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Season 4 (aka 3B) Discussion

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Hmm... am I the only person here still watching The Outpost?  Anyway, I enjoyed the S3B/4 premiere. Spoiler alert!






Garret spent most of the episode trying to convince Talon to become the new Queen.  When she finally decided to do it, it was too late. Because...

After Janzo confirmed her royal bloodlines, Falista became the new Queen and joined with the two remaining members of the old The Three to become the new The Three. After some hesitation, Falista agreed to sacrifice the lives of 20 men in order to resurrect Tobin. So Tobin's alive again and back!

Zed spent most of the episode trying to convince Wren to become the new High Priestess. Wren was reluctant to assume that role and also found out that she's pregnant with Janzo's child. 

A young girl named Luna tried to assassinate Talon but failed (of course). We find out that she is the sister of the deceased IIlyin, the Dragman. Luna thought that Talon had killed Ilyin, but Talon explained to her that Rebb killed Ilyin and then Talon killed Rebb. So Luna will still be hanging around the Outpost, I guess, since she feels that she owes Talon a debt. Maybe she'll become a protégé of Talon?

Talon spent a lot of this episode drinking, gambling and fighting. It was difficult to tell from this episode that Talon and Garret were ever romantically involved because she seemed so hostile to him. I assume that Talyn was grieving for the double loss of Gwynn and her father.

Also throughout this episode, Falista and each of the two remaining members of the old The Three had visions of that female kinj god speaking to them. Even Talon had a vision of this kinj god calling her "Betrayer" when she opened a portal.

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I completely forgot that the Outpost was back.. Just watched the premiere.

I can't remember why everyone dislikes Falista so much...  I mean she's not exactly likeable, but didn't she help save the outpost and she just lost her husband who she did love. You think they could be a little sympathetic. 

I will always roll my eyes anytime Talon talks about how Gwynn was her best friend.  Janzo is obviously her best friend. Gwynn really used Talon at times, so I don't understand the whole she was my best friend thing.

Garrett trying to push Talon into being queen because he thinks it's a good idea was annoying. Also him telling her off for making the bet with Zed was also annoying. Personally I think Talon should tell Garrett off. However, I find Garrett annoying in general...

Is the actress playing Wren pregnant? If not I'm not sure why we needed this story. I guess just so we can have drama between Wren and Janzo.

Tobin seemed really wooden. I wonder if he's going to have side affects from being dead for so long.  


In the second epsode, it looks like the Prime Order is taking over the Outpost - and that's not good...

I liked Falista last season but I'm really starting to dislike her this season. Power is going to her head. At least Tobin is staying true to his good character. I'm glad that he killed Three and now has Three's kinj because he'll be equal in power to Falista and can put a check on her and Two.

Much as I kinda like Luna's pragmatism, I admire Garret for sticking to his beliefs and not wanting to swear a false oath just to get out of jail. He should not ever have to swear fealty to The Three or any version of the Three.

I like the mystery of the Lu-Qiri. Too bad Talon and Zed couldn't figure out why they're leaving the Blackbloods.

Janzo's reaction to learning of his impending fatherhood was cute. But now that the Nightshade has been shut down, he and Munt have lost their means of livelihood.

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Third episode...

I don't know who's the most stupid character on the show right now - Falista for believing and following Two, Tobin for believing and following Falista, or Wren & Zed for believing Falista will keep her word to them.

That Tobin and Garret bromance is headed for the rocks. Tobin lied to Garret and now Garret must break his oath of loyalty to Tobin in order to protect Luna. 

Talon has looked perpetually disgusted on every episode this season. 

Killing off all those Blackbloods and Blackfists conveniently trimmed down the cast. Poor Corven.

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I am annoyed that they killed all the blackbloods and blackfists.  I'm also annoyed that Talon never seemed concerned that all these blackbloods were living in such a horrible place and was always "I need to protect the humans" .... #teamhumans... Why is she so #teamhumans? Didn't humans kill her family? 

Talon and Garrett don't really seem all that in love this season which I am ok with. I've never understood Talon being happy that the guy who was dating Gwynn while also trying to hookup with her finally decided that he wanted Talon. 

Falista needs to stop listening to two, and Tobin needs to kill two. 

Jake Stormoen live-tweeted last night's episode (3B04 / 404: Going to Meet the Gods) and, thankfully, cut off any icky Garret/Luna ship speculation...


Falista is getting worse and worse. That marriage is not going to end well. I wish Tobin would be a bit more proactive in opposing Falista and not just being unhappy but deferring to her wishes.

I'm glad that Tobin and Garret's friendship is staying intact so far.

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Ok, the "gods" have black blood and those points on their ears, which implies some species relation to Talon, Wren and Zed. 

Is the skrevitor a prison, a spaceship or some sort of suspended animation for a whole bunch of new "gods"? 

Who was on that planet first, humans or "the gods"?

Are black bloods part human and part whatever the "gods" are or are they some minor offshoot of the "gods"?


The fifth episode did a good job of increasing the mystery surrounding the kinjs, the "gods" and the Blackbloods.

This show seems to be turning into more of an ensemble show than a show revolving around Talon. I think Janzo/Wren had more screen time than Talon in this episode.

Falista is really becoming dangerously blinded by her "faith" and power-hungry. She's even threatening Tobin (for his own good, in her eyes). Tobin has decided to support her in order to protect her and stay in a position to do what he can to mitigate her damage. But that's the mistake made by a lot of supporters of tyrants, enabling them to do even more damage.

If you're a Munt fan, then his courtship of Warlita was a fun subplot. However, since I couldn't care less about Munt, I thought those scenes were a waste of screen time. I would've preferred to see more of Talon and the other characters.

Now Falista is forcing everyone with a kinj to go to the Capitol. Big showdown ahead.

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Janzo has the best lines! I can't remember it exactly but it was something like "The page is as blank as your expression Garrett" I love Janzo!!!

Garrett seems even more bland then usual. Also when Janzo was doing the whole Tobin loves FaFalista, like I love Wren, like you love Talon Garrett had such a bland facial reaction. Have Garrett and Talon even kissed this season? I keep wondering if the actors aren't getting along? 

Still annoyed they killed off all the Black bloods. Gluing pointy ears on actors can't be that expensive! lol  Also yes, Talon you should feel guilty! You could have brought the Black bloods back anytime, but decided they should live in the planes of ash because #teamhumans.

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On 8/14/2021 at 10:03 PM, AnimeMania said:

Who was that woman that figured out Janzo and Wren were under the Outpost and went to get Falista?

Was that Nedra the Blackblood that ran and got Falista last episode? How would she have access to the queen?

Are the Plaguelings still a problem or did they cure them all? A good solution would have been for the Lu-Qiri to eat them all.

If you’re watching this via Amazon to avoid commercials, be aware that what they put up as episode 6 is actually episode 7. I started watching and was completely confused since Talon and Zed were last seen locked up in a wagon being taken to the “gods” by Falista and Tobin, and suddenly they were running around free. Had to go catch episode 6 on the CW app.

So the Talon and Garrett almost kiss, but Talon turns her head away! I guess Talon is taking what Zed said to heart that she should be dating a blackblood? Talon and Garrett still haven't kissed this season and haven't really felt like they are in love.  Garrett was a bit whinny with "we are alwasy saying good-bye!"  I know I'm supposed to route for them, but it's hard for me to.

I wish the show would stop showing Talons perfectly smooth ears. It annoys me; she should have scars on her ears from cutting off her points.  

I don't know why but I keep expecting Gwynn to show back up. Like she's not really dead.

Falista is dumb dumb dumb... Oh the gods won't kill us... really? why not? 

Seventh episode...

Poor Falista. Although Falista had become increasingly unlikeable and annoying with her gullibility this season, it was still sad when she was turned to dust.

Poor Tobin. I'm glad Tobin survived. His suffering over his wife's death was heartbreaking to watch. I'm looking forward to a vengeful Tobin (hopefully) joining up with his bff Garret, Talon and Zed to fight these "Masters."

Garret and Zed needling each other is kinda fun to watch, but I prefer Garret's friendship with Tobin.

This episode highlighted both Janzo's best and worst characteristics - seeing the good in people, but also thoughtlessly risking the Outpost.

The Talon-Luna trek to find the Key was enjoyable. Naya certainly landed on her feet. But ending the episode with another cliffhanger? Really?

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8th episode...

I was disappointed that Tobin was killed (again). I will miss him, and I will miss his friendship with Garret. In fact, this season is kinda disappointing overall. I've never been a fan of shows killing off regular cast members. Who's next? Zed?

Also, I used to like Janzo but now I'm starting to find him kinda irritating. While I understand the necessity for their storyline so far, there's just too much Janzo and Wren for me this season. However, I think the actor who plays Janzo does a fantastic job of portraying that character.

I don't agree with Tobin/Garret's viewpoint that 313 is automatically the enemy because he looks like the Masters. However, I understand that their first reaction is to protect the Outpost.  I also don't agree with Janzo/Wren's viewpoint that 313 is automatically harmless because he was just a slave to the Masters. I think they are dismissing the real threat that those thousands of cocooned Cavi pose to the Outpost, especially if they can all be controlled by Vorta's kinj (like Yavalla controlled humans).

I couldn't care less about Munt and Warlita. Nice to see Naya again, but glad she's not staying around. I'm undecided about Nedra, although it looks like the show is setting her up as Zed's love interest.

I'd like to see more Talon, Garret, Zed and Luna - and also more Tobin (but, alas, he's gone) - but mostly more Talon.

The most interesting thing about this episode is that it sounds like Talon's kinj (the Asterkinj) originally betrayed the other kinjs. I hope we find out that Talon's kinj gives her an additional power that we haven't see yet. Otherwise, I don't see how she and Zed can defeat the five other powerful kinjs. 

Maybe she can send the Masters to the Plane of Ashes. Maybe Luna can communicate with the cocooned Cavi.

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Tenth episode... 

This show is killing off too many characters. It's become a bit depressing. Every week, it's like, who's going to die this episode?

Nedra was doomed as soon as she insisted on carrying the kinj for Zed and then kissed him. Munt is supposedly fatally injured, although we don't see him actually die. I suspect that he'll survive somehow. If they can get that green kinj that resurrects people (even from ashes), then they can bring back Munt (if he dies) and maybe even Nedra.

I wonder if Wren would still be so forgiving of 313 if 313 had killed Janzo or caused her to lose her baby.

Garret's suspicions of 313 were in character because he's very protective of the Outpost, but his calling 313 a "thing" seemed out of character for him, considering how accepting he's been of the Blackbloods. (I remember reading an interview with Jake Stormoen, where he said something about how Garret is whatever the show needs him to be, or something along those lines.)

The Talon and Luna bonding scenes were nice. Talon is becoming like Luna's big sister.

I don't see how the humans and Blackbloods are going to be able to defeat the Masters, who now have six kinjs and a lot of powers. Unless we find out that Talon's Asterkinj has more powers than just opening a portal to the Plane of Ashes, the Outpost is doomed.

Only 3 episodes left.

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11th episode...

Good directing job by Jake Stormoen.  I liked this episode. As a bonus, they didn't kill off any more familiar faces. 

I liked the scene where Talon and Luna awaken the Asterkinj Master.

I also liked the scenes where Zed is dragging an injured Munt back to the Outpost.

I especially liked the following scene - 313 (now named "Marvin") saves Garret from the teleporting Master, then Garret saves 313, then Garret holds off the Master's sword blade with his bare hands, then 313 saves Garret again by stabbing the Master, and then Garret lets 313 remain free:

The Outpost | Season 4 Episode 11 | Janzo’s Friend Scene | The CW
The CW Network   Sep 23, 2021

I guess I'm just a sucker for enemies-become-allies/friends scenes.

ETA: Only 2 episodes left.

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12th episode...

This episode did a good job of making Aster's character ambiguous. I was suspicious throughout most of the episode that he might've been manipulating Talon. His cold demeanor didn't help. It's difficult to believe that he was ever in love with a human woman. But it looks like Aster was being straight with Talon. 

It means that Aster really is the ultimate parent of all the Blackbloods and that Blackbloods are half-human, half-Master.

I guess Aster now must give his kinj back to Talon. But will he die without his kinj?

I'm still not sure how Talon and friends will manage to force 6 powerful Masters through the portal with only one of those magical small swords. Or how Janzo and Wren will manage to save the thousands of sleeping Khavi.

After the sweet scene where Talon reconciled with Garret and accepted his marriage proposal, I was apprehensive that Garret would then get killed by the transporting Master when he and Zed went out to burn the forest. But luckily Garret and Zed both survived. I'm also pretty sure that Master survived as well, teleporting out before she was caught in the explosion.

So everything's set up nicely for next week's series finale. I just hope it doesn't end on a cliffhanger, since it was shot before the cancellation news was officially announced.

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I wonder if Aster could have opened a portal and sent everybody in the outpost to a neighboring village out of harms way instantly.

It seems weird that the Gods would need thousands of Kahvis since they are nomadic, moving from world to world devouring everything in sight. They don't "eat", so why have thousands of Kahvis who need to. Why have thousands of servants that need to be put to sleep and then reawakened on every new world. Do they build a new Skevicor and Kahvi's sleep chamber on every world they visit, that seems way to time and energy consuming, for a bunch of individuals the Gods feel are disposable. How to they transport the Kahvis to new worlds? What do the Kahvis do for the Gods anyway?

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13th (final) episode...

Best episode of this season.  There was exciting, edge-of-your-seat action as Talon and friends fought to defeat the Masters, one by one, and drive them into the icy void. I especially liked the way Talon outwitted the Master who was controlling Zed and Garret.

Several times I thought they were going to kill off Zed or Garret or Munt. (I was pretty sure that Janzo and Wren were safe. And, of course, Talon is always safe.) Fortunately, everyone survived except for the seven Masters.

A very gratifying, fairy-tale ending. Talon and Garret get married in front of a united crowd of humans, Blackbloods and Kahvi at the Outpost. Then Talon is crowned Queen, with Garret by her side as King. Talon really looked queenly in that gown. She now has a unique way to protect the Outpost. Still possessing the Asterkinj, she can open a portal and send their enemies into the icy void.

What a journey! At the beginning, Talon arrived at the Outpost as a lone outcast, hiding her Blackblood heritage. Now she has family - a husband in Garret, brothers in Janzo and Zed, and a sister in Luna. And she is Queen.

Of course, there were major losses along the way, the most notable being Gwynn and Tobin.

I'm sorry to see the show end. But at least it didn't end on a cliffhanger.



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I'm really annoyed with the local CW affiliate because they pre-empted last night's programming for high school football games, so I'm watching this on the CW streaming site now.  

I'm glad to see they took care of the green kinj first. It would have been game over if she'd been able to suck the life out of Talon before she got knocked into the void.

I see I need to change the "awake" name of the built-in Alexa app on my new tv; every time an Amazon or Lexus commercial comes on the audio cuts out waiting for my command.

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That was one of the best endings I have seen to a TV series in a long time. I could have done without all the flashbacks at the end, they could have given some flash forwards to the rest of the characters. Find out the future of Janzo, Wren, their child and the rest of the Outpost. How far does Talon's claim as Queen stretch to the rest of the world. I never did find out what happened to the Lu-Qiri and why they disappeared. I am glad they got to do a proper ending since most shows never get that.

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