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S14.E13: Caviar Catastrophe

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On 2/28/2025 at 5:55 PM, JenE4 said:

I was one of the people who took offense to Sutton’s wallet comment, so here’s where I’m coming from. Foremost, just because Dorit has also said terrible things about people doesn’t necessarily negate a tit for tat. There’s room to acknowledge that they are all terrible people. If we’re ranking an insult continuum, I don’t necessarily think it’s that bad to call someone out on their bad behavior—ie, telling someone they’re acting like a bitch when their behavior could arguably be categorized as bitchy. That’s why Sutton calling Dorit a bitch in her own home was fine by me, because she was acting bitchy toward Sutton. However, the wallet comment suddenly became classist. It wasn’t a matter of calling someone out on their behavior or actions. Rather, it was implying I’m better than you simply because I have more money than you. It was icky. I think the women at the luncheon were all appropriately shocked, as well. Granted, I’m sure living in Beverly Hills, they all think it and are comparing the Haves and the Have Nots, but you’re not supposed to say it. It’s also highly condescending to basically say there’s a caste system at play, and standing on my wallet puts me above you. And, I don’t want to break any forum rules by talking about what’s happening in America right now. But let’s just leave it at there are too many billionaires on power trips because their money thinks they “know better” than the plebeians who don’t deserve what they’re getting. Maybe if Sutton said this a year ago, eh… It just hit a little too close to home right now…


Well that's where things get tricky. YOU seem to think that's what it was implying and that wasn't everyone's take on it.

Some of us think she threw it in her face to say stop weaponizing a status you don't even hold and even on top of that don't wield it at someone who is NOT pretending. Love it or hate it a reality check doesn't always have to come with a sticker and a lollipop.


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On 3/1/2025 at 12:37 AM, princelina said:

To be fair to Dorit - I think she did think she and Kyle were real friends; we saw quite a few scenes of them hanging out, spending Jewish holidays together, etc. and I think Kyle's denying that they were friends publicly really hurt her feelings.  Add to that - as someone said earlier - she's clearly furious with everything this year; Sutton was right about that.

As you know, RH, I'm NOT a Sutton fan, but I think the reason the others treat her like a misfit is because she makes it so easy for them. She could have told Crystal "I don't appreciate you sneering at me and insinuating I'm  racist" and then coolly walked off, instead, she went the "face roller" route.  I was a middle school teacher for many years, both regular and special ed, in a blue-collar suburban district where the kids were mostly kind and we did not have a bullying problem, but when a kid did get picked on I could always see why.  That's who Sutton reminds me of!

I can too and it infuriates me that a little self awareness can go along way but when push comes to shove I'm always going to side with the non aggressor. I don't NEED Sutton to put the roller away to be kind. I don't NEED Sutton to "make it easier for me" to be nice. I already come that way.

My motto is, if someone's quirks, energy or awkwardness is not done to deliberately disturb me then it's up to me to decide how I want to respond. Sure, I may decide that I can't handle someone's quirks so that means I have to decide when and how I interact with them and if it's someone I have to come across on the regular then I just need to do the best I can. To be honest I've also been that blunt dose of truth to see if that may help matters. One thing I've noticed is that if you address something head on but without malice or distain it can help that person with their own awkwardness. But taking aim, highlighting and being disparaging right off the bat is just a mean and nasty thing to do. That's what the women do to Sutton EVERY time they get the chance. They highlight her discomfort and drag out the moment longer than it needs to be. 

Dorit did it at the dinner table when she first met Dorit. They did it at the strip show when Sutton left the room. At the backyard where "ugly leather pants" was born etc. etc. It's like they like to highlight her awkwardness and then spend tons of time bombarding her with actions she needs to take to fix it instead of just letting the moment fade. 

I only worried that Sutton has gotten so comfortable after all this time that she is starting to be more forward in her defense of herself because no matter how much confidence she's gained her awkwardness is still a real thing and retaliatory commentary IS NOT her forte.  

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I'm definitely sick of the alcoholic accusations on all of these shows. They're surrounded by alcohol all the time provided by Bravo. Who cares if someone wants to get drunk and be silly once in a while? As long as they're not driving or actively responsible for children, who cares?!  Not everyone who gets drunk occasionally is a damn alcoholic.  I dont blame Sutton for being enraged by that label. As was said, now she can't enjoy a good buzz with out judgy Doritos making her 'told ya so' face.  You can't win, Sutton, so Go get lit and annoy the hell out of Dorit with your boozy joy! 

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Dorit’s doesn’t even belong to Dorit it belongs to all the creditors and banks …


A theif, a liar, a swindler, someone who laughs at the pain of others children ALL worse then being a snob 

But, but, but being a snob is just soooo offensive. Didn't you know that you mustn't ever, ever give off the impression that you have loads of money? Well not verbally anyway. These women showcase and quite frankly SHOW OFF each week (Hello that's the damn premise of the show). 

I swear the rules we attach to things are so cumbersome. Holding Sutton to the fire over some dumb throw away comment that was done in a heated moment and WITH the intension to jab is so typical now a days. 

At most, it was a bad choice but I'm really tickled at the idea that this was some AHA moment that describes who Sutton really is instead of something that is so obviously out of character for her.  

And oh, Unpopular Opinion but I'd definitely be unapologetically rich cause I'd be wearing tiara's and ball gowns every where I go with a parade wave and a Dahhhhhling at the end of each sentence. Everyone could STAY mad as far as I would be concerned cause ain't no peasants gonna be policing me and my fabulously turnt up nose. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

But seriously,  it just ain't that deep. 

Erika and burn victims, that was deep (and ugly)

The harassment toward Garcell's children, that was deep (and ugly)

Kyle's dismissal of Suttons miscarriage, that was deep (and ugly)

A schoolyard insult that's lathered in truth..... not so much.


Edited by Yours Truly
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On 2/25/2025 at 8:46 PM, Stats Queen said:

I am back on Sutton’s side against Dorit.

Dorit is taking out all her stress in her life on Sutton. 
Sutton is her own worst enemy though 

I'm Team Nobody because I've disliked Dorit for eons now, and Sutton is not my favorite HW either. That said, Sutton lost me with what she said about Dorit and her wallet. I'm sorry but that was really gross.

There's definitely a snarky point to be made about how Dorit pretends to have wealth that she doesn't have, but that wasn't the point Sutton made.  

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4 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I can too and it infuriates me that a little self awareness can go along way but when push comes to shove I'm always going to side with the non aggressor. I don't NEED Sutton to put the roller away to be kind. I don't NEED Sutton to "make it easier for me" to be nice. I already come that way.

Dorit did it at the dinner table when she first met Dorit. They did it at the strip show when Sutton left the room. At the backyard where "ugly leather pants" was born etc. etc. It's like they like to highlight her awkwardness and then spend tons of time bombarding her with actions she needs to take to fix it instead of just letting the moment fade. 

You may come that way, but many people don't, and housewives certainly don't 😃  IMO Sutton's just a big faker, and that's what the women respond to.  I was on her side in the "racial" argument with Crystal until she did the stupid face roller trick - she spent all that time with forensic accountants holding her husband's feet to the fire while face rolling to deal with the stress?  Please 😂  Her first scene on the show, after boasting about her close friendship with ritzy designers, was to swan into someone's party, sneer at the lack of place cards and call a pregnant woman boring - she knows what she's here to do, she's just not as good at it as some of the others.  She was ready to get down and dirty at the strip show until she didn't get picked, then suddenly up on her moral high horse about how the others behaved - fake.  Ugly leather pants was born after she was embarrassed to show up at a birthday lunch for Garcelle without a gift, when others had one, and had a temper tantrum about it - fake.  Her coolest move since she's been on the show was "Let the mouse go" - that's the kind of cool customer she could be, while still being socially awkward, if she weren't so busy trying to play "quirky".  She had already put Dorit in her place at the luncheon - Dorit was quietly sulking - she could have had a public blast with her friends and allowed Dorit to be the one to show her ass, but she chose not to.

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21 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Some of us think she threw it in her face to say stop weaponizing a status you don't even hold and even on top of that don't wield it at someone who is NOT pretending. Love it or hate it a reality check doesn't always have to come with a sticker and a lollipop.

Genuine question, but how was Dorit weaponizing her (alleged) wealth in her conversation with Sutton? It seems like they're fighting about who drinks too much and who called whom a bitch. For Sutton to make it about who has more money was, I thought, really weird -- unless there was more context that we didn't see! 

I feel like Sutton was annoyed with Dorit, so she grabbed onto something that fans have been saying about Dorit for years, thinking the fans would be on her side in this one. However, she did it too clumsily, so it basically came out as, "You're poor!" Cringe.

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2 hours ago, ladle1 said:

Genuine question, but how was Dorit weaponizing her (alleged) wealth in her conversation with Sutton? It seems like they're fighting about who drinks too much and who called whom a bitch. For Sutton to make it about who has more money was, I thought, really weird -- unless there was more context that we didn't see! 

I feel like Sutton was annoyed with Dorit, so she grabbed onto something that fans have been saying about Dorit for years, thinking the fans would be on her side in this one. However, she did it too clumsily, so it basically came out as, "You're poor!" Cringe.

Counter question 

How was Sutton drinking water any of Dorit’s business? Or for that matter WHAT she drinks, when, or how? 

But Dorit keeps pointing it out as if it was.

If you’re gonna ask for Sutton to justify her position why not extend that to Dorit? Why should Sutton HAVE to answer with detailed descriptions of EXACTLY what why and how she was thinking give bullet points and a graph on what her side was while Dorit gets a brush under the rug?..




My thoughts : which i know I'm beating a dead horse here



Unprovoked (let that sink in) Dorit goes after Sutton and pokes pokes pokes about something that is ABSOLUTELY none of her business and really has no barring on anything and has been told repeatedly to leave alone BUT Sutton getting fed up and snapping back is the one that needs to justify herself? F that you start petty shit you gonna get snapped back on with a petty retort 


it’s mind boggling that Sutton is getting blow back for sparing with the woman who’s whole life revolves around labels and a certain lifestyle  who has LAUGHED at castemates kids being attacked being snapped on about not being able to afford that life but the woman trying to paint Sutton as a alcoholic ( so she drinks AND.. she hasn't hit a house or called people wasted out of her mind and not remembered  got in any kind of trouble for it hasn't had a dui and hasn't been fall down messy and NOT one person other then Dorit seems to make it a point to point out Hell even Erika and Kyle have dropped it come on) is fine no big deal she’s the victim.. give me a break 


Just like i was ride or die with Erika until she tried to make herself the victim in widows,burn victims and orphans being ripped off to support her Erika Jyne persona .. i will RIDE for Sutton until she does something similar(and pointing out that a witch doesn't have as much money as she "pretends" to have in a snap back to get her to leave her the fuck alone  just aint it)

Edited by Keywestclubkid
50 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

How was Sutton drinking water any of Dorit’s business? Or for that matter WHAT Sutton drinks or when or how is any of her business? But Dorit keeps pointing it out as if it was.

If you’re gonna ask for Sutton to justify her position why not extend that to Dorit? Why should Sutton HAVE to answer with detailed descriptions of EXACTLY what why and how she was thinking give bullet points and a graph on what her side was while Dorit gets a brush under the rug?..

no .. don’t start none won’t be none 


Unprovoked (let that sink in) Dorit goes after Sutton and pokes pokes pokes about something that is ABSOLUTELY none of her business and really has no barring on anything and has been told repeatedly to leave alone BUT Sutton getting fed up and snapping back is the one that needs to justify herself? F that you start petty shit you gonna get snapped back on with a petty retort 


it’s mind boggling that Sutton is getting blow back for sparing with the woman who’s whole life revolves around labels and a certain lifestyle  who has LAUGHED at castemates kids being attacked being snapped on about not being able to afford that life but the woman trying to paint Sutton as a alcoholic ( so she drinks AND.. she hasn't hit a house or called people wasted out of her mind and not remembered  got in any kind of trouble for it hasn't had a dui and hasn't been fall down messy ON THIS SHOW) is fine no big deal she’s the victim.. give me a break 


Just like i was ride or die with Erika until she tried to make herself the victim in widows,burn victims and orphans being ripped off to support her Erika Jyne persona .. i will RIDE for Sutton until she does something similar(and pointing out that a witch doesn't have as much money as she "pretends" to have in a snap back to get her to leave her the fuck alone  just aint it)

I mean... I agree with everything you said about Dorit. I loathe Dorit! But I feel like I can loathe Dorit and still think it's gross to use "You're poor" as a retort in a conversation where money isn't even the topic. She also doubled down on it in her confessional, presumably filmed a while later.

I don't feel super strongly about it though, because I tend to think they're all pretty terrible (with the possible exceptions of Garcelle, though she also has her moments, and Boz who is still too new to assess). Dorit and Kyle have tortured Sutton over the years, but Sutton has also done shitty things so... meh.

So, agree to disagree! 

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10 hours ago, princelina said:

You may come that way, but many people don't, and housewives certainly don't 😃  IMO Sutton's just a big faker, and that's what the women respond to.  I was on her side in the "racial" argument with Crystal until she did the stupid face roller trick - she spent all that time with forensic accountants holding her husband's feet to the fire while face rolling to deal with the stress?  Please 😂  Her first scene on the show, after boasting about her close friendship with ritzy designers, was to swan into someone's party, sneer at the lack of place cards and call a pregnant woman boring - she knows what she's here to do, she's just not as good at it as some of the others.  She was ready to get down and dirty at the strip show until she didn't get picked, then suddenly up on her moral high horse about how the others behaved - fake.  Ugly leather pants was born after she was embarrassed to show up at a birthday lunch for Garcelle without a gift, when others had one, and had a temper tantrum about it - fake.  Her coolest move since she's been on the show was "Let the mouse go" - that's the kind of cool customer she could be, while still being socially awkward, if she weren't so busy trying to play "quirky".  She had already put Dorit in her place at the luncheon - Dorit was quietly sulking - she could have had a public blast with her friends and allowed Dorit to be the one to show her ass, but she chose not to.

Face roller trick?? That's an interesting way to receive something like that. 

I guess it's better to live in a world where people attack others based on whether we BELIEVE their distress is real or not. Interesting.

Every one of those scenes mentioned was cringe. That's not someone faking. That's someone putting her foot in her mouth. Someone who doesn't know how to process. Someone who is self conscious and has no idea how to respond to negative energy aimed at her (and others) in the group settings she finds herself because of the show. But then again, that's what makes me thick skinned and unapologetic, knowing that others may have a different take and believe they have a right to mistreat people cause their assumptions and bitterness gives them a skewed perception of others.  It's wild I tell you the things try to convince themselves of in order to justify being plain mean. 


12 minutes ago, ladle1 said:

I mean... I agree with everything you said about Dorit. I loathe Dorit! But I feel like I can loathe Dorit and still think it's gross to use "You're poor" as a retort in a conversation where money isn't even the topic. She also doubled down on it in her confessional, presumably filmed a while later.

I don't feel super strongly about it though, because I tend to think they're all pretty terrible (with the possible exceptions of Garcelle, though she also has her moments, and Boz who is still too new to assess). Dorit and Kyle have tortured Sutton over the years, but Sutton has also done shitty things so... meh.

So, agree to disagree! 

but again why is it Dorits place to harp on and point out what or what not Sutton drinks? i think inferring someone is a alcoholic is a lot grosser then calling someone not as rich as you (she didn't even call her poor she just inferred she didn't have as much money gasp clutch the pearls she doesn't make 300k a month)


you keep pointing out how wrong Sutton is but trying to paint someone as a alcoholic is no big deal? she is HARPING on it and bringing it up repeatedly when she isnt even part of the conversation or even OUT OF NOWHERE

Edited by Keywestclubkid
2 hours ago, ladle1 said:

Genuine question, but how was Dorit weaponizing her (alleged) wealth in her conversation with Sutton? It seems like they're fighting about who drinks too much and who called whom a bitch. For Sutton to make it about who has more money was, I thought, really weird -- unless there was more context that we didn't see! 

I feel like Sutton was annoyed with Dorit, so she grabbed onto something that fans have been saying about Dorit for years, thinking the fans would be on her side in this one. However, she did it too clumsily, so it basically came out as, "You're poor!" Cringe.

Cause Sutton still isn't good with the comebacks and like you said clumsy. 

I feel like she grabbed something that's been bugging her and others and decided to throw it out there. It may have been cringe and clumsy but that's our Sutton. Which is why I find it rather comical that people are really taking what she  said as some huge revelation about Suttons character. That girl threw that out there randomly to get at Dorit. She pulled something that bugs her out of her ass and used it. 

When I say Dorit has weaponized it I mean in general and over the seasons. It's the air of superiority and trying to make others feel less than because she's dripping in "wealth". It's the air of audacity that she's draped in. 

5 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

but again why is it Dorits place to harp on and point out what or what not Sutton drinks? i think inferring someone is a alcoholic is a lot grosser then calling someone poor

I mean, in the hierarchy of disgusting things, is one worse than the other? I'm not an ethicist. I don't know. Maybe you're right. But my point is that both are gross.

Just now, ladle1 said:

I mean, in the hierarchy of disgusting things, is one worse than the other? I'm not an ethicist. I don't know. Maybe you're right. But my point is that both are gross.

Yes trying to destroy someone’s life with an alcoholic comment IS worse then oh you arnt as rich as me .. 


one can actually Fuck with your life in a way that has repercussions.. 


the other is you don’t have money 


come on now 

3 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

but again why is it Dorits place to harp on and point out what or what not Sutton drinks? i think inferring someone is a alcoholic is a lot grosser then calling someone not as rich as you (she didnt even call her poor she just said she didnt have as much money)


you keep pointing out how wrong Sutton is but trying to paint someone as a alcoholic is no big deal? she is HARPING on it and bringing it up repeatedly Sutton has said you arnt has wealthy ONCE 

I totally understand why Suttons comment has been considered distasteful in general but what I don't get is how it has so much of an impact. I find it absolutely hysterical how Suttons comment has sent everything into such a tizzy. LOL. She said something mean. Big deal. It's the topic that's got feathers ruffled. Her insult and her delivery was the equivalent to "your mama wears combat boots" and yet you would have thought that she made some reference to Dorits children or ailing family member or something of the sort. She blurted out some ridiculous insult cause that's the first thing that came to mind and because it's not actually wrong she decided not to walk it back in her talking head. 

However it really does show how money does seem to affect the perspective people have of others. The bitterness is strong is all I'm saying. 

Here's the long and the short of it. 

Dorit is a bitch and has made it a habit to be condescending and disrespectful to Sutton. Sutton got fed up and in the heat of the moment said some very true and warranted comment about Dorit in a very clumsy and awkward way that was rather harsh and immaterial IN THAT MOMENT. To me, this isn't some groundbreaking OMG moment that would have me flustered over who Sutton "really is" as a person. It's just a typical Housewives Tuesday in my house. Nothing more, nothing less LOL.


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11 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Yes trying to destroy someone’s life with an alcoholic comment IS worse then oh you arnt as rich as me .. 


one can actually Fuck with your life in a way that has repercussions.. 


the other is you don’t have money 


come on now 

-One can be shrugged off.

-The other can have legal reprecussions.

But I mean, okay, I guess it's all measured with the same stick then... hmmm.

It's the lack of nuance that's creating the disconnect but that's typical for a Housewives show. 🤷‍♀️




Edited by Yours Truly
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32 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

-One can be shrugged off.

-The other can have legal reprecussions.

But I mean, okay, I guess it's all measured with the same stick then... hmmm.

It's the lack of nuance that's creating the disconnect but that's typical for a Housewives show. 🙄





someone accusing  you of being a alcoholic with a drinking problem def can follow you into other areas of your life .. it doesn't go away .. just like any heinous accusation

(apparently thats ok  and not a big deal while ignoring just how bad it could actually be to that person which itself is INSANE) 


the other is  "You cant afford to buy a horse like I can" ...

( you would think they shot someone)( HOW DARE they!! it’s the end of the world!! its the worst thing you could possible say to anyone ever at any point  .. she should be stung up .. she should be put in her place ) 


totes comparable

Edited by Keywestclubkid

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