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InuYasha - General Discussion

Meredith Quill
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Nice job on the thread title, SilverStormm!

Inuyasha is one of my oldest [as] anime memories (I'm pretty sure it never ran on Toonami...?) so I wanted to leave my impressions of Inuyasha: The Final Act.

Episode One - seems a bit hurried, to be honest. Like we had to get all the characters, their backstory, and advance the plot, all in one shot. Even Koga's henchmen and Kagome's three friends made it in, and we managed a quick lechery reference too. I'm hoping they can spread it out a little bit after this.

I don't remember the main monster of this episode, but it's possible that there is a season that never aired on CN which I've never seen. I remember the infant and the deal with Naraku's heart.

My least favorite plot device, I mean characters, I mean bugs are back - the Poisonous Insects. They show up whenever Miroku's ninja, I mean monk, power might actually resolve something. If I were him, I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning.

It's been a while, but Kagome's voice actress sounds different. Maybe it's not the same person?

Edited by lathspel
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I watched TFA a few months ago and had previously read all the way through the manga, so I probably won't be following it much on Toonami. Might tune in occasionally just to see how the voice acting measures up.


If you've read the manga, you may or may not be pleased to note that TFA ignores almost all of the manga's side plots. So you won't be seeing any episodes about Shippo and

the Fox Training Academy

for example.

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TFA episode two: I had forgotten that Sesshomaru had a sword that could heal, which he never uses.

At the rate we're cleaning out minor characters, Shippo had better watch his back!

Nice to see the flea guy back. I'm hoping we get the crazy old smith as well. I wish I could remember either of their names.

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I feel like I called the smith guy returning. Also nice to see that Tenseiga has an offensive ability now.

The part about the girl/old dude that fooled Shippo went so fast that I thought it was on fast forward. Was this season made as a series of clip shows cut down from 2-3 real seasons?

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...and we're back, with another fast paced episode. It feels like we're trying to fit two or three seasons of stuff into one last season here, and the writing (such as Inuyasha has) is suffering.

For example, we hear a lot about Ryujin and his scales before we see him (as far as I can remember anyway).

From my other nerd pastime, M:tG, I expected Ryujin to be a dragon.

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Tetsusaiga absorbs power! Moryomaru absorbs power! Ryujin's shield absorbs power! Toshu's sword absorbs power! This episode was the most absorbent thing that's been on my TV screen since the local station ran back to back commercials for Charmin toilet paper.

...and we're back, with another fast paced episode. It feels like we're trying to fit two or three seasons of stuff into one last season here, and the writing (such as Inuyasha has) is suffering.

Yeah, they basically wanted to stuff as much of the manga into each episode as they could.
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Just checking to see if anybody else is keeping up with the show. Last week had the repair of Sango's giant boomerang weapon. I know, it has a proper name, but I can't remember it. Also: InuYasha got drunk. He got over it quickly . . . I'm betting demons have higher metabolisms.

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I've been watching, but not a lot of reactions, to e honest. Although I can tell we are adding a bit of character development, it feels more like a last season addition rather than an integral part of the show.

Maybe that's a high bar for anime, but at least some shows seem to manage it. Whereas I'm watching Inuyasha mostly to watch Naraku bite it at the end.

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I enjoyed this most recent episode, about the origins of Tenseiga. But then, I tend to enjoy the episodes about the strong, silent, proud big brother types. Sesshomaru is basically Byakuya Kuchiki, after all.

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Just catching up. Todosai is the name of the sword forger, right? Anybody else impressed that his three-eyed cow demon thing can project images from other dimensions like a movie camera? I'm oddly amused by it.


I'm taking to this show like I did with Gurren Lagann . . . I don't know most of the characters' names, the plots are insanely intricate, and I like it when we go into old reliable tropes. Miroku's lechery, for instance. Or Kagome being the worst student ever, ditching school for feudal fantasies. Or the simple fun of "SIT, BOY!"

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I'm liking this last season since it's actually moving fast enough to have a discernible plot. Unlike some shows I could name, the fights are over within an episode, so it seems like we're actually moving forward.

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Since you mention Totosai's cow; I wonder if having three eyes means that the cow's projections were in 3-D. Sort of a 3-D cowmera, so to speak.

I'm taking to this show like I did with Gurren Lagann . . . I don't know most of the characters' names, the plots are insanely intricate, and I like it when we go into old reliable tropes.

You just took me back the the first episode of Bleach that I watched, episode 43. I had no idea what was going on, but it was fascinating.
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For those keeping up . . . more fun inside Naraku. To me, a casual viewer, it feels like the story is making itself up as it goes along. Am I alone on that? Also: how many more episodes do we have left? There's no new ep this coming Saturday due to the Kill la Kill marathon.


ETA: Stupid question time . . . I can get how Kagome can travel between eras. But how does InuYasha pull that off? Is it a demon thing? If so, how come Shippo never made the trip? You'd have to hide his ears and feet, but it might be fun.

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I was running behind on this show but I'm catching up.

So Sango actually was willing to kill Rin to save Miroku? Somehow that moral quandrary was the most tension this show has summoned in a while. I like that she didn't get out of it by being interrupted first.

Although, I suspect the long term result will be that both she and Kohaku have something to feel guilty about, thus ultimately forgiving each other.

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Twist! After all this time it's revealed that Naraku isn't the Big Evil Bad Guy of Doom after all; it's the jewel!

Naraku should have known that threatening to kill a bunch of villagers wouldn't work on Sesshomaru. As if he cared about mere humans.

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Are we going to get a fitting finale, or is there going to be stuff open for future projects? And what will you miss about the show?


*deep breath*


"SIT, BOY!!!" The time Sota dressed up like Conan Endigawa. Rin putting down Jakken. Jakken's general cowardice. The various modes of Tek . . . Tets . . . InuYasha's sword. Kikyo and Kagome doing the archery thing before Hawkeye and Katniss made it cool. Miroku's lechery. Sango's ability to put up with Miroku. The time InuYasha got his hand stuck on a boulder. The movie where Naraku got defeated, except not. I could be wrong, but wasn't Miroku's VA the one who did Teru "DELETE!!!!" Mikami from Death Note? The way Kaede would randomly slip a "Ye" into conversation, as if we didn't know this was supposed to be Feudal Japan. Kagome's one-dimensional friends. The fact that Kagome probably had to invent at least six kinds of illness in order to go on adventures. The poor wolf demon guys that always lagged behind Kōga. And, once again: "SIT, BOY!!!!" I would have totally abused that.

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The fact that Kagome probably had to invent at least six kinds of illness in order to go on adventures.


The best part was that it was her grandfather coming up with the illnesses, and they got more and more ridiculous as time went on. It started as the flu, and escalated to things like progeria and liver failure. I vaguely recall Grandpa throwing a few embarrassing ones in, like yeast infection and hemorrhoids.

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So . . . Kagome wound up going back to the Feudal Era to be with InuYasha. On the one hand, there are all sorts of questions you can raise about Kagome not saying goodbye to her grandfather and brother, or that she wasted a high school education to lead a simpler life. On the other hand.  .  did we really tune into this show to see Kagome progress in the modern world? Her friends were total ciphers, and they was no way Hojo could compete with a half-demon like InuYasha.


I didn't find myself questioning anybody else's status quos in the epilogue. Nice that Rin is acclimating to humans . . . though I confess that I've forgotten her original backstory. And I suppose I shouldn't roll my eyes too hard at Sango being a mother of three. The new series really put the brakes on Miroku's lechery.

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"...and everyone lived happily ever after and had lots of babies. Except for Jaken and Myoga, because they're losers."

The well seems to respond to what Kagome wants, so maybe she can go back to visit her family.

I like the fact that Kigome ends up learning herbal medicine from Jinenji.

Nice that Rin is acclimating to humans . . . though I confess that I've forgotten her original backstory.

Rin was a mute (at the time) orphan girl who tried to help Sesshomaru early on when he was wounded. She got killed shortly afterward and he revived her withTenseiga (obligations and all that). From then on she insisted on following him everywhere.
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I liked the finale, seemed like a good wrap up. Sango giving up her profession for love and family seemed a bit of a stretch, but maybe I can see it if I squint.

Nice to see that Kagome has a real home.

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Did Kohaku ever address Sango by her name during the series? It was weird that he only called her sister, even in casual conversations.

From watching subtitled anime I know that there's zillions of shows where siblings address each other almost exclusively with the equivalents of "Lady Big Sister", "Big Bro'", "Little Brother", "Sis", and so on. There's a bewildering variety of possible combinations of words & honorifics. TVTropes has a page all about it:


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From watching subtitled anime I know that there's zillions of shows where siblings address each other almost exclusively with the equivalents of "Lady Big Sister", "Big Bro'", "Little Brother", "Sis", and so on. There's a bewildering variety of possible combinations of words & honorifics. TVTropes has a page all about it:


Thanks for the link. I had no clue. I thought he was just being standoffish.

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I finally got around to watching the last episode; but better late than never.  Inuyasha is the first anime I watched on Adult Swim, so I felt obligated to see the whole thing to the end.  Not a bad finale, if a little predictable in some parts.

"...and everyone lived happily ever after and had lots of babies. Except for Jaken and Myoga, because they're losers."

I enjoyed Sesshomaru's expression at Kagome's "big brother" remark, and him telling Jaken to shut up one last time.


The well seems to respond to what Kagome wants, so maybe she can go back to visit her family.

I like the fact that Kigome ends up learning herbal medicine from Jinenji.

It would be nice if Kagome could still go back and forth through the well.


I was amused that three characters, who actually had backstories in the first series, were pretty much shoe-horned in at the last episode of the second.

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Curious if anybody watched Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon on Toonami or online. The first episode was a flashback of the original team a few years after beating Naraku, with new characters set in their future.

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