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Thrive Without Janelle: The Accountability Group

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Are the nose bleeds from your nose membranes being too dry?  That happens to a lot of people with the heat on in the winter.  That could account for feeling better outside.  

The pediatrician for grandson echoed what I was told for his mother to apply plain Vaseline at least twice a day and to use the saline nasal spray in between for moisture.  Now that the kid is older, he has learned to start using the saline spray when the heat comes on and has done much better. He's also in middle school and gets out in the air in between classes and that seems to help rather being stuck in one room almost all day.  

Good luck with your appointment this week.

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6,312 steps yesterday.

Still taking it easy, but doing the things that have to be done do actually add up to a fair amount of steps.

Today may be a bit better with the errands and if the crystal lady does show up. I'll take what I get at this point.

22 hours ago, Absolom said:

Are the nose bleeds from your nose membranes being too dry?  That happens to a lot of people with the heat on in the winter.  That could account for feeling better outside.  

The pediatrician for grandson echoed what I was told for his mother to apply plain Vaseline at least twice a day and to use the saline nasal spray in between for moisture.  Now that the kid is older, he has learned to start using the saline spray when the heat comes on and has done much better. He's also in middle school and gets out in the air in between classes and that seems to help rather being stuck in one room almost all day.  

Good luck with your appointment this week.

I use Ayr gel in and around my nose when it gets dry, which also helps stop nose bleeds. I hadn't used it yet this Winter as I wasn't feeling that dry and I am inside and outside frequently during the day to deal with/visit with the kitties. 😸 And I also have a big pot of water sitting on top of my fireplace/stove.  But recently, I've had a lingering slight sore throat so maybe it is something to do with it. This isn't necessarily a dry Winter thing, the last time I had a week long bout with multiple daily bloody noses was in the month of June a few years ago. Then they stopped. So I think something else is going on and will talk to my pcp next appointment.

I misread my calendar the other day, my Oral Surgeon appt is Tuesday the 8th of April, not tomorrow. I just had Tuesday on my mind I guess.... Works out better anyway what with the nose issue.

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At long last I'm FINALLY getting the compression therapy I was talking about last October. That's how long it took me to finally get on the calendar with a therapist. I was told that such therapists are in short supply and some states don't even have them. I remember when I checked into it 15 years ago I was told there were only 2 in the state and they were far away and impossible to schedule. I am very lucky to have one only a few miles from me now.

This is very intensive, time consuming, tiring and uncomfortable. The therapist wraps you up every day like a mummy from top of thigh to your toes on both legs with ACE bandages, gauze and foam pads. It's crazy and you feel hot and very constricted. It's difficult to walk. You wear these awful "moon sandals" like people with broken leg casts, only your legs and feet are much fatter than that. They are uncomfortable and hard to manage. It's hard to bend your legs and when you do it's painful. You have to sleep in them and then in the morning unwrap yourself completely and re-wrap every single bandage so that the therapist can re-wrap you in them. This process takes about an hour and a half if you rush and don't have help. When my husband can he helps and that makes it take about an hour if we rush. Then I jump in the shower, get dressed in wide leg stretchy pants (I'm wearing pajama bottoms but you can't tell they are). They have to be wide enough to fit your legs in fully wrapped.

Then at your appointment the therapist massages and re-wraps you and you do it all over again. I have 5 appointments a week for 2 weeks Monday to Friday then after that 3 days a week. I've already completed my first week and am on my second. On weekends I don't get wrapped. I take the wrappings off and wash them in the machine on gentle with scent free detergent. I stuff them in garment bags so they don't get tangled, then put the bags in the dryer. I put them in with towels so the machines don't bang and jiggle. 

On the third week I start on a 3 day a week schedule. On days off I can either wear the bandages or take them off and wear compression garments.  After 5 weeks since the start of therapy she may decide to add another week depending on my progress but she thinks I'm doing really well so far. I will have to go back for monthly checkups and one maintenance re-wrapping for a while. We have discussed the types of available compression hose and garments and I will be getting 3 free pairs like @altopower mentioned last October.  Unfortunately it looks like she hasn't posted on the site since December. I'd like to hear what she has to say about this.

One thing I learned is that exercise can actually make you swell more when you have this condition and make you gain weight! I knew that was happening but no one ever confirmed it until my therapist told me. I could not believe that when I was on 2 cruises and doing 16,000 steps a day and watching what I ate I actually gained 4 lbs. on each cruise which I have not lost since. This is why I don't judge people who have weight issues. I know a lot of my weight is fluid retention. Hopefully this treatment will help get rid of some of it in my legs. But I still have excess being stored in my midsection. Unfortunately there's no therapy for that. And it's not that easy to lose because it wasn't gained from eating.

Note that the photo below is after being wrapped with 4.5 lbs. of foam, bandages and gauze. My legs and feet look at least 2-3 times the size!


  • Hugs 6

@Yeah No So glad you are finally getting the treatment you need! And close to home too!  Interesting point on exercise actually increasing swelling.  Something to ponder.  Thanks for the update!

Also, I have been missing @altopower's posts too. I hope she is doing well.


6,684 steps yesterday.

My errands helped the count and a little very light housework. My goal right now is to be as careful as possible that I don't do anything that will be too straining and bring on a nose bleed. So easy does it for a few more days is the plan.

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6,325 steps yesterday.

Had to go out on an unexpected errand yesterday. My new deed came in and they spelled my son's name wrong so had to take it back to my lawyer to have it corrected. Nothing around this whole inheritance/will process is going easily!! Ran a couple other errands while out, then came home and did some chores.

Feeling better but didn't do anything heavy. Since I have a long drive to the dentist tomorrow and a couple errands up in town, today I will take it really easy.

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6,453 steps yesterday.

Holding steady and feeling pretty good so not going to push for any more.

So glad I went to the dentist yesterday! What a difference the reline makes!! They make a new mold of the inside of roof of mouth right over the existing plate. It is pretty thin but it fits so well now I don't even need an adhesive. Suction holds it in place! So much more comfortable!

Nothing particular on agenda, but I do have a pile of towels and sheets that need washing so that will start the day.

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