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The View: Week of 6/24/2024

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

Ana once again is the voice of reason. People should be more concerned about Trump lying and deflecting than the fact that Biden had a fucking cold. It's just the first debate.

The Office Thank You GIF

Not to go off topic, but I remember people clutching their pearls after Obama's first debate as incumbent, and how his last, they were cheering. 🙄

25 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Trump would be an idiot to agree to any more debates. 

This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet

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3 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

To answer Sunny's question about "Why are we Democrats talking about replacing our candidate" because with all of Trump's deficits, the Republicans aren't - because sticking with a weak candidate is not the way to defeat Trump. Wishing and hoping isn't going to make it so. If you really want to win, then field a stronger candidate. 

Some of the panel seemed to find Biden's post-debate behavior encouraging - that's even more embarrassing, IMO - you perform weakly when it matters, but somehow can be on top of your game when the pressure is off? 

I understood her comment slightly differently.  I don't think she was criticizing those making the suggestion.   She was asking if both sides are unhappy with their candidates then why are democrats the only ones talking about replacing their candidate.  Why are Democrats the only ones being pressured to do the "right" thing?  

They've had a similar discussion Sen. Al Franken's resignation after his me too scandal when Republicans with similar/worse scandals didn't get pressure from the republican party to resign.   Why do Democrats hold themselves to a higher standard than Republicans?

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6 minutes ago, After7Only said:


They've had a similar discussion Sen. Al Franken's resignation after his me too scandal when Republicans with similar/worse scandals didn't get pressure from the republican party to resign.   Why do Democrats hold themselves to a higher standard than Republicans?

Because if they don't, then it doesn't matter who wins, because then they'd be just as bad as the other party.

Let's be real.  Neither of those old, old, old men should be up there.  It's embarrassing.  

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31 minutes ago, After7Only said:

 Why do Democrats hold themselves to a higher standard than Republicans?

Because they think taking the high road counts for something.  That might have been true at one time but it's not true now.  The rules have changed and you have to play the same game your opponent is playing.

Edited by bluegirl147
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2 hours ago, Ellis Bell Lives said:

This is a headline (not the article I recall reading) about a dog ingesting human feces in SF.  Go search and you read it for yourself.  

"San Francisco woman urges dog owners to be vigilant after her Himalayan Sheepdog Poodle mix, Pockets, ingested human feces tainted with opioids and marijuana"

California has a negative net migration.  People are leaving in droves.

OMG not the net migration BS again. You seem to be very good at reading the headlines and not much else. CA had a net migration of 0.1% of its population was the last I read about it (not just the headline) which by CA standards is a miniscule amount although it may be "droves" to some states nobody who actually lives in CA would even notice it. You do realize that CA has almost 40 million people and a few hundred thousand one way or the other makes not one iota of difference. If it was as bad as your headlines make out the house prices would be plummeting & we could all afford to buy a home here. 

What wonderful state do you live in that people are going to in their droves? I know people who have left for Texas, Utah, Georgia & Colorado and all but one has returned to CA because the quality of life in CA is so much better than the states they moved to and they hated it. The other person & his wife haven't returned because they think that the Handmaids Tale is a goal to be achieved rather than a warning.

There is no state in the USA that doesn't have cities where drugs isn't a problem with some being worse than others and most have a homeless issue somewhere, CA just has a bigger issue because of the climate & everyone else's homeless eventually finding their way here.

I never have & never will understand why people hate on CA so much, jealousy is probably the answer but I'm sure there are other reasons. Keep reading the headlines.


Edited by Shrek
Forgot the work colleague who moved to Atlanta & came back 6 months later.
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1 hour ago, Shrek said:

OMG not the net migration BS again. You seem to be very good at reading the headlines and not much else. CA had a net migration of 0.1% of its population was the last I read about it (not just the headline) which by CA standards is a miniscule amount although it may be "droves" to some states nobody who actually lives in CA would even notice it. You do realize that CA has almost 40 million people and a few hundred thousand one way or the other makes not one iota of difference. If it was as bad as your headlines make out the house prices would be plummeting & we could all afford to buy a home here. 

What wonderful state do you live in that people are going to in their droves? I know people who have left for Texas, Utah, Georgia & Colorado and all but one has returned to CA because the quality of life in CA is so much better than the states they moved to and they hated it. The other person & his wife haven't returned because they think that the Handmaids Tale is a goal to be achieved rather than a warning.

There is no state in the USA that doesn't have cities where drugs isn't a problem with some being worse than others and most have a homeless issue somewhere, CA just has a bigger issue because of the climate & everyone else's homeless eventually finding their way here.

I never have & never will understand why people hate on CA so much, jealousy is probably the answer but I'm sure there are other reasons. Keep reading the headlines.


You're so far off-topic at this point but I will respond.  Newsom was brought up as a possible replacement on the ticket.  I responded with a dog feces example to highlight his incompetence.  I suppose the recall in effect would have been a better example (yes, I know they've tried before)  but dogs stepping in human feces kind of drives the point home, don't you think?  As for the c&p, I provided you with a headline so you could find the article.  I do read beyond the headlines, thank you very much. 

As for your idyllic description of life in Ca, I'm happy for you if you enjoy living there but to state your view is the only view is a myopic stance and not within the realm of reality.  Just because you have not personally witnessed a dog either step in or ingest human feces does not mean it does not occur. 

SF:  I'm sure your little visit to SF opened you up to every single occurrence within the city limits so thank you for your sweeping generalizations based on your time spent there.  

Negative Net Migration:  Here's another quote, have a blast.  "As of January 2024, California's population increased by 67,000 people, or 0.17%, to 39,128,162, according to the California Department of Finance. This is the first time California's population has grown since 2020. However, a May 2024 survey by ConsumerAffairs found that California is still the top state people are moving away from, with roughly 17,000 people leaving and only 7,000 moving in."  You should also note when your friends returned to the state they were included in the stats.

One more:  "More people plan to leave California in 2024 than any other state. Amid the high cost of housing, taxes and gas, California leads in the number of people planning to relocate to another state in 2024, according to Consumer Affairs. From 2020 through 2023, California's population dropped by 1.4%."

I'll not expend any more time or energy on this post because my posts tend to magically disappear so why bother.  Enjoy your day.



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22 hours ago, After7Only said:

Why are Democrats the only ones being pressured to do the "right" thing?  

If it is the "right" thing, it's the right thing, whether the other side does it or not. From a practical viewpoint, it might also be the best strategy for winning against a flawed opponent.

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On 6/28/2024 at 12:09 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Ana once again is the voice of reason. People should be more concerned about Trump lying and deflecting than the fact that Biden had a fucking cold. It's just the first debate.

Did you see the fact check on sleepy time? Even mainstream media is reporting it.  A cold yea right . That’s hilarious 

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