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Keeping Track: Ordinary Joe Timelines

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I thought this might be helpful in keeping abreast of what occurred in each timeline, because it seems easy to forget what happened to Joe and certain cast members based on Joe's life choices:

Nurse Joe:  He knocked up Jenny Banks in college.  Jenny asked him to spend time with her at a beach house her family rented after graduation.  She broke the news that she was pregnant with their child.  At some point, Joe married her and they raised their child, Christopher (named after Joe's dad).  Despite being pressured to follow in his dad's footsteps as a cop, or pursue his personal passion of music, he decides to become a nurse.  They live in a modest apartment.  Jenny wanted to be a lawyer but her law school studies were cut short - perhaps by money, Christopher's special needs, and other considerations.  She settles on being a paralegal with a NY firm.  She's offered a chance to attend law school in Atlanta to complete her legal studies but decides not to go.

Jenny sleeps 3 times a week at her father's home, she and Joe on on the verge of divorce but he seems to be trying to salvage things.  They are in the middle of a trial separation.

Joe's best male buddy, Eric is married to Amy in this timeline.   They own a restaurant in NJ

Joe's Uncle Frank works for the NYPD as a detective. 

His father in law, Dr. Douglas Banks, works at the same hospital he does and he's not particularly pleased with him or confident in him being able to support his daughter and grandson.  He even buys a birthday gift for Jenny and insists Joe give it to her claiming it came from [Joe].  Probably doesn't like seeing his daughter go without and having her law career plans destroyed by getting knocked up by Joe.  He also disagreed with Joe's suggestion of getting an MRI for Congressman Diaz after seeing him having trouble raising his arms.  He forges Bank's signature on the paperwork without Bank's knowledge [yet].  

Bobby Diaz was narrowly assassinated in this timeline by Wayne Coleman and is recovering at the hospital where Joe and Dr. Banks work.  


Cop Joe: Rather than go to Jenny after graduation, he spent his time after graduation with his family and decided to become a cop like his dad.  He made detective and his uncle once again, takes his nephew under his wing and goes to the trouble of giving him his father's badge number.  He does not [yet] know he has a child with Jenny.  She has not [yet] told him about the pregnancy, instead raising the child with a different man named Ray and named him Lucas.  Ray is aware Lucas is Joe's biological son.  Despite Lucas' special needs, she completed her legal studies and is working for the DA's office in NYC.  This Joe thwarted an assassination attempt on a local politician named Bobby Diaz but he was not injured as he was in the Nurse Joe timeline. Wayne Coleman, the shooter is instead shot by Joe.  Diaz is married to Regina but is carrying on an affair with Amy Kindelan.  Joe and Amy meet up at a college reunion and become attracted to one another, and are dating.

Joe lives at home with his mom. 

Jenny is investigating the attempt on the Congressman's life with the DA's office.   She even leaves her birthday celebration to continue working on the case at the office.

Eric is married to Mallory in this timeline and she is pregnant with his child.  They have a family style restaurant in NYC.  He briefly dated Amy after graduation from college but Amy claims to not remember it. 

Dr. Banks seems to like son in law Ray a lot more than Joe and goes to the trouble of getting him and Jenny membership into his country club.  Jenny and Ray seem to have a better lifestyle than in the Nurse Joe timeline but lower than the Rocker Joe timeline. 

The would be assassin, in this timeline, Wayne Coleman dies.  It was discovered that he had previously contributed to Diaz's campaign and was orphaned as a child.  Before dying, he claimed Diaz ruined his family and he was looking for revenge.  He claimed Diaz "knows what he did".

Rocker Joe: This Joe decided to follow his passion for music and is now a rock star.  He's rich and fairly well known.  He had a bombshell dropped on him by his former friend, Jenny Banks when she told him they had a child together but she gave him up for adoption.  She chose not to put his name on the birth certificate.  He is now obsessed with finding his son despite the fact he likely has a family life.  He is married to Amy in this timeline and she has decided to run for political office herself.  She recently miscarried twins she and Joe were expecting and has miscarried previously.  After the devastating news, she decided she wasn't ready to be a mother yet and is moving full on with her political career.  She does not [yet] know that Joe has a biological child out in the world nor does she know he's looking for him.

Eric owns a chi-chi restaurant in NYC.

Joe and Amy live in a cool and spacious loft in NYC

Jenny is not only an attorney in this timeline, but a partner in a NYC law firm.  She is married to Darrin and has twin daughters. 

Joe's Uncle Frank is no longer working for the NYPD, he seems to be a member of Joe's entourage (perhaps security).  He knows about the child Joe had and helps him try to locate his whereabouts.    Frank considers Amy family and thinks Joe should talk to her about the child he's looking for.

Congressman Diaz seems to not be having an affair with Amy in this timeline but is being more of a political advisor coaching her in her political endeavors.  He discovered he has early onset Parkinson's disease and will retire from political life.

Dr. Banks doesn't seem to be fond of Joe in this timeline.  Seemingly downright hostile.

Edited by magicdog
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On 10/8/2021 at 4:50 PM, magicdog said:

Bobby Diaz was narrowly assassinated in this timeline by Wayne Coleman and is recovering at the hospital where Joe and Dr. Banks work.  

He survived an assassination attempt

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As of Season 1, Episode 4:

Nurse Joe:  He and Jenny are attending couples counseling, and are both opening up abut their feelings more.  Joe was hurt he wasn't involved in Jenny's initial decision to reject her firm's offer to go to Atlanta to finish her law degree.  He has suggested that all three of them could relocate to Atlanta so that Chris will still be with them and they can continue to work on their marriage.  Meanwhile he was caught by Dr. Banks having forged his signature for the MRI and warned it was an offense that could have lead to his firing, but is not turned in by him.  Dr. Banks reveals Joe was right, and it seems Congressman Diaz's injuries are so severe that he may never walk again.  In addition, he has Parkinson's Disease;  he tasks Joe with breaking the news to the Diaz Family.  During a conversation with Eric, Joe is told that he believes he has "abandonment issues" and therapy would be good for him.  When Joe asks why, Eric brings up several names linked to those supposed issues:  his late father, his Uncle Frank (whom we have yet to meet in this timeline), and a girl named Celeste.  We have yet to know how the latter two are linked to Joe's issues.


Cop Joe:  He went through the interview with the internal review board over his shooting of Wayne Coleman, Congressman's Diaz's would be assassin.  It is decided it was a clean shoot and is allowed to return to desk duty but must attend counseling sessions before he can go back out on the streets.   Amy decides to break off her affair with Diaz, and asks for her apartment key back.  He does so reluctantly, and insists he'll divorce his wife.  Amy tells him, he's free to divorce his wife, but that doesn't mean she will go back to him.  Amy and Joe go on another date - this time at a community garden.  While planting, Joe hears the sound of pebbles hitting the ground which reminds him of that night he shot Coleman.  He gets heart palpitations like in a panic attack.  Amy calls an ambulance for him but he declines going to the hospital and insists he is fine.  Jenny comes by to talk about the case with Joe, saying her investigation so far has turned up an interesting lead;  it seems Coleman's  sister, is dead and once worked as an intern for Diaz for a few months.  Despite the light work she did for him during her internship, he gave her glowing references and she moved on.  They wonder if this could be the motive they've been looking for in the case. 

Joe's Uncle Frank acts as his PBA rep during the interview and later has a heart to heart about having to take a person's life even in the line of duty.  He recalls an incident some years back when he was called to the scene of a bank robbery.  The robber was confronted by the police and Frank told him to put his gun down and surrender.  He hoped the robber would comply and not make him fire his weapon.  Unfortunately, he had no choice but to shoot the robber dead.  He confides in Joe that there is no shame in seeking counseling over this due to the potential trauma.  Joe eventually does go to a therapist to discuss things.

Diaz approaches Joe and asks him to be a member of his security detail to get him off desk duty.  Joe agrees.  In a dirty trick, Diaz tells him he has a mistress and he wants Joe to keep her out of the public eye whenever possible - his speechwriter, Amy Kindelan.  Joe is shocked and crushed.  He considers deleting her number from his phone.  

Rocker Joe:  He and Jenny are now aware of who their son is ("Zeke Turner") and he attends an elementary school in Upstate NY.  They decide to go see him as he leaves his school for the day.  On the way up, they stop at a burger joint they used to frequent a decade ago and the manager even recognized them and thinks they are married.  She takes a selfie with them.  Later, Joe and Jenny are waiting for Zeke to get out of school.  While waiting, someone places a flyer on the windshield advertising a Halloween party later that month.  School lets out and Joe and Jenny see Zeke, chair and all, as he gets into a black pickup truck with his [presumably] adoptive father.  Neither one makes any remark on the boy's physical condition or why he was in a wheelchair.  They eventually leave.  Meanwhile, Joe's wife Amy is in Washington DC with Diaz to schmooze with a DC politician who promises to make things happen for her campaign.  Amy is terribly nervous about it all but Diaz tells her not to fear, that she'll come out on top.  She tries to call Joe before the meeting but he is with Jenny at the time and chooses not to answer his phone.  

We also see Eric is not a restauranteur in this timeline but works for Joe as his social media manager.  He mentioned he was also doing the same for Amy now that she is running for office.  He carried an infant in a carrier but we see no evidence of a wife or if the child was possibly the product of a traditional relationship or a surrogate.

Edited by magicdog
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4 hours ago, magicdog said:

We also see Eric is not a restauranteur in this timeline but works for Joe as his social media manager.  He mentioned he was also doing the same for Amy now that she is running for office.  He carried an infant in a carrier but we see no evidence of a wife or if the child was possibly the product of a traditional relationship or a surrogate.

In the college reunion episode, Eric tells Rocker Joe that he needed him to come to the reunion (I think because he planned it) and that he is basically a divorced with a kid, so he isn't much of a catch for the ladies. We don't know who is ex-wife.

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Nurse Joe:  Jenny almost calls off the Atlanta opportunity because Christopher doesn't want to leave his life in NY for Atlanta.  Joe agrees it could be tricky to make the arrangements, so he encourages Jenny to go alone but they'd be able to make things work.  Jenny mentions Amy (who is married to Eric in this timeline) has contacts in Atlanta.  She says she's rescinding the divorce papers and they have an intimate moment at the apartment.  Chris auditions for a role in his school musical, "Guys & Dolls".  He ultimately wins the lead role of Nathan Detroit.  He and his friend use the Queen classic, "Pressure" as their audition song.   Joe is doing some rehab with Diaz at the hospital.  It's reported on the local news that Wayne Coleman was arrested for the shooting and confessed he did it because of what happened to his sister Carrie.  Diaz states to Joe that he didn't know Carrie was dead.  Joe and Jenny take Chris trick or treating, when they get home they are surprised by a going away party organized by Joe's mom.  She says it was easier for Chris to make his goodbyes this way than one friend at a time.  Before leaving, Joe gives her a shoelace from his sneaker and she takes off in the cab.

Cop Joe: Joe reveals to Amy he knows about her affair with Diaz.  She admits it but tells him it's over.  Joe also warns Amy abut Diaz and thinks he may be dangerous.  He advises Amy talk to Jenny for more info on the investigation.  When Amy arrives at Jenny's office, she spots a box of some of Carrie Coleman's (sister of Diaz's would be assassin Wayne Coleman) things.  Jenny says she believes Carrie (who worked as an intern at Diaz's Washington DC office) had an affair with Diaz.  She also says she needs proof of a possible payoff.  Amy also notices there's a poem in the box that had been given to Carrie - one that is identical to the one Diaz gave her - right down to the inscription on the back.  This hurts her knowing the affair was likely and she was just another notch in his bedpost.  She goes through some files and find evidence of payment from Diaz to Carrie Coleman (a check for about 60K) which she turns over to Joe.  She and Joe make out on his front porch.

Rocker Joe: Joe and Jenny drive back after seeing their son at his school from a distance.  Joe goes to ask Jenny to go to the Halloween party Zeke's school is throwing, but Jenny refuses and says it's best to stay away.  Joe has yet to tell Amy about "Zeke Turner" (their biological son who was adopted by the Turner family in this timeline).  While in disguise during a Halloween party given at his school, me meets Zeke and has a quick chat.  He anonymously buys a fully equipped van for his family to make it easier to get around.  It cost 100K.  This expense is noted by Diaz, who is also having Joe followed.  He shows Amy evidence he met up with Jenny (along with the 100K expenditure) and she's upset and suspect Joe may be cheating on her with Jenny.   Joe almost tells Amy about Zeke, but chickens out and lies, claiming he was at home writing a new song.  During a moment while babysitting Eric's daughter, Wylde, It's mentioned Joe has/had a sister named Celeste.  It is not mentioned what became of her except that she "left".  Amy advises Joe to lay low during the campaign due to some negative press from detractors.  While in DC, Diaz flirts with Amy, and after showing her pictures of Jenny with Joe and planting seeds of doubt about Joe's fidelity, he sleeps with Amy.


Joe's friend Eric reveals he is bisexual and has known it since he was about the age of 12.  His parents were divorced and his mother hasn't seen him for at least two years prior to that.  His mother seems to be either in the military or in government intelligence as a phone call made when she was supposed to visit her son,  it is explained some uprising had occurred in Dubai and she needed to go.  In the Cop Joe timeline Eric admits to being "queer" and his wife, Mallory is aware of it.  In the rocker timeline, Eric has a baby named Wylde and an ex-husband named Adam.  There is no mention who the baby's biological mother is.  He is currently dating Sy who is Amy's speechwriter.

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Disclaimer: I’ve only watched episodes 1, 2, and 6.

Does it seem likely that all 3 of these scenarios are either a dream or a daydream or the thoughts of an unconscious Joe while he is in a medical situation, and that he has still not yet decided what to do to celebrate his graduation?

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9 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Disclaimer: I’ve only watched episodes 1, 2, and 6.

Does it seem likely that all 3 of these scenarios are either a dream or a daydream or the thoughts of an unconscious Joe while he is in a medical situation, and that he has still not yet decided what to do to celebrate his graduation?

No. The showrunners have made it clear that that's neither the premise nor the point of the show. The point of both the premise and of the show itself is that there is no such thing as a "wrong choice." Each choice is equally valid and simply carries with it its own unique chain of consequences, which is why we have three different timelines, each one stemming from a specific choice that Joe made that fateful day of his graduation from college. Not a choice that he COULD have made. A choice that he actually DID make in each specific timeline. In other words, all three timelines are very real. Think of it as getting to observe the goings-on in three separate parallel universes at the same time.

Edited by legaleagle53
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As of Season 1, Episode 6:

Nurse Joe:  We learn Chris plans on becoming the first disabled astronaut and gave a pep talk to Congressman Diaz about continuing to work in politics despite his injuries.  We also learn Uncle Frank is still alive, apparently living on the streets for some years.  He was able to access a key to Joe's apartment because Joe keeps it in the same place.  He asks Joe for help.

Cop Joe:  Uncle Frank was in trouble previously (drugs or other confiscated items not having made it to the evidence locker) and was facing an end to his career but was let off the hook by Diaz when he was the DA.  He owes his career to him and buried the evidence in the investigation of Carrie Coleman's death.  Luckily, Joe had a picture of it on his phone and gave it to Jenny.  This lead to the arrest of Diaz at his home for misappropriation of campaign funds, and it could lead to something else.  By Joe making the arrest happen, he and Frank have a falling out and he takes up drinking despite having quit.

Rocker Joe:  Joe finally tells Amy about Zeke and his college affair with Jenny.  While she doesn't admit to the one night stand she had with Diaz, she most certainly regrets it since Joe was not cheating on her and she was played for a fool.  During Joe's concert to introduce Amy's campaign, this timeline's version of Wayne Coleman appears in the crowd and shoots.  He kills Diaz, and seems to have wounded Amy (how severely is unknown).  Coleman is shot by police, but it is not mentioned if he was killed (as he was in Cop Joe's timeline) or wounded.

We also get a glimpse of Zeke's family, he has three sisters (whether all are adopted or fosters is not made clear).  We meet his adoptive dad but not the mother.


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