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S03. E09 Driver's Seat

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Saw that Gael was going to have her art stolen since the previous episode. 

For once, I actually enjoyed the episode, in general (except for the opening, which I found silly). I thought that Dennis was going to lose himself in the waves and that would be the end of it. I like Davia and Dennis but the plot is getting too long and boring. She deserves better.

Mariana talking about being honest, that she doesn't like to lie was laughable. She has no self awareness, does she?

Still dislike Callie but she wasn't half s irritating this time around. Now, seriously, who puts on red lipstick after arriving home, before maybe having a glass of wine and going straight to bed? Gael and Callie are just good for sex. They have no chemistry, nothing to say to each other, it is being shoved down the viewers throat and it is UGH!

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1 hour ago, circumvent said:

Gael and Callie are just good for sex. They have no chemistry, nothing to say to each other, it is being shoved down the viewers throat and it is UGH!

Yeah, I don't like this thing getting revived at all

I'm so worn about by Davia and Dennis. Intellectually I know it's bad, she should move on, but then they have a scene together and I'm all sucked in again. I guess that song was supposed to be them lovingly letting each other go? Or was it? I have no idea! For a while I just assumed the actor was quarantined and could only do Zoom scenes, but I guess not now? Regardless, I still don't like New Guy for her.


Marianna training a little confidence into Alice was cute. I'm glad they appear to have dropped "Alice is in love with Callie."

I like seeing Callie be good at her job without doing things like stealing confidential files.

Poor Gael, I totally saw that coming though. 

I can't tell where they are going with Davia and her love triangle, but she really deserves better than Dennis. Not that Dennis is a bad guy, but he isn't available and she clearly wants a relationship with someone who is.

Note to Callie and Mariana: If you don't agree on what to get your mom for her birthday, get her separate gifts. You don't have to do everything together.

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I have the feeling they thought that cartoony opening was clever, but it was odd and jarring and Malika's absence was glaring.

Gael and Callie are old news.  Please show, stop baiting them.

Such a tv thing --  where  someone will ave just passed the bar a nanosecond ago and are now working a murder case. I am sure that because she discovered the novel defense she'll probably become second chair or something. Sigh.  But it is nice to see her being competent.

I actually liked Mariana's "date" with Alice.  It is nice to see Mariana hanging with someone different and she had the high maintenance girl type down cold.

I am disappointed that they really decided to go there with that artist and Gael. It was so very predictable.  Honestly I think it would have been cool if they had done a twist on All About Eve -- not where Gael was scheming and deliberate about it but that he really did begin to upstage his boss and then began to ge a bit of a big head about it.  Now that would have been unpredictable.  LOL.

I want Dennis back.  He and Davia have mad chemistry.  If the actor really can't be on the show for whatever reason, I wish they'd cut him loose for real or come up with a better reason why he is absent.  Meanwhile Davia's new teacher dude is bland as hell.  Nice and all, but man he's about as exciting as cottage cheese.

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8 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Such a tv thing --  where  someone will ave just passed the bar a nanosecond ago and are now working a murder case. I am sure that because she discovered the novel defense she'll probably become second chair or something.

If this sow doesn't get cancelled and they do a planned finale, I am sure they will time jump two decades and Callie will be a Supreme Court Justice. I am not being sarcastic. I really do believe this is something that has crossed their minds.

This is where the shows millions of only slightly connected subplots can get annoying, I am actually really curious about what Isaac says to Malika about being ploy in her therapists office, but we don't get any resolution to that this episode because we have to do some of the other subplots before we return to the cliffhanger from last week next week. 

I really liked Davia and Dennis last season, but they either need to make them a thing or not now. Having them in this relationship no mans land where Dennis isn't even on the show anymore apparently except over Zoom is just weird. 

Mariana's "date" with Alice was fun, I don't think we have seen them hanging out very much before so that was nice to see. 

I was hoping they wouldn't go this most cliché way with the artist and Gael, but here we are. They are also trying to restart the tired hook ups between Callie and Gael, to which I say pass. 

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