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S07.E08: Rise of an American Floodtown


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I'm not sure why this episode was on the profit. I read an article where Marcus said he wants to change the direction of the show to episodes like this. If he does then he needs to make another whole show and pitch it and cancel the profit or just do follows ups. 

On top of the show not being an investment type episode, is it wise to tell people to keep investing in a town that has had many major floods over the past 30 years? I lived in a subdivision that was wiped out by a flood in 2005 (it was in the desert and it never rained, I had just moved there and had no idea you could have a major lose you home flood without rain, one day I woke up and there was a raging river outside my door when there had been no water there before ever). I loved that home and subdivision and even though it was a freak 500 year event, they did not rebuild. The areas that lost homes which was 6 areas along the water's paths all turned into green space, wash areas, and were not rebuilt. There are many ghost towns in the desert that were abandon because of floods and not all 100 years ago. I remember on the way home from a school event we drove off the freeway by Provo Utah and there was a town lost in a flood in the 1980's to walk through and not rebuilt. 

I loved that neighborhood that I lived in that was lost to the flood but I understand why it was not smart to rebuild. Marcus seemed to want a Key West of the Midwest and thought Grafton was it? While I am sure it looked like a cute small town with charm and nice people, I can't see him saying if he bought a property it would make other investors come. Why would investors want to come where they can;t buy flood insurance and possibly lose their investment. 

Marcus saving Grafton was like a bad version of the show Robert from Shark tank had, where he went into a small town in Indiana with a failing main street and help bring business back and people to want to visit the town again. Robert's show (it is on hulu, can;t remember the name) was way more sound in showing investors why they should come and save small towns and how it could be a wise decision. Marcus seemed like he wanted to be the solo hero? and did not do his research? 

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I saw a show several years ago about these small towns along the Mississippi River that flood every couple of years, and keep getting rebuilt in the same place as before.  In many cases, even the free-spending federal government has decided that rebuilding over and over again is a bad investment, and are now requiring these towns to move to higher elevations.

If you'll note from the show, most of downtown Grafton is built in the flood plain right along the edge of the river.  However, just a few hundred yards behind Main Street, the land rises quite a bit, and that area would be perfectly safe for a new town center.  Sure, most of the time the town will be a decent distance from the river, but floods would no longer be a problem.

Sounds like a better solution than just constant rebuilding every couple of years.

I did enjoy Marcus' review of city finances, though.  That was interesting and educational.

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I wonder if there was much resentment in the town when Marcus helped the mayor's wife establish a business in his building. And if there is resentment, I wonder how that'll effect the mayor's chances of getting re-elected. 

From Marcus' comments, an alien might land in Grafton and think that the American flag was a veterans' flag. 

I hope there is a follow-up show. I'd like to see what becomes of the abandoned FEMA buildings along the waterfront. That could turn into a real eyesore, and if it doesn't belong to the city, will people take it upon themselves to clean up these areas?

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I must have missed A LOT of the beginning, and several key points along the way.  First, what made Grafton any more desirable to invest in than other surrounding (and I assume, flooded) communities?  Not knocking this little city, and I feel awful for all the residents who lost homes and businesses.  Was Grafton a well known vacation spot on the Mississippi before the flood?  Was it a hot fishing or boating or riverboat gambling destination pre-flood? Otherwise, I don’t understand how Marcus and his money is going to “create” a brand and turn Grafton into another Branson or a resort hotspot like in the Ozark lakes. And I am a proud American, I am grateful for every veteran who has served or is currently deployed.  But, is a ginormous flag going to be enough of a draw to bring in tourists and inject the city with tourism dollars?  My other big question is what 2nd, 3rd...9th job did the Mayor have to support his family???  His mayoral salary was only a tad over $3k for God’s sake!  His wife had a little ice cream shop, and now another new tchotchke store, but how did this family afford to live?

  I really do wish the best for this community, and any of the other towns in flood zones.  I prefer the original format of The Profit, and I hope more businesses are profiled vs. Marcus doing drive through therapy sessions.

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The wife has a regular job elsewhere that provides benefits.

Grafton is the "Key West of the Midwest", or that's what they say. Maybe it's well-known to people in that area as a great place to spend time. Curious, I looked up what there is to do in Grafton, and the first thing mentioned was the water park. Kinda ironic.



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I was beyond disgusted at the Mayor's wife. The scene where she finally starts yammering about how she "needs" to go to Key West to get business ideas yet seconds later admits "I just want to get away". And just the way she instantaneously begins to take advantage of Marcus in any possible way she can. You can even hear in her voice that she barely cares, just wants a vacation.

What a sick twisted joke. Right in the middle of all that, the mayor and his spoiled yuppie wife decide they need to spend an entire vacation abandoning their town to get ideas on FUCKING GIFT SHOPS AND GLASSES STANDS? 

Nothing they walked away with required a vacation. They could have done 3 or 4 seperate google searches and got the same results, but no, if you're in a position of power I guess you're allowed to have those "f you, got mine" moments. 

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On 1/25/2020 at 5:15 AM, ProfitBogus said:

I was beyond disgusted at the Mayor's wife. The scene where she finally starts yammering about how she "needs" to go to Key West to get business ideas yet seconds later admits "I just want to get away". And just the way she instantaneously begins to take advantage of Marcus in any possible way she can. You can even hear in her voice that she barely cares, just wants a vacation.

What a sick twisted joke. Right in the middle of all that, the mayor and his spoiled yuppie wife decide they need to spend an entire vacation abandoning their town to get ideas on FUCKING GIFT SHOPS AND GLASSES STANDS? 

Nothing they walked away with required a vacation. They could have done 3 or 4 seperate google searches and got the same results, but no, if you're in a position of power I guess you're allowed to have those "f you, got mine" moments. 

That may all be true- but Marcus wanted to bring them there for the show.  It's not like they insisted Marcus do it.  It was the other way around.  Marcus has lots of businesses in Key West and likes to remind everyone of that.  I am sure that after all the years of struggle and desperation an all-expense paid trip to Key West felt like an amazing idea.  Just to get away from the stress and pressure of day-to-day life can do a lot to reinvigorate someone to keep going.  That's why so many people take vacations every year!

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