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Raq is retired??!! Yeah! Right! There is no "Going Away Party" in the drug game? Once she sees Kanan profiting, will she want back in?

Unique or Ubiquitous has been over Raq's place almost every night for 2 weeks. While leaving Ronnie alone in the house with his girl and child. She keeps telling him her fears and Unique just brushes it off. Ronnie is going to do something to them. But the Bodyguard at the club is first.

Unique thought it would be a good idea to take "Staring in the dark to a turned off TV" Ronnie to a club? Was Ronnie the life of the party, dancing machine, a lady's man before he went to prison? If so, maybe Ubique can't tell prison messed him up.

If Ronnie was wrongfully convicted, he sure is acting like he wants to go back to prison.

Raq should have told Stephano to reimburse for the melted ice cream and a new sliding door. Not sure why Stephano needed to kidnap them. Request a meet.

I still can't believe Juliana is a crime boss. What an overnight make over for this character.

Does Juliana and Joaquin do anything else besides eating and drinking?

We never have seen Father Burke give Shannon any grief about being gay but now he gives all the shit to Adina. He believes she killed herself mostly because she was gay??!! Serious! He is not suspecting Howard is to blame??!! Now it's up to Adina to do this all alone. 

Oh, great another Federal Tasks force. Let's see how masterfully they screw up this investigation or will this be the time they finally get a win.

Who is the informant in Stefano's crew to tip off the FBI about the hit?

Sal hears news about an impending hit on him and doesn't bother beef up security or change churches. He should be embarrassed for not anyone watching his back at the church and not having good aim to hit Speedy Marvin (how did they miss?).

That's the best club Marvin and Lou can go to drown their troubles? Looked like a place for Weston types. Lou yelled "South Side" and no one except the paid tramps yelled back. The two girls just whispered it to appease Lou. So sad for Lou!

Last season, Palomar lived down the hall from Famous. Now they were on the other side of the building. I guess Raq scared her, and she moved.

Crime Boss Stephano needs Unique to be approve by other bosses? Was Unique approved by the others when he worked with Sal last season.
Only Marvin can hop a fence wearing dress shoes, clean clothes, a leather jacket and not get dirty. I guess his burglar clothes are in the washing machine. Nice of the Postal Service to leave the keys in the truck for Marvin. And clothes to fit Marvin and Demo. 

Again, Demo is helping Marvin. Is he really disabled?

Poor Marvin! Can't get a high five from Mr. Bingham.

Paul's business seems to be legal before he agreed to Kanan's proposal. Why is his office in the apartment building? 

Oh No. Lou and Juke are smiling and laughing. Now I'm convinced Lou is done this season. 

Edited by mxc90
  • Like 1
21 hours ago, mxc90 said:

I still can't believe Juliana is a crime boss. What an overnight make over for this character.

I know right! 😂

She's all in too! She got tired of slanging cigarettes.

21 hours ago, mxc90 said:

We never have seen Father Burke give Shannon any grief about being gay but now he gives all the shit to Adina. He believes she killed herself mostly because she was gay??!! Serious! He is not suspecting Howard is to blame??!! Now it's up to Adina to do this all alone.

Agreed. I wasn't expecting that.

21 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Oh, great another Federal Tasks force. Let's see how masterfully they screw up this investigation or will this be the time they finally get a win.

The Power universe has just about the worst criminal justice system I've ever seen in a show. We've probably watched hundreds of bodied get dropped, and damn near no one get caught. The detectives aren't detecting. The cops aren't copping. The government lawyers aren't government lawyering.

21 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Sal hears news about an impending hit on him and doesn't bother beef up security or change churches. He should be embarrassed for not anyone watching his back at the church and not having good aim to hit Speedy Marvin (how did they miss?).

Mavin had the worst get-away plan ever. He's completely open trying to go up some stairs. He had more than enough time to be shot in the ass.

21 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Only Marvin can hop a fence wearing dress shoes, clean clothes, a leather jacket and not get dirty. I guess his burglar clothes are in the washing machine. Nice of the Postal Service to leave the keys in the truck for Marvin. And clothes to fit Marvin and Demo. 

... and I'm sure the doggie ran away because Marvin left the fence open 😩

21 hours ago, mxc90 said:

That's the best club Marvin and Lou can go to drown their troubles? Looked like a place for Weston types. Lou yelled "South Side" and no one except the paid tramps yelled back. The two girls just whispered it to appease Lou. So sad for Lou!


21 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Poor Marvin! Can't get a high five from Mr. Bingham.

That scene was hilarious!

21 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Oh No. Lou and Juke are smiling and laughing. Now I'm convinced Lou is done this season. 

Lou seems kind of useless this season.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Like 2
14 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I know right! 😂

She's all in too! She got tired of slanging cigarettes.

I hope she get eliminated soon.

If she is still upset with Raq about Unique kidnapping her, why can't she send people to take out Unique.

14 hours ago, AntFTW said:

The Power universe has just about the worst criminal justice system I've ever seen in a show. We've probably watched hundreds of bodied get dropped, and damn near one caught. The detectives aren't detecting. The cops aren't copping. The government lawyers aren't government lawyering.

They sure do. Pure inept or corrupt trash!

Burke maybe the best cop out of all of them. She solved the history on Howard but was stupid to meet him on a dark street. 

I still have hope Bobby Difranco from Book 4 can be a decent cop and do something meaningful.

14 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Mavin had a terrible get-away plan ever. He's completely open trying to go up some stairs. He had more than enough time to be shot in the ass.

It was dumb. 

I really thought he was going to die on the steps or when he was in the truck and a bullet hit him in the back.

14 hours ago, AntFTW said:

and I'm sure the doggie ran away because Marvin left the fence open 😩

And now the dog will torment many postal carriers delivering mail, then get pepper sprayed and taken to an animal shelter. 

I never heard of the Postal Service using dogs to guard trucks.

14 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Lou seems like of useless this season.

He does.

He will only be useful again if he has to get involve with Raq against Ronnie and/or Unique. I can see Ronnie taking him out.

  • Like 2

"Ubiquitous." Sorry, Stefano, that's too many syllables for Unique. 😏

I still can't get over Tony Danza playing a mafia don. He doesn't have the look to me.

Howard giving the eulogy at his partner's funeral after he straight-up murdered her. Dang.

Shannon's girlfriend is about to get outed by Howard unless she can rat him out first. She just needs to find somebody who'll listen to her.

Mr. Bingham was a decent guy going the extra mile to try to help Juke.

Oh Raq, Kanan knows Scrappy didn't off himself. So now he figures you're lying about Howard's partner too.

I knew Niq would go to the Italians behind Raq's back. I think he's using Raq to enrich himself.

Why didn't Sal try to run when he learned there was a hit out on him? Was it an honor thing? He put his wife's life in jeopardy too by not warning her.

All this time Raq's connect Joaquin didn't know she spoke Spanish. Cousin queenpin Juliana wasn't impressed at all, lol.

That club doorman is probably going to regret dissing Ronnie's clothes. Ronnie seems like he's about blow at any minute but he's waiting for an excuse. (Over on reddit there some debate about whether Ronnie is on the spectrum. I think he's just a guy who's been holding a lot of anger in for a long time.)

Marvin stole a USPS truck. Like murder isn't enough of a felony.

That's Raq's real hair? I would've sworn it was mostly fake. (A fall, as those kind of hairpieces were called back then.)

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