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S02.E09: Anti Trust

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Did Sal's 2 assassins even get a bullet on Marvin? Not a scratch on him. Did Marvin use Renee as a shield??

Now the count is Sal is down 1 son, 2 men and Marvin is still walking. He should be down 2 more men for punishment not hitting Marvin.

Marvin is the intended target, there were many times he could have been taken down this episode. He is driving a big red car. He is not hard to find.

Damn. Even Unique is telling Sal he is stupid for going after Raq/Marvin for Rocco's fuck up! Seems the writers are trying to tell us this plot is stupid!

Unique is now in 'No snitching" mode on Raq to Sal after all she has done to him? But he can tell him about the drug routes to steal? If she is out of the way, he can get back to running Queens. Makes no sense. 

Now Sal is worried about Queens being a "Hornet's Nest", so he has to be careful going after Raq? SMH!

Later Sal sent 2 men to hit Raq or gather intel, but they ran away because 3 men were sitting in a car. They could have sprayed the car and hit the house quickly. The show makes up weak excuses why Sal can't take out Raq or anyone else in her group.

Welcome back to the family Lou. Now the music business is all yours, but you are still going to rely on Raq for the money to keep it going. At the end, he still can't get out of her shadow.

No Kenya this episode. So maybe her time is done on the show.

See ya Cartier! Fool thought he "impressed" Raq long enough and now it was time for the sheets. You got careless and lazy. Now your business is hers. Such a waste of a character. He should have stayed around a little longer so we can see his operation.

The way Raq was looking after Cartier's proposal before the scene ended, is it possible she did "give it up" to him to gain more intel in his business before she killed him??!!

The building front doorman must have hated Cartier enough to not warn him danger is coming. Cartier must have slapped him once or twice. I hope Raq paid him well because the NYPD will probably make him the lead suspect in the investigation. I hope it was worth it to let Raq and Lou in. The cops will be all up in your business now. 

Did Raq and Lou have to shoot him in the elevator? Now they had to take that long ass walk down the stairs from the penthouse. 

Now Howard is Muslim? OK!

Seems Kanan should have asked Howard about Raq's knowledge about if she knew Howard was the father weeks ago. Maybe the night he showed up at his house to spend the night.

Marvin couldn't tell he was crying because he was wearing sunglasses.

You know Marvin was serious to Juke, when didn't take a bite of that burger and fries.

I like Raq and Juke's little talk. We don't have more of that.

Curious Raq didn't tell Juke she bought a big house. 

Habib just let Sam walk out the store with the stolen goods and not run after him. He just called cops.

Nicole's father is the biggest fool. Detective Howard comes to him about Detective Burke, and he can't tell he is being used to set her up? The crazy mom is right to divorce his clueless ass.

Sam is talking about having an ID on Howard's shooter and all these cops are not bringing him to the detectives assigned to this case or even Howard who still works there?!!! Nope! Burke (who should not be involved) just happens to be there at the right time to get the news and she runs with it. Makes no sense.

Sam is sitting in this big cell and is being released because they need cell space. There was plenty of room in the cell. Who were they bringing in? P Diddy's entourage?

That one detective just casually tells Howard, Sam knows who shot him. What!!!!! Don't bury the lead sir! Howard's next move should have been to talk to Sam. The writing and direction are so bad with this plot!

"Co Dumbo"! Good one!

Marvin is turning a new side, didn't kill Sam, bought him new clothes, a bus ticket to Atlanta and gave him a stack of cash. At least Marvin could have gotten Sam a haircut and shave to complete his good deed.

Nice words of encouragement to Sam from Marvin. Didn't last one block before Sam ignored it and got off the bus. With all that money, he may just OD on all the drugs he is going to buy. Seems Marvin gave him money just to buy his product or his competitors.

Burke is in bed with Adina. Tells her she will not think about Howard and next we see Burke at the drug spot looking for Sam. Adina needs to work harder to tire her out and cloud her mind.

Captain Baptiste knows Burke is being Investigated by IA and this clown doesn't sit her down to find out all the details on her mind when she knocked on his door? If he had brought her in and she told him it involved Howard's case, he told her last week to not be involved with this and the whole thing should have ended right there. And she should have been suspended for insubordination. Nah! Paperwork is more important to him, he just gives her some vague advice and don't mess with "rice". Good job! Captain Baptiste is the worst captain. He should be demoted.

Why is Burke is so trusting of Sam when he refused to tell her anything after he was released? He just proved he wasn't reliable. 

Juke already pieced it together. Get moving Burke!

Damn. I didn't realize Traymont had that processed hair. Well, no more beatings from Cartier. He should be happy. Raq will have different methods of torture for him.

Famous: "I am not talking barter. I am just talking a little trade." Please go back to school Famous!

For a moment, I thought Cartier was going to give Famous a beating in the studio.

Famous has to be the biggest idiot "fisherman". Desperate times doesn't make him think straight. He shoots Freddy and still didn't run his pockets for money. He just runs away. Now the neighbor heard his name and will sure tell the police. And Burke will now want to talk to Famous. Oh! Famous saw the "daddy test" and the initials "M.H". I am sure Famous will conveniently confess this to her when he is arrested.

What would Famous have done if Palomar answered the door? Poor Corrine is still living there.

Edited by mxc90
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I just realized I never posted on last week's episode.

The number of people that are shocked that Renee ended up dead and Marvin didn't is exactly ZERO.

6 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Famous: "I am not talking barter. I am just talking a little trade." Please go back to school Famous!

For a moment, I thought Cartier was going to give Famous a beating in the studio.

I CRACKED UP when Cartier said "no no no no, what you about to do is get yourself a rod..."

That sounds like something I would say.

6 hours ago, mxc90 said:

See ya Cartier! Fool thought he "impressed" Raq long enough and now it was time for the sheets. You got careless and lazy. Now your business is hers. Such a waste of a character. He should have stayed around a little longer so we can see his operation.

He was giving Raq all of his "business tips." Raq is probably too stubborn to admit it but he was giving her helpful information. After he gives all the knowledge, what use is he after that?

I liked his character. He was interesting.

6 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Marvin is turning a new side, didn't kill Sam, bought him new clothes, a bus ticket to Atlanta and gave him a stack of cash. At least Marvin could have gotten Sam a haircut and shave to complete his good deed.

Well Marvin tried as best as Marvin could.

Sam is an unapologetic crackhead. Sam is fully aware that he's a crackhead; he knows he enjoys it; he's upfront that he will use again and will likely get arrested again; he doesn't pretend; and he's okay with it. Then, with the threat of death, he tells Marvin he's gonna try to be on the straight and narrow, only to say 'fuck it' a few minutes later. 🤣

6 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Why is Burke is so trusting of Sam when he refused to tell her anything after he was released? He just proved he wasn't reliable. 

Yes, but the only hope she seemingly has to solve this is an unreliable Sam.

6 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Famous has to be the biggest idiot "fisherman". Desperate times doesn't make him think straight. He shoots Freddy and still didn't run his pockets for money. He just runs away. Now the neighbor heard his name and will sure tell the police. And Burke will now want to talk to Famous. Oh! Famous saw the "daddy test" and the initials "M.H". I am sure Famous will conveniently confess this to her when he is arrested.

Famous is such a useless character.

Edited by AntFTW
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On 10/16/2022 at 3:20 PM, AntFTW said:

The number of people that are shocked that Renee ended up dead and Marvin didn't is exactly ZERO.

We are not falling for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On 10/16/2022 at 3:20 PM, AntFTW said:

I CRACKED UP when Cartier said "no no no no, what you about to do is get yourself a rod..."

That sounds like something I would say.

On 10/16/2022 at 3:20 PM, AntFTW said:

He was giving Raq all of his "business tips." Raq is probably is probably too stubborn to admit it but he was giving her helpful information. After he gives all the knowledge, what use is he after that?

I liked his character. He was interesting.

He was interesting. I'll miss his funny lines. 

Lou made sure he is a "Silent" partner now!

Wonder if Zisa will be broken up.

There was one "tip" he never gave Raq. 

Does Raq know anything about art? She will rely heavy on Traymont and maybe he will try to exploit her inexperience.

On 10/16/2022 at 3:20 PM, AntFTW said:

Well Marvin tried as best as Marvin could.

Sam is an unapologetic crackhead. Sam is fully aware that he's a crackhead; he knows he enjoys it; he's upfront that he will use again and will likely get arrested again; he doesn't pretend; and he's okay with it. Then, with the threat of death, he tells Marvin he's gonna try to be on the straight and narrow, only to say 'fuck it' a few minutes later. 🤣

And Marvin knew this about Sam and still spared him. It will come back to haunt him. Either by Raq finding out he is alive, or Sam will talk to Burke. Not good for Marvin.

On 10/16/2022 at 3:20 PM, AntFTW said:

Yes, but the only hope she seemingly has to solve this is an unreliable Sam.

Once Sam mentioned Famous and Kanan (not by name), what more use is he to her? She can go on from there.

On 10/16/2022 at 3:20 PM, AntFTW said:

Famous is such a useless character.

Yeah. When he appears now, I get annoyed.

He is not comedy relief anymore. He is a dumb murderer now. 

Edited by mxc90
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Lou had some big stones killing that mafia hitter in the open street, even at night.

Did we know before now that Howard was Muslim?

Sweet moment between Juke and Marvin over lunch.

Unique standing up to the mafia boss was interesting. Is he gambling on Raq and the Italians taking each other out, leaving him still standing?

Oh Famous. You are done. One of the neighbors probably heard that guy say your name. Plus, the bullets in his body are likely going to be linked other crimes.

Marvin should've killed that crackhead when he had the chance. Raq isn't going to be happy when she finds out he didn't handle it the way she told him to.

Cartier was awfully casual about his security. And how did it not occur to him that Raq might want to take his place eventually? Oh well, he flew too close to the sun.


I didn't realize Traymont had that processed hair.

I don't think I've ever seen the actor without hair that looked straightened. I think that's likely his natural hair and depending on the role he makes it look processed.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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