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Re: Splinter of the Mind's Eye


1 hour ago, Tachi Rocinante said:
19 hours ago, FierceCritter said:

OMG, I LOVED that book. 

And would love to find a copy and re-read it now that we know Luke & Leia are siblings. 🤨

It can get a little skeevy.  Foster didn't know that little tidbit when he wrote it.

Per Foster, neither did Lucas (I once got to have a long chat with him at a publisher party that was on a boat, so we were stuck, and we were introverting together). All the later mythology about him having it all planned out was nonsense. The idea that Vader was Luke's father didn't come up until they were planning Empire (and Marcia Lucas confirms that). The Luke and Leia as twins thing came after that. Splinter of the Mind's Eye was originally planned to be a sequel if the movie was successful enough, and Foster had to make changes to make it cheaper to film. You'll notice that there are few things that would require special effects, the cast was pretty small, and it could all be filmed on location with few sets. A space battle was cut out. They weren't sure they'd get Harrison Ford (he wasn't signed for more than one movie), so Han wasn't a big part of it (I know he wasn't part of the main story, but I don't remember if he had a cameo at the beginning or end), and Luke's attraction to Leia from the first movie was followed up on. It's funny how hard Lucas leaned on that attraction, up to the kiss in Empire, only for him to pivot and declare they were twins. I would have thought the kiss created a line you shouldn't cross with a retcon.

I re-read the book after Return of the Jedi but haven't read it since then. I still have my battered copy, so maybe I should re-read. I happen to think that making Luke and Leia siblings was a huge mistake, not because I'm any kind of shipper there, but because absolutely everyone having to be connected got silly, especially when we got to the point of Anakin having built Threepio. Leia could still have chosen Han without having to be related to Luke, given that Lucas later made the Jedi be essentially monks. And we've had so many Jedi and Jedi-adjacent characters pop up that they didn't need to make Leia have Jedi potential and be another Skywalker to have there be a hope other than Luke. Given that the Jedi weren't supposed to have attachments, Jedi shouldn't have had to come from a dynasty of Force users. Anakin was an aberration in having kids. Untrained and undiscovered potential Jedi should have been all over the galaxy, coming from the same places they always came from. The issue was having someone who could find them and get them to training without the person doing the finding getting caught. Luke was merely easy because they knew who he was, what his potential was, and where to find him. No one had to leave hiding to search for potential Jedi (and leaving hiding to get Luke into the action got Kenobi killed).

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1 hour ago, paigow said:
2 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

(and leaving hiding to get Luke into the action got Kenobi killed).

but becoming MORE powerful than Vader could imagine... 

"I don't know. I can imagine quite a bit." (Yes, it's a Han quote, but now I'm hearing it in James Earl Jones's voice.)

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This continues a discussion from the media thread where an article was posted about the scene with Hera and Mon Mothma.


I was just throwing it out there about the USSR. I didn't watch Andor, but I thought it was basically a cold war spy show. So thinking about the Empire af the USSR wasn't that much of a leap. 


There's no Putin at the dissolution of the USSR. I'm talking 1993 - 99. That's where we'd be now post ROTJ. There's a loose confederation of states with one or two bigger powers. Yeltsin kind of rose up to power for a while out of nowhere, but the real power became oligarchs because former State officials could actually make money. We don't really see that, and really, TPTBs are producing Ahsoka as a larger story since she was in Mando. We didn't see it there either. Tatooine doesn't count because it was always a far off old west place from the start. 


Here, we're seeing Mon Mothma, what? Chancellor? PM? Just taking right over and restoring the senate? Is that who she was with? You mean to tell me there's no formerly separatist worlds swallowed by the Empire going, "hold on, it's been about 50 years of I don't know what. I think we're going to sit this out. We'll send you an ambassador to keep the peace, but I think we'll go on our own for a little while to catch our breath." That's basically Ukraine in 1995. They shipped out Soviet nukes because they didn't want to be bothered by anyone. 


55 minutes ago, Anduin said:

To an extent, I think it's JJ's fault. He wanted a reset, wanted to do the OT again, which requires the same dynamic.


That's basically it and why I said it's lazy. We have examples of how republics become empires, but we also have examples of how empires dissolve. 


The USSR was literally compared to the Empire by potus in the 80s. It's right there to pick up. The Empire didn't even last as long as the USSR. 


It just crushes Mon Mothma as a character because we all know she's doomed to fail, and the reasons why are derivative imo as shown by the last episode. All those Bothans. For what? 


Edited by DoctorAtomic
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@IntrovertRed I've brought your comments from the S01,Ep.06 thread over here with a short-cut suggestion that may appeal to your son and mother. 


This summer I watched Rebels and all the related Clone Wars in anticipation for this series. I was surprised how much I liked the animated series, but you really do need to have either watched Rebels or find a recap online to grasp some of this show.  My 20 year old son is watching this on and off with me (the rare occasions he is home) since he grew up watching The Clone Wars and loved Ahsoka (after Vader).  He found himself asking me a bunch of questions (which kills him let me tell you lol) about who Ezra, Hera, and Sabine are, why Ezra is on a planet by himself, etc. He knew all about Thrawn of course, but I must say I took great pleasure in finally knowing something about Star Wars that he didn't.  My mom told me she's lost and said she's giving up because she doesn't know who anyone is, and balked at the idea of watching animated shows no matter how much I told her she might even enjoy them.

The YouTube channel New Rockstars, which I follow for analysis of genre movies and TV shows, has compiled a series of 4 videos recapping each of the four seasons of Star Wars: Rebels. Each video is slightly under 30 minutes. In less than two hours total, your son and mother can get a pretty good idea of the entire Rebels series.

Hope this helps!

Season One Recap:


Season Two Recap:


Season Three Recap:


Season Four Recap:


Edited to add: I've also been watching Ahsoka with my now-adult son who watched the animated series when he was a kid. He got me to watch The Clone Wars and Rebels a couple of years ago and I loved them both.

Edited by ProudMary
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Since there are now live-action versions of the Rebels characters, I wonder if any of them will end up on Andor season 2. Andor and Rebels take place at the same time, and there's already some crossover between the Filoni Quadrant and the Andor Quadrant of the Star Wars universe. Saw Guerrera started on Clone Wars, then we got an older version in Rogue One, Rebels, and Andor. Mon Mothma spans the Star Wars universe, but she was particularly involved with Hera's crew on Rebels and Cassian Andor ends up working with her. Hera's ship was involved in the battle of Scarif in Rogue One, and though she didn't appear, she was apparently paged in the background at the rebel base. It seems pretty likely that Andor would end up encountering members of Hera's crew in the timeframe that Andor season 2 is going to cover. I don't remember exactly when in the timeline Ahsoka's battle with Darth Vader took place or how long she was in the World Between Worlds after Ezra pulled her away from the battle and where she came out, but it's likely she would have been in full Fulcrum mode during the first couple of Andor season 2 episodes, so she might or might not run into another rebel spy.

There is the aging issue, since the Andor series takes place at least 10 years before Ahsoka. It probably wouldn't matter too much for the alien characters like Hera and Ahsoka with all the makeup, but there's a pretty big physical difference between a 30-something and a teenager, so I'm not sure they could use the same actors for Ezra and Sabine.

I haven't heard any rumors about these characters appearing, but based on the timeline and the activities of the characters, it seems likely that they would have crossed paths. We know at the very least that Andor and Hera were in the same place at the same time at least once. However, in the real world, wasn't Andor mostly filmed in Europe, while most of the other series are filmed in the US? Mon Mothma's Ahsoka appearance so far has been via hologram, so could have been filmed remotely. It might be more challenging to cross over for actual scenes if the same actor is being used on two series.

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On 9/23/2023 at 12:39 PM, Shanna Marie said:

I don't remember exactly when in the timeline Ahsoka's battle with Darth Vader took place or how long she was in the World Between Worlds after Ezra pulled her away from the battle and where she came out, but it's likely she would have been in full Fulcrum mode during the first couple of Andor season 2 episodes, so she might or might not run into another rebel spy.

I would think no longer than two years, although I do recall reading somewhere that the battle of Lothal took place the same time as Scarif, which is why the Empire did not come back to Lothal. Honestly, my head spins sometimes trying to keep track of the timelines and figure out what may be occurring simultaneously.  Though I'm not sure it would explain why she was absent after War of the Worlds unless she stayed in the temple until after ROTJ, which seems hard to believe.

On 9/22/2023 at 11:01 PM, ProudMary said:

@IntrovertRed I've brought your comments from the S01,Ep.06 thread over here with a short-cut suggestion that may appeal to your son and mother. 

Thanks ProudMary, I will send each of them the links and hopefully they'll be encouraged to watch because they are missing some good shows. If it was Marvel, I've no doubt my mom would watch, and while those are entertaining, I find Star Wars much, much better, especially Rebels. I even bought the novel A New Dawn about Kanan because of how much it was recommended on podcasts.

My family thinks I've gone a little loony with Star Wars, but it's a nice distraction from things going on personally. 

Edited by IntrovertRed
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23 hours ago, IntrovertRed said:

I would think no longer than two years, although I do recall reading somewhere that the battle of Lothal took place the same time as Scarif, which is why the Empire did not come back to Lothal.

The battles of Lothal and Scarif couldn't have been exactly simultaneous, since Hera was involved in both, but Scarif may have come very soon after Lothal.

Basically, there's enough leeway for them to go either way in including any of the Rebels/Ahsoka characters in Andor. There's enough overlap that Cassian and Hera or Ahsoka could have met, but there are enough reasons for Cassian not to have crossed paths with these characters that the "but where's X?" complaint for them not to be in or mentioned in Andor wouldn't be valid. Ahsoka and Cassian were spies at the same time, but that doesn't mean they'd have operated in the same spheres or met. In fact, you usually keep spies isolated so that one who's caught can't be forced to tell about the others. Hera may have arrived on Yavin just before Scarif, while Cassian was off getting Jyn or while they were off meeting with Saw.

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So Anakin can appear as a Force ghost now. I've long wondered what happened right after the end of ROTJ. I imagine Obi-Wan and Yoda saying, "We let you have a nice happy moment with Luke, but now we're going to have a long talk about the last 25 years."

Of course, the problems didn't start 25 years previously. And they both take some of the blame as to how Anakin turned out. Not all, but some.

Hey, in current continuity, did Luke talk to anyone's Force ghost between ROTJ and TLJ?

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18 hours ago, Anduin said:

Hey, in current continuity, did Luke talk to anyone's Force ghost between ROTJ and TLJ?

In movies? I don’t think so. Though I know there are a ton of books written, but I’ve never read any so I don’t know what is canon. 

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