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Posts posted by Harmony233

  1. I mean since they chickened out with Donna they should do the birth defects story.I remember Nancy on hollyoaks going into premature labor and it caused her son to be deaf and they actually use sign language when the kid is onscreen.

    I don't get why they always write pregnancy storied in there's been so many pregnancies on hollyoaks for example and none of them are written in.of course those actors get like s year off for maternity leave too lol.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, Daisy said:

    may i ask why not?

    This a very serious mental health and the American soaps are terrible with these type of stories.Plus I don't know if the network would approve of s story like this.

    I do think it would be an interesting story to do though.On hollyoaks they had Lily who was a self harmer and  they actually killed her off as a result of it.She ended up getting sepsis from self harming.

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  3. I love sonny being like Spencer needed to take responsiblity for his actions when the heck has sonny ever took responsibility for his crimes.He came across as such a hypocrite lol.


    So which one is esme going to do seduce cam get pregnant and try to pass the kid off as spencers 

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  4. I really hope this is leading to johnny finding out the truth about his conception.There's a spoiler the week after next that johnny gives Allie shocking news about something in will script.Of course that might just be the silly possession story.

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  5. 40 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

    I thought Lucy was incapable of carrying a child of her own after her surrogacy with Serena resulted in a c-section that destroyed her uterus. 

    Nah, it'll probably be just some random serial killer groupie who had a conjugal visit with Ryan.

    I don't think Lucy had a c section Scotty delivered her.Lucy had two miscarriages before Serena anyways.I always assumed something wad wrong was wrong with Lucy's eggs since she was able to carry Serena but not her own babies.

  6. I've always thought it was weird that belle and Shawn never had another baby and an adoption story or surrogacy story would actually give them something to do.I hate that they don't get written for other than stuff with Jan not that I'm a big fan of baby stories.

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  7. 23 minutes ago, jade.black said:

    She's also never disclosed the REAL father, so there's been much speculation it might actually be BJ... I've always hoped it's true, haha.

    I really liked this second season! It felt better put together than the first. I like Devi a ton as a main character and find her realistically flawed while still likable. I think both love interests are likable as well which definitely makes the show more enjoyable to watch. I've seen other shows where I hate one half of the triangle and feel like it's just a waiting game until the MC bounces back to the other one, whereas here, even though I'm Team Ben, I still enjoy her scenes with Paxton. I do find Paxton to be very attractive (the scene where he first crawls through her window and also the gratuitous woodworking scene - hot), but the Ben/Devi relationship is more of a love story to me. I also dig the enemies to lovers trope, so that could be part of it, but I think Ben's actor brings a lot of feeling to it.

    As a commitment-phobe, I relate to Kamala running away from the dinner. Sometimes something just feels off. I'm sure she still likes her fiance and this doesn't all hinge on his advice about the science bros, but she might just be realizing he's not the right fit for her. Mr K is a character I really enjoy, but I don't see her 'choosing' him here either, just choosing a night of fun of freedom over being trapped in an engagement.

    Lastly, I am so surprised by how much I love Trent's actor!! His comedic timing is perfection. He kind of reminds me of a young Ryan Hansen.


    24 minutes ago, jade.black said:

    She's also never disclosed the REAL father, so there's been much speculation it might actually be BJ... I've always hoped it's true, haha.

    I really liked this second season! It felt better put together than the first. I like Devi a ton as a main character and find her realistically flawed while still likable. I think both love interests are likable as well which definitely makes the show more enjoyable to watch. I've seen other shows where I hate one half of the triangle and feel like it's just a waiting game until the MC bounces back to the other one, whereas here, even though I'm Team Ben, I still enjoy her scenes with Paxton. I do find Paxton to be very attractive (the scene where he first crawls through her window and also the gratuitous woodworking scene - hot), but the Ben/Devi relationship is more of a love story to me. I also dig the enemies to lovers trope, so that could be part of it, but I think Ben's actor brings a lot of feeling to it.


    I think sometimes we forget these are teenagers.some seem to think they should be acting like there in there 30s.I mean sure they all have done some stuff that wasn't great but I don't find it that unrealistic.I mean sure should that have been mature some stuff yes but its not unusual for teens to lash out or to be petty and jealous especially when there relationships involved.I think all three characters have flaws and have made mistakes.Honestly I read the spoilers before I watched the season so honestly I was expected a big build up to Paxton and devi I actually didn't think they had much depth to them.I hope they fix that next season but I'm not mad she choose Paxton I actually think that needed to happen even though I'm more team Ben.I'm wondering if Paxton is going to find the whole pro and cons board next season or find out Ben wad her first choice.

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  8. 19 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    To be clear, Paxton's being dumb as dirt, especially next to Devi's intelligence, is MY hang-up in enjoying the pairing. It makes complete sense to me why teenage, high school Devi would be into Paxton. It's just that as a viewer who yeah, left the teen years behind a long time ago, I'm not into either pairing because with Paxton, his oh so pretty but oh so dumb moments are cringe for me and I just don't see it with Devi and Ben. That said before anyone goes on some unnecessary tangent, it's not affecting my enjoyment of the show in any way. I'm just not particularly invested in whoever Devi ends up with is all. 

    To be fair I think devi needs to focus on herself and Greive properly  for her father and not be obsessed with having a boyfriend.To be fair I think Ben is just as messed up as devi is and  is just as obsessed with relationships as devi is because of his parents neglect and  not wanting to be alone.

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  9. I found paxtons episode to be a little boring to be honest.O do think meeting his parents though it made sense why he was more forgiving towards devi than Ben is.Paxton parents believe in kindness over success while Ben parents believe in ambition and success over anything including parenting there own kid.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, JLaw said:

    That's an interesting connection, given that Mindy Kaling is involved in this series and her character in The Office was obsessed with his

    There also exes in real life and like best friends now.He's godfather of her daughter.

  11. 2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I rolled lol!

    Honestly if you watch interviews with the whole cast the actor that plays Paxton in some of them he seems uncomfortable and not into it as the rest of them.Jaren who plays Ben has a very bubbly personalily.

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  12. This is random but does anyone think Ben character is based on BJ Novak.His real name is Benjamin Joesph.BJ and Ben are both Jewish.BJ father was a ghostwriter for celebrities.Ben father is a lawyer for celebrities.BJ went to Harvard.Ben is interested in ivy league colleges.

    It must be the soap opera fan in me but I'm team ben love the whole enemies to lovers trope plus I have like Ben and  devi are more angsty and I'm a sucker for angst lol.

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