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Posts posted by scruffy73

  1. On 9/5/2018 at 6:02 PM, potatochips said:

    Grammar police reporting in.....Not only do these adults lack basic cooking skills but they are driving me crazy with their toddler grammar skills. Mia repeatedly says, "Tristan and I's" and in the last episode where Danielle is excited to know her dog's DNA, she says "Henry and I's". I think these are educated people but they sure do not speak like it.?

    I read a published novel that had “and I’s” in it. I should have stopped reading at that point but I’m a glutton for punishment.


    on topic, I’m more reading your comments than watching bc I don’t like these people very much. Tristan needs to kick Mia to the curb. Amber needs to lighten up...and darken her hair. Dave needs to be more sensitive to Amber because she is a nutcase. I like Danielle and Bobby. They are super cute.

    • Love 3
  2. 20 hours ago, spunky said:

    These couples are becoming suspect to me. Tony, Angela, Reese and Diane are all actors. Grant it that Tony is the only one with an IMDB page. Word on the Instagram block, is that Kenya is also an actor. So I'm wondering, these people's marriages really messed up, or are they trying to jump start their careers?

    Charles can just go away with his 2 year old self, having a damn tantrum because he can't have another man's wife. If I was Kenya I would be crying too if I had to leave a gentleman like Tony and return to the over grown toddler. I give Kenya props for getting up on that trapeze. I swear Tony was auditioning for cirque du soliel with all those tricks. Everyone else had a simple last day, the proxy spouses decided to be all romantic, I can't with those two.

    I can see Angela and Tony being actors and maybe even Diane but Kenya? No. Her voice is terrible and she cannot even “act” in these faked scenes. 

    And you’re right about Charles. He is tripping! Having a hissy fit about having to give another man’s wife back is bad form. He and Kenya both suck so they should call it quits. 

    This how I see these people:

    charles wants Angela. Kenya will say something to turn him off before it is all said and done and they won’t make it.

    Kenya doesn’t like Charles and she won’t want him bc he won’t come back begging and repentant. I don’t think she wants Tony. She was barely invested in this process with him in the moment. She may miss him once Charles comes back not acting how she wants him to.

    Angela will struggle being away from Charles until Tony shows himself changed.

    Tony has gotten something out of the experience and will be better with Angela. That is, if she lets him.

    Diane wants Bobby. Reece doesn’t have a chance, no matter what he has learned. She is too sprung.

    Rosslyn is open to Bobby after Diane has said how he’s grown. I think she will be all in. 

    Bobby is a wild card. He had a wonderful time with Diane and probably still feels inadequate for Rosslyn. I think he and Rosslyn have a chance.


    • Love 4
  3. 13 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

    I kind of agree with @gonecrackers in that:  when they present on the show, they call themselves and each other “experts”.  (Experts at what exactly, who knows?  That is a muddy area).  Then again, molly was NEVER invested in that relationship and I have to feel that if they’d stood a chance, DrJ wouldn’t be in the picture now.  They’re both consenting adults and when it was all said and done - if there was a spark... I sure wouldn’t want to be the one under THAT microscope.  It’s not like he’s dating a 17 year old or his sister after all.  I don’t know... I don’t think I have issues with it as long as the show was done and the paperwork was filed.  Plus if DrJ can put up with that braying laugh and he can put up with a ready-made 3 kid family, more power to them both.  

    Now that I think of it, she really is pretty tough if she can deal with that loud guffaw after “pass the milk”.  She seems maybe too serious for him.  

    If she can deal with the sweaty pits then they might have a chance. I always thought that was a problem for Molly....that and his unemployment. If he wore a suit every day, as in going to work, Molly would have sexed him from the beginning.

    • Love 2
  4. 12 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    What's happening now is completely unprofessional but being excused just because she's on TV, & please let me explain why I feel that way... True they can claim they're not 'legitimate' therapeutic sessions, but these self proclaimed 'experts' are giving some strong advice & counsel, as well as using counseling tools of the trade with people in very stressful (& in some cases traumatic) situations.

    They're basing their ability to do that on their credentials which they mention repeatedly. "Dr." Jessica repeatedly reminds us she's a psychologist, ironically specializing in trauma, & "Pastor" Cal repeatedly reminds us he has counseled who knows how many couples for years...   not only that, but often they're using those tools of the trade to screw around with the people to cause havoc & drama. She's definitely not the only one of course; it happens every season with all the 'experts'; she just happens to stand out more strongly at the moment & this affair, IMO, highlights that lack of professionalism.

    None of the 'experts' are true professionals no matter what their damn credentials say.

    I can see how you feel that way. I’ve been in therapy over 20 years and I would be horrified if either of my male therapists approached me inappropriately. In the Season if one of these “experts” approached a “client” I would feel the same. This whole J&J thing happened after the season and I trust that Jonathan has enough emotional fortitude to know when he is in a situation that doesn’t work for him. At least I hope so.

    And I, too, hope Dr jessica is boinking all the sadness out of Jon.

    • Love 9
  5. On 8/26/2018 at 11:13 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

    What you said was:

    That "Same C" is more than just doing the math.  Instead, it's illustrative of the two different contexts that may be at work here--one where the "score" is average (how you see it), and one where the same "score" is in the top 25% (how I see it).


    I think it does matter how Dave felt about it, if they were looking at the score in the two different contexts and there's a misunderstanding that the core of it.  But to get to the bottom of that would take communication between the two of them, and I'm not seeing a whole lot of that.

    I’m a math nerd so 7.5/10 = 75/100 to me. If you consider 75/100 a C then I see 7.5/10 a c. You speak of context and I understand where you are coming from. I just didn’t consider it. Numbers are just numbers to me. :) I think Amber sees it the way I do, not that she is in the top 25% of....whatever. If my huzzzzband (Shawniece voice) said I was a 7.5 and I’m already feeling insecure I would be devastated. I think Amber would be devastated regardless, poor thing. She just can’t let things be what they are and deal with it. But if she is honest there is no way she should rate Dave higher than a 7.5, unless he is just putting it on her so good that she ignores everything else about him that everyone here has said about him - his flat affect, his lack of care for her feelings, how he treats her about her cat, etc.

    • Love 4
  6. 12 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

    This was posted on reddit today (it is Jon basically confirming his relationship with J):


    Why play with Jon? He is very intelligent and would never do something inappropriate that would get him or Jessica in trouble. He is not some out-of-control teenager. He is a hot, sexy bachelor who has caught the attention of a nice-looking successful professional woman. Hopefully for Jessica’s sake he is breaking her back regularly. (Maybe I’m projecting what I would want from Jon so excuse me.) Win-win. I would like to see Jessica in a red wig....that doesn’t look like Raggedy Ann.

    • Love 5
  7. I think Rosslyn and Reece are the only two who want to go back to their spouses. Maybe Bobby but I think if he was told he has to stay with Diane he would be happy too. Angela and Charles need to stay together. Tony needs to find someone who loves him for him. Kenya needs to get over herself. She thinks she is better than Charles just bc he cheated. He is an asshole for sure but either forgive or let go. She should let him go. She doesn’t even like him.

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, spunky said:

    I suspect Swiss Beats and Angela already did the horizontal tango. I'm team Kenya , and I loved her throwing shade at Angela. Angela is so busy trying to be the side piece that she forgot about her actual husband. Tony had so much pent up anger at Angela, which was evident during the boxing exercise.  Bobby can stay with Diane seeing as she's all thirsty for another woman's husband. 

    I used to be Team Kenya but I cannot stand her. She doesn’t even like Charles. She wants to be right, wants him to change, and wants it her way. Yes Charles and Angela have probably screwed or at least hunched and that is wrong but they are more spouse-like to each other than to their own spouses and vice versa. I think Tony went in with an open mind and heart and is looking forward to a better relationship with Angela but he is probably shook by Charles giving his wife a 10. I think Tony and Angela will stay together but if given the chance Angela and Charles will get together again....and again. Charles needs to give Kenya the boot. She is the worse.

    • Love 3
  9. On 8/24/2018 at 12:07 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

    No, not the same, because a 75 becomes a "C" (a/k/a "average") on a scale of 1-100 only in the context of grades like those given in school, and is an arbitrary number to define what is considered passing. 

    So take away the "grades in school" context, and on a scale of 1-10, a 5 would be average or in the middle.  On a scale of 1-100, a 50 would be average or in the middle.

    Think of it this way--if a person had to score something on a scale of 1-50, I bet 25 would be considered average because it's obviously in the middle.  People wouldn't do the math and come up with 37.5 as "average," but that's what "average" is if 75 is average on a scale of 1-100.

    And Dave did say he thought he gave her a good score, which tells me he wasn't using the "grades in school" convention where 70 is a "C" or average. 

    In other news, do women really want to be lied to?  Amber and Dave have already had conflicts--if he rated her a 10, she'd have to know he's lying.  How in the world would that make her feel better?  And not only would she know he's lying, she'd have to sit there and think of all the deductions he should have taken to come up with a more realistic score, and it wasn't her job to do that.

    My point was that 75/100 = 7.5/10. Do the math.

    • Love 5
  10. 6 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    But a C is 75 out of 100.  This is 7.5 out of 10, so it's not necessarily a grade like that.  As I said above, Dave said he thought it was a good score, so I think he was looking at it as 5 out of 10 is average, and 7.5 is pretty good--in the top 25%.  Which is MUCH higher than a C.

    75/100 = 7.5/10. Same C

    • Love 7
  11. On 8/22/2018 at 8:41 PM, spunky said:

    Angela is super shady, you don't tell another woman's husband to leave her, especially after you say there comforting her. At no point did Kenya tell Tony to run for the hills, instead she encouraged him to work on his marriage. Bobby needs to worry about the fact that he refuses to open up to his wife and less about Reese laughing at him.  Diane is so busy lusting after Bobby that she's missing the fact that her husband may one day just leave.

    Angela is shady. She is still trying to screw Swizz Beats. And I think they may tangle and twist before it’s all over.

    and Kenya came there thinking she was going to “advise” Angela and got SHOOK!!! The fact that Angela actually ENJOYS Charles threw Kenya off. I loved it. I don’t think Charles and Kenya will make it long term.

    i wish Bobby and Diane could be together. I don’t like Reece at all, and Rosslyn even less.

    • Love 1
  12. I hate Kenya. That’s it! Swizz Beats sucks for cheating so he should have just left. I can see why he wants away from her. I also think he and Angela would be a better match. Angela probably throws that ass in a circle just like Swizz Beats likes. Kenya is so stiff I cannot imagine them being intimate. I thought Kenya and Tony would be better off without the two of them but Tony doesn’t deserve her coldness either.

    am I the only person who just realized that Kenya and her sister have the same weave?

    • Love 3
  13. On 8/2/2018 at 3:52 PM, Mlle. Kitty said:

    Is it me, or does Jephte have extremely large hands?  I don't know if it's just my perception since I've been watching a lot of political coverage in recent months. ;-)

    Well Shawniece did confirm that he was not “minute” so maybe the big hands thing might mean something in the Pierre household lolllll

    • Love 2
  14. 4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Because historically, white men will date and sleep with women of other races but never want to marry them, that's why.

    Eh, I can’t put too much energy into being mad at a white man marrying a white woman regardless of who he previously dated. I’m sure we’ve all dated people we had no intention on making long-term for whatever reason. Mia’s clearly a nut so I’m not going to reach for him not marrying her bc she is a person of color. Wait, does she even consider herself a person of color? I think her mama is Jamaican so she is black but you know some folks like to dip and dive around claiming their negroness. 

    • Love 6
  15. 3 hours ago, spunky said:

    After last night's episode, Kenya and Tony need to throw their spouses away. The fact that Charles was okay with Angela disrespecting his wife , shows that he's not committed to his marriage. Plus Angela was all over Charles like a bad weave.

    I’ve said that Angela and broke Swizz Beats would be screwing before the experiment is over. Maybe sooner than later.

    i wish Tony and Kenya could just swap and stay together. 

    • Love 4
  16. 8 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    I have issues with Mia's ex as well.  Interesting that he got engaged to a white girl.  I bet he had no intention of marrying Mia; I've seen that shit before.  Maybe that's what drove her nutso.

    Isn’t he white, though? He looks white. I know looks don’t mean everything but why would a white man marrying a white woman be an issue?

    • Love 7
  17. 5 hours ago, Nancybeth said:

    Someone mentioned the size of the population in the Dallas metro area and why they couldn't find better participants.  I'm not sure Dallas was the best location for this show.  According to the demos I found, only 31% of the adult population in the DFW area are unmarried.  That's slightly below the national average, and also below states like NY and Mass.  People tend to marry younger in the South.  

    I've never seen anyone who's been divorced on this show, no one with kids, etc.  So depending on how far they're pulling from geographically, you could end up with a fairly small dating pool.  

    Apparently this show needs to go to DC, which has the highest population of never married adults in the US -- 56%!

    I live in DFW and I will say that dating sucks. Per an interview with Pastor Cal, there is a difficulty matching up black men and black women. Black men are open to, or even want, white women but it doesn’t appear that it necessarily swirls the other way. I am a 45 year old black woman -never married, child-free (not crazy) - and when I’ve been on Match and eHarmony, I’ve gotten more white men than black men. Only one has communicated...and I’ve put up really cute pictures :) Point being, it is hard out here for the mid-thirties and up in the DFW. Even those of us whose hair is not fried, died, and laid to the side. :)

    • Love 14
  18. 23 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    That's a pretty big age difference, even for this show. I think Amber is over 35, Bobby is around 26 & wanted a younger woman. As it is they had him 'approve' Danielle being 30, I think she is... and Amber seems like she would scare the shit out of Bobby.

    Bobby wouldn’t know what to do if Amber put it on him! He would lose his mind after being with a grown ass woman who is confident in her body and sexuality. She would have him whipped on the honeymoon. He is going to be in trouble when Danielle pops it on him so you know Amber would have him so twisted he would be the stay at home parent if she said to.

    • Love 1
  19. What person steals another’s identity to stalk someone else?

    just doesn’t happen. Ever. Even Tristan doesn’t deserve this. He deserves better than what the show is offering. I 100% believe they are coercing him to stay married. Even hopeless romantic/God has a plan Folks know this is that bullshit. I can’t wait to see what he discovers as the lie.

    Why can’t we see a clip of her calling her daddy and daddy completely losing his shit? Forget Tristan. I want to see pops flip his lid.

    • Love 10
  20. I don’t know how Kenya and Swizz Beats got together. He sucks. And he and Angela will be screwing before the two weeks are up. And Kenya will say she wants to stay with him bc she is “strong” and “believes in their marriage”. He will probably want to leave and will embarrass her (even more) on tv. Angela will stay with her husband bc Charles will have aggravated her by the end of the two weeks even if he breaks her back. Her husband will pull a Kenya and want to save his marriage. I will want them to break up and have Kenya and Angela’s husband run away together and have beautiful babies with a whole bunch of hair and pretty smiles!

    • Love 3
  21. On 7/19/2018 at 3:48 PM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    I enjoy how almost everyone admitted being attracted to their switch partner. Why can't the matchmakers on Married at First Sight do that? Speaking of MAFS, I can't stand Dr. Jessica. She's so judgy and unprofessional, and brings her own feelings into counseling others. It scares me that she's teaching faculty in a graduate program.

    One of the guys (Charles, maybe?) reminds me so much of Keegan Michael Key!

    If he is the one that doesn’t have on his wedding ring, I think he likes oks like Swizz Beats, Alicia Keys’ husband.

    • Love 5
  22. 9 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

    Whew! Thanks for the tea ☕, ya'll! It's piping hot, too..

    Lol, Hawt Mess Mia... smh.

    What kinda ratchet-ass, non-background- checking show are we watching?!? Folks on this forum have all manner of receipts--- mugshot, timeline, everything! Ok, Show. This explaination better be good.

    Meanwhile, do I feel bad for Mr. NobodyDarkerThanMeEvenThoughMyMamaMyGrandmama&MySisterAreAllDarkerThanMe? Nope. Not even a little bit.

    And this is why I struggle with feeling toooooo sorry for Tristan. His mama is brown and he doesn’t find brown women attractive and says so on tv? Phuck Tristan.

    • Love 11
  23. 4 hours ago, seniorpatriot said:

    Or maybe he did notice her and wasn't interested. 

    I really don't have a problem with Tristan's comment about lighter skin. Everyone has their own things they are attracted to (or not) in another person. I think Tristan's mom is the one to watch out for tho. Saying she "didn't like it" that Mia didn't kiss him. None of her business! She just seems like she will be trouble in that marriage. 

    Both Tristan’s mom and Mia’s father need to fall back. Daddy Mia basically TOLD this grown ass man not to screw his grown ass WIFE. That is not the conversation he should have been having bc THAT is definitely none of his business.

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