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S07.E09: Things Fall Apart

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Vanja visits Božo for the first time; Rayne and Chidi spend time apart; Tigerlily heads to Turkey to reunite with Adnan; Faith opens up about her childhood to Loren; Niles tries to diffuse a tense situation with Matilda; Brian meets Ingrid's mom.

➡️Air date: 10/27/2024


Season 7 Couples: Names and Locations

(Can't remember who's who? See the topic for S07.E01: Great Expectations for photos of each couple)

Tigerlily, (Texas) & Adnan, (Jordan) 

Rayne, (New Mexico) & Chidi, (Nigeria) 

Loren, (Nevada) & Faith, (Philippines)

Niles, (Alabama) & Matilda, (Ghana) 

Joe, (Florida) & Magda, (Poland) 

Brian, (Illinois) & Ingrid, (Brazil) 

Veah, (Florida) & Sunny (South Africa)

Vanja, (Florida) & Božo, (Croatia)

Wow, Brian is gast approaching Kodouche Brown for most assholish asshole in assholeville. Every thing that doesn't go Brian's way, he chalks up to "they must have issues with MY DISABILITY!" Fuxking asshole, it's because you're a patronizing, churlish, creeper who fetishizes Brazilian women. Brian dude, you are nothing mire than a scumbag sex tourist and Ingrid's mother and father have your number, douchebro.

Niles and Mathilda was painful to watch. A lot of folks here ate sitting on Niles but even though he comes across as not being on the spectrum, knowing he is gives me compassion for him. But I keep going back to where are Niles people at?!? Why doesn't he have a good friend or family member with him?!? WTF?!?

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I feel bad for Vanja. It seems like she fell prey to the worst risks in long distance, online dating. Bozo appears to be a real loser in his home country and even his mother and aunt acknowledge it. No job at 38, seemingly no ambition, lives at home with mom, schlubby appearance. But he must have been good at portraying himself in a different way online because Vanja is a real catch.

And then, once he has snagged this beautiful American woman and made her fall in love, he's not excited about it. She travels all the way to Croatia and he brings her a potted plant he found in a dumpster, then embarrasses her terribly on the first day by publicly saying they're just friends. Plus, he resists every opportunity to be physically affectionate, even in small ways.

It seems maybe Bozo was just messing around online and got himself in way too deep. Clearly he doesn't appreciate Vanja or have feelings even remotely like she has for him.


Edited by Tango64
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Vanja & Bozo---oh boy.....he is a loser in every sense of the word. His family and he himself can't believe he has this hot American willing to fly half way around the world to meet him. I get the sense that Vanja read into every text, every joke, every exchange with a bit of desperation. Because he just seems perplexed that she is THAT into him. He mentioned her energy is intense and overwhelming in person....I think it was a kind way of saying she is super "extra" and annoying him to no end. Possibly he is still pining away for his ex....who knows. But, I give him credit, he could have stayed the night at that night apartment and hooked up, but did not. Someone in the live chat mentioned she reminds them of Natalie.....I agree. A level of desperation that just feels sad to watch. 

Chidi & Rayne----OMFG, this woman is BSC. Possibly THE most BSC of any woman featured on this show, and that says a lot. When she was showing off her dirty sock and talking about how she would treasure the shirt she was wearing when she first met him, that is something a middle school girl would say about her crush. What is she, 30 or 40 something and a mother of two? WTF. The lingerie for a blind man?! Her temper is scary and I can only imagine how she treats her kids when they cross her. Chidi is falling prey to the sunk cost fallacy, but hopefully his friend talked some sense into him at the end. I thought it was a nice way to present it to him---if he loves her, and knows they aren't compatible, the kind thing is to set her free.

Brian is disgusting and expects every woman to drop her panties or swoon over his smooth moves. So glad her mom was having none of his bullshit. I know Ingrid wants that green card and to get away from her controlling father, but JFC, Brian is such a sleaze bag and super quick to pull the prejudice card when something doesn't go his way. At least we didnt' see any of his fake tears this time. Cringed when he was interacting with her son.

Tigerlilly loves the drama. She wants to be able to say she has this hot, rich exotic husband, but not actually live with him or deal with the day to day boring shit that is part of normal married life. Instead they fight, meet up to screw and take pics for the gram and enjoy nice hotels, cry their eyes out at the airport, get home, rinse repeat. This has to all be a PR stunt....where is the discussion of where they will live? His role in her kids lives?? etc 

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