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Season 23 Live Feeds Summary

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HGs enter the House; split up into 4 teams, each with a captain:

  • TEAM JOKERS -- Frenchie (Captain), Azah, Britini, Derek F.
  • TEAM ACES -- Whitney (Captain), Brent, Derek X., Hannah
  • TEAM KINGS -- Christian (Captain), Alyssa, Xavier, Sarah Beth
  • TEAM QUEENS -- Claire (Captain), Kyland, Tiffany, Travis

First HoH comp played as teams:

  • Jokers wins first HoH comp; Frenchie will serve as HoH, all Jokers safe from first eviction.
  • Kings come in last on HoH comp, will all be Have-Nots for the week.
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, karriemom said:

What was her choice?

Like many other things, the Wildcard competitions happen off-feeds - so unless the houseguests get into some REALLY detailed discussions about the comps when the feeds come back on, there’s generally not enough information available to accurately post about them.  And I tend to be a stickler about not posting anything in this thread unless/until I've either seen it for myself, or I’ve gotten confirmation on its accuracy from at least a couple of different sources.

Edited by Nashville
Seeing is believing
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Wildcard winner: Claire - accepted; details unclear, but result appears to be Claire has Block immunity for the next two weeks.

(Note: final Wildcard competition of this season)

ETA: Clarification - Claire has safety until the start of Jury; guarantees her a seat on the stage (as either a finalist or a jurist) on Finale Night.

Edited by Nashville
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High Rollers game: apparently HGs have had the opportunity to bet on other HGs to win PoV; if their selection wins PoV, then they get a second PoV to play as well.

  • Claire bet on Kyland.
  • Kyland bet on Alyssa.
  • Derek F bet on Britni.
  • SB bet on Azah.
  • Nobody bet on Claire or Derek F; if they win PoV, then no second PoV will be in play.

(Note: this is best conjecture based on multiple HG conversations - specific details may not be accurate)

High Roller’s Room games (BB Bucks required to play):

  • Veto Derby ($50): shuffleboard-style game.  Up to 6 highest-scoring HGs have the opportunity to bet on PoV players.  If their selection wins PoV, then they get a second PoV to play as well.
  • Chopping Block Roulette ($125): balance game.  Winner can remove a Block nominee, with the replacement chosen by the spin of a roulette wheel.
  • Coin of Destiny ($250): coin toss game; a successful call of the coin toss gives the winner power to depose the reigning HoH.

Each power can only be won once, and must be used during the week in which it is won.

Initial BB Bucks distributions (awarded by America’s vote)::

  • $100: Britini, Derek F, Derek X
  • $75: Hannah, Tiffany, Xavier
  • $50: Alyssa, Azah, Claire, Kyland, Sarah Beth

Week 1 players/scores (only affordable game = Veto Derby) - 1st place winner picks first, and so forth:

  1. Kyland: 9 points - picked Alyssa.
  2. Derek F: 5 points - picked Britini.
  3. Claire: 4 points - picked Kyland.
  4. Sarah Beth: 4 points - picked Azah.
  5. Tiffany: 0 points - insufficient to qualify to place bet.

HGs’ remaining BB Bucks balances:

  • Alyssa: $50
  • Azah: $50
  • Britini: $100
  • Claire: $0
  • Derek F: $50
  • Derek X: $100
  • Hannah: $75
  • Kyland: $0
  • Sarah Beth: $0
  • Tiffany: $25
  • Xavier: $75
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