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Everything posted by MaiLuna

  1. F is for fairy dust, which she kept in her necklace.
  2. Z is for Zelena. Next topic: Places/locations!
  3. Exactly. She actually said "I trust him" outloud, which is a HUGE deal to Emma, and IMHO, as important as love for her. For example, she loved Neal, but I'm not sure she could really trust him any more. She included Hook in their meetings, waiting for him to the point that Charming actually had to tell her that stopping Zelena was the priority. And that makes me ask, did Charming know the details of Hook's curse? He knew about it in the hospital but when Emma said Zelena took her magic he didn't seem to know how it could've happened. She was really scared and I think it was one of the moments when we saw her being the most vulnerable. When she says "Hook, I can't..." she was looking at the floor and stuttering. I don't think we've ever seen Emma stutter other that in that scene.
  4. The thing is, I think if she wasn't interested she would just ignore him. The fact that she chose to constantly take jabs at him showed she cared. She was not indifferent to him. And I don't think Emma shuts down on Hook. Yes, she says some mean things to him to test him but opens up to him quite a lot. She talked about Neal sending her to jail, her running from her foster homes as a kid, her feelings about her engagement to Walsh; things we've never seen her tell anyone else.
  5. E is for Eva, the super-evil secret teller.
  6. Emma was definitely doing the doey-eyes to Hook quite a lot in 3B (specially in the forest scene in 3.14 and the Granny's scene in 3.16) and both times you can actually see her "oh crap, shit's getting too serious" expression before she turns away. I think she just found it all a bit too much so she chose to ignore it. I mean, really, how more in denial can you be when Regina made the comment in 3.17 and she said "what's that supposed to mean?" all clueless. I mean, it's ok if she didn't reciprocate, but to ignore his feelings for her altogether after he said he'd think of her everyday and that he came back to save her (and tried TLK on her) makes me think Emma was basically covering her ears and singing "I can't hear you. Nope, you don't have feelings for me and I definitely don't have feelings for you." But, I do agree that a little more feeling from Emma would've been nice before the finale kiss. We got little glimpses here and there but they weren't very easy to read, specially for a casual viewer.
  7. This question's been bothering me since season 1, I don't know if it's already been answered. Why did Rumple want Cinderella's baby? Was it just because he knew that's how he'd be imprisoned? If so, why did he want it in Storybrooke too? Just so Emma would owe him a favor? I know it was honoring the original story, but I don't think he actually wanted a baby and he didn't need it to find Neal either so was it all just manipulation?
  8. You want an unpopular opinion? I don't find the Blue Fairy shady.
  9. U is for Ursula, the goddess that gives mermaids legs once a year.
  10. I'm gonna hold on the the words "very first obstacle" and "part of her" and hope that it really does get resolved in the first episode (they can't have planned THAT far ahead) and if it doesn't then yeah, Hook needs to stop chasing that woman because I'll be more than tired of Emma pushing Hook away again. I hope it's just a little bit of politeness towards Regina and not flaunting it in her face and they don't ruin Emma's character but making her think "I just saw this woman burn my mother alive and just experienced being thrown in jail with Marian to be executed because we tried to help her. So I'm gonna feel guilty about having a boyfriend because I saved Marian's life and reunited her with her family, making said woman sad about losing her 4 days long relationship".
  11. Now that Emma and Hook are "together", I want to see Emma liking Hook for him. I know Emma already had feelings for Hook and what she needed was to trust him, but I'd like for her to swoon over him for himself and not for how much he loves her and has done for her. Because Hook would love Emma no matter what, but I'm not sure how far Emma's feelings would go if he wasn't in love with her.
  12. Actually, it seems people go to that room after they've woken up from the Sleeping Curse. When you're in the sleeping curse you go to that dark room with the mirrors that they showed Charming in. He had to break into the firey room. Still that doesn't make the dark mirror-y room a nice place to be until (if ever) awoken.
  13. I was mostly a lurker and I know most posters are here, but I'm still so sad to see TWoP go. It doesn't help that I have to work 12 hours on a Sunday...while it's the summer hiatus of the shows I watch.
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