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2022 Wrap-Up: Best and Worst DAYS Moments

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....you guys....I hardly know where to start with this last year. Please get the ball rolling with your picks for the BEST and WORST moments of 2022.

No. Wait. I have one. Same one I had last year. Last few years actually.



-John Aniston, who continued to bring his A-Game right to the very end, bless him, even without the courtesy of a final storyline or completed character arc. His comedic timing, his screen presence and his professionalism will be so missed. We love you John. Thank you so much. Rest well.



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Worst: Salem genuinely believes that Lucas might have violently murdered his own niece, before Lucas goes to prison for a kidnapping it never made sense for him to have committed while serial killers and serial rapists continue to walk the streets with impunity. (I guess technically the kidnapping thing was last year but since the failed wedding part was this past summer I feel justified in continuing to complain about it.) 


Best: That promo for the show’s conversion to online-only where Billy Flynn is eager to set his senior citizen co-stars up with streaming services, only to have 97-year-old Bill Hayes inform him that Peacock is super easy to understand and he doesn’t need any help. Well-acted, well-meaning, heartwarming, great cast integration, funny, sweet, and who doesn’t love Bill Hayes for his continued ability to adapt to changing times? 

Edited by Panopticon
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Worst - Everything involving the EJ recast. I just genuinely don't like the recast to the point that just including him in scenes ruins the scene for me. I feel the exact same for the Stephanie recast. Sarah Horton as Renee DuMonde. Ava Vitali. Alex Kiriakis. The boring Abby murder. 

Best - Chloe Lane. She's my favorite character, and I think Ron has given her the best writing she's had this year since 2010. The Eric Brady return. Jada Hunter. Stories actually feeling as if they lead into each other and impact multiple people on canvas, i.e. the Craig/Leo wedding being intertwined with Sonny/Will/Chad and Belle/EJ which ultimately led to Abby's murder by Clyde. Li's acting. It's so bad that it's actually entertaining and a highlight whenever he's onscreen.  The Chloe/Brady/Nicole friendship. The Eric/Brady friendship.

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Some of the bests: Zach Tinker as Sonny, I really like him & his inter=actions with other characters.  Paul Telfer as Xander just because(Xander's puppy dog eyes really get me) :)  I always love the Family scenes, esp. the Holiday ones...the ornaments on the tree always makes me nostalgic.

 Worst: The Possession Storyline, Ugh: Again!  Ben/Alex..he is just an annoying character.  Kristin, can they Please write her off Forever?!

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Wow. I'd really forgotten/blocked out just how unimaginably bad so much of this year's content was. Some of the WORST:


10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

The prolonged possession story.

...inexcusable and embarrassing, to say the least.

10 hours ago, Panopticon said:

Salem genuinely believes that Lucas might have violently murdered his own niece, before Lucas goes to prison for a kidnapping it never made sense for him to have committed while serial killers and serial rapists continue to walk the streets with impunity. (I guess technically the kidnapping thing was last year but since the failed wedding part was this past summer I feel justified in continuing to complain about it.) 

9 hours ago, 4evaQuez said:

Sarah Horton as Renee DuMonde.

8 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Ben/Alex..he is just an annoying character. 

That last one ^ for me just goes without saying. It's beyond weird how they keep him front and center when he brings nothing to the plate and has so much baggage. I'm so sick of saying it. Thank you for doing it for me.

You make such a good point about Lucas, Pano, who was completely thrown under the bus for....what exactly? The nothing that is going on with Sami and EJ? Lucas is now in jail for bizarrely kidnapping Sami - a completely out of character move - and it has no bearing on Sami or EJ's stories. And none of his kids even discuss it, even though he's the father they all seem to prefer over Daddy EJ.

I never particularly liked Lucas when he was a lead character in the 90s, but I do like BD's attitude about the show - he always seems game and grateful - so I think he deserves much, much better than this. Even lame-o Recast Roman got better than this when he came back in the 90s to essentially do nothing for years on end but stand around and play supportive "nice guy". Couldn't the same be done for Lucas at this point?

Ron is content to make Lucas crazy just to cover to AS' comings and goings from Salem but I find it so disrespectful to the character. I didn't like how Philip was treated either (did he exit abruptly this year? Or last year?), but he's at least something of a more shady/unpredictable character so it's almost plausible....

The way things are now, Sami and Lucas could have legitimately remarried and been happy and gone off-canvas, with Lucas popping back in from time to time (freeing up EJ, which seems to be what the producers wanted), and Chloe and Philip could have also coupled back up again, with Philip having to leave town on Titan business and....voila! No one's a mental case! See how easy that is?

Ava definitely ranks as one of the worst parts of the year just because...why? Why is she even here? I don't care.

Gwen is unsalvageable. It isn't even fun watching her on screen. Ditto for Paulina, who should be rootable, but is grating.

Probably one of the worst things to happen this year, for me, was the killing of Susan Banks. Why do that? Just to upset us? She's a surprisingly lovable kook, and didn't need to be flung off a cliff in to a car explosion. Not at all.

I also hate that nothing in Marlena's life has been of any interest at all this year. Kate's too, even though she reunited with Roman, I guess. These are two important characters but you'd never know it from watching.




-Paul Telfer continues to be everything this show needs, and Xander's guilty conscience has been a good thread these last few weeks, even if the kidnapping plot was stupid as hell.

-Julie and Doug, who are beautiful human beings for showing up at the studio at this point in their lives, considering what they're given to work with.

-It was nice to finally meet Theresa's brother Andrew

-I had a brief moment of happiness with Ericole reuniting, so...yay?

-Gabi and Li, who I think are great together

-The return of SMM and Thomas Banks, as played by Eileen. That was delightful. SH needs to stay away from those characters though.



Chanel/Johnny. I know they're not together right now, and that's fine, I guess I just like the actors well enough and question whether their storylines were any good. They're on the show a lot, but I don't feel like they're had their big moments yet.





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@DisneyBoy, I do follow Paul Telfer on Twitter. He does a lot to market the show, to be a presence, has a Xander song of the day, and engages with the show’s fans in a respectful, kind, and genuinely charming manner.  He seems pretty likeable and genuine. So yeah, I do have a fondness for his scoundrel-like character. I don’t follow many celebs.

The actors playing Doug and Julie have been around for a long time and appreciate the fans and are still working. The younger actors can learn a lot from them. 



Edited by Frozendiva
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