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S02.E07: XIV


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She'll pop up again.

Seems they make sure that when Chase has to go into bad ass spy mode, she's not around because it would be too much if Chase has to kill a number of baddies half his age but also worry about protecting Zoe as well.

He promises her that he will come back to her, after he lets himself be captured by Pavlovich's goons and he kills Pavlovich.

It sounds like Pavlovich has a large private army and is allied with other villains in his cartel.

So how is Dan going to take all that down?  You expect James Bond or Jason Bourne or Jack Ryan or Jack Bauer to save the world again a big malevolent force.

But how old is Dan Chase suppose to be?  At some point, call in the govt. intel and national security agency?


Of course not because in TV and movies, it's always the individual heroic figures who save the day, if not the world.  In real life, it would be huge agencies like the NSA and CIA along with military organizations which act together to stop large threats, which are driven by other state actors.

You have to have a suspension of disbelief that one man (or woman) can have such a huge impact.  But that suspension is harder to hold on to when it's one old man, who is barely surviving these battles.

They need to have Dan dispatch some of these bad guys much more efficiently, like a deadly accurate shot or knowing all these secret weak points where he can kill with one fatal blow, like slicing a key artery.

In this episode, he goes into a house without any weapons, suspecting that there's going to be a deadly confrontation.  It's great that he an improvise by using that cane at his age, you want someone more methodic and calculated, to maximize the odds in his favor.

So he'd have a weapon, if not a firearm then a knife.  In the first season, he had the dogs to give him an advantage and he had rigged up his cabin so that he was going to notice the intruder and get the jump on him, not the other way around.

You don't see that kind of planning this season.

Or if things are as serious as Nina Kreuger says they are, they let the Director of NI know.  Porter with his contacts should be able to reach him.

Instead they're going to tackle this on their own with what, a handful of people at most, one of whom is suppose to be like 75?

Has Bridges ever played an action hero type of role before?  Like super spy or ex military elite?  He's tall enough so imposing but I don't recall him in that kind of role before.



12 hours ago, aghst said:

Or if things are as serious as Nina Kreuger says they are, they let the Director of NI know.  Porter with his contacts should be able to reach him.

Instead they're going to tackle this on their own with what, a handful of people at most, one of whom is suppose to be like 75?

Has Bridges ever played an action hero type of role before?  Like super spy or ex military elite?  He's tall enough so imposing but I don't recall him in that kind of role before.



He was in the ill fated RIPD movie, but he was fine in it.  Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, maybe not hero, but cat and mouse. 

I did rewatch the first season. Really liked the end of the first episode when Dan says “now do you recognize me?” I recommend Emily’s phone conversation with Zoe in the third episode and also young Belour’s conversation with young Johnny while hanging clothing. They seem necessary to the understanding of the second season. A lot does. I wonder if they originally wanted three seasons, meaning we would have learned a lot more about the characters in the current setting. Harper and Chase could interact more. Zoe would have spent more time with Bote and Parwena with Hamzad. I think it might have helped. One episode doesn’t seem like it will bring everything to an end in a satisfying manner. The first season was luxuriantly slow and this one seems both overstuffed and at times padded.  

On 10/12/2024 at 9:26 PM, aghst said:

Instead they're going to tackle this on their own with what, a handful of people at most, one of whom is suppose to be like 75?

The only way this works is if they rely on Chase's deep experience and web of contacts and caches. They give a nod to that now and then but it isn't the focal point it should be. 


And, bummer,


Maebe is alive and leading local revolts.


I was hoping they actually did kill her off.

Though at one point someone asks how many languages Angela knows ... did we ever see her speak whatever the local language was in the scenes before? I don't recall that, which is why I wanted to reply, "Not that one!"

On 10/19/2024 at 4:29 PM, paigow said:

The Russians attacked via the tunnels that Pavlovich could remember... Unbelievable that Emily and enough of Team Hamzad escaped to wipe out Team Taliban guarding the lithium mine....  

"Maebe" the Russians joined them? Shades of Penguin and Sofia Gigante ... "I will pay you what you are worth."

On 10/13/2024 at 9:44 AM, Affogato said:

I was thinking more that Zoe is shifting from normal person/pawn to player. 

You know, granted I don't recall season one in detail. But this season has spent a fair amount of time emphasizing how Zoe "breaks things" and is some sort of natural spy. And I do not know why. Did we see reason to believe this in season one? It has to be something aside from "she's a natural," I assume.

1 hour ago, paigow said:

Unfortunately, cousin Tarik flew away with the duffle bag of cash and Bote never unfroze the offshore accounts...

I *will* pay you what you are worth, not I am now paying you what you are worth. It's a mine. Mining takes time!

I mean, I'm making stuff up but it's possible. Maybe the Justice League joined them. This show could make up anything. Why is she even alive?

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