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S01.E06: Somewhere Only We Know

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Most cringe worthy dinner ever. All of these people should agree to never go near each other again. In what world did Billie and Sasha think that they were going to convince Cooper that Brad and Sasha had been in a committed relationship for a year. It’s pretty obvious Sasha doesn’t do relationships. Billie was wrong for taking the motorcycle ride home with Brad and then letting him in to see her kids. 

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The dinner was awful. But my suspension of disbelief was on the rocks with Sasha sleeping with Brad at all. Much less dating him. So unbelievable. 
Please. Someone else who’s nursed a friend through an abusive boyfriend while trying to wait patiently for her to catch on to just how big a jerk this guy is chime in here. As the agony aunt you HATE this guy. So much that even years later your instinct would be to shoot him not schtup him. And that’s before we get into the fact that sleeping with an ex is against the women’s codes. 

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Boo hoo, Brad. Boo-fu**ing-hoo. Go fu** right off to your ACTUAL therapist. Such an annoying fu** boi. I think he's actually somehow gotten more IMMature in the past 8 years, if that were at all possible. 

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So hold up (just started watching #6)...Billie was pregnant with Brad's baby?    So is Hudson really Cooper's?    A mess...LOL

ETA...ok she wound up losing it...but it would not have surprised me if it went the other way.

Edited by Meedis
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