zoeysmom March 1, 2015 Share March 1, 2015 Yes! Yes! Yes! I am certain that in addition to her famewhoreness, Kyle's behavior on RHOBH has a lot to do with Mauricio's business. AnnA you bring up a good point-would most of these married women behave differently if their husbands were there? I don't think it even goes as deep as the business I think the married ones would not misbehave to that extent, period. Then I started thinking back Puerto Rico-the women who advanced the argument all stag-Yolanda, Brandi and Kim. I am not trying to be a goody two shoes but I do think be it to not further embarrass their children/husband or business interests it is a step in the right direction. This is where Vanderpump has it nailed-she likes having silly, outdated sexual puns. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/10/#findComment-878919
zoeysmom March 1, 2015 Share March 1, 2015 Well, I've read all your posts and thoughts. Now for mine regarding The Restaurant Rumble. I'm so glad Kim is finally being called out on her unacceptable behavior, even if she won't accept her horrid actions. It, at least, is cathartic for her castmates. However, Lisa R's actions were also unacceptable. When is it ever suitable for someone to throw something at another or a group? I've been an inner city kid, a trailer park teen, a suburban mom, and now an uptown woman and have never seen such behavior. Not because I'm blessed. Because I have never allowed myself to be in escalating situations. I remove myself. Not in flight, like Kyle, but we'll before it comes to that point. Besides, my hair has never been as long and the effect would be lost. JMHO. I have to say much like Kyle's double birds to Kim, Lisar wine toss bothered me. (Although being a bit of a viewer Kyle expressed my feelings towards Kim in the moment in a way I could never do. Same with Lisar.) Lisar knew how much it hurt Eileen to have wine thrown in her face. I don't think the smashing glass endangered anybody because I think Vanderpump and Eileen had jumped up. I no longer trust Bravo when it comes to sound effects and the like. I agree I would be hair challenged in fleeing the scene with the flowing main. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/10/#findComment-878945
hypnotoad March 1, 2015 Share March 1, 2015 She made a point twice of saying that she does not take drugs "that she is not supposed to" or abuse perscription drugs. I tend to believe taking Monty's drugs is taking drugs she isn't supposed to. Kim can parse her words all she wants (and does) but at the end of the day she isn't sober. Not by any realistic definition of that word. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/10/#findComment-878961
zoeysmom March 1, 2015 Share March 1, 2015 Listen. I know Kim is a tough girl. A mean girl. A girl who is not gonna take any crap offa anybody. Not Kyle. Not Lisa Vanderpump. Especially not Lisa Lips. But why is she grabbing her penis? I mean that seems a little over the top. Doncha think? Remember it is her wiener. The one she gets waxed. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/10/#findComment-878975
IKnowRight March 1, 2015 Share March 1, 2015 (edited) Kim loses her sanity on Lisa Rinna in the hour long limo ride. Lisa is unsure of how to react towards her but handles the situation well. Next, we see Kim, and somewhat Brandi, go after Kyle & Lisa over their lack of poker skills. They were over the top rude to their hosts, the Van Pattons and were acting like 2 years olds calling Kyle & Lisa stupid multiple times. At the reading at the Van Pattons we see Kim start to come unglued and uninterested in acting like an adult when the topic of how she is doing comes up in Eilleen's kitchen. She had an opportunity to nip all the talk in the bud. All she had to do was make a statement with some finality to it and tell them all to back off. That would have been the end of the "storyline" if she handled it better. We watch Kim rudely getting up and changing her seat at the charity dinner in Calgary, to avoid Lisa & Kyle. We see Kim acting like a 2 year old, yet again, when they meet to get on the plane. She goes all Jr. High and pretends to not see Lisa R. She rips into Lisa on the plane. Lisa apologizes. Here, again, Kim has an opportunity to end it, but instead, has a temper tantrum and cannot seem to accept Lisa's apology. All she needed to do was make a statement about how it is not Lisa's business, thanks for your input, let's move on. Did she do that? No, she had a hissy fit. Can you blame Lisa R for being freaked out after dealing with her acting this way? I can understand her saying something to Lisa VP and Eilleen because they were not there and Lisa was just expressing to them what she had to deal with at the airport & on the plane. She knew Eileen was already mistreated more than once by Kim and that Lisa VP would be one to confide in because it was well known Kim had a go at Lisa VP in the past. If it was me, I probably would have dropped it, but she was venting. I'm 50/50 on her talking about to Eileen & Lisa VP at this point. At the dinner: Who started the conversation? Yolanda. It was not Lisa R. Yolanda said something along the lines of wanting to share feelings and how we all hide things, our lives are not perfect, let's not pretend...I think Kim assumed Yolanda was setting the stage for an intervention for her and as soon as she saw the other ladies start commenting, you could tell her little brain was whirling away wondering when the hammer was going to come down. As soon as Lisa R started speaking about her personal situation, Kim was rolling her eyes. She showed no compassion for her story. Her lack of looking beyond her own self and empathizing with any of the other ladies is far beyond her ability. Lisa apologized to Kim. That is not the same are bringing up her lack of sobriety. Lisa was simply saying, in so many words, that alcoholism has destroyed many of the people she loved and she was just concerned as a friend. It was Kim who interpreted Lisa's compassion as stirring the pot and evil. Even if it was Lisa's true intension to humiliate Kim, all Kim had to do, once again was to shut it down. Shut it down by appeasing Lisa with a sternly worded sentence or two about she appreciates her concern, all is well, there is nothing to see here, let's move on....Instead, Kim went for blood, she turned into Steven King's Carrie on prom night. For the life of me, I just don't get why people can't be happy for other people. Why people want to tear other people down. Why misery loves company. That is no way to live, and I have zero sympathy for anyone who acts this way...I don't care what has happened to you in life. No one has a right to say and do such hurtful things because they have a screwed up life or past. I agree that Lisa should not have thrown the glass. I would hope if that was me, I would have controlled myself...at least I would like to think so! I didn't really see her go for Kim's throat, it looked to me like she wanted to smack her but Kim pulled away in time. I am not sure why people are criticizing Kyle for running out of the room. I don't blame her. That was her way of creating a "time out" when she didn't know what to do. Kim was so nasty with that comment about not being a real sister. How hateful can she be? The fact that some viewers don't love Kyle doesn't give Kim the right to humiliate Kyle in that way. I have 2 sisters and I thank God everyday for the love of my 5 siblings, and I just can't even imagine what it is like to have a sibling that has not only been such a burden, but such a spoiled, ungrateful wretch that is Kim Richards. Edited March 1, 2015 by IKnowRight 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/10/#findComment-879006
Lisin March 1, 2015 Author Share March 1, 2015 Wow. 10 Pages. Most of them only tangentially related to the First Look which is what this topic is for. Hence it is being locked. You all can talk about individual housewives in their individual topics (which is where most of the posts in here probably belong). We're really lenient here but this is beyond anything I've seen. Please pay attention to mod notes in the future. Please stay on topic when this episode airs. This First Looks topic is going to be renamed something along the lines of "That time the posters made Lisin and the rest of the mods want to pull all their hair out." and it will remain locked permanently. When the next First Look airs we will start a new First Looks topic, and staying on topic will be much more firmly moderated. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/10/#findComment-879068
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