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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    It's happened twice. Once in 1950 and once in 1954. In both series the Detroit Red Wings were the Stanley Cup Champions. In 1950 the Red Wings defeated the New York Rangers at 8:31 of the 2nd Overtime on a goal by Pete Babando. This series was also notable for the fact that it was the last time the O'Brien Cup was presented to the Stanley Cup Runner Ups. Guess it's kind of cruel to present the losers with a trophy to remember their loss. In 1954 the Red Wings defeated the Montreal Canadiens at 4:59 of the 1st Overtime on a goal by Tony Leswick. Leswick famously scored on a blooper shot from the point, he later admitted he was just hoping to send the puck in deep and gain a change for the Red Wings and never actually expected the puck to go in. Leswick in fact never saw his shot go in, he turned immediately after his shot in order to get to the bench, and joins the celebration late as his teammates let him know he scored the Cup Clinching goal. The Canadiens were so shocked by the loss that they left the ice without shaking hands with the Red Wings, and Habs Goalie Gerry McNeil retired the next season to coach junior hockey (although he did return to the Habs in 1956.) Just goes to show you that every shot is a good shot in overtime.
  2. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    There's an idea! Draymond Green and the Rockettes star in The NutKicker! It'll be a holiday smash!
  3. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    Hey Draymond doesn't whine! He just dirtily kicks you in the junk or the face, but usually the junk.
  4. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    Oh thank you Bryan Colangelo, for making the NBA super interesting for a little while before the super boring Finals start. This is awesome.
  5. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    I was ok with Game 1, it's the Finals, it deserves a bit of opening pomp. But yeah when Game 2 started and they were still singing the Star Spangled Banner at 8:20 (EST), I was very much in the "Get to the hockey" camp. Happy to see the Knights and Caps split the first two, hopefully it keeps going like this. I want a game 7!
  6. It feels like this show would be better as an episode of Black Mirror, instead of a series all it's own. I'd totally watch a Black Mirror with this concept of getting trapped in a program that lets you live your fantasies. Although you could argue they already did something like that. Sendhil Ramamurthy's voice always has sounded really nice to me, I wish he did audiobook narration, I'd love to listen to him read me a story.
  7. It's an interesting concept, but it feels like this ground has been tread nearly a decade ago by Inception. Sure the ideas are a little different, but the whole concept of lucid dreaming is very similar and is a well worn road at this point. It wasn't the worst. But I struggle to see how they are gonna get a whole season out of this. I'm not really interested in seeing her go into a different dream every week and talk someone off the ledge. I'll give it the old 4 episode test though, if they can find a new angle it could be a good show.
  8. I honestly don't think NBC has decided yet. I was in the camp that thought they were just waiting for the right time to break the news, but if they wanted to quietly dump the news and let the fan backlash burn itself out the best opportunity for that would've been the Friday of Memorial Weekend. Here we are next Wednesday, and we're still in limbo. It seems much more likely that they are deciding between Timeless and another show (possibly Reverie like several people here suggested) for a mid season premiere in 2019 and they for whatever reason haven't been able to decide yet. If it is in fact Reverie that could take Timeless' slot, it's because Reverie hasn't started airing yet (Season Premiere is tonight) and they want to take a look at the initial ratings before making a decision on which show they'd like to move forward with. Unfortunately Reverie probably has the tie breaker on Timeless here because it's produced by NBCUniversal. Audience retention is perhaps more important than initial ratings. I'd assume they atleast wait until episode 2 before making a decision, maybe even longer. As mentioned above though, Reverie is gonna have the tie breaker here though, since NBCUniversal produces and distributes the show. For NBC to pick them, Timeless has to be a markedly better bet, honestly Reverie could even win this fight with slightly lower ratings.
  9. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    That's true... 3 years ago. I have no strong feelings towards LeBron (except a mild jealousy that he is not on my team and a feeling of hopelessness and impending doom when he faces them; but I don't hate him and have no reason to root against him) or the Warriors. And I've seen this match up 3 times now. Like seriously what is left in this series if you aren't a fan of the Warriors/Cavs/LeBron or a hater of one of them? The first time it was best player vs best team The second time it was a rematch The third time it was a rubber match Now it's boring.
  10. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    I don't know about no one, but I certainly don't. Hard pass on this one. Maybe I'll check it out if it makes it to Game 7.
  11. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    Finally we're starting the Finals. I haven't been this excited for a Stanley Cup Final for a long time, both unexpected Finalists, both potential first time cup winners.; both just fantastic stories. I really couldn't be more thrilled with this matchup, unless it was my Maple Leafs representing the East. Hoping for a long 7 game series, don't disappoint me Caps and Knights!
  12. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    Oh god, it's gonna end up as Cleveland and Golden State again isn't it? And here I was hoping for something different. Atleast the NHL is delivering.
  13. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    LeBron James is a baaaaaaaaad man. Holy freaking hell. Can't wait to see what he's got for Game 7.
  14. The Voice runs 2 seasons every year. One from Sept to Dec and one from Feb to May. So it both is a "full season" type show, and it's not, because it runs 2 seasons in the same space most shows run 1. In any case, there isn't time for Timeless to take it's slot. Agreed. This is puzzling. If they were waiting to announce the cancellation the best time would've been just before Memorial Weekend and yet here we are with no news.
  15. Yeah. She mentioned during the trial that she always carried. I think it was more for protection then to run into Miguel though.
  16. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    I don't think you're missing anything, he was wrestled to the ground and tased while providing little to no resistance. He probably should've taken his hands out of his pockets when the police asked him to, but they had no cause to take it as far as they did.
  17. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    Oh good lord, will the long suffering Caps lose to the first year Golden Knights? That might be the cruelest way for them to go out.
  18. Ugh, this was the freaking worst. I was really hoping Olivia was being smart and trying to get a crazy woman to give up her gun while she was attempting to execute an innocent man. But no St. Benson's Holy Gut just tells her who rapists are now, even with absolutely no proof or even circumstantial evidence. Why even have trials anymore when St. Benson's Holy Gut can prove guilt without all the cost to the state? Just rename the show Law and Olivia's Gut and be done with it. Holy freaking hell, I remember when I liked this show and didn't just hate watch it. Those were good times.
  19. He shows up again in another episode and sings a song about a dog losing his virginity.
  20. Maybe, but that seems awfully nice of Sony. It'd be much easier for them to shop the show if NBC officially cancelled it, if they don't publically announce it, all the other networks are gonna pick up shows to fill out their line up while they go around quietly trying to get it picked up. Silence is almost never a good thing. Unless of course your own network has plans to pick it up, but as I said before Sony has no broadcast network.
  21. I don't know about Designated Survivor, but Canada is generally cheaper to film in than LA, but if the state is giving you 10 million (which is what they gave to Timeless), well that can change your tune pretty quickly. Other shows like Lucifer and Legion also made the move from Vancouver to LA last season.
  22. This makes sense because California offers a tax credit for shows that relocate from out of state. So the cost of relocating was almost certainly offset by the tax breaks they got. Especially since they were filming in Vancouver before, and Canadian taxes are obviously much higher.
  23. Possible, but again pretty unlikely. NBC knows how much the show needs to operate, and those costs aren't likely to change, important permanent sets are already built, actors salaries are locked in for at least another 4 years and they know that each episode is gonna have a historical locale that is probably gonna incur similar costs in terms of costuming and set design and extras etc. NBC also knows how much they can sell ad space for. They've been doing this for 2 seasons already now. NBC isn't going to pay any more for the show then they currently are (it's hanging on by a thread) and Sony isn't going to ask for more money but at the same time they can't operate at a loss, and at the end of the day everyone has a salary that needs to be paid. The only scenario where cost could enter into the discussion is if Sony is willing to cut back HARD on their operating costs to make the show more attractive to NBC. And in that case we should expect a very steep drop in quality of the program and I don't think any of us are hoping for that scenario. I'd honestly rather it be cancelled then to start seeing episodes where they can't go back in time because the lifeboat needs repairs or whatever, but really it's cause they need to save some money. Timeless isn't the kind of show that can weather bottle episodes. And that's not to hate on bottle episodes, if done well they can be great, Brooklyn Nine Nine did a great one this season ("The Box") where it takes place entirely in an interrogation room, but that's a half hour comedy and this is an hour long drama based around time travel to historical locales. Bottle episodes are not gonna work. With my limited knowledge of the situation and TV in general I'm preparing to hear it's been cancelled today in a Friday news dump and be sad for the rest of the day. Brace yourselves TimeTeam.
  24. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    No, the NBA can review the play and upgrade it to a Flagrant 2, or even impose higher discipline if they see fit, but there's nothing the Celts can do other than ask them to do so, there is no official appeals process for this kind of infraction. And the NBA has already said they'll be no further punishment. Yeah it was a "good hard foul" JR Smith. You could've broken a guys neck, but that's a GOOD hard foul. SMH.
  25. True, their dad is Jimmy Smits after all. But the real question: What are their favourite fonts? There's gotta be a black sheep who just loves Comic Sans.
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