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Hopes For Next Year

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I’d like to see more layers and depth with the daughter-pharma plot & also have it simmer on the back burner for a bit. It’s an interesting motive but the execution has been less than ideal and the way the show grinds to an halt to accommodate it (sometimes it’s well done sometimes it’s hamfisted) weighs down the show. Also hope they get an IT person that isn’t the grandson because for all that he’s a typical tv kid computing genius, the strain on his life is a bit much. And so far the cases have been the least interesting part of the show; I’d like to see some more nuance and complexity in that area and for them to up the stakes. The cast and their dynamic really works for me, I just need the writing to tighten up.

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There are lots of things I would like to see out of the show that maybe we are gradually going to get. It has already been renewed for a second season. 


In no particular order:

1. Either fleshing out or abandoning the Great Opioid Deception ("GOD"). Like I wouldn't mind if at some point Matty just was like, "You know, even if I put the guilty party in jail, it's not going to bring Ellie or the thousands of people who died back." Or "I can help the firm do a whole lot more good in my present position than I can undo the bad of the GOD." But as long as it's going to be the foundation of the series, I would like them to better explain the background of how Ellie died, Matty's relationship with her, and a dozen other related things.

2. I would love to have basically all the supporting characters fleshed out more. As I write this, we are six episodes in, and we only really know bare bones about any character who is not Matty or Olympia. Heck, I don't think we even know Julian's last name, Senior's actual name (I would have thought it's either Julian Jacobson Sr. or Julian Moore Sr., I don't think we have been told. But according to IMDB, Olympia's last name is Lawrence, and her kids with Julian are Lawrence-Markston so I guess Julian and Senior's last names are Markston, and despite it being Senior's firm, he's not one the firm is named after.).  I would like to have Sarah and Billy be the prime movers in winning a case for once. I want it to be established why and how Olympia got Billy and Julian assigned to her. 

3. I would like the show to take some chances and deviate for formula. Right now each episode has the same basic pattern of: Case of the Week gets introduced, Matty gets wrapped up in it. Matty has a minor victory that allows Our Heroes to make some headway. Matty makes a minor mistake that has her worrying about losing the case. Matty has a revelation that saves the case and wins her client a victory at trial/settlement. Meanwhile Matty continues to investigate which of the big 3 was behind the GOD. Matty runs into a slight obstacle in investigating. Matty overcome said obstacle without anybody at Jacobson Moore being the wiser. It's completely possible for there to be an episode where there's no need/time for a case of the week, or no need/time to investigate the GOD. It's also possible that Matty makes no mistakes, or makes big ones that can't be fixed. It's also possible that, like I said, sometime Olympia, or Billy, or Sarah (or Senior, Julian, Elijah or other characters we have yet to meet) can be the hero or the screwup. i would like to see the show take chances with cases that span more than one episode, with multiple small cases of the week where maybe Sarah or Billy have more of a chance to shine on one or the other, where people are mixed and matched.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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Honestly, I want the Dead Daughter/Big Pharma plot put to bed by the end of season 1.

My biggest wish is that Matty discovers that her assumptions about what went down with Wellbrexa isn't what she thinks they are. That whatever that thread on Reddit said was misinterpreted or a lie or a hoax or whatever and her crusade has been flawed.

That would lead to a better dilemma for season 2. Matty, having come to like and respect Olympia and actually liking the work, has to decide between locking in as Matty and keep her real identity a secret, coming clean or just leaving.  Obviously the best choice from a drama perspective is her maintaining the Matty cover, which the great tension being the imminent discovery of her as Madeline Kingston.

Other than that, I agree that the COTW format can be a bit formulaic.  It is CBS so maybe they are locked into that, but yeah I'd like them to play with format a bit. Maybe have a horrible unsympathetic client that they have to put aside their dislike and really work to get a win where they don't feel great in the end. Or maybe a retired partner dies and they do a fully flashback ep where they reminisce about a case the partner did. Or maybe a very low stakes case they allow Sarah or Billy to take the lead on.

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Re. speculation in an episode thread it may wind up the firm did nothing wrong with respect to the missing documents:

Just as I don't think it's going to be as simple as someone at the firm deliberately and maliciously failed to disclose evidence, I don't think it's going to be as simple as it turns out nobody at the firm did anything wrong with respect to those documents.  If there's no nuance to this, there's no point.  I think something would have to have a point to lure Kathy Bates out of her planned retirement.

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No offense to Billy, Sarah or the actors who play them, but I wouldn't call them "essential."

Halfway through the season, neither has gotten much love/fleshing out beyond the concept stage of "friendly, people-pleasing young associate who came from a poor background has a bunch of sisters and a longtime fiancee" and "prickly, ambitious young LGBTQ associate who occasionally gives Matlock grief about her age and is concerned about her as a rival." 

I am fairly sure that if their characters were eliminated, recast or replaced, it wouldn't change much.

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Don't get me wrong. I enjoy Sarah and Billy a great deal and hope they do get love going forward.

I am only quibbling with the term "essential." Strictly speaking, the only person who fits that is Matty. But the way the show is structured, it is enough about Olympia that if she were written out or diminished, that would greatly change the show, and likely for the worse.

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On 1/21/2025 at 6:25 PM, peachmangosteen said:

They're my two faves so I vehemently disagree lol.

Honestly, the only characters that have had much love/fleshing out are Matty and Olivia. But Sarah and Billy are the next 2 for sure, over Beau Bridges and Jason Ritter, whose character's names I can't even remember right now lol.

Bridges (the seeming baddy) and Ritter (I guess... serving as Olympia 's love interest... he's not much of a mentor for Matty) could easily be replaced with other people in those positions.

Olympia is essential.  She's Matty's sounding board (even if she doesn't realize it), her initial main target (the role she's already shed) and mentor.  She also gets the most subplots, even including Maddy, because the majority of what Matty does has to be centered around her mission.  So she's treated like a protagonist almost as much as Matty. 

You Two are important mostly because cleaning house all at once on characters is a dangerous move with a hit show.  But I'd also argue we've learned a great deal about both of them.  You don't want to waste that character development.

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