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Posts posted by scruffy73

  1. Why is Will’s not wanting to be with Jasmine incongruent with him finding her physically attractive? Him “not being into her” doesn’t appear TO ME to be about her looks. I believe him when he said he is physically attracted to her. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. She is beautiful but her personality and values don’t mesh with his. I’ve met some handsome assholes in my lifetime. We didn’t not work out bc I wasn’t attracted; we didn’t work out bc they ain’t shit.

    • Love 20
  2. I disagree that Will was not attracted to Jas. I think he found her beautiful until he lost interest in their relationship. They seemed to click until the bills discussion. Jas making him dinner in her lingerie isn’t putting in any more effort in the relationship than his making breakfast. She criticized him. He wasn’t moved by her offering. Didn’t he pass a comment about her wanting a new car or something? That he thought she was only  doing something for him us because she wanted something says to me that there have been other conversations that lead to this concern. On another note....he told Jas that he wanted the sexy librarian look and she comes out in sexy lingerie. That is not the same thing. She didn’t hear him or didn’t care what he said he wanted. Look, my friend isn’t interested in lingerie. He thinks it is pointless bc it was all coming off. He did make a comment about a school girl so I might make that happen. 😂 Point is, if you are trying to entice a man, do what he says he finds sexy.

    i still think that if they can talk honestly they have a better chance than Stephanie and AJ if they decide to reconnect. I really want them to work it out even though their “today” relationship sucks. Make some changes and it can be good. Unfortunately Jas will have to make the most mental changes to make this work.

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  3. 40 minutes ago, OnTime said:

    Don't they have to tell the experts their decisions BEFORE they sit down together? The experts or producers already know so they can decide who goes first. They wouldn't have Will go first to say divorce then Jassmine say stay married. Would they?

    I would hope they wouldn’t do Jas like that on purpose.

    • Love 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    So I was all "Thank God!" until.... 

    they showed a preview of YET ANOTHER episode,  a REUNION where the two "Divorce" couples are asked if there's any chance of "reconciliation"!

    W. T. H.?!

    Well since we havs the whole “relationship with a man” convo with Kate and Luke I’m going with no. I would like to see Will and Jas give it another shot outside of the eyes of the show. She has to get that “man pays the bills” fantasy out of her head then they can truly see EACH OTHER for who the really are. He did say he felt like she was his best friend so there is some foundation there.

    • Love 1
  5. I am pleasantly surprised at the decisions.

    Stephanie/AJ - to be expected. We will see what life is like at the reunion.

    kristine/Keith - I was nervous that she would say no but I loved her smile when she said yes. I think they have a real shot. Although Keith is a tad behind the maturity curve but Kristine also lives at home. First thing they have to do is find a place to live.

    Will/Jas - I’m sad they didn’t make it but separating was for the best. Jas lost Will at the first talk about bills and never got him back. Of all of the men, Will is the one I find most appealing but I don’t have the “man pays the bills” thing. He has goals and a a seemingly good heart and sense of community. He hasn’t shown any passion or lust but I think he might have a little bit of hot boy in him. I’d let him hit. I honestly hope that he and Jas spend time during the three months before the reunion to see if they can generate some real, not manufactured, interest in each other.

    Kate/Luke - the angels in heaven are singing. I’m so glad she drop kicked Luke’s ass! Too bad it didn’t hurt as bad as I wished. And PLEASE sweet 7 lb 21” baby Jesus, make Luke have “in a relationship with a man” on his FB.

    • LOL 12
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  6. 1 hour ago, Drogo said:

    Because he won't be able to steal his wife's fish when she's not done with it. 


    My fave gif. So appropriate for Kate/Luke and even AJ/Stephanie. I hate both Luke and Kate AND AJ....equally. They all suck and deserve to be alone. Dysfunctional 

    • LOL 1
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  7. 52 minutes ago, Marsh said:

    Kate.  Oh COME ON.  You're so desperate to be married that you stay with this lifeless jerk who's putting on a show for tv. 

    If she says she wants to stay married on the last episode, and Puke says it too, then I'm shocked and don't know what the hell I've been watching this season. Damn millennials. 

    If that happens I might throw something at my TV. I hate them so much.

    • Love 2
  8. 14 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

    Final comments on all couples before the finale....

    Will and Jasmine

    These two barely seem like friends never mind being a married couple. If they stay married they're only fooling themselves. I'd love to hear the experts defend these picks this season. I try not to be too hard on the experts marriage is difficult enough under normal circumstances. If it weren't for the drama of Kate and Luke we'd talk a lot more about this couple. I blame Will he's putting forth minimal effort. Are they really not having sex or are they hiding it too?

    AJ and Stephanie,

    I have a crush on Stephanie so I really hope AJ admits his issue and seeks help and he can have a wonderful wife at his side. I suspect they will stay married she will hope and pray with camera's gone he will become more normal. Not without help barring which I don't expect to see them married at the reunion.

    Keith and Kristine,

    I think they'll stay married. Best of the bunch Keith needs some maturing a bit more confidence and leadership. If he doens't have say so its because he's not leading.

    Kate and Luke.

    Can any more be said? Gives weight to the notion that people only go through this process and let someone else pick their mate because they're screwed up...

    Could neither one of them really find a suitable mate? Kate?

    I expect them to be relieved its over...

    **I** will be relieved when it is over.

    I gave up on last season immediately after the weddings and just read this forum. For some reason I stuck with this season. I feel dirty.

    • Love 3
  9. 5 hours ago, Lusterleaf said:

    They may be casting Luke in a really bad light due to editing, but still, if Kate is an alcoholic that he can't stand to be around then why not choose to leave instead of telling her to stick it out? Honestly I think they are both there just to promote their businesses and garner a social media following. I'm not buying any of it from either side.

    I’m not sold on Luke the gentleman secret keeper. Maybe he is. Maybe he doesn’t want to embarrass her. But is embarrassing her about her drinking any worse than acting like sex with her is a “bad touch” situation? I mean he does mention her drinking in small ways that make us think he is a jerk but maybe he thought there was no way she would talk about his after sex foolery bc that is also embarrassing for her? It IS terrible for both of them, more him than her of course, but I would never tell anyone that man had to run to a corner after we had sex.  Ever.

    • Love 4
  10. On 11/18/2018 at 9:19 PM, announcergirl said:

    I don’t care for Shamari at all. Nothing. And she’s a little funny looking. Wasn’t her husband like one of the least lusted after members of New Edition? 

    Her twins are cute. All I’ve got for her and her husband.

    Actually I’ve been in love with Ronnie since 1983z

  11. 4 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    Seems Luke always looks for someone else to deflect attention to: bringing up Kate's drinking and all the gaslighting there, the comments about AJ back at the beginning when the four guys had their bachelor party and now bringing up AJ drinking in the preview. Not only does he point and comment about other people, he never says anything when he speaks. It's all doublespeak and questions and a psychotic face.

    Big baby who needs a diaper needs to realize that if it wasn't for production, he wouldn't have a wife.

    Totally agree. I'd tell them to sue me (not that I'd ever go on the show) but there is no way I'd put up with that for a minute.

    Kate saying that Luke did not want Kate to talk about whatever with the experts sounds like a secret that they are both involved in. If it was just Luke's secret, I think she would have said something like, "He doesn't want you to know this about him but..." I was thinking, like others here, that they did sleep together, but if they did, then she's even more of an ass to allow him to dictate that she keep that a secret. 

    P.S. I'm cancer free as of yesterday. Has not hit me yet. The last 15 months have been hellish. Thank you for all the good wishes.

    Cancer free!!!!!!!! Praise God! I am so happy for you.

    • Love 4
  12. 12 hours ago, discoprincessthe2 said:

    🤣at Mr. henry being an uncle!

    I've felt this way for a while now:

    I think that Dr Jessica is pro-men. Look at how she addresses Kristine regarding Keith’s needs and how she coddled Luke. There is no way in hell anyone should have fed into his bullshit, especially not to the degree Jessica did. Where was her bashing of Luke for saying that he was repulsed by Kate? Didn’t she go in on Molly for being cold to Jon? She pissed me off. I want to see her with Will to ask him why he hasn’t initiated intimacy with Jasmine to see who she says is at fault. I’m 99% sure Jas will be in the wrong in Jessica’s eyes. (In mine too but I just want to see how Jessica responds.)

    • Love 8
  13. I wonder if Kristine and Dr Pepper went to hard on Puke on the Unfiltered BECAUSE Kate said fuck it and left? Even Kate didn’t play nice and make excuses. We know there is more to come that would push a “regular” woman (ie not under contract) to blow up, turn the table over, and throw shoes at him. We have time! (Fingers, toes, eyes crossed)

    • Love 4
  14. On 2/13/2019 at 3:08 PM, aphroditewitch said:

    She seems unintelligent? Based on what? Because she is being abused? This is exactly what I was talking about in a different post. Kate is the victim of abuse, yet people can't stop saying she is slow, unintelligent, an idiot and so on. The fact that people don't see how that is problematic and contributes to how society fails victims of abuse is really scary.

    I think the “she” is Jasmine not Kate since the husband is Will.

    • Love 2
  15. I remember nothing about the actual case but I did like the bracelet thing. And I understood Gibbs being hurt that a family friend left without saying goodbye. He was a child and he was attached. He is not required to have gotten over it just bc it has been so long. He was hurt. I cried at the end when he gave the older guy a new bracelet and said he would make sure he would be buried with all of them.

    • Love 1
  16. 7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    By the way, I thought the tops Jasmine wore in this episode were very flattering to her arms.  I can tell she's somewhat self conscious about her appearance, and I feel for her because I go through that myself.  I didn't blame her for being concerned about the hygiene in the water, but when I was her age I probably wouldn't have cared especially if I was with a hot guy I wanted to get physically close to.  I actually don't sense that she and Will are all that into each other.

    Again with the arms. Not everyone is concerned about how big or small their arms are, and especially how others judge them.

    Something that is being overlooked in the Jasmine/water/mud thing is her hair. A lot of black women don’t want to get their hair wet and certainly not get mud in it. Hair washing and styling is not a trivial process. Either Jasmine has a weave or natural hair and neither is just snap-your-fingers easy. Kristine probably doesn’t care because her weave is already terrible lol

    • Love 16
  17. On 1/21/2019 at 10:04 AM, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    I take away one more thing, based on comparison between the way he looked when/right after he married Kate, and the way he looked in the "Unfiltereds":  It appears that Luke is one of the few (supposedly "straight") men out there who use hair extensions. 

    ...And I only say that because, if it's a rug, it's a very expensive one.

    Nope, man “weaves” are very popular these days. It is amazing to watch. It’s like they glue a whole other scalp to their heads. Google it.

    • Love 4
  18. 4 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

    Something I did not notice initially and only  saw after watching a YouTube video discussing the episode is that Luke had his wedding ring on his middle finger during the scene where he and Kate are talking about him not kissing her yet. That just adds a whole new level to how he has behaved. I'll link the video where it was discussed below, it is mentioned around the 10:30 mark. 


    Luke wedding ring

    Maybe it didn’t fit his ring finger.

    also, a friend of mine intentionally wears his ring on his middle finger. He is very, VERY odd so there is that.

    • Love 1
  19. 15 hours ago, lezlers said:

    I don't get why people don't just put all of their money into a communal pot (the household income) and pay all bills out of that?  Seems like it would avoid the need to nickel and dime stuff.  That's what my husband and I have always done and money isn't an issue.   At some points in our marriage I out earned him.  Now we're about equal.  It's never made a difference with respect to bill paying because it's all coming from one place.

    Seems like a damn simple solution to me.

    You and your husband must have similar values around money. When one spouse has a “spend what’s left after bills” mindset, without any understanding that saving is required, you don’t give them access to all the family money. When you are married to a gambler, you don’t give them access to the family money. There are more reasons why you don’t dump all the money in one pot and pay everything out of it.


    Switching gears - I am bothered by so many criticisms about Jas showing her arms. Just because YOU wouldn’t do it doesn’t mean SHE should be embarrassed by HER body and cover up. Not all thick women are embarrassed by their bodies. Not all thick women feel the need to cover their bodies. Not all thick women want to be slim. Hell, some slim women want to be thicker. Maybe only black people feel like being thick is a good thing but when I saw Jas’s curvy body in that wedding dress, I said “dammmmmmnnnn” bc she was sexy as hell. And I’m a straight woman. 

    • Love 12
  20. 14 hours ago, qtpye said:


    Breathing? I also find it hard to believe that she was that pleased when she had no memory of him at his speed dating event. He was running the thing.

    Jas just does not seem to be into Will’s laidback personality. I think she wants a take charge kind of a guy like her father.

    I was actually wondering if K actually brought her own satin pillowcase and that is why she did not need the head wrap.

    The Queen’s weave looks kinda crunchy sometimes so maybe she doesn’t wear a wrap or a cap. And Jas having a cotton wrap is odd too. She has a weave too, right? She might not be as concerned about it as those of us that have to manage hair not in protective styles.

    • Love 1
  21. On 1/16/2019 at 8:05 PM, Gem 10 said:

    Neither did that kerchief she wore when she woke up the first morning she slept with him.  Tousled hair would have looked way prettier.

    Most Black women wear scarves or bonnets to bed to protect our hair. It is not about fashion or what would look pretty waking up. Having dried, crunched up hair from just sleeping on a cotton pillowcase is far from delightful.

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