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Posts posted by scruffy73

  1. 20 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    Bobby seems very intense. Hopefully he loosens up because I like him and Danielle together, though.


    I don't find Tristan attractive. The fact that some of you are comparing him to Jay-Z confirms my opinion.

    I find Tristan less than unattractive. I find him ugly as original sin. That color comment made him uglier. I hope I get over it because I should not be this angry with someone I do not know and whose views and preferences do not impact me.

    • Love 15
  2. On 7/10/2018 at 10:02 PM, LilaFowler said:

    Tristan/Mia: I was extremely put off when he told the experts that he didn't want a woman who was darker than he is. So he's on my shit list and it's unlikely that he'll ever get off of it. Mia is out of his league.

    Bobby/Danielle: He's a bit of a nerd, she has really beautiful eyes.

    Dave/Amber: She said during the previews that this is "someone to have a baby with." She reminds me of Ashley Petta from whenever that was. Both are a little older and if I had to put money on a couple making it, it would be them.

    Tristan turned me off with that too. Colorism for all to see. I don’t think Mia is out of his league. She is cute but she wears clown makeup so who knows what she actually looks like. And the whole “no kissing because he might have cooties” is ridiculous. What did she think was going to happen? Blood work with a print out of results attached to the marriage certificate? FOH

    • Love 12
  3. 2 hours ago, discoprincess said:

    Ashley from last season seemed to be traditional, and she was ready to have a baby, but she was very firm with Anthony about keeping her last name. (From what I've seen on social media, she still uses her maiden name.) We also didn't see Shawniece make a big deal over changing her last name legally to that of her husband, like Sheila had. So...who knows.

    Actually Shawniece wanted to change her name early on and Jephte told her to pump her breaks. That is why she got so excited about the Mr and Mrs Pierre plaque he gave her for their one month anniversary. She may be over it now but it was a big deal then.

    • Love 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

    Well, of course I know what you say.  Why then was Jepthe shushing Shawnice saying "shush, don't say that, I teach little kids" ?  I don't know exactly what grade he teaches, but I do know that elementary kids do see shows that are sometimes inappropriate.  I've been in the school system many years and hear what they watch.

    I know kids are watching things they have no business watching. It is on the parents. Jephte’s probably concerned about the parents’ opinions. I would be.

    • Love 3
  5. 52 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    Agree on all counts.  I don't think it was wise for Jepthe to come on this show.  He's a teacher of small kids.  I'm surprised the school board allowed this.  This show was not for kids to see their teacher on.

    Molly is not adventuress just because she likes rides, and definitely NOT the life of the party.  She lied when she put that on the application.  That goes for the three some also.  She used Jon to stay on the show to stay and collect the money.  Molly is not "all that" as she thinks she is.  She thinks her looks will get her whatever she wants, along with her lying.  She's wrong with everything she says and then turns it around to make the other person the bad guy.  She has zero personality, and I doubt she will ever get a guy to the point of marriage unless he is dumb and desperate.  I cringe whenever she comes on the screen.  She's the worst I've seen on this show so far as she lies and is delusional.  IMO! Of course.

    Re: Jephte’s students- they shouldn’t be watching this show at all. This is an adult show. Nothing about it is appropriate for the little kids he teaches. And he hasn’t done anything that a parent should deem unacceptable when evaluating his fitness to teach kids.

    • Love 4
  6. 16 hours ago, Gillian Rosh said:

    For me, the focus on B613 was the death of anything interesting happening on this show. It became the go-to plot device/tension-builder. As soon as it was introduced into any story, my eyes immediately glazed over. 

    B613 ruined the show.

    That’s all.

    • Love 17
  7. 13 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    I kinda agree with you, Scruffy, but I kinda agree with Rab01, too.

    Molly keeping up a charade that they're doing great as a couple in public, telling Jon in front of cameras that "attraction can grow" -- combined with  her insincere attempts to touch or kiss him  (even though Jon knew he was forbidden to do the same), apparently gave Jon the impression that something romantic/sexual might actually develop as long as he didn't try to push her. Molly really was giving him mixed signals, even if she thought he understood it was all just a fake act for the cameras and the experts. Clearly, no-one watching on TV was really buying into that "99% compatible stuff, but the so-called "experts" were getting all their feedback from Molly. Jon was afraid of rocking the boat and probably also too embarassed to tell them "That's not true! Molly and I don't get along very well at all! I have to stay silent and never touch her, or she'll really go off on me!"

    Should Jon have spoken up sooner? Absolutely. Would the 'experts' have believed him, instead of Molly? Good question...  But either way, he should have bailed at least by the 5th week.

    We agree. I was saying that if Molly told him  the truth she wouldn’t have looked bad. Or maybe she did and he was holding on to the hope she was telling everyone else she had for them. Or maybe, like you say, he was afraid to rock the boat and not play along. Or maybe... the only thing that would have made this okay is if they were honest and called this quits the day she told him he disgusted her. He should have given her his ass to kiss as he walked out to live with Dawn the cat. I don’t know if they get paid at all much less enough to go through this kind of emotional labor for a bitch.

    • Love 2
  8. 59 minutes ago, rab01 said:

    I don't know about a "rule" but the idea that third date is often about whether a couple is going to have sex or break up is not new, it was enough of a cliche that they made a movie with that as the central premise 30 years ago (an extremely mediocre Martin Short movie).  

    As for Jon and Molly, I don't think that Jon was telling the therapist that Molly is horrible. I think he was trying to explain that off-camera Molly was showing that she had an issue with him, not intimacy generally. He was trying to get to an honest discussion, rather than superficial platitudes/lies. 

    Also, I'm on Jon's side without thinking that Molly has to be a villain (other than her mock-crying face in the video).  There is really no way she could say "I'm not into you that way and your gentle pushiness makes me less into you" without that being a shitty thing to do to Jon on TV. In real life, it can be respectful conversation, they can date not exclusively, and decide at their own pace.  Here, it's all recorded and there is no way that Jon's ego was totally fine with being "that" guy.  

    I think she absolutely could have said to Jon that she was not into him physically without looking like an ass on tv. He isn’t owed sex but he deserves respect and honesty. If she had any respect for him she could have given him that out and given him the option of staying in the experiment as friends enjoying each other’s company - since they were 99% compatible - or call it all the way off. If he decided to dip because there was no hope for sex then that is all on him at that point.

    • Love 4
  9. 3 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    Maybe you are right, that Jephte's issues are mostly about being filmed and being told what to do by the show's "experts". I'm sure it can be a huge source of frustration for any couple participating in MAFS. Maybe editing is used to make it appear that Jephte gets furious and stomps off (away from Shawniece) at the slightest provocation. We all know the show has used editing to create false impressions before!! 

    I really don't see Shawniece being the one who "needs to calm down," though.

    Best wishes and happiness to both of them.

    I don’t mean “calm down” in a demeaning way. I just mean for her to relax a little bit. I think she and Jephte have a good thing going on and if they both take it easy but with genuine interest and affection for each other, I think they will go the “happily ever after” way. Maybe I just love them and want so badly for them to have happiness.

    • Love 1
  10. 2 hours ago, sarkygal said:

    I agree that there's an emotional immaturity with Jephte and he needs to work on it. I have a different theory about the pushing back though.


    I've been watching the show more carefully and I can't help thinking Jephte's pushing back is at production. We know how much the producers manipulate the couples and edit to their own storyline. In Jephte's turnaround apology letter to Shawniece, he wrote about frustration with TV shit. Shawniece was caught in the cross hairs, which he apologized to her for.

    Since then, whenever Jephte talks about being pushed, he's never mentioned Shawniece as doing the pushing. With the guys, it seems as if he's referring to the expert's assignments. 

    I'm not making excuses for him, but comparing the amount of voiceovers Jephte and Jon have to motormouth Ryan, I'd speculate that the 2 guys don't trust production and have wised up to the show's tricks. Ryan's just a tool. 

    I agree that the assignments cause a lot of the issues between Jephte and Shawniece. He has said that if the relationship is supposed to be forever, they don’t need to rush anything. He wants things to develop organically. I think Shawniece is driven by the experiment’s time frame/assignments even though I do think she is all in emotionally. I believe she genuinely cares for Jephte and he cares for her. She needs to calm down in terms of assigning meaning to everything and just enjoy her time with Jephte. I have really high hopes for them. Best wishes for them.

    i have best wishes for Jaclyn and Jon. Ryan and Molly can kick rocks in flip flops. I can’t wait for Molly’s smack down. She is either a liar or out of touch with reality.

    • Love 3
  11. 12 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    THE worst is the abominable,  never,  ever correct "(Name) and I's....."

    Nails on a chalkboard!

    I corrected someone saying this and he asked me how he was supposed to say it. I said, how about “our”? 

    And while we are going in on what we hate, please stop people from saying “please call scruffy or myself”.

    • Love 3
  12. On 4/4/2018 at 8:40 PM, Kelda Feegle said:

    The whole no Gibbs and Abby in the same shot/room/scene is (for me) taking over any storyline of the week. I'm pretty much concentrated on that ahead of any other action. Hate an unevenly written McGee and can't understand why Bishop would lie to Abby anyway. Kudos for Jimmy growing into his confidence.

    What is the deal with no Gibbs/Abby?

  13. 11 minutes ago, kira28 said:

    I don't like Molly but I agree with the poster upthread who said Jon is probably handsy.. So if Molly shows him any affection, kisses cuddles ect he may immediately take it too far and pressure her for sex or take it as an invitation to get naked. IMO that would be really annoying. So she does the ice princess act so he will leave her alone. Jephte slept in a separate bed and wouldn't let Shawniece touch him for a few weeks. Because he was afraid If he gave her an inch she would take a mile. Obviously he got over that but Molly never will. 

    I thought Jephte told his friends he slept separately from Shawniece bc he didn’t want to sleep with her too quickly. That doesn’t mean he was afraid she would take a mile. Sounded to me like he didn’t want to treat her like street booty and wanted to have some sort of connection before having sex.

    • Love 1
  14. 4 hours ago, KateHearts said:

    I'm not in the "endearing" camp... yes, it was to her husband but it was at the relationship equivalent of "first date," and it came off a little bit TMI with a whiff of desperate.

    I love Shawniece but I didn’t find it cute at all. Especially to someone as closed off as Jephte. She should have kept that for the “fantasy” episode where sex was a major part of the topic.  Speaking of...when he picked her up with her legs around his waist to go to the bedroom....chile...(fans self)

    • Love 2
  15. 1 hour ago, watch2much said:

    Wow, this show was unnecessarily cruel.....instead of eliminating someone before, they let them all believe they could make a collection.  letting them buy fabric and allowing them to start creating, then pulling it out from under one of them was sadistic.  They should have let all four show their designs.

    I wasn’t paying attention at the end of the previous episode or at the beginning of this one so I may have misunderstood. But I thought they all made 6 pieces. Or was it that they were GOING to make 6 pieces but after they passed through this challenge?

    Anyway, I think Fabio should have been eliminated for that ugly skirt. I know I’m not high fashion but that smocking is not a good look. If a rail thin model looks thick and wide, imagine how a size 12 (me) would look in it.

    Ken’s looks - both- were beautiful. I loved how complimentary Anthony was about Ken’s pants. They all seem to be supportive, which is a welcomed change of pace.

    Anthony is my new favorite PR designer personality. Michael Knight passed away and I’m still upset about it. I dreamt of him designing my wedding dress...you know...when I meet someone and win the lottery so I can afford it. Now it must be Anthony who blesses me. :)

    i love Stanley too. Very classic. I’m not bored maybe bc I tend to lean toward boring clothes.

    i want Anthony to win. Fabio probably will. I hope I’m not angry about it based on what he presents.

    • Love 4
  16. On 3/29/2018 at 6:57 PM, jumper sage said:

    Ok I didn't care for this episode at all.  It was such a throwback to the 50s where girls were at college to get their Mrs. degrees.  Maybe because she comes from a wealthy family was this such and ordeal for her.  Many people who work hard to pay for school on their own dime would never put that much effort into deciding on love in their freshman year.  If she has such a great group of friends why is she then ruining everything for some guy.  Either you like a guy or you don't.  Just the wishy/washy aspect was such a turnoff.  This episode just depicted Zoe as an immature asshole.

    I didn’t get any of this from the episode. Lots of young ladies date and may even have to choose between dudes in college, while focusing on studies and keeping financial aid. This has nothing to do with Zoey’s financial privilege. It has to do with finding herself interested in 3 different dudes that all happen to be interested in her too. I’ve never had the experience but I am sure it happens to plenty pretty girls, rich and poor and in between.

    And what is she ruining? She is choosing a boyfriend that she can dump at any moment. She still has to go to class, make grades, etc. Missing Charlie’s class was irresponsible but it gave us Aaron as the gay friend and Luca as the homeless friend.

    • Love 9
  17. Was Shawniece’s tearful “doing MAFS was the best idea I’ve ever had in my life” (paraphrased) in this episode or in a preview of a new episode? Same for Jephte’s “I was happy but you had to ruin it. Maybe we don’t need to be together.” in the car with Shawniece. I don’t remember that ever happening.

  18. 26 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    Or she might be happy that she didn't have to be celibate for six weeks. She maybe lying to not hurt his feelings but she appeared to enjoy the sex.

    Folks act like Jackie did this for Ryan but hell, she probably wanted some too. I’m going to guess that she hasn’t been out screwing around since her boyfriend passed so she might have needed some too. We women do like and need sex as much as men do.

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