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X-Files Episode Elimination Game

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Updated to alphabetical, also added First Elder.


Alien Bounty Hunter

Blevins, Scott (Section Chief)

Byers, John Fitzgerald

Covarrubias, Marita

Deep Throat

Doggett, John

Fenig, Max

First Elder

Follmer, Brad (Assistant Director)

Fowley, Diana

Frohike, Melvin

Hosteen, Albert

Kersh, Alvin (Deputy Director)

Krycek, Alex

Langly, Richard

Miles, Billy

Mulder, Samantha

Mulder, Teena

Mulder, William

Pendrell (Agent)

Praise, Gibson

Reyes, Monica

Rohrer, Knowle

Scully, Bill Jr.

Scully, Margaret

Scully, Melissa

Scully, William (Capt.)

Scully, William (Van de Kamp)

Sim, Emily

Skinner, Walter (Assistant Director)

Spender, Cassandra

Spender, CGB (Cigarette Smoking Man)

Spender, Jeffrey

Well-Manicured Man




Oh yeah, what the hell happened to that guy?

Didn't he die in the hangar with the rest of the Syndicate?

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Alrighty then...  let's kick off the Supporting Character Elimination Game!!!  One round and one round only, no break down by seasons, no all-star round, so this is their one chance to become an all-star or live in infamy.   Names are listed below in alphabetical order:


Alien Bounty Hunter
Blevins, Scott (Section Chief)
Byers, John Fitzgerald
Covarrubias, Marita
Deep Throat
Doggett, John
Fenig, Max
First Elder
Follmer, Brad (Assistant Director)
Fowley, Diana
Frohike, Melvin
Hosteen, Albert
Kersh, Alvin (Deputy Director)
Krycek, Alex
Langly, Richard
Miles, Billy
Mulder, Samantha
Mulder, Teena
Mulder, William
Pendrell (Agent)
Praise, Gibson
Reyes, Monica
Rohrer, Knowle
Scully, Bill Jr.
Scully, Margaret
Scully, Melissa
Scully, William (Capt.)
Scully, William (Van de Kamp)
Sim, Emily
Skinner, Walter (Assistant Director)
Spender, Cassandra
Spender, CGB (Cigarette Smoking Man)
Spender, Jeffrey
Well-Manicured Man


We have 35 contestants, so for Round 1 vote for 5 supporting characters in the order you'd like to see them voted out.

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I can't decide whether to start with ones I don't know/remember, or ones I think detracted from the show or at least failed to add anything to it.  I think I'll do a mix.


Scully (Van de Kamp), William (worst.idea.ever.)

Covarrubius, Marita ("Beeee hussssbandry"  She just drove me nuts)

Follmer, Brad (No idea who this is, but Skinner should be the only AD in town)

Spender, Cassandra (I usually like Veronica Cartwright, but not here, and I had lost all interest in the mytharc by the time of her story)

Rohrer, Knowle (No clue who this is and I'm not quite ready to vote off anyone else I do know, so ...)

Edited by Bastet
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(Dread Pirate) Brad Follmer.  What a prick.


Marita Covarrubius.  Remember when they kinda halfway implied that she and Mulder had a quickie when he came to her apartment?  Good times.  Except the opposite of that.


Cassandra Spender.  I actually didn't mind her scenes, but this is already difficult!


Knowle Rohrrrrrrerrrrrrr.  Jayne, no!!


First Elder.  I tired of him way too quickly.

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Remember when they kinda halfway implied that she and Mulder had a quickie when he came to her apartment?  Good times.


I thought they put the kibosh on any such speculation by showing something - Mulder's watch, maybe? - to show that not enough time had elapsed for even Mr. I Get Laid Once Per Decade to have got some?

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Baby William. Babies are never a good idea.

Brad Follmer

Bill Scully. Such an ass.

Knowle Rohrer. Worst name ever.

Marita Covarrubias. I don't hate her but definitely wish they had done something more with her.

Edited by joelene
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Baby William. Babies are never a good idea.

Brad Follmer

Bill Scully. Such an ass.

Knowle Rohrer. Worst name ever.

Marita Covarrubias. I don't hate her but definitely wish they had done something more with her.


Knowle Rohrer is a worse name than Marita Covarrubias?  It's at the very least a tie.  

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Sorry, I'm a bit behind  First day of skiing for the season so I was oot and aboot all day.  :)


My votes are gonna be:


First Elder (Clearly I forgot to list this guy so he's super memorable to me)

Brad Follmer  (Ew... just ew)

Section Chief Scott Blevins  (zzzzzzzzzz)

Bill Scully, Jr. (ass - that's really all I say)

Baby William (Dear Baby William, I'm sorry it's not you... it's the complete cluster they made of the whole storyline surrounding you)

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Welp, first 5 supporting characters to be eliminated are AD Brad Follmer with 6 votes (it's unanimous!), Marita I Can't Spell Her Last Name Without Looking It Up Every Time Covarrubius with 5 votes,  Baby William and Knowle Rohrrrreeerrrrr tied and are both out with 4 votes each, and the last spot was between Bill Scully and First Elder with 3 votes each   However, with weighting the votes, Bill Scully lives to be voted against another day!  Congrats Bill, I think?


Alien Bounty Hunter
Blevins, Scott (Section Chief)
Byers, John Fitzgerald
Deep Throat
Doggett, John
Fenig, Max
Fowley, Diana
Frohike, Melvin
Hosteen, Albert
Kersh, Alvin (Deputy Director)
Krycek, Alex
Langly, Richard
Miles, Billy
Mulder, Samantha
Mulder, Teena
Mulder, William
Pendrell (Agent)
Praise, Gibson
Reyes, Monica
Scully, Bill Jr.
Scully, Margaret
Scully, Melissa
Scully, William (Capt.)
Sim, Emily
Skinner, Walter (Assistant Director)
Spender, Cassandra
Spender, CGB (Cigarette Smoking Man)
Spender, Jeffrey
Well-Manicured Man


Vote for 5 again! 

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Bill Scully.  Total jerk.


Section Chief Blevins.  Meh.


Diana Fowley.  Just because I hate her and her twin torpedoes of deception.


Deputy Director Kersch.  Took him too long to come around.


Bill Mulder.  Because he was pretty much a washed up drunk with no spine.

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Fowley, Diana

Praise, Gibson
Reyes, Monica
Sim, Emily
Spender, Jeffrey

I feel a little bad voting for Monica this early because I don't have anything against her, but she's basically a non-entity to me since I didn't watch season 9 and never will.  

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Section Chief Blevins - still boring

Bill Scully - still an ass


Diana Fowley - tumblr_mkusu6sVnI1qgt42uo1_500.gif


William Mulder - No father of the year here... or week, month...

Capt. William Scully - sorry dude, you're nearly forgettable to me

Edited by queequeg
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So with 4 votes each, both Bill Scully, Jr. and Section Chief Blevins are out.   As are Deputy Director Kersh, Emily Sim, and the foul one Diana Fowley with 3 votes each.


Alien Bounty Hunter
Byers, John Fitzgerald
Deep Throat
Doggett, John
Fenig, Max
Frohike, Melvin
Hosteen, Albert
Krycek, Alex
Langly, Richard
Miles, Billy
Mulder, Samantha
Mulder, Teena
Mulder, William
Pendrell (Agent)
Praise, Gibson
Reyes, Monica
Scully, Margaret
Scully, Melissa
Scully, William (Capt.)
Skinner, Walter (Assistant Director)
Spender, Cassandra
Spender, CGB (Cigarette Smoking Man)
Spender, Jeffrey
Well-Manicured Man


Vote for 5 again!

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William Mulder - Still a drunk

Capt. William Scully -  Sorry Ahab

Teena Mulder- Also kinda sucked as a parent.  I'm pretty sure the only quality family member poor Fox had was his long lost sister.

Cassandra Spender - meh

X - not my favorite informant

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The Mulders were shitty parents, but I think Mrs. Mulder (I just can't deal with "Teena") is an interesting character, and well played -- the icy calm composure, and this wonderful mix of emotional fragility and stubborn refusal to break down under the weight that really speaks to what her life must have been like in this bizarre world her husband and CSM had her embroiled in.  Her comportment is also a nice window into what Mulder's childhood was like, so she's an important piece of the show's puzzle to me.

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I think Mrs. Mulder is very interesting too, and I'm trying to go by that more than "like" or "favorite", though it's hard sometimes. But I think I'd rank her over Mrs. Scully even though I (obviously) love Margaret so much more.

Cassandra Spencer is a case where my love for Veronica Cartwright might be holding my voting for her back. Still, she's a pretty interesting lady. One wonders why she ever dated CSM.

Captain William Scully

Agent Pendrell

William Mulder

Max Fenig

Cassandra Spencer

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Yeah, I'm going by an "interesting/adds something to my enjoyment the show" sort of criteria.  So Pendrell is just sort of there as this tertiary character, but the wonderful touch of normalcy provided by his crush on Scully was appreciated.  X was an asshole, but I found him compelling to watch.  I don't much care for Melissa as a character, but what we got to see of Scully by having her around was enjoyable.  Etc.

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So with 6 votes Cassandra Spender is gone (another unanimous!), Bill Mulder is also out with 4 votes, and Billy Miles, Gibson Praise, and Capt. Ahab Scully all went out tied at 3 votes.


Alien Bounty Hunter
Byers, John Fitzgerald
Deep Throat
Doggett, John
Fenig, Max
Frohike, Melvin
Hosteen, Albert
Krycek, Alex
Langly, Richard
Mulder, Samantha
Mulder, Teena
Pendrell (Agent)
Reyes, Monica
Scully, Margaret
Scully, Melissa
Skinner, Walter (Assistant Director)
Spender, CGB (Cigarette Smoking Man)
Spender, Jeffrey
Well-Manicured Man


Vote for 4 this round...

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Alien Bounty Hunter

Fenig, Max

Spender, Jeffrey

Krycek, Alex (never, ever felt the Ratboy love, and after a time he felt shoehorned in to things so his number is up at this point in my rankings)

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Max Fenig is out this round with 4 votes, followed by Monica Reyes, Agent Pendrell, and Jeffrey Spender with 3 votes each.  X also got 3 votes, but was the lone survivor once rankings were taken into consideration.  Of the four 3 votes, Monica "Whale Noises" Reyes (also known to some as Moronica) fared the worst.   Agent Pendrell and Jeffrey Spender had the same ranking average.


Alien Bounty Hunter
Byers, John Fitzgerald
Deep Throat
Doggett, John
Frohike, Melvin
Hosteen, Albert
Krycek, Alex
Langly, Richard
Mulder, Samantha
Mulder, Teena
Scully, Margaret
Scully, Melissa
Skinner, Walter (Assistant Director)
Spender, CGB (Cigarette Smoking Man)
Well-Manicured Man


Vote for 4 again! 

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I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Thanksgiving weekend and probably won't get online much, so this is likely my last round.


Alien Bounty Hunter

Krycek, Alex

Hosteen, Albert

Mulder, Samantha (Yeah, yeah - impetus for the whole thing.  But they should have wrapped that up about three years before they did.  And, you know, in a far less stupid way.)

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Ooh, a Byers vote.  All along, I've been most looking forward to seeing how the LGM wind up ranking -- are they all in a row, what order do they go out in, etc.  I haven't even completely decided that for myself yet (I know Langly would be my first Gunman to go, but that's about it).

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And with that, this round is pretty cut and dry.   Alien Bounty Hunter and are both out with 4 votes each.  Also out are Albert Hosteen and Teena Mulder with 3 votes each.  


Byers, John Fitzgerald
Deep Throat
Doggett, John
Frohike, Melvin
Krycek, Alex
Langly, Richard
Mulder, Samantha
Scully, Margaret
Scully, Melissa
Skinner, Walter (Assistant Director)
Spender, CGB (Cigarette Smoking Man)
Well-Manicured Man


12 contestants left!   Vote for 3!

The Lone Gunmen... Langly is probably my least favorite of the 3.  For some reason I've always really liked Byers

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