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Posts posted by scruffy73

  1. (((((Fastiller)))))

    Thank you for sharing. I completely understand your reaction to your depression. I try to hide it too and man is it tiring. Stay encouraged!!!

    • Love 2
  2. Thank you all for receiving what I had to say so well. It is sometimes hard to share in new spaces so I really appreciate you.

    Instead of having Mary kill herself I wish she would've attacked someone. Not with a weapon or anything but a good mollywhop. And in front of her sister so the sister could really SEE how off the rails she was and do some serious investigation of why she was acting so off. Maybe even go off on Mary for drinking and tellingly her how she is impacting her daughter. Something to really draw attention to her behavior vs how she "should" be behaving. Have folks giving Shia the side eye, questioning what she was doing to Mary. I don't know. I just think the suicide was too much and not enough. If that makes sense.

    • Love 6
  3. It took me a minute to decide if I was going to post about this episode because it was painful for me to watch. I have bipolar disorder and have lots of opinions about Mary and how this show treated her illness.

    Honestly they did a good job based on my experience and research. (Yeah, after 20 years I still research and read lots of articles.) it is very possible for her to respond so quickly to missing her meds. For me, as I age, I am getting more responsive to missing meds. After about 2 days I'm "off". With liquor I could probably go off like Mary. So, yeah, I saw that as realistic. Her aggression during her mania, realistic. Mania is not only all happy and delusional like she showed with the "he is taking me to the UK" discussion. I get extremely aggressive when I'm manic. I rarely get the "happy" (damnit). Her going back and forth in the same day, also realistic. She could have been rapid cycling. Or she might've just been realizing what Anna was doing and bitched at her for encroaching on her date, like any one of them would have done. Mary's suicide on the same day as her being manic all day, also realistic. Her husband pushed her over the edge, almost literally.

    ALLLLLLLLLLL of this is Shia's fault and I hope she is found out. I don't know how she will be but if the shoe loves us at all she will be. There has to be a resolution to this storyline. (Please).

    • Love 19
  4. If Lucious had sense gave a Kardashian, he would be USING what Andre learned in school rather than denigrating him for going to school rather than focusing on the music.  He may not be the right one to RUN the company but he damn sure should be given a top spot in the company to make it RUN.  Companies don't run on music.  The focus can be growing the music business but money needs to be made, investors need to be captured, etc. and folks want someone with business sense - someone who can talk money like a business man - to hand their money too.  Just like Cookie said, ANDRE is going to be the one to make everyone rich.

    • Love 3
  5. I was completely blown away by "Andre" tonight.  Trai was amazing in all his scenes.


    Was his portrayal realistic?  In my experience yes.  I have bipolar disorder too.  I was diagnosed at 22, which is about the "normal" age for such a diagnosis.  I was in college, away from home, so none of my family was there to experience the breakdown with me. I suspect this is the background for Andre as well.  Because we have mental illness on my mother's side of the family, she was not surprised and was supportive.  My father's side of the family went the "there's nothing wrong with you" route.  20 years later, most everyone understands or accepts...or just doesn't talk about it.  Mostly the latter.  It gets quiet when I pull out all my medication.


    Unlike Andre I'm completely compliant...however, as I get older, I am much more affected by missed medication.  I won't get as bad as Andre after two days without medication but I will definitely know the difference.  It has been shown that he had been on and off his medication prior to flushing them so he was on his way to full-out "crazy" and we were seated front row at the breakdown.  Obviously his "crazy" is manic; mine is mostly depressive.  Don't know which one is worse.  The buying of the car is realistic.  I've done some stupid stuff with money when I was not stable; my aunt "lost" $30K of her money when she was manic.  No idea of what she spent it on.  The stress of the IPO and the rejection from his father didn't help his situation.  Stress can be a major trigger, especially when not compliant with medication.  Honestly, this whole thing made me want to cry.  The elevator scene did bring me to tears.


    I didn't think of Lucious giving Rhonda the paperwork as him passing the buck but as acknowledging that she was the next of kin.  Maybe I'm naïve but I don't think he could put all that together in the moment.  But he is an ass so maybe he is trying to play Rhonda and Andre...or put Andre against Rhonda.

    • Love 19
  6. I don't think Andre thinks he's better than Lucious at all.  I don't think he believes he is better than his brothers.  I just think he believes he is more qualified to run the business that is Empire than his brothers and he is right. The problem is that Lucious doesn't really see "business" when he thinks about Empire; he thinks "music" and Andre doesn't seem to care about the music.  Not the way everyone else does. 


    Shallow: I don't know where someone was talking about how sexy the actor that plays Andre is but...cosign.  Lawdhammercy!  That dude is pretty.  He has funny little Chiclet teeth but his resting face is beautiful.

    • Love 3
  7. Cookie on Scandal.  Olivia needs a sister-friend that tells her how stupid she is for fooling with Fitz AND Jake.  Someone who won't back down when she raises her voice or tries to be authoritative.  Can you imagine her DEMANDING that Cookie gets over something?  Ha!  Cookie will clap back so quick that Liv would prefer to hear her Daddy's monologue than to get her ass handed to her by Madame Cookie.  And Cookie can hook Liv up with some animal print to set off those pastels she wears.  Liv in a leopard print fedora....YASSSS

    • Love 3
  8. I'm intrigued by Empire's portrayal of Andre's bipolar disorder.  I have bipolar disorder. (I don't like to say "I'm bipolar" because I am much more than my disorder. But that's a personal thing.)  Andre has shown signs of the kind of mania that I sometimes have, the aggression and delusions.  I found him aggressive in his response to Lucious' confession of his ALS and his response to Rhonda trying to help.  It may have seemed normal to other people but I saw it differently, maybe because I've seen the behavior in myself.  And I thought his trying to become acting CEO a delusion.  Why?  Because he came up with this all on his own...well, with Vernon.  Lucious did not ever say he was looking for someone to become acting CEO in case he became unable to fulfill his duties.  (Or did I miss that?)  Andre and Vernon came up with that on their own and expected Lucious just to fall in line with their scheme.  If I were Lucious I would have done the same thing.  Hell nawl, you not coming up in a board meeting and try to pull that one on me without having come to me for a discussion first.  From the outside looking in, and probably from Lucious' vantage point, that Andre was trying to make a move to take over the company, even while Lucious was in power.  No sir, no ma'am.  When it comes to Empire, Lucious is playing chess and Andre was playing checkers.


    As far as why Lucious doesn't respect Andre or want him in the role, it could be that he is not musically inclined but I believe it is the fact it looks like he's trying to take over the business rather than grow the MUSIC, which Lucious is focused on. And I am willing to bet that Andre has some musical talent but decided to go another route after seeing how his mama went to jail and how Empire came up from the streets.  Some folks don't want to stay tied to the streets.  Hell, Cookie even said Lucious lost his ties to the streets once Empire became a, well, empire.  Whether it is Andre's bipolar disorder that keeps him from being creative...I won't say yay or nay because it would depend on when his disorder manifested itself.  For me, I was 22.  That's about "normal" time frame.  Before that point, Andre would have expressed an interest in music if he had it.

    • Love 2
  9. I think that Joyce's smirk was more that she thought Kandi was on her side at the time than she was faking.  She is completely delusional.  That is why she got mad when Kandi chastised her.  She went into Kandi being on "their side".  All she wants is to be right and for Kandi to agree with her.  Or, hell, Kandi to agree with her period.  Even when they discussed her dust-up with Carmon, Joyce kept saying that Kandi should have been on her side regardless of what she (Joyce) did.


    I do not think Joyce is faking at all.  I think she is a bitch.  A friend of mine - the one who wrote Kandi's play - says that Joyce is a great person and a great mother so she believes this is all for TV but I cannot believe it.  It's too real for me.  I'm glad I only read the forums.  Well, mostly.  I watched this episode because I knew Mama Sharon would be on to put Joyce in her place.  I wish she would have put Joyce in a full Nelson or the sleeper hold.

    • Love 1
  10. So it was Ethan that was stabbed?  How did he get involved in this foolishness?


    Something does not feel right about Marisol's new hire (name?).  Not only does she talk too much, she just makes me feel uncomfortable.  Marisol is kind of stupid to be so open with her; just because she wasn't close to/didn't like/didn't trust Opal, it doesn't mean she needs to kiki with this chick.


    And Rosie's situation...I hate it.  Reggie is the worst villain and Rosie is dumb.  Sweet yet dumb.  I love her with Mr. Kenneth and her friends but she is too trusting.


    Poor Genevieve and her situation with her mom.  That mom is horrible.  I understand she wants respect for all what she did as a single parent but being a bitch is not the right way to do it.

    • Love 2
  11. I don't think Marisol wanting to fire Opal had anything to do with being homophobic.  It was, as I saw it, more that Nick should have felt betrayed by Opal, therefore, should not be so loyal to her.  She wants Opal out, period, and doesn't understand Nick's loyalty and knowing that she had an affair with his wife definitely makes it more confusing.  I understand it.


    I feel sorry for poor, simple, Rosie.  She stood up to Reggie very well and now he's faking fights to keep her from Spence. I understand why she believes him. Hell, she SAW, it, but I would have hoped she would know Spence better than that.  I guess he has not earned the benefit of the doubt.  Has it come out that Peri called immigration on Rosie?


    Carmen is annoying and a brat.  Zoila got on my nerves with the "fire your maid" thing but her man is hot sex on a platter.  I love Valentina getting Adrian Powell back home to throw salt in Evelyn's sex game.  I'm interested in the Valentina-Remy relationship.  I like him a lot.  I didn't like her at all last season but she's growing on me.

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