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Posts posted by Harmony233

  1. 14 minutes ago, Desperado said:

    I hope Dmitri is bi so that him sleeping with Gwen twice would not have been a soul destroying chore. We’ve already had straight Talia sleeping with Channel through coercion and that was enough yuck for me.

    UO: I’m liking Leo in his quest to avoid seeing his friend be hurt.

    I don’t get why Kristen is so fine with Dmitri getting his inheritance. Isn’t it DiMera money or did I miss too much skipping half the shows?

    Its von Lueschner (however you spell it) money.

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  2. 1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

    That zipper gag means Gabi is miracle preggers now, right?


    I can't see them doing another pregnancy when they got two going on plus Sloan trying to get  pregnant.Maybe someone messed with it to make it a size too small.

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  3. Man I didn't think the spoilers could get any worse lol.Also Kristen and Dimitri marrying ed there releated.

    Random but I hope if Eric is the father which I'm pretty positive he is that Nicole baby will be a boy since it seems the Brady name will die out.

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  4. Just now, CanaryFan98 said:

    FWIW I didn't say I wasn't the one who actually posted that. I said they could live offscreen if you don't want to see kids grow up.

    I actually don't mind watching soap kids grow up personally. I mean we watched Carrie grow up lesser extent Jennifer from teen to grandmother etc and on GH with Robin, Laura etc. There's a lot of interesting stories to tell but soaps no longer have the writers to make that happen either.

    This one of the things I actually really like like about British soaps the kids grow up in real time.

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  5. Does Jeff still go to school?Is Erica still interested in law school.I mean how do they support there baby.Also if there whining about the house being a mad house here's an idea move out.

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  6. These teens are so vanilla esme hasn't done anything interesting since blowing up Ava car noe there sitting around drinking hot toddy instead of you know something like rum and coke and instead of esme drugging Trina and cam and making it look like they slept together they play this silly game that amounts to really nothing.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, KimChi Rogue said:

    A character whose behaviors and traits I've been noticing lately that I find extremely annoying (Note: I wrote this post a few months ago on another board but it still holds true for me today). 

    Spencer. This boy just seems to want to have his cake and eat it too. I'm in agreement that his pairing with Trina would be a good story but that tends to blind people on how wishy washy he can be. Yes, I see that he has been making progress and taking steps towards growing up, but I still see him as this pretentious immature kid who has no idea who he is. Every decision and action he takes, is just a reflection of what other characters (Sonny, Alexis, Trina, Victor) advised him to do. The Spencer with Esme is a different Spencer that is with Trina, which is a different Spencer that is with the Cassadines and so on. So even though I think he has some great stories going on right now, I'm just finding him a bit shallow. 

    Spencer is 18 of course he's immature.If anything the other teens act like there 80 years old lol.They have no clue how to write teens.

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  8. 15 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Also, Spencer has no ambition. He doesn't have to have the rest of his life planned out, but what about going to college? Going to work at Cassadine Industries? Auditing classes is a start, but that's not going to get him a degree, and there's no accountability; he doesn't have to do the coursework. Since the SORAS he's done nothing but be an unrepentant little turd. His refusal to accept responsibility for his actions certainly marks him as Sonny's nephew, that's for sure.

    Ava is a hypocrite she's never paid for any of her crimes and she's done way worse shit than Spencer and never been held accountable.No I don't count her setting herself on fire paying because they found out about her role in switching Morgan's meds and she didnt want deal with the consquences Don't get me started on the way she was a shitty mom.Pretending to be dead and be Ave twin and then having an affair with Morgan who was Kiki boyfriend at the time then we where supposed to feel badly for her when Kiki did the same thing to her.


    Glad to see Scotty is still allowed to hate Luke the fact were supposed to greive for a rapist is disgusting.I don't care how popular Luke is.



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  9. 15 minutes ago, sas616 said:

    I've been watching ATWT episodes on You Tube and boy have things changed on soaps in the past 20+ years.   Back in the 90s/early 2000s, characters were sleeping around and changing partners at the drop of a hat.   And if the 17/18 yr. olds weren't talking about it, they were doing it.   

    Not sure why soaps are so tame now.Heck even the teens on GH used to have sex.I mean Robin was a wilder teen than this bunch.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Katy M said:

    Bailey/Louise. Donna.  Nina got pregnant by Sonny pointing his supersperm in her general direction and the baby will get the first in utero organ transplant.

    Bailey would make sense considering maxie heart condition but I doubt there going that route.

  11. 1 minute ago, Suicidy said:

    It would be more realistic if Esme’s plan for the cabin was to dose them all with X and get the whole group in a drug fueled orgy.  Just to fuck with Joss and Trina.  THAT would fit her character and be something I could see happening (I know a girl in high school who did something in this direction).

    it would also stir up some controversy and maybe get GH some headlines beyond NLG attacking her costars over vaccinations and PC crap.

    I love it I wonder if esme and spencers boarding school was like elite those kids are always having sex in the school showers lol.

  12. 2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    I don't think Maxie expected to get through to Peter about anything. I think it was more about her being able to tell him she hated him, would never get back together with him, and generally vent how terrible a person he is. 

    I have no sympathy for maxie her whining about her daughter when she could tell the truth not to mention hurting other people and like mac and Felicia 

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