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LegalDispatch 0.19

Marc Guggenheim   March 25, 2022


On Wednesday night, we wrapped production on the pilot for our LA Law sequel series. Appropriately, the final shot was of a car trunk slamming down to reveal a California license plate which says, “LA Law” as in the original show.

This has been the most remarkable experience with one of the finest cast and crews I’ve ever had the good fortune to work with. I like to think that instead of doing a pilot, we just shot the 173rd episode of LA Law. Hopefully, we’ll get to do a 174th and maybe more.


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LegalDispatch 0.20

Marc Guggenheim     April 15, 2022


In the case of this particular week, it’s post-production on the LA Law pilot that is keeping me busiest. Today, we deliver the 1st Network Cut as well as something called a “Series Document,” a 7-page (per network guidelines) document which outlines our plan for the the potential first season in terms of tone, character arcs, character dynamics, and potential storylines. The exercise is not unlike shopping for furniture for a house you may never get to live in.

Suffice it to say, I’m insanely proud of the show we’ve created and filmed. I say “suffice it to say” as if that’s a given, but I’ve worked on a number of pilots that were hardly worthy of pride, so it’s not something one can always count on. But this one — particularly the directing work by Anthony Hemmingway and a murderers’ row cast — is something very special. I hope the network gods smile favorably upon us and you get to see it someday.


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LegalDispatch 0.21

Marc Guggenheim     April 24, 2022


I’m writing this from my home office, with my 3D printer churning away printing out mounts for my daughter’s Mickey Ears collection. I’m also starting this 15 minutes from an ADR session via Zoom with Hari Neff, who plays Alana Stern in the LA Law pilot.
*  *  *
In this case, Hari’s ADR will be in service of adding a few little lines — with ADR, less is always more — to help with clarity on a few key points. The entire cast, and even one guest star, goes through these ADR sessions. And just like not all ADR is created equally, some actors have a higher facility with the skill of recreating or supplementing an earlier performance as others. Giving notes on the ADR stage towards the beginning of my career was my first real experience working with — and directing — actors and I still enjoy it. When it all comes together, it’s like magic.

Yesterday, we locked picture on the pilot for LA Law. What does this mean? Basically, that barring some kind of unexpected development, we’re finished editing the pilot. What remains is the aforementioned ADR, color correction, sound mixing, and a handful of visual effects.

You might wonder why a legal drama like LA Law requires visual effects. I’ll tell you: After eight years in the Arrowverse, I now insist on using visual effects in every show I work on.


No, even a non-genre episode or movie requires a little VFX help. Sometimes it’s removing an errant crewmember. Other times, it’s to stabilize and smooth out and unintentionally shaky shot. And more often than not, it’s to “comp in” or “composite in” things like iPhone screens, iPad screens, and television screens.
*  *  *
Next week, we have the aforementioned sound mixing and color-timing. Ubah and I will also be getting notes on our “Series Document” — a document which lays out our plans for the characters and series should additional episodes beyond the pilot get ordered.

We’re also meeting with scores of writers for a potential writing staff. To date, we’ve gotten over 300 submissions — i.e., far more scripts to read and writers to meet with than would ever be possible. It gives me cause to think that the recruiting system as it is currently constituted is broken, working for neither the showrunners nor the writers who want to work on the show. Something needs to be done, but I’m not entirely sure — yet — what that something is.

(AGH. Ran out of time. I’m off to virtual ADR with Hari. Be right back…)

And I’m back! Hari was brilliant, as always. We also took the opportunity to show her a couple of selected scenes from the pilot. It’s all coming together…


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Legal Dispatch 0.21

Marc Guggenheim   May 10, 2022


Yesterday also marked the final playback of the LA Law pilot. In fact, I was on the mix stage when Phil Klemmer Legends’ co-creator/co-showrunner texted me the sad news [about the cancellation of DC's Legends of Tomorrow].

For the uninitiated, television episodes and feature films under go a final “sound mix” as part of the post-production process. This is where the tapestry of the things you hear as you watch get woven together: Production sound, sound-effects (i.e., foley), “needle drops” (songs, etc.), music, and ADR (see the previous edition of LegalDispatch) all come together. It’s also typically the last opportunity to review the whole enchilada before the project is rendered complete.

So now… we wait. ABC’s upfront presentation is May 17, so we’ll have to learn our fate by then. But for now… big with the waiting.

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When a pilot doesn’t go to series, it’s usually because it’s not very good. However, that is absolutely not the case in this instance. Anthony Hemmingway directed a simply incredible hour of television (well, 44 minutes and 22 seconds). And the folks at ABC/Disney really liked the pilot — but there were two pilots that they thought would have a greater chance of success with.


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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Well, I paused in my rewatch of a show last night (really, I need serious help, but I canna resist the yummiliciousness that is Sam Heughan in a kilt!) to see if L.A. Law is the uncut or syndicated. And it's the former! Yay!

They split the pilot in two episodes, which I am fine with them doing. They didn't bleep out or cut Mario Van Peebles' character (summer associate) telling Leland that he wouldn't be their N-word boy. Which, shocked me, because I SWEAR, I don't remember that from when I first watched during the original airing.

It's so jarring to see a skinny Corbin Bernsen with so much hair, when I'm so used to his being Henry Spencer, bald, hefty, retired cop dad of Shawn Spencer from Psych.

And to this day, I still wonder why Susan Dey wasn't in the pilot.

Reposting this from the Streaming thread.

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1 minute ago, Egg McMuffin said:

Susan Dey auditioned for the pilot and didn’t get the part. Another actress played the ADA in the pilot, but she was dropped because they thought she looked too old for Kuzak. And then they went after Dey again.

Ahhh yes. Meghan Gallagher. Susan was a much better choice and the chemistry between her and Harry was just amazing.

I’m PEEVED that Prime for some REASON, didn’t make ALL the episodes available! There are 132 missing episodes which were supposed to have become available this afternoon! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Episode 4, where Mike and Grace have their FIRST KISS! Is one of them and it’s also not available on YouTube, like the others are.

So I’m waiting impatiently. Seriously thinking about getting the DVDS for the first five seasons. Show had no interest for me after Hamlin left. 

Trivia: I got see him play Henry V at a local park shortly after he had left the show. Wish I could have met him. He was VERY GOOD.

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Oh, that’s disappointing that there are missing episodes. You can’t really do that with a semi-serialized show. It’s not like this is Law & Order. I’m going to hold off on my rewatch until the missing episodes are added.

I remember the “office mutiny” storyline leading up to Kuzak’s departure was fantastic. But after, it was kinda dull. A lot of the new characters just didn’t work (Billy Castroverti, Frank Kittredge, Melina Parros, etc). Didn’t help that David Kelley left as showrunner at the same time they lost Harry Hamlin, Jimmy Smits, and Michele Greene. And they actually got rid of Cecil Hoffman as Zoey, one of the few new characters that did work. Mind boggling.

Just too much turmoil in those last few seasons, in terms of both cast and creative team.

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1 minute ago, aquarian1 said:

It was very holey back when I watched in 2021 on Prime, as well.  Is it the same episodes that are missing?  I wonder if there actors or topics in them they no longer want to show?


Nope. @Jaded posted a TVLine article in the Subscribers thread that all missing episodes were supposed to be loaded by yesterday afternoon. That's the trouble with talking about shows in different forums! 😅

Especially when they do air the episodes dealing with AIDS, homophobia, and like I said, in the pilot, where Van Peebles' character says the N-Word and it's not edited out or bleeped.

I had a rant yesterday that SIX episodes from the first season are missing. And it makes NO SENSE.

I had to laugh, in the episode (name is escaping me as I was bingeing) where Arnie, Stuart, and Anne decide who gets Cheney's office by playing....(wait for iiiiiiiiit*) "One Potato...two potato...three potato...more..."   🤣



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Bringing this over to the more appropriate show thread...

On 8/7/2023 at 3:57 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Season two is so f'd up! So Prime doesn't have the season finale of the first season, yet in the recap of season 2's premiere, they show scenes of Abby schmoozing Jonathan, to join the firm; Michael and Grace fighting over the tobacco case he lost, and Stuart and Anne fighting over wedding stuff.

BUT. We get the first three episodes, skip over the fourth, and the fifth episode has those scenes from the RECAP!!!! I mean, we already met Jonathan, and he's at Mackenzie, and has been for two episodes, but now we see Abby telling him about it-because he's still LOOKING! And we see the tail end of the tobacco case Michael lost.

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just what the HELL is going on here?!

I'm so tempted to just get the first five seasons. It's beyond aggravating trying to watch this on Prime, when the missing episodes STILL have not been added.


On 8/8/2023 at 9:15 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

I do remember the missing season one episodes, and no music. Unless it's the actual score/music OF the show. It's stupid. Plus, as @Jaded posted up thread, the missing episodes were supposed to be added so that the complete series would be available last week.

Thus far, it seems season one has the most missing episodes. Six. Two has about three or four, season three, which I just finished watching, about three. And four, about...three? Maybe four.

Season three was a short season--only 19 episodes.

I HATEHATEHATE what the show did to Michael and Grace. Grace just became more and more humorless and a megatwat. And Susan's hair, a more darker blonde, closer to her actual hair color, by season three. Maybe it's the missing episodes, but the distance and Grace being...bored and apparently no longer in love with Michael, just came out of left field. And Harry just got better looking and sexier. It helped that the stylists got rid of that awful late 70s/early 80s shellacked hair on him. Sure, Michael could be an ass sometimes. But he was my favorite, along with Victor. Which is why I HATED what Bochco/Kelley did not only to that friendship, but creating that triangle and having Grace go to Victor. But the movie made up for it when Micky and Gracie found each other again.

I never remembered what an ASS Jonathan was his first season, either.

Abby annoys. And Roxanne got on my every damn nerve.

I love Benny. Larry Drake was absolutely amazing in this role.

Why is it on these shows, there can only be ONE stable and happy couple?

Just as with watching the early seasons of Law & Order, it's eerie how some of the social issues are still relevant today. I see a lot of H!I!T!G! on this show, who also showed up on some of my favorite shows, like Law & Order and Psych!

And a lot of appearances from Hill Street Blues alumni! And Soap Stars!

Another frustrating thing with Prime is that every.single.episode will freeze two or three times--I'll still hear the audio, but when it unfreezes, it picks up from the last line of dialogue.

All I know is I'll stop watching once season five is over. I'm not interested in the show after Michael/Harry left, and while I love John Spencer, the show just went downhill after five. 

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A few years ago I watched season 1 through season 3 on DVDs from library. So I started season 4 and it was going great till they skipped episodes 7 and 8 and then 13.  It was a little jarring for there to be storylines that was missing the beginning.  Michael is interested in Allison from Melrose Place?  When did they meet? Ann is on maternity leave?  So she had the baby?  I had no idea if it was a boy or girl till someone said his name was Matthew.  I hope Prime puts up the missing episodes at some point.

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Sounds like the same episodes that were missing when I watched.  I almost stopped watching, because it was a lot, but I did have the recaps and my memory from the original run.  Well, except I didn't remember the last season that well.  I think I had stopped watching regularly then.   And at least Prime wasn't skipping or freezing for me.  

I agree, Abby and Roxanne both ended up annoying me.  I did like them  better than I remembered, though.  And Jonathon was an an ass, but an enjoyable to watch character, at least for me. 

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On 8/10/2023 at 11:01 AM, bluegirl147 said:

A few years ago I watched season 1 through season 3 on DVDs from library. So I started season 4 and it was going great till they skipped episodes 7 and 8 and then 13.  It was a little jarring for there to be storylines that was missing the beginning.  Michael is interested in Allison from Melrose Place?  When did they meet? Ann is on maternity leave?  So she had the baby?  I had no idea if it was a boy or girl till someone said his name was Matthew.  I hope Prime puts up the missing episodes at some point.

Regarding the bolded, I'm assuming that Courtney Thorne-Smith showed up in either episode 7 or 8 (I'm too lazy to check on iMDB). And why not? After the way Grace freezed him out. But I seriously do NOT remember him dating anyone after Grace.

I think Anne may have had the baby in 7, as in six, they were talking about how close she was to term.

On 8/10/2023 at 11:04 AM, aquarian1 said:

Sounds like the same episodes that were missing when I watched.  I almost stopped watching, because it was a lot, but I did have the recaps and my memory from the original run.  Well, except I didn't remember the last season that well.  I think I had stopped watching regularly then.   And at least Prime wasn't skipping or freezing for me.  

I agree, Abby and Roxanne both ended up annoying me.  I did like them  better than I remembered, though.  And Jonathon was an an ass, but an enjoyable to watch character, at least for me. 

Well then that stupid article makes NO SENSE. If the episodes were missing THEN, why not try to upload them/make them available THEN? There are no music licensing issues that I can recall. Other than season two's late night working of Jonathan and Abby, where I think they were dancing and kissed?

And while Jonathan was an ASS, I liked him.

And either 7 or 8 in season 4, Allison (Joyce Hyser) was raped. Because of course. This is the late late 80s, and I'll admit I was shocked that her past sexual history was used against her at the prelim. I thought by then the courts had ruled a woman's past history couldn't be used against her? 

Anyway, it was disheartening to see and hear Victor, VICTOR(!) using the same victim shaming we still see today-what she was wearing, blah, blah, blah.

But despite all of this, I'm watching, and grumbling. Will definitely get the DVDs for the first five seasons only though.

Show was stupid after Michael/Harry left, and with all those new people? It wasn't the same.

Does anyone know if the reunion movie is on any of the dvds, or do I have to look for it on YouTube?


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3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Regarding the bolded, I'm assuming that Courtney Thorne-Smith showed up in either episode 7 or 8 (I'm too lazy to check on iMDB). And why not? After the way Grace freezed him out. But I seriously do NOT remember him dating anyone after Grace.

Oh I know why he was dating her but I hadn't seen the episode that introduced her so I was like who the fuck is this.  And I called her Allison because I had just finished season 5 of Melrose Place last week.

4 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And either 7 or 8 in season 4, Allison (Joyce Hyser) was raped. Because of course. This is the late late 80s, and I'll admit I was shocked that her past sexual history was used against her at the prelim. I thought by then the courts had ruled a woman's past history couldn't be used against her? 

I just watched that episode yesterday. The one with the trial, not the rape because of course that was a missing episode.  It was brutal watching her be asked the questions.  

5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Does anyone know if the reunion movie is on any of the dvds, or do I have to look for it on YouTube?

It is on DVD because my library has it.

I think I started watching LA Law regularly around these episodes back in 1990 because I remember Rosalind Shays. I checked and her final episode which is in season 5 is on Prime.  Her departure still remains one of the greatest shocks of all time.

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1 hour ago, bluegirl147 said:

And I called her Allison because I had just finished season 5 of Melrose Place last week.

Oh, I figured as much. I find myself calling actors by their famous character names, but since I was going to mention Allison, from this show, I used her real name.

1 hour ago, bluegirl147 said:

I just watched that episode yesterday. The one with the trial, not the rape because of course that was a missing episode.  It was brutal watching her be asked the questions.  

What I hate is the SMUGNESS. Why do ALL the female defense attorneys who represent RAPISTS, have to be so SMUG and look as if they're getting some thrill by asking such questions?

1 hour ago, bluegirl147 said:

It is on DVD because my library has it.

I think I started watching LA Law regularly around these episodes back in 1990 because I remember Rosalind Shays. I checked and her final episode which is in season 5 is on Prime.  Her departure still remains one of the greatest shocks of all time.

Awesome! I'll see if my library has it, and if not, I'll buy it if I can get it.

Rosalyn's "departure" was indeed one of the greatest shocks. Finding out she and Leland where lovers also shocked me.

And Leland's reaction to Rosalind's nose on that sculpture? Never fails to make me laugh!

But for me, because she was on it longer and I loved her performance, she will be Dr. Leslie Thompkins on Batman: The Animated Series.

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Sorry to be whiner, but I looked at the schedule and 8 episodes are missing from season 5-including the premiere.

Ans seasons 4 and 5 by themselves aren’t available on DVD. The entire series is, but I’m worried that they won’t have closed captioning. Season 3 on Prime didn’t have it, which was weird.

So I’m taking a break. But my ❤️ went all 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 when I saw Cruz A. Martinez in the season 4 finale. He would have been better choice to add to the cast had Santa Barbara  been cancelled sooner. Or, he could have done double duty as most soap stars did at that time. Or shown us Hector before the finale. Did we HAVE to see him suffer? Sometimes I wonder about David Kelley.

I also noticed “our” guys lost more than they won.

And I don’t see why Michael and Grace couldn’t resume their relationship since MacKenzie Brackman… had Anne and Stuart working together and being involved before getting married. But whatever. My inner teen is still bitter because those two had so much chemistry. 

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Well, going down the YouTube Rabbit hole, I found a channel that has the missing episodes from Prime!

Here's da link for those of who would like to catch up.

And I never saw the final season or how it ended, but I watch the reunion movie, and Good GOD, why did Michele Greene come back? Just to have Abby trot into the office like some Bitter and Sour Grapes? And how did she manage to open up her own practice again, and THIS time with 8 associates? How'd she pay them?

And while I wasn't David's biggest fan, to turn him into a conman? And put Benny, Maddie, and Roxanne through that? Faking cancer? Like, what? You'd think someone else had written this, but no it was Bochco and Fisher.

At least Michael and Grace got back together. That's something. I guess.


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Well it seems the reason why the last two episodes from season one aren’t available on YouTube is because the contain content from Sony Pictures so it’s blocked. So I doubt Prime will make it available due to licensing? The other missing episodes had no music or anything like that, so I remain confused about why they’re not available. And season five premiere is also not available and the YouTube channel has episode 2 as the first- where Stuart has a heart attack.

That does it. I’m getting the dvds.

And I found Jack so gross. Can’t believe Grace jumped into the sack with him. But the seeds are there for a Grace and Victor relationship. But I still hate it. My love for Victor notwithstanding.

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Steven Bochco and Terry Louise Fisher didn’t write the reunion movie; it was written by WIlliam FInkelstein, a writer/producer in the early seasons and the showrunner for the last season and a half. Bochco sadly didn’t have anything to do with the reunion movie or even the last two seasons of the show. Once he had his own production company, he didn’t want to do a show where he he had little/no ownership and was just a hired hand. Same with David Kelley.

FInkelstein did a decent job getting the show back on track at the end, but I remember being disappointed by the reunion movie. Totally agree about Abby. They had hoped to do annual TV movies but the ratings for the first were disappointing so that was it.

I’d love to see the busted revival pilot from a few years ago, where Arnie and Jonathan were the senior partners of the firm, now called Becker Rollins, and Ann Kelsey was a judge.

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On 8/11/2023 at 1:16 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Rosalyn's "departure" was indeed one of the greatest shocks. Finding out she and Leland where lovers also shocked me.

Rosalind's departure was probably peak David E. Kelley.  It was a shocking, talked about moment that everyone remembers.  I'll also say Diana Muldaur made for a great villain.   

It's been an interesting watch.  I hate that the seasons are missing episodes, even if the recaps at the beginning of the episode at least give you some idea what has happened.  It's interesting.  I see a lot of story tics that repeated themselves on The Practice (another David E. Kelley show).  He really seemed to like the idea of the Defendant who seems innocent, the team then gets them off, and only then does the Defendant reveal that they were guilty all along.   

There have also been a lot of cringeworthy episodes.  Arnie Becker is essentially a walking lawsuit.  He sleeps with clients in the office, he slept with a secretary, then tried to get her fired.  Any of the storylines involving sexual assault trials were just depressing.  It's also interesting to see how the AIDS storylines were handled, and the show's handling of gay issues ranges from almost modern to really bad.  

I'm not sure what to think about Benny.  I think Larry Drake did a good job, but I felt like the show wanted it both ways with him.  He lived on his own, kept up his house, presumably shopped for himself, had a steady job with real responsibilities, but other times he was written as though he was a child who needed saving.                  

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21 minutes ago, Egg McMuffin said:

Steven Bochco and Terry Louise Fisher didn’t write the reunion movie; it was written by WIlliam FInkelstein

Huh. Guess I thought it said they wrote it, but it was probably the credit of Created by that I saw.

The only good thing I can say about the movie is that Harry Hamlin was so very HAWT. 

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Yep - I figured you saw the created by credit. Bochco and Fisher actually had a big falling out in season three. He was preparing to step aside as showrunner and  she was going to succeed him. Instead, she was fired and David Kelley was named showrunner for season four. I vaguely recall some legal issues but they were settled out of court.

Bochco also had a falling out with Michael Kozoll, who cocreated Hill Street Blues with him. Kozoll departed after the first or second season.

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I'm up to Season 7.  I cannot believe they've essentially ripped off the movie Regarding Henry and swapped in Stuart for Harrison Ford.  I just can't with the character.  He whines too much, makes unilateral decisions in his relationship with Ann and makes me want to slap him.

I'm done with the series now, at least in terms of the episodes that Amazon has available.  Season 7 was most assuredly the worst season.  Gwen's stalker storyline went on way too long, was really badly written and went nowhere in the end.  Also really didn't care about Roxanne's pregnancy.  Half the time her character just seems like a mostly miserable person.

I was sad Season 8 was the end.  The quality of the show seemed to improve markedly.  Debi Mazar was a great addition, and it was kind of funny that she and Alan Rosenberg just crossed over from the cancelled Civil Wars on CBS to join La Law on NBC. 

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On 9/7/2023 at 7:07 PM, bluegirl147 said:

It looks like the missing episodes are now on Prime.  I watched the missing ones from seasons 5 and 6 and they had characters watching real TV shows.  One was I Love Lucy.  That was probably the hold up.

Not only that, but the episodes are in full screen instead of the square boxes with most of the shows from the 70s-90s.

I think I mentioned up thread that a couple of episodes weren’t available because Sony movies were shown or something and due to copyright, they weren’t available.

i watched the not before available season one episodes and can’t figure out why they weren’t available before. Well, the season finale I’m assuming is because of the Elvis impersonator singing “One Night With You” when Stuart and Anne were going to elope in Vegas, but walked away laughing at the impersonator. It was OBVIOUS that the actor was singing because it was NOT Elvis he was lip syncing.

And I still get miffed when I watch this because Mike and Grace were so much in love and how they broke up was stupid. While I love Victor and Jimmy Smits, the chemistry between Susan and Harry was so much more natural and sizzling. It just seemed forced with Susan and Jimmy. But it’s all moot because Harry was leaving and at least they got back together in that horrible movie. 

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Okay, I was wrong. Not all episodes were converted to full screen.

I had forgotten how much it pissed me off the way they wrote off Michael.

Even if it took Benny having a breakdown for Mike to withdraw his petition. I didn’t even recognize this show by this season. As much as I love John Spencer, with CJ and Zoey, this wasn’t the show I loved and was no longer L.A. Law.

So much destruction of characters. And for what?

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Oh not all episodes are available! Season 2’s “The Brothers Grimm” where Benny’s mom died and Victor represents the woman who was raped and her boyfriend killed, while an off duty cop did nothing, and is suing him, still not available.

I had forgotten that Michele also left at the end of season five. I wonder if it was last minute since Abby was finally made partner.

I stopped watching after Grace won that one case. I can’t watch till the end. It’s not the same.

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😂😂😂😂😂 Priscilla Pointer, who will always be Pamela Ewing’s mother to me-played a recurring judge. In the first season, she had silver white hair. In season five, or was it one of six? when she appeared again, she had dyed her hair and was a striking brunette!😂😂😂😂

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I’m watching the bonus features from the first season dvd and I FEEL VALIDATED!!!!

BOTH Harry Hamlin and Susan Dey were shocked and upset when Show decided to split up Mike and Grace.

These were done in 2014. The only ones not interviewed were Michele Green and Richard Dysart. Though I don’t know when Dysart passed away.

And wow oh wow. After the pilot, Jill Eikenberry was diagnosed with breast cancer-which was considered a death sentence back then. She and Michael told Bochco she wouldn’t be able to do it-they we’re still in New York getting ready to move to L.A.

Bochco knew people at UCLA and made it possible for her to get radiation treatment after her lumpectomy. Unlike with Kate Jackson- who I could tell was ill, in the final end season of Scarecrow & Mrs. King, Jill didn’t have the same look. And Kate also had a lumpectomy and radiation, I think.

But it eases the pain that the actors who played Mike and Grace were also upset.


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I remember reading that Jill Eikenberry was a cancer survivor but didn’t realize she was ill during the first season. How great that Steven Bochco made it possible for her to do the show anyway.

Michele Greene did leave unexpectedly between season 5 and 6. And Susan Dey unexpected returned. That’s why they hurriedly wrote Abby out in the first episode of season 6, and undid Grace’s departure.

At the time, I liked the “office mutiny” story at the end of season 5 that had Michael, Victor, and Grace leave the firm. I suspect when I rewatch, I’ll find it over the top (not surprising given that David E Kelley was the showrunner at the time). Dave Meyer as the receiver is funny but absurd. The resolution is too pat; In reality, those partners would have been in litigation for years. I did like scene at the end between Michael and Leland where Leland asks him if he’d stay after all.

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On 8/16/2023 at 4:55 AM, Egg McMuffin said:

Yep - I figured you saw the created by credit. Bochco and Fisher actually had a big falling out in season three. He was preparing to step aside as showrunner and  she was going to succeed him. Instead, she was fired and David Kelley was named showrunner for season four. I vaguely recall some legal issues but they were settled out of court.

Despite their falling out, Bochco had nothing but good things to say about Fisher in the season one dvd featurettes.

I have to side-eye Bernsen though, when he says this was the bestest show evah he was on, because dude said the same thing about Psych. And these interviews were in 2014, when Psych was still on the air. The latter never had any behind the scenes drama or shenanigans from what I can recall.

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On 9/14/2023 at 12:31 AM, Egg McMuffin said:

That’s why they hurriedly wrote Abby out in the first episode of season 6, and undid Grace’s departure.

I hated that they completely undid Grace's happy ending.  I get that they had to rethink her relationship with Victor if he was not going to be on the show, but a separation and a miscarriage was a lot for the character. 

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I’m watching the official pilot of Law & Order Mothership, and I get so verklempt at seeing John Spencer, who played the father of the victim. I just giggle when I hear his character pronounce antibiotic as anteebeeotic.😂😅

And I think this was in season two, but I love and 😂😂😂😂 at the end of the episode where Grace prosecuted the attorneys who assaulted the teenage stripper. This Exchange:

Mike: “I seriously love you, Gracie!” after inhaling helium. And then Grace inhales some:

Grace: “I seriously love you too, Micky!”

Mike: “Awwww!”

Fade to Black.


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So about a year or so ago I finally decided to give this show a shot and watch it(I knew Jimmy Smits, but never had seen it before and I love him as an actor and honestly I watched only for him) that said surprisingly I liked it a lot which is saying something I don't tend to love full on lawyer shows at all. I loved Jimmy's character Victor he was a great lawyer. I liked the friendship between Michael, Grace and Victor a lot, but honestly I didn't ship Grace and Michael together at all and didn't like them together (although I'll admit they did have chemistry, it pains me to say that) and this is I know an unpopular opinion, but I liked Grace and Victor together plus I did like them more as friends as well and I agree they didn't have the chemistry she and Michael had, but I liked them together and I think it could have worked better had their relationship been built up more especially since it was implied Grace and Victor knew each other prior to coming to the law firm and the fact that it seemed as though Grace had a crush on Victor prior to Grace and Michael meeting and getting together. Also I loved the Benny character he was great and I was so glad when he came to work at the firm he was very sweet and I loved how everyone tried helping him out when he had issues. Now I have basically all of L.A. Law on DVD. (I was sad they only relased the first few seasons, but I was able to get through amazonuk so I was happy about that and was able to watch the rest of the seasons so to speak)

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Over the last couple of months I rewatched the entire series for the first time since its original airing and although I enjoyed the rewatch and still think it's a quality show, I feel like what's considered acceptable in the workplace and more generally has changed so much in the last almost 40 years that some of what happens in season one is really appalling. Arnie, of course, remains essentially terrible throughout the entire series.

Michael basically stalked Grace until she agreed to be with him. And Stuart likewise refused to take no for an answer, but just acted pathetic and persistent with Ann until she gave in. It's so weird to me that what was evidently considered romantic in 1986 had me saying out loud to my TV set in 2024, "just get a restraining order."

It's funny because last year I rewatched NYPD Blue, another Bochco show, and it still feels pretty current, even though it started only seven years later. LA Law and Hill Street Blues (which I didn't watch on its original run and didn't get very far into before it got dropped from Prime) seem really dated.

Apparently there was supposed to be a ninth season, but it didn't get renewed at the last minute. I don't know that it really had another season in it, but I did like the addition of Eli and Denise, and it's unfortunate that they never got to deal with the Steven Eckholdt character. If ever a fictional lawyer deserved comeuppance, it was that guy.


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