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  1. Another script tease
  2. Script tease 3
  3. TheGreenKnight, I think Hook fans would be blaming Rumple. Their rivalry is very strong. I could see some Emma fans complaining about Regina, but SQ fans are the only ones who like to create tags attacking other characters/ships/ actors. It is too bad OQ fans can't see they're being played. I think it is a new low to this fandom.
  4. There is a "lovelly" ship war on twitter with the tags " CS ruined OUAT" and "we support captain swan". CS is winning.
  5. Yes, they stayed at Neal's apartment.
  6. They should have played the opposites attract each other troope with Robin and Regina. Let them have conflicts. If they didn't know how to write for Robin, they could have used Sean's personality. I know it is used to exaustion but usually works. Maybe a fun, passionate Robin Hood would've worked better.
  7. I think Liam is a more important figure in Hook's life than his father. So, between those two I choose Liam, but if we had the oportunity to see both of them, it could have been very interesting. We all know how Killian struggles with forgiving, forgetting and his self hatred. I believe his father contributed to a lot of these issues. Hook forgiving his father and hear that his father forgave him a long time ago could have resulted in the same realization in a more organic way. I do believe he could have come to that conclusion alone. He was forced to become the dark one (I know Emma had the best of intentions, not discussing it here) for whatever contrived reason he lost the control and became crazy darth Hook. (It appears to me that he was more under Nimue's control than the others, but I know it is debatable.) In the end he recovered his senses and did the right thing. He just needed to forgive himself, everyone else already did it. He could have discovered that Liam wasn't perfect in a less shocking way. As a Hook fan I would have liked him to see that are more people besides Emma that love him, his family could do that, and could show him that he changed for the better, and deserves a second chance at a happy ending. It could be an oportunity for him to solve his daddy issues once and for all. I did enjoy that he learned he shouldn't idolize his loved ones, they are just fallible human beings trying to live their lives the best way they can. Sometimes they get to be selfish, or make a big mistake. He shouldn't try to live up to some stupid ideal, all he has to do is try to be the best version of himself that he can. I just didn't like too much of the execution, (LOL) they didn't have to drag Liam in the mud. As for their father, I get no simpathy for him, he is always nice and gentle when he talks to him, but who knows if he is telling the truth. At least in the UW I could have been more tempted to believe what he says. They could have used it as a way to tell us that Liam 2.0 is living with his maternal uncle, or something, so we don't have to see him again.
  8. Well, OQ fans are already blaming Emma and CS, saying that Robin had to die so Hook could live, what is not the case. I am having bad flashbacks from 2B and 3B. The truth is I would prefer Robin alive, they already invested too much time in him, and the actor fits in the show, they just need to write better material for him. I just don't have patience to see victim Regina /EQ again. Then we will just loose more time with whatever romance they throw at her, and of course we will learn that is an infinite supply of potential TL. I'm more curious about how they will bring Hook back, and really hoping they won't forget the people suffering in the River of the Lost Souls. Save Milah, save Gaston, save aunt Em! They can save James and Pan too...
  9. I always believed that a Neal - Regina pairing would be great for the show (assuming the actors had chemistry). It would create a lot of conflicts. Rumple, Snowing and Henry wanted Emma and Neal to be a couple. Regina could start the relationship to spite Emma or to gain points with Henry, until we discover it is true love. We would have conflict because Neal hates magic, Rumple would be mad that Regina, the monster he created, has his son. Emma would probably feel weird about the situation. Who knows how Henry would react. Snowing would think that the EQ "stole" Emma's "true love" ( if I remember 3A correctly). That way he could be relevant to the plot, even if the writers didn't want him as Rumple's leash. He would have more personality then Robin. I just didn't want him with Emma after everything he did to her, but he didn't have to die, again, he probably left the show beacause the writers wanted to add new toys.
  10. I do hope Hook ( or someone else) saves poor Milah and everybody else from the river of the lost souls. I do think it is interesting that they decided to give an antagonic relationship between Hook and Regina in season 5. I'm happy he isn't her cheerleader like everbody else, but it is weird that they were somewhat friendly in 3A as fellow ex villains, didn't interact in season 4 and now they seem to dislike each other. Sometimes I think it is because of the SQ X CS thing with some fans.
  11. This is not really spoilery, but here it is the article from EW about who the new guys are not.
  12. 5x21 promotional photos
  13. All I saw was this. Someone asked her who she would marry, kill or bed. Options: Emma, Belle and Ruby. She chose: marry Emma, bed Ruby and kill Belle.
  14. I interpreted it as Killian beeing able to forgive his brother. We know how he struggles with forgiveness and moving on. In the end he didn't love his brother any less even if he did something terrible. He asked his brother to forgive himself, and that inspired him to do the same. He didn't want go back because of his acts as the Dark one, and not what he did as captain Hook. Now, I do agree with Shanna Marie, Liam telling Killian that he saw him as the good and talented one (or hero if we need to throw this word again on this show) would've been a lot more satisfying.
  15. I didn't have a big problem with the drinking because he was supposed to be young and inexperienced. My head canon is that he just "discovered" alcool, and was using it to forget. When I was in high school or even college I saw lots of people who drank until almost pass out. I don't think they grew up to be alcoholic. They just didn't know when to stop, maturity can solve that. I don't think Killian knew what he wanted to do as a free man, maybe he was afraid. ( Being a military was Liam's dream). It didn't help that the captain was trying to break his spirit so he would never have the courage to leave. At this point in his life he just believed he was just like his father, maybe he didn't see a way out. Everything changed when they joined the Navy. He found confidence in his talent. He found that his dream to be a hero was viable ( because in this show everybody wants to be a hero ;-)). I think the captain knew they were great sailors and didn't want to free them, but I think he particularly wanted to keep Killian because he was the must talented. I don't think he focused in him only because he believed he was the weaker link. The men respected and believed in him. Everything that makes Killian Jones who he is was already there, he was just too depressed to see. Once Liam died he had no longer a protector and couldn't hide behind his shadow. He became the leader he was supposed to be. Now I don't think the darkness is inherent to him, he just needs to reign his temper. My head canon is that the ship is like the One Ring. She wants to be reunited with her master. Even when she was with Neal or Blackbeard she was calling for Hook.
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