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S02.E07: No Love Lost

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2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Umm… I did not like this episode.

It just didn’t make much sense to me.

Weird episode!

Scrap wasn't a CI but it was his mother. So why was Scrap (doing most of the talking) in the same room with her at the Precinct? Made no sense.

When did Juliana get a makeover and a seat at the table? If she is/was so upset with Unique's taken her hostage and coming over she could have had her cousin handle it long time ago by having Unique killed. I doubt Raq would have said a word. 

I need to see who was playing the Jamaican because his accent seemed way over the top. 

All this time Crown owed money to the Jamaicans!!? And now they are coming to collect. Seems the writers just made these guys up last week. Crown never acted like a guy who was desperate for money.

Is Palomar in "Seduction Mode" 24/7? She just happened to know Kanan was coming over at that time, wearing that revealing outfit and had Anita Baker on?

Palomar: "I am a woman. First and Foremost.."
Kanan: "For real?"
Palomar shakes her head in confirmation.

Corrine walks in and she has no shame or embarrassment.  From Corrine's reaction, seems it wasn't the first time she has done this.

Palomar: "Every girl goes through this..." Sure! Every girl's mother sleeps with their boyfriends. It's the rite of passage!!!!

Could we have had a scene of Corrine and Raq meeting before Corrine runs to Raq about her mother. Just seems odd that Raq the first person she runs to. Not her father, friend or a relative.

See ya Stupid Marco! Don't know why you couldn't find a more reliable hitter to go with you. Once I saw that big nose fool, I figured the job wasn't going to go right. 

How far did the guy run? Marco had the keys to car. He didn't go back to get it.

See ya Toni! You have done your last faked orgasm and took your last hit of coke. If only the cops done their job to take you out of the back door and not let Marvin see you. You may be alive today!

So far, the NYPD has gotten Scrap and Toni killed due to incompetence! Who is next?

Toni's boyfriend/husband was screaming for help as if other people live in his house.

I guess Marvin's anger management class didn't work too well that he couldn't leave Toni alone. Now he brought unexpected heat on the mafia and to Unique.

The class worked well on the Joe, he took Marvin's jokes on his baldness well and didn't get angry. At least, Renee can rest easy knowing she reached one person.

Goofy Renee sliding her number to Marvin. The woman is thirsty, and that small cup in her hand wasn't going to quench it.

Raq is devious. She provokes Cartier to give Traymont a beating. Then later she goes to him to deal behind Cartier's back. 

Let me guess, Abraham (who was spying for Traymont in the restaurant) is going to make a move on Julianna to get information.

Now it's revealed Howard slept with underage Raq. I am starting to get tired of this character. I hope he gets taken down.

Was Howard's case assigned to Burke or is she just nosy? 

Funny! Burke and the other cop are sitting in room worrying about secrecy and they can't bother look behind them to see the other cop eavesdropping.

I can see Howard setting up Burke to get kicked out of the NYPD. I don't think he will kill her. If he did kill her, Adina knows the details too.

Howard sees Scrap's mother upset and didn't sense Raq had anything to do with his disappearance. "Oh! My Bad Raq! I gave you wrong information". So nonchalant of him with that admission.

That look on Raq's face, I thought she was going to shoot Howard.

That was the first time, Raq gave the "I Really Fucked Up" look.

Maybe, Scrap's death was one of reasons that was one of the reasons Raq spared Symphony. Also, she told Juliana to not let emotions get in the way of pulling a trigger.

I hope this is the last we see Symphony.

Lou can never find a hotel room. He is always banging in the studio. And why can't he ever lock the front door so there won't be any interruptions. People just stroll into the place at any time.

I can see Lou not surviving this season. Now he is taking Raq's money, taking beatings for Crown's dealings and now letting Cartier worm his way into his label. His downfall is almost complete.

Where did Lou hide Crown's body? And he had enough money and time to replace all the broken equipment and furniture that fast?

Zisa is a sociopath, Lou is threatened and after they leave, all she wants is Lou to get it back up and finish the job on her. 

Pastor was laying it on thick with all these orders, mandates and commandments of who to not have sexual relations with as if he had done a few on the list himself. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an upcoming scene exposing him to be shady with skeletons.

Now Juke has to "fake it" as Kenya has that eye on her. I got a feeling Corey is going to be the one tell on her. 

Does Corey have any other look? Every time the camera is on him it's just a lustful look of him going up and down on Juke.

I wonder what favors Juke might ask of Nicole's father down the line.

What was Juke going tell Nicole's father before he cut her off?

Nicole's father should have divorced a long time ago. Good for him!

Burke pulling over Symphony and asking those questions made no sense. 

It's early in the morning and determined Burke is going over evidence probably sitting next to half eaten, smelly, moldy Chinese food. 

From 50's opening monologue, he couldn't just say "Ripple Effect"?

Edited by mxc90
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14 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Scrap wasn't a CI but it was his mother. So why was Scrap (doing most of the talking) in the same room with her at the Precinct? Made no sense.

Even before then, I thought it made no sense that if Scrap's mom was an informant, why would she let her son sit in at a card table she knew the police were watching?

Scrap's mom is a CI. She knew the cops were watching her games. Yet, she let him sit at a card table that she knew was going to be raided by the police? I think she had some idea of what her son was into.

21 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

All this time Crown owed money to the Jamaicans!!? And now they are coming to collect. Seems the writers just made these guys up last week. Crown never acted like a guy who was desperate for money.

LOL! This seems very last minute.

The studio isn't making any money. Why wouldn't Crown takes Lou's money and pay off this newly created Jamaican crew?

24 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Was Howard's case assigned to Burke or is she just nosy? 

Funny! Burke and the other cop are sitting in room worrying about secrecy and they can't bother look behind them to see the other cop eavesdropping.


25 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Maybe, Scrap's death was one of reasons that was one of the reasons Raq spared Symphony. Also, she told Juliana to not let emotions get in the way of pulling a trigger.

I hope this is the last we see Symphony.

Why was killing Symphony an option? For what reason? That is going over my head.

27 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Pastor was laying it on thick with all these orders, mandates and commandments of who to not have sexual relations with as if he had done a few on the list himself. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an upcoming scene exposing him to be shady with skeletons.

Now Juke has to "fake it" as Kenya has that eye on her. I got a feeling Corey is going to be the one tell on her. 

I felt like the moment we first saw Kenya in church that this is where it would lead. I feel like they were pushing Kenya's churchgoing to the forefront and in your face.

30 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Nicole's father should have divorced a long time ago. Good for him!

One thing about Nicole's father that annoyed me is that he asked Juke about the tape, and then a tape shows up at his front door, and then he asked Howard did he see who left it. I'm saying to myself "you only asked one person about the tape. You spoke to one person about this tape. You knew only one other person may have had the tape. Who else would have left it?"

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45 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

Even before then, I thought it made no sense that if Scrap's mom was an informant, why would she let her son sit in at a card table she knew the police were watching?

Scrap's mom is a CI. She knew the cops were watching her games. Yet, she let him sit at a card table that she knew was going to be raided by the police? I think she had some idea of what her son was into.

They claimed Scrap had this big gambling addiction. So his mom could have moved the game to place where Scrap wouldn't find it. 

I think these writers have a plan to where plots will end but have no clue how on the means to get there.

48 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

LOL! This seems very last minute.

The studio isn't making any money. Why wouldn't Crown takes Lou's money and pay off this newly created Jamaican crew?

When Crown met with Raq at her house he could have asked for a loan then.

Even the Jamaican guy saying Lindy's name out loud and real clear for all to hear was eye rolling.

Made no sense.

51 minutes ago, AntFTW said:


At least show other detectives on the case, so Burke can find out if there are any leads. It seems like the NYPD don't care about Howard and Burke is the only trying to find the truth.

53 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

Why was killing Symphony an option? For what reason? That is going over my head.

I think it was fear he would talk to Burke about taking Kanan out of town that night. When Howard told Raq he is a problem, she thought he had to get taken out.

55 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

I felt like the moment we first saw Kenya in church that this is where it would lead. I feel like they were pushing Kenya's churchgoing to the forefront and in your face.

Yup. So far, we haven't heard her stance. Just the pastor's teachings.

Is there a chance she could accept Juke? The show could be leading us a certain way and may come up with a switch. IDK.

1 hour ago, AntFTW said:

One thing about Nicole's father that annoyed me is that he asked Juke about the tape, and then a tape shows up at his front door, and then he asked Howard did he see who left it. I'm saying to myself "you only asked one person about the tape. You spoke to one person about this tape. You knew only one other person may have had the tape. Who else would have left it?"


I think he knows it was Juke but was trying to see which way she walked asking Howard. He does appear to be a little lost at times though. 

But why bother ask, he can call or see Juke later.

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3 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Is Palomar in "Seduction Mode" 24/7? She just happened to know Kanan was coming over at that time, wearing that revealing outfit and had Anita Baker on?

Palomar: "I am a woman. First and Foremost.."
Kanan: "For real?"
Palomar shakes her head in confirmation.

Corrine walks in and she has no shame or embarrassment.  From Corrine's reaction, seems it wasn't the first time she has done this.

I’m not liking this part of the story at all. I just find this so creepy, not that things like this doesn’t happen but… it’s extremely over the top.

Palomar seems to be a woman that doesn’t seem to care much about her daughter at all. Aside from sleeping with her teenage daughter’s teenage boyfriend, there seems to be no emotional bond or attachment between them.

I agree that based on that exchange when Corrine walks in, this seems to be a recurring thing.

Edited by AntFTW
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Crown: The gift that unfortunately keeps on giving. Looks like Lou didn't do himself any favors by killing him.

Jason Dirden! Haven't seen him much since Greenleaf. Wonder if LeToya Luckett was his connect on Power, hah hah. (They played siblings on Greenleaf.)

Cartier still giving Raq How to be Bougie lessons. When is she going to kill this guy?

Kanan didn't realize the cost of borrowing that gun was literally going to be Palomar. But isn't he underaged? He doesn't care but she should.

That kid in Juke's bible study group has zero gaydar. Poor guy. But I wonder if Kenya put him onto her in an attempt to "straighten" Juke out.

Lou out here messing up Raq's money. He's begging for big trouble if/when she finds out.

Oops, unhelpful Howard got the wrong snitch killed. Poor Scrappy.

Ruh roh, Raq is moving in on Cartier's territory. That's not going to end well.

OMG, Symphony, how can we miss you if you don't leave? Kanan seemed a little hurt when he found out Symphony was moving to NC for a new job. But maybe this will finally be the last we see of that guy. 😐

Burke pulling over Symphony on no real pretext was odd. Good thing he knew how to handle himself under pressure.

Wait, Raq was Howard's CI when she was a teenager? Forget the underaged part, who was she ratting on? Perhaps that's how she built her business, by letting the police remove her competition.

Dang, Palomar is stone cold-blooded. She had to have known her daughter would be coming home eventually and catch her in bed with Kanan. What did that prove?

Countdown until Lou is being hung by his ankles over the railing at Suge Knight's Cartier's penthouse. He's dancing with the devil and he knows it. Zisa is just an annoyance.

Rough way for Toni to go out. But geez, talk about the gang who couldn't shoot straight. And since that one mob guy is still alive, Marvin's going to have both the cops and the Italians after him now.

You need to listen to your girlfriend, Burke. You're snooping around in some stuff you really don't want to know.

That was very kind what Juke did for Nicole's father.

WHAT!!!???! Raq's got bigger loose ends than Symphony. Much bigger.


When did Juliana get a makeover and a seat at the table?

Yeah, I was puzzled by that too. Apparently she doesn't need to be putting up with either Raq or Unique. Her mousy behavior at the convenience store makes no sense.

6 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I’m not liking this part of the story at all. I just find this so creepy, not that things like this doesn’t happen but… it’s extremely over the top.

Palomar seems to be a woman that doesn’t seem to care much about her daughter at all. Aside from sleeping with her teenage daughter’s teenage boyfriend, there seems to be no emotional bond or attachment between them.

I agree that based on that exchange when Corrine walks in, this seems to be a recurring thing.

I agree about her.

Can't wait to see how Raq handles her next week.

Now we have Howard taking advantage of underage Raq.

6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ruh roh, Raq is moving in on Cartier's territory. That's not going to end well.

Cartier is dumb to reveal the workings of his operation to her. 

He brags too much.

3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Raq and Marvin probably would help if he would just tell them. They probably would have given him the cash, or killed the other guys.

I wonder how Raq would feel about Lou killing Crown.

I understand Crown is not family or a part of Raq's business, but it would be telling her how Lou is unraveling in a business he loves and he can't be trusted to make good decisions in her business now.

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Wow just wow some very good assessments. 

im new in here been watching Power since season 1 Raisin Kanan is best show after Power. 

I enjoy the street shit. 

couple of things I am Cartier. My favorite character on the show. The guy who said Cartier is Suge spot on. 

let me drop some street shit on y’all. Cartier ain’t a fool. He put that out there to see what Raq would do. He probably knows she gonna Try to go to the connect. 

he’s well read and gave her an alternative for cleaning her money. Now Lou is in business with him. She can’t fuck him. Cause that’s her money to. 

Lou made a power move the Jamaican heat was on him. I’m a Jamaican the Jamaicans we’re legit a little over the top that is Jamaican bad words. 

Crown was a snake rat he went behind Lou to Raq and I think Raq wanted to see if Lou still had the street in him. She knew what rocket she was launching. And Lou went a killed Crown. 

that singer chick he smashing is as crazy as him. He like them latinas. She liked him at the traffic light. 

Juke playing the part and Marvin is a fool. But I think he doesn’t care about unique maybe it’s good for the Italians to not trust unique. 

dude did have a big nose. 

Great episode Cartier is one of those dudes if you go to him and he does you a favor you owe him 10 favors. 

he putting Raq on game but she’s just scandalous when she can have a guy that can give her some muscle. 

Fuck Jersey how about taking over the East Coast? I’d rather have a partner then an enemy. I guess I see where Kanan gets it from. 

never knew why Raq never used Howard for her advantage and just tell the kid that’s his father. 

This was the first time Raq asked Howard for something. And Howard lit up like here it is. 

Howard might be using lesbian cops girlfriend to get intel on her. 

Howard is well liked in that department why do I think Eavesdropping cop will tell him what he heard. 

Remember the guy Howard went to see when he ran into JukeBox they were in the office with the police and after the police captain told Howard’s partner why you doing all this maybe he will tell the guy that Howard’s partner is the problem I think Howard is gonna make Howard’s partner look like a dirty cop. 

this show foreshadows Howard’s partners father told her don’t go against your partner that might be her fate.,

I think Howard whacks her she won’t let it go away and everybody is telling her don’t do it. We see what happens to good cops on this show.

Colombians makeover maybe she will whack Unique.

oh yeah FUCK CROWN!!!!!!!

Crown shitted on Lou he deserved it. He the money man lol them to was basically calling him an idiot. Lou ain’t to be fucked with. 

Cartier is a beast now Lou bout to force his way in the music business. 

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I feel bad for Scrap he was a real one. Loyal the dude lost an eye for them. 

It made no sense why whack him? At least vet it more Raq. Kind of funny Marvin and Lou really didn’t want to do it. Raq makes these dumb moves. Why you gonna get rid of a great soldier? Just dumb like trying to have your son murk your baby daddy.

she needs to make better moves if she wants to be a boss in this game

always thought symphony was great. I guess that’s why Kanan became Kanan because all the people that give Kanan a shot they bounce. Symphony a good dude didn’t go shit when the cop pulled him over just a stand up dude . 

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