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S02.E02: Staring at the Devil

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Wow. This show is heavy. My heart breaks for Kyle. Full credit to Sheridan on this season so far as I am absolutely left wondering wtf happens next.

On the lighter side, I liked the exchange between Kyle and Mike when Mike drops off Iris.

"I don't need her trouble to become our trouble"
"It kinda already is"
"Fuck man -- I love you but fuck"
"I know"

The scene with Mike and Evelyn the DA was really well done, too. "You're single because you're smarter than everybody, and you let everybody know it"

When Bunny called Mike "Sweden" I laughed.

As soon as I see Robert, I get excited. There is something about that actor/role that is just right.

I don't know how Mike and Bunny come back from this - this is a serious leap of faith.

Also, Iris you're an idiot.

Edited by mledawn
Forgot about Iris.
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23 minutes ago, mledawn said:

When Bunny called Mike "Sweden" I laughed.

"Sweden, Switzerland... whatever cracker-ass country babysit the other cracker-ass countries" was hilarious. Remember Mike, we're not sending him to jail for his knowledge of European geography.

Mike may not be as smooth of a "Mayor" as his brother was but he's getting there. I liked his well-timed use of humor when talking to Evelyn.

I assume there is more to come with Kyle's unfortunate traffic stop. The driver tried to shoot the cop because why? With a baby in the vehicle the dude thought his best option was to blast his way out of a traffic ticket? There had better be 800lbs of meth in that boat.

So Iris knew where Milo was all along? And all of these cops she's been hanging around with never thought to ask her if Milo had a secret lair somewhere? I know they thought he was dead because of the riot but still.

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2 hours ago, mledawn said:

"I don't need her trouble to become our trouble"
"It kinda already is"
"Fuck man -- I love you but fuck"
"I know"

This was great! I really love the relationship between the McKLusky's - even Miriam, as soon as she heard Iris was caught in the crossfire, accepted what they were doing. It made me wonder how many people her husband put up for safety during his time. Although Miriam seems way less intelligent than I feel she should be, with all the years she's spent in Kingstown and around it's residents - she seemed surprised that Iris jetted.

And Iris man, she broke my heart. When she sat down next to Milo, the same way she did next to Mike towards the end of S1, it was gutting. I get it, she feels wanted nowhere, has no idea what to do, doesn't trust the FBI or anyone (Mike gave her back to them) and goes to the man she knows wants her/will protect her - it's stupid as fuck, but I get it. It's compelling TV, and I'm guessing there isn't gonna be a romance b/w Mike & Iris.

When Mike was talking to Evelyn, I was wondering if they were setting up a triangle with Evelyn/Mike/Iris, but I don't think so now. From how much we've seen Evelyn this season, I definitely think she's gonna be a bigger player this season in terms of the plot. I am also wondering if she'll survive the season - I think either she or Iris will bite it, and be a catalyst for Mike doing something.

And man, when Mike brought in Bunny and he was arrested! Dude. I do not see this working out well for you, Mike. Bunny is the ONLY leader that seems able to see reason, and he does not seem like the type to forgive and forget. 

Poor Kyle. I had to laugh, because poor Kyle, lol. He just can't escape Kingstown.

Also whatever happened to those bodies in the bus? Are those gonna come back around?

It is going to be interesting to see Bunny in prison.  It was an interesting plan that Mike came up with putting all the major leaders of the outside inside because there was no one to lead on the inside.  I so wonder if the police/guards will keep their word.  They were the ones who messed everything up in the first place when they didn't keep their bargain with the gangs when they agreed to kill the meth cook guy.  

Iris is one of those characters that is easy to hate. But she is an abused sex worker who thinks she is protecting Mike and his family by going back to Milo. She values Mike’s life more then her own.  Mike is the one person she knows she can trust even a little and she knows Milo is coming after her so going back might save both their lives.  I mean it won't but I can see someone as broken as Iris thinking it will.  


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27 minutes ago, mledawn said:

I hope so. This show has so few women, it really needs to step up its storylines for the women it has. I heard that Kyle's wife Tracy gets a bigger role this year.

I totally agree - Sheridan does well at writing strong women, but he almost always writes them as, at some point, needing to be rescued by a man. I love Rebecca (btw shout out to Mike's call to her as amazing lmao), and was wondering where they would go with Evelyn back in S1, so I'm hoping MoK has the ladies stepping up and dealing with things w/o having to be rescued. 

What is the point of this series? That everyone is nuts, over excited and screws up? Why would all the gang leaders listen to Mike and attend what was clearly a poorly secured meeting (for them), and then he screws them so I assume they will never listen to him again. His brother and the boat cop? Why? Iris runs away, she gets what she gets. 

Is this like a fancy version of Mayans:MC, where it is all about acting tough and shooting people? With no logic? Is there no higher authority who can get the prison riot settled? 

They could kill every character on this show save Renner and start over and we would be missing nothing. ANd it pisse sme off because I really want to like this show.

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I'm trying to remember why we're supposed to be so scared of Milo.  His wife Vera had a map to $200K that Milo wanted back, or something, so they went and got it, but some dirtbag shot Mitch and took the money.  Robert and his team took out the dirtbag, but now the money is in the evidence locker I guess.  Are we supposed to be all scared that Milo is on the loose and might come after Mike for the money?  A supposed hot-shot like Milo cares so much about a measly $200K that he'll go through all this, and doesn't seem to really care that his wife was raped and killed by the dirtbag?

I know shows nowadays have to have a big recurring badguy, but Milo is possibly the least interesting character on the show.

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11 minutes ago, Orbert said:

A supposed hot-shot like Milo cares so much about a measly $200K

When Mike found that bus full of dead people buried in the field he was on a fetch quest for Milo to find $14 million in bearer bonds. I remember that because the only other time I have heard of bearer bonds is Die Hard and the scene made me wonder if Milo was planning to offer them to Hans Gruber if Hans would break him out of jail.

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Ah yes, the bus full of bodies.  And the uncertainty whether that is what Mike was supposed to find, according to Milo's lawyer.

But I still don't get why exactly we should all be concerned that Milo is out.  If it was on behalf of Iris, well, that's not an issue now that she went straight to him.  I was thinking Milo was going to be coming after Mike, but all I could think of was the $200K, and it didn't make sense that Milo was all mad at Mike about that, made enough to kill him, because Mike did help recover the money and it wasn't his fault that the dirtbag stole it.

If there's $14M in bearer bonds buried somewhere out there, fine.  He'll eventually go after it himself, and they can just follow him.  Problem solved.  So apparently I'm still missing something.

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