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Unpopular Opinions

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-Paige really annoys me, I've never liked her.

-Spencer is my least favorite liar, way too neurotic and I also dislike her and Toby together.

-I don't know how unpopular this opinion is, but I could never stand Ezra or "Ezria" - it sound a bit like diarrhea for a reason. He's a child predator in my opinion. He should have been "A" because he's creepy.

-I also don't know how unpopular this opinion is either but I feel like a fool for enjoying this show, thanks Netflix.

- I've only ever rooted for two relationships on this show: Emison and Ashley/Jason. I just don't care about the other girls' boyfriends. I think Caleb is a nice guy and smart, but I don't really care about what happens to him. I dislike Toby, yet am strangely drawn to Spoby love scenes (don't judge me!) I think Troian and Keegan have great physical chemistry, but I don't bother with him otherwise. As for Ezria, putting aside Ezra's creeper status, they seem comfy as a worn-out blanket, but not a couple I rooted for. If I can't have Ashley/Jason I'd love Aria/Jason.


- Toby's fast track to cop-hood will never be believable to me.


- I've always seen Paige as crazy . . . like stalker crazy. I see people say she tried to drown Emily, but that's not even an issue for me. It's just her vibe, how she is written. When they were together, I kept expecting Paige to hulk out and kidnap Emily or something. I know Em would escape with one of her punches (or perhaps Aria could karate kick Paige's butt over a railing) but if Paige went totally nuts and took hostages, I would be the least surprised viewer ever.


- I want Alison to be a bitch again. I don't know who this 18 year-old in matronly Misses-wear is, but I want sexy, bitchy Ali back. She may no longer be the Liars leader, but her old spunk would make her more entertaining to watch. And I want her to drive Em craaazaaay.


- I don't care about Charlotte. I hope she's placed inside a maximum security prison for the criminally insane and shipped off the show with a quickness. Don't care about her pain. I've watched her terrorize her siblings and other teenagers for years. She's dead to me. I ain't liking A. No way. Don't care what the show says.

Uhg, I adore Paige McCullers. ADORE her. She's such an awkward little puppy dog. Sometimes she messes up and knocks things over, but she's so full of love and just wants to cuddle up with the person who loves her back. I need a Paige in my life. I will never understand the hate against her. Never. All I ever saw in Paige was a girl who was deeply struggling and found the strength to turn herself around, love herself and found love in return. You go win those gold medals McCullers! You go kick some ass in this crazy messed up world!


I do like Caleb, he's clearly the best boyfriend, but I found myself getting irritated by last seasons constant push to make him seem so perfect. He was suddenly everyone's best friend and confidant. It felt like the characters were constantly extolling the perfection of Caleb and wanting to wear his scent, and I kept thinking "ok, take it down a notch". 


I know a lot of people are excited for this show to finally reboot, but is it unpopular to say I have no interest in the time jump? Last season drained every last ounce of hope and faith I had in the writers to treat these characters with respect. I'd really rather watch wine moms than a final season and a half of these girls and their relationship dramas. Plus, they've pretty much ruined Emily for me now, and I can't bring myself to watch that trainwreck. 

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Toby's fast track to cop-hood will never be believable to me.


That's an extremely popular opinion.



Uhg, I adore Paige McCullers. ADORE her. She's such an awkward little puppy dog. Sometimes she messes up and knocks things over, but she's so full of love and just wants to cuddle up with the person who loves her back. I need a Paige in my life. I will never understand the hate against her. Never. All I ever saw in Paige was a girl who was deeply struggling and found the strength to turn herself around, love herself and found love in return. You go win those gold medals McCullers! You go kick some ass in this crazy messed up world!


Preach it.

  • Love 1


It felt like the characters were constantly extolling the perfection of Caleb and wanting to wear his scent, and I kept thinking "ok, take it down a notch".


Yeah, it was def a bit much, but I'm wondering if it was an attempt to throw us off and cast suspicion on Caleb...? Pretty much no one on this show gets the saintly treatment without immediately being revealed as a bad guy, so in all these moments like Spencer telling Caleb is the world's best boyfriend, I was like "OH NO THEY ARE GOING TO TURN HIM INTO A ROSEWOOD CREEP!!!!"


And for real, he is the only man on the show (and maybe...Travis, in his uber-brief run?) who hasn't turned out to be (at least temporarily) a Rosewood creep. It's only a matter of tiiiiiiiime?


That's an extremely popular opinion.

I figured as much. I've learned through threads like this that when my opinion is truly unpopular, several posters will follow up with their love for what I just hated . . .  even though their love for whatever it was is very popular. Never fails. I always wonder why there is a need to reiterate what 60% or more of the viewers like, ya know? This IS Unpopular Opinions after all.


Then I'm stuck trying to calculate and demarcate what sources from which to pull Popular/Non-popular stats. Various social media will have very different results, depending on your home on the web. *sighs*

Yea, that's what I thought they were doing with Caleb too. Because not only were they continuing to say how wonderful Caleb is..they had him do some very unCaleb things like tracking Hannah without her permission (and then we immediately learn the girls have trackers in their necks) and he stopped being involved in the mystery..disappearing like Toby did.


But logically they couldn't do that because of Ravenswood. So I think it was their final red herring. 


I thought Spencer's graduation speech was about Ali, and I wish they had gone that way. 

Edited by mercfan3
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