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Britannia - General Discussion


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Created by WGA Award-winning writer Jez Butterworth ("Spectre," "Jerusalem") "Britannia" is set in A.D. 43, when the Romans invaded Britain led by General Aulus Plautius, who is determined to succeed where Julius Caesar failed and conquer this mythical land on the very end of the Roman Empire.

Is anyone else watching this batshit show?  Druids!  Evil Romans!  People with great hair and bad hygiene!

Anyway, it's fun.  I'm here for the Cait and Divis show "AS THE BREEZE BLOWS ACROSS YOUR FACE, YOU FEEL SLEEPY" lol but really, everyone is entertaining in one way or another - is Phelan just a loser or does he have a greater purpose?  What new evil thing will Aulus do? that lead Druid guy needs a sandwich and Zoë Wanamaker's Queen Antedia is scary!

I just finished S1 on Epix and S2 will premiere on it today.  S1 is also on Amazon.


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I watch it!  I’ve lost track of how many people have been decapitated onscreen.  I love the weird mentoring relationship/buddy movie that Divis and Cait have going on.  I really want Divis to wear that antler/birdcage hat every episode.  And now Phelan has turned into the ultimate deadbeat dad who also drags his dead sister’s head around.  What’s not to like?

They can call Aulus by that name all they want, but he’ll always be The Governor to me.  I got a very weird kick out of he and Lucius speeding up Jesus’ crucifixion because they were hungry and bored.

Edited by eejm
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On 10/11/2020 at 10:51 PM, eejm said:

I really want Divis to wear that antler/birdcage hat every episode.  And now Phelan has turned into the ultimate deadbeat dad who also drags his dead sister’s head around.  What’s not to like?

Agree about everything.  I laughed and laughed when Cait jumped over the cliff and Divis is all "oh shit",

I though Claudius would hang around a while longer. 

I guess we'll have more competing Druids, though what dark haired Druid wants with Phelan + head is anyone's guess!

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On 10/4/2020 at 4:57 PM, raven said:

Is anyone else watching this batshit show?  Druids!  Evil Romans!  People with great hair and bad hygiene!

Anyway, it's fun.  I'm here for the Cait and Divis show "AS THE BREEZE BLOWS ACROSS YOUR FACE, YOU FEEL SLEEPY" lol but really, everyone is entertaining in one way or another - is Phelan just a loser or does he have a greater purpose?  What new evil thing will Aulus do? that lead Druid guy needs a sandwich and Zoë Wanamaker's Queen Antedia is scary!

I just finished S1 on Epix and S2 will premiere on it today.  S1 is also on Amazon.


I discovered this show quite by accident and quickly watched season one! Season 2 is now into it's third ep. and yes! The Cait and Davis show! Last week the argument in the reeds was funny! haha! 

Dude! Phelen (Rolf!) is now the father of two sons. One blond and one dark. That is gonna mean something! Right? Like Cain and Abel or some shit? And Phelen was totally eating that apple that (dead) Harka offered him -- like the serpent in the garden of Eden reference.

Also Harka sent Phelen on a mission last ep to bring back 3 blond brothers (Harka specifically said "blond") -- well we saw whatshername -the mother of Phele's son Phelen -- giver her baby to that druid woman. Is Phelen going to fetch those boys and one of them is his son? What does Harka want with them? My mind immediately goes to sacrifice cuz that seems to be how this show rolls.

Aulus rules! He is my favorite. Dude is one complex piece of shit! I'm kind of in love with him.

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I guess episode 2.4 was The Finger Episode.  I think might have been the most gruesome episode yet what with said fingers, the torturer walking into the fire, and the two brothers hanging disemboweled in the forest.  Did Harka need their “energy” or something?  Did he just not want to send them back home?  WTF?

I guess Amena wasn’t terribly happy at home.  She looked like she’d rather be undergoing a root canal when she showed up at the gates of her sister’s city (kingdom?).  

I’m very curious as to why Divis seemed so disturbed by Cait’s vision.

Edited by eejm
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On 10/27/2020 at 3:22 PM, eejm said:

I’m very curious as to why Divis seemed so disturbed by Cait’s vision.

I kind of like the gruesomeness of this show.

I dunno? Cuz Harka is death? And if Harka and  Pweeka (sp?) join forces bad things happen? Did we find out that Aulus isn't really Auluis but Pweeka in disguise? Something like that?

I knew those boys were gonna be sacrifices. They had the "look" and this show does love a good bloody sacrifice!

"You've got to be fucking kidding me"  LOL Oh Divis, don't change, you nutty druid.   Also, I don't need Divis having dreams about Cait kissing him, thanks, show.

I think Aulus definitely has a demon with/in him; something freaked out the druid woman who had her fingers cut off.

On 11/2/2020 at 12:21 PM, taanja said:

I knew those boys were gonna be sacrifices. They had the "look" and this show does love a good bloody sacrifice!

Yup, poor, dumb Phelan led them right to their doom; he should have remembered his sister said not to do what the druids said (or something like that).   So Harka is unambiguously awful and Veran is getting weaker, I think he said.  There has to be a showdown coming.

I wasn't terribly interested in the Amena family drama.  If the Roman troops show up that whole town or whatever is done for.  Does Veran have a plan?  He just shows up places and makes dire predictions, lol.

On 11/2/2020 at 2:39 PM, eejm said:

Does anyone else think Cait is (or will become) Bouadica?

Oh I hope not -- it doesn't end well.

Actually I didn't mind the Divis wet dream. He said something about how "they" will find the tiniest weakness and exploit it. I'm not sure who "they" are  -- the bad guys? and Divis having any kind of feelings for Cait would most deff be a weakness that can and will be exploited.

I'm a little lost on the religious lore. And Phelen is just the walking dead now huh?

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Amena’s story seems to have come out of nowhere this season.  I understand how surviving something like that explains some of her behavior, but I’m not sure if I get why it happened.  Evidently Veran knows about it.  Did he (ugh) arrange for it to happen?  If so...why?  Was her father just a disgusting creep?  

I loved the whole mushroom storyline from the moment we saw the two sentries dicking around in the woods to the final scene of the heads flying.  Talk about the Romans being literally their own worst enemies.

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On 11/9/2020 at 12:18 PM, eejm said:

Amena’s story seems to have come out of nowhere this season.  I understand how surviving something like that explains some of her behavior, but I’m not sure if I get why it happened.  Evidently Veran knows about it.  Did he (ugh) arrange for it to happen?  If so...why?  Was her father just a disgusting creep?  

I loved the whole mushroom storyline from the moment we saw the two sentries dicking around in the woods to the final scene of the heads flying.  Talk about the Romans being literally their own worst enemies.

I kind of liked the Amena backstory. Like Aulus Plautius said-- their (druids - I think) whole religion/belief is built on a lie. Only three people knew the truth - Amena herself -- her mother and Veren. It will all come tumbling down.

The mushroom story was awesome! Those guys! I can't remember their names but one of them mentioned something (just a throw away line) about a sorcerer or warlock or something telling them where to fine the magic shrooms. Will we find out it was Harka? That would be cool.

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Really enjoyed these last few eps.  I thought the actress playing Amena did a great job with the back story reveal.   The father was walled alive?  What was that about?  This show, I swear, lol.  Plus it appeared all those people burned themselves alive along with the daughter's body.

Also really enjoyed the whole mushroom sequence.

I knew the emperor's guy who was left behind at the camp wasn't long for this world, especially the way he kept needling Aulus.   I wanted to say, really dude, do you have a death wish?  Well now, you're dead!  Aulus is embracing his inner demon and Harka is pretty nasty as well.  Veran is useless.  Never trust the druids! 

Still loving everything Divis and Cait. 

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I love the trippiness of this show.

I missed that people were burning themselves, must rewatch! It did look like after all that amena just walked off.

so daddy was walled in but somehow kept alive? They were feeding him and taking away his waste? Or was it magic that he was alive?

why would Veran cover it up?

I swear I don’t know whether I’m supposed to be on team Veran or team Harka. Which is weird and kind of great

hadnt the foggiest that Ania was a double agent.

Aulus is pretty deep into witchcraft. I thought he feigned cutting off fingers. He’s nuts. Which is interesting. 

scene between Lucius and Cain’s father was very touching. It seems Lucius DIDNT even quite realize he had kept the spear.

we are approaching Ben Hur territory which is fine by me. 


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Harka - made classic villain mistake - blathering on instead of getting the job done.

Phelan - still dumb.  Still whiny "no one's been through more than me me me".

DIVIS - oh how I laughed.  Of COURSE he doesn't realize he shot Harka at first!!!  LOL!  "I thought I was the guardian?" hee

Cait - damn, girl.  Sorry about blonde kid.  She's coming for your, Aulus. 

This show is wacky as hell but damn, it has gorgeous visuals.

This was the S2 finale :(  I think they're still filming S3.


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13 hours ago, raven said:

Harka - made classic villain mistake - blathering on instead of getting the job done.

Phelan - still dumb.  Still whiny "no one's been through more than me me me".

DIVIS - oh how I laughed.  Of COURSE he doesn't realize he shot Harka at first!!!  LOL!  "I thought I was the guardian?" hee

Cait - damn, girl.  Sorry about blonde kid.  She's coming for your, Aulus. 

This show is wacky as hell but damn, it has gorgeous visuals.

This was the S2 finale 😞 I think they're still filming S3.


Are they filming season 3? I hope so! I hate when I get addicted to a show and it goes away..., like forever! and then I forget about it.

Anyway -- haha! Harka yes blathering on and the golden arrow through his head was everything! Divis! never change dude! I love ya!

Yeah right. Like there are a lot of heads just rolling around huh? Or being carried around. Or dropped into the bottom of a lake. You know? as one does with a severed head.

I want Cait to defeat everyone and everything! 

Not only do I love the visuals of this show -- I love the music! so trippy! Like we are all on an acid trip together. yo!

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On 12/8/2020 at 10:30 AM, taanja said:

Are they filming season 3?

I read that they had started filming, stopped because of COVID and then re-started, maybe in September.  So we should see a S3 eventually!

20 hours ago, eejm said:

Did we ever find out why Aulus was killing and burying girls in the woods?

He was hoping to kill the girl the prophecy spoke of, that we know is Cait. 

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, raven said:

I read that they had started filming, stopped because of COVID and then re-started, maybe in September.  So we should see a S3 eventually!

He was hoping to kill the girl the prophecy spoke of, that we know is Cait. 

oh? I figured he was making some kind of sacrifice? No? Aulus was just hoping to randomly "find" Cait and kill her? I'll buy that cuz this is is THAT crazy!


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4 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

What language is everyone speaking? Latin?

Again according to Wikipedia:


Most dialogue in the series is spoken in English, which is used mostly to represent Vulgar Latin spoken by the Romans and Brythonic spoken by the Celts. Latin and Welsh are also used to represent Vulgar Latin and Brythonic, respectively.


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I figured that, but I meant when, for example, the red haired princess daughter of Palpatine Pellenor went into the tent to talk directly to the general. I assumed that was the vulgar, but not sure how she knows that language. I could buy that the general studied Welsh. Even Pellenor spoke to the Romans in the scene where he spit at them over parley. 

This is before Britain became a Roman province, so I'm not sure how far Latin would have spread. 

I'm not a huge nitpicker on languages, I can roll with the Romans are talking to one another in Latin and same, Welsh, I figured with the others. But then you have that scene, and the general and head druid, and whack a doo druid with the Roman soldiers. It's kind of central to the plot that they are able to communicate in these instances, so I would think the show thought of that. 


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I'm only on episode 5, but this Amena must have super plot armor. All she does is snip at people. I had a good laugh when Phelan backhanded her, but he could have just slit her throat. 

I'm on the fence as to whether the head druid actually is buying into his own bullshit or not. I do believe he definitely doesn't want the Romans there and knows the political lay of the land well enough. 

Naming Kerra queen was the right call, but I don't think he knows what he's getting into with her. She's not going to be led around by the nose by simply being told it's the gods will. 

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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22 hours ago, purist said:

That's the 1968 song 'Hurdy Gurdy Man' by Donovan. I love the trippiness of it and think it fits this bonkers show perfectly. Thanks to Wikipedia, I now know that Donovan wrote it while he was in India studying transcendental meditation with the Beatles.

"Donovan said the Hurdy Gurdy Man is the one who re-awakens this knowledge". 

It seems like the song might have been a deliberate choice and one of the characters would fit the bill. 

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Episode 1.6

I wasn't surprised that the mousey girl had a destiny, but I didn't connect that it was the runes on the back of Kerra's neck until they met. 

The underworld vision was cool, but whack a doo druid's incredulous HER?! reaction was priceless. 

I thought he was nuts, but this demon possession deal seems legit. 

I also liked the 'hey, what happened to that Caesar guy?' 

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Season 1 finale

I was surprised they killed off Kenna. Although, Aldus probably had no use of her was defeated so easy. I wasn't surprised he fired bombed the old queen. She was way too arrogant and would always be trying to extract consessions. 

I get the point of installing Amena as queen, with the theme of killing the gods, but I didn't see Aldus plotting with her beforehand, unless I missed it. It kind of came out nowhere. 

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The dude double playing Harka and Veran is killing it. The show is still Cait and the whack druid for me though. I do feel bad for Phelan. He's kind of aimless, and Harka isn't being particularly nice what with killing children. 

I'm still not really feeling Amena and her out of nowhere backstory. It feels tacked on and she is kind of there to move the plot around when needed. I get that you need a character that doesn't buy into all the gods this and that, and I'm not really feeling much of this druid civil war because I wasn't buying into any of it either. 

I'm burning through the show because it's just so bonkers, and I can't put it down. I just finished where the Romans got high and then decapitated. 

I'm not clear on whether they're trying to tell us the general is actually Lokka, or just that all the Celts think he is, which is understandable. I guess the underworld vision is to be taken at face value since both the general and the whack druid believe in Cait. 

I don't get what Cait is supposed to do. If she's just learning druid ways, I don't think that's going to be enough. 

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On 11/2/2020 at 1:39 PM, eejm said:

Does anyone else think Cait is (or will become) Bouadica?

I assumed someone would have to be Boud and that makes sense because she's the youngest on the show. The rebellion didn't happen till the 60s, and I think this is late 40s. They probably can time jump and kill most everyone off. Veran wouldn't age and if Aulus is actually Lokka he wouldn't either. They have to keep whack druid around though. 

On 12/3/2020 at 2:50 PM, taanja said:

But uh... Divis is now the only virgin (Cait lost her V card) and he has the golden bow--maybe HE is the chosen one? Prophesies are kind of convoluted AMIRITE? 

For a Chosen one, and I like her, but Cait really hasn't done much yet. That's why I'm thinking the above. In the ending v/o, she's clearly turned a corner. 

On 12/8/2020 at 6:39 PM, eejm said:

Did we ever find out why Aulus was killing and burying girls in the woods?

I assume he was looking for 'the chosen one' and he knew they were a young girl from the underworld vision, so he figured just kill all the young girls and maybe get lucky. He knew that a young girl helped her blind father escape the camp. It's not unreasonable to think she might have still been in the area. 

tbh, I think the show is trying to do too much with the druid v druid plot, and I'm glad it's over. It was boring the pants off me. I don't really get it either. Every so often two kids get taken away and become Harka and Veran? So what? It looked like at the end with the skulls in the lake that Harka always seems to lose. But lose what? 

It's a more compelling plot that the druids are just full of it with all their 'gods this and that' talk, and the invasion of the Romans is upending the existing power structure. However, the Romans aren't so great either, so it really should be about what the Celts are going to do about it. You take away all the Harka/Veran nonsense, you're still in the same place at the end here. 




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On 7/25/2021 at 4:45 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

This showed up in my Amazon prime video suggestions. There's only the season 1.

I watched the first episode last night, and there is a LOT going on. I'm definitely watching more. I barely could follow it all. 


Oh! So glad someone else discovered this show.

There is actually a season 2 as well. I think I get it through EPIX? maybe?

I suggest Closed Captions! Seriously! Especially when dealing with unusual names.  and places and accents!

I am hoping a season 3 is in the making? or complete? (damn the pandemic for halting the production of my shows!)

You have reminded me how much I like this show- I think I'm going to go back to season 1 and begin again.

Oh and I just discovered a show on EPIX/Sky Atlantic called Domina. Cool as shit! I recommend!

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, raven said:

There's a trailer and release date - Aug 24.  What that means for U.S, watchers,  I don't know.

Divis and Phelan together at the end of the teaser!  I need to see this.


Ok! Totally excited!

That must be why EPIX is suddenly advertising Britannia. Though last night I went to look and only Season 1 was available. Which made me think -- did I dream season 2?

No! It was real (****disclaimer-- this show has been off my radar for like months and months! so it is entirely possible I dreamed season 2)

I am hoping EPIX does a mini marathon to reacquaint me as to what the hell is happening!


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I don't know if the show is going to hew to actual history and throw in all the bonkers talking with rabbits within those guidelines. So far, the real Romans did invade in early 40s AD. As we all know, Britain was a Roman province until the 400s. 

It may be that Aulus is really Lokka and the real victory is banishing Lokka to the underworld and the Celts and Romans live peacefully until they leave. That's kind of banal for this show though. 


  • Love 3
21 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I don't know if the show is going to hew to actual history and throw in all the bonkers talking with rabbits within those guidelines. So far, the real Romans did invade in early 40s AD. As we all know, Britain was a Roman province until the 400s. 

It may be that Aulus is really Lokka and the real victory is banishing Lokka to the underworld and the Celts and Romans live peacefully until they leave. That's kind of banal for this show though. 


Actually I wouldn't mind that.

Take a look at Boudica and her daughters and their history. I would not wish that on anyone.

Cait and Divis are my two favorite characters and I want them to LIVE damnit!

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Does anyone know what the deal for Season 3 is for US watchers? So far it isn’t on Epix (makes no sense to me) or Amazon prime. Or anything except something called NOW. I don’t need another subscription, lol. Does anyone have any idea when Epix will air the Season 3 episodes? Seeing as Epix is officially a codeveloper of Britannia. I’d pay if I had to but I already pay for Epix for their series so this feels like a money grab. 

1 hour ago, AuntieMame said:

Does anyone know what the deal for Season 3 is for US watchers? So far it isn’t on Epix (makes no sense to me) or Amazon prime. Or anything except something called NOW. I don’t need another subscription, lol. Does anyone have any idea when Epix will air the Season 3 episodes? Seeing as Epix is officially a codeveloper of Britannia. I’d pay if I had to but I already pay for Epix for their series so this feels like a money grab. 

I have been looking for it but so far... nada. I practicality subscribe to every damn thing now -- I really don't want to add anymore.  EPIX is bound to air it... sometime??? right?

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On 10/1/2021 at 6:02 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

I'm surprised it isn't on epix. 

Epix has been repeating season one -- two eps -- on Monday nights. They just started season two (the season of the witch!) last night. I have read that season 3 has aired (In Australia?) but so far -- Epix does not offer it. I have been re-watching cuz the show is so compelling!

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