's washed under the supervision of a French Nun 😱, he's also getting his wound from a a strange source dramatically healed.

I do have to confess though that no form of shampoo appears to have yet made contact with that greasy mop, even the servants of the Lord don't appear to wield enough power to give him that clean cut look we so fondly remember 😭 

We got tickets for George strait and Chris Stapleton. I’m in it more for Stapleton but I guess it is George’s big farewell. But can I say what a shit-tastic ordeal it is to purchase gd tickets? This is not new, I know.  but great googly moogly can’t zoom the Map. Can’t stay in one section. Some of these tickets were $700 and sure didn’t wanna click on those. We are about 47 miles from the stage but they got screens. 

  • Hugs 1
On 10/16/2023 at 10:17 AM, nachomama said:

We got tickets for George strait and Chris Stapleton. I’m in it more for Stapleton but I guess it is George’s big farewell. But can I say what a shit-tastic ordeal it is to purchase gd tickets? This is not new, I know.  but great googly moogly can’t zoom the Map. Can’t stay in one section. Some of these tickets were $700 and sure didn’t wanna click on those. We are about 47 miles from the stage but they got screens. 

Yeah, a couple of the reasons I rarely do single- or double-act concerts vs. the multi-day/multi-act festivals any more; the big-venue acts price you out of everything except the nosebleed sections.

P. S.: I miss Quiznos.

It’s rare that I do anything but generally yes I’m a smaller venue person. 
I like blimpies too. First thing I ever ate here. College had a little meet and greet and we got a half a blimpie sammich, literally first sub of my entire life. did you know Qdoba still exists? Quiznos in witnesss protection but qdoba still kickin. 

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So, a little confession; I have all of the Daryl episodes recorded on my DVR, but I’ve yet to watch more than the first 20 minutes or so of the first episode - got that far a couple of months or so ago, got interrupted, and never really got back into it.

So - is it actually worth watching, or is it more of the same “Here’s the current Big Baddy we’re going to flail against ineffectually for 90% of the season” crap which (IMHO) killed both the mothership and FTWD?  Because I have better things to do with my time than watch bad formula TV.

Edited by Nashville
Witness the return of Conan the Grammarian!

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