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Everything posted by iRarelyWatchTV36

  1. Its shit like this makes me hate all the non-Donny HGs. If you want to defeat a specific person, game-wise, that's more than fine. But to verbally mock threaten and talking about doing things that would get you thrown in jail is just showing how immature and stupid they really are as individuals.
  2. Join the club, kid. Everyone who watches LFs & the show are all dumber than before having heard the stuff that comes out of your mouth for the past couple months.
  3. Cody actually kicked Frankie out of "Frankie's Room" last night/morning/whenever it is they sleep in that house??! Look at this fricking kid, like literally actually showing some balls for once! (maybe he was hoping Christine would sneak up there later)
  4. Must have been either Pringles ("Once you pop, you can't stop") or [is it?] one of the Lays products ("Bet you can't eat just one"), and she took it to heart, literally.
  5. The only "interesting"' thing that could come from those two getting 'tipsy' would be something nobody should be rooting for. Just another reason - amongst a vast plethora of them - to not miss watching the feeds every chance I got, like I was. ETA: Maybe his voice is just naturally 'phlegmy'. He pretty much never clears his throat (or at least he didn't when I was watching before), no matter how mucusly clogged his voice box sounds. ETAA: I do think it might have a little something to do with the mic being so close to his mouth and the amplifying, because his DRs don't sound near as phlegmy.
  6. Bite your tongue! (no not literally, I was just playing) :)
  7. Caleb has ensured himself a career after BB, what with everything he's ever done, been part of, and/or all the people he knows. Move over Dos Equis dude, we've found a new Most Interesting Man in the World. "Beastmode Cowboy doesn't always drink beer, but when he does, he prefers Dos Equis. Stay Thirsty my friends".
  8. I can actually tune out the whole open mouthed eating/chewing thing. Normally. (if its not egregious and attention stealing) But when you have the mics sitting there at 'ground zero', picking up and amplifying all that open-mouthed mastication?? It buries the needle on the Rage meter, reaching the levels that shouldn't be gone near; that of Must kill large numbers of tiny kittens & puppies, unicorns, and baby seals!!! to satisfy such rage levels. How in the frigging world can these "superfans" not know that this happens every year?! Open-mouthed chomping, and then trying to talk while doing it, sounds ridiculously horrible on the feeds and shows. And makes the perpetrator look like they were raised by a pack of wild untamed wolves.
  9. I love how ineffectual all this dislike and 'hatred' of Donny truly is. They've been suspicious, not trusted, or just plain disliked him from the get-go, and here he is, still one of the last 7(+1) HGs remaining. At this point, I think the rest of them actually like having him there as it gives them a 'live target' to always be against & talk shit about, even if its behind his back - as compared to only having evicted people to badmouth.
  10. Horrible image time, thinking about that... Frankie spoons Cody while he spoons Christine. Eww! Somehow I don't think Cody will mind giving & receiving the salami in that sandwich. *scrambles to find some honest to God brain-bleach*
  11. Of all the times this kid decides to actually do something in this effing game, like literally, bro.... killing us here! Wonder if Christine will convince him to make some time for just 'them' now, since he's "got the power". That would be sooo funny and sooo scary all at the same time. And of course Derrick is happy. Not only is he the one truly in power, with this occurring, but anything he has Cody do is great because its keeps blood from getting on his hands. All he has to do is stick his hand up Cody's ass and manipulate his puppet to do his work for him. This is a walking wet dream scenario for the Big D.
  12. If that's true, then I apologize, as I didn't know that. But if they truly want a great shot to get Donny out, that's what they need to do. Give him a chance to take himself off the block, and he's gonna fight hard for it - going by his numerous BOB and Veto victories.
  13. Of course he's going to get picked to play in Veto, seeing as how he (& Nicole) are going to be on the block.
  14. Here's the ultimate dream scenario to see happen; - Donny or Nicole wins HOH - Frankie & Cody are his/her nominations - Derrick is put up as replacement if either wins Veto, or Veto is used on them - any of Derrick/Frankie or Cody walks out next week So, now that I've put it out there.... (most likely) literally none of that will happen. Sorry everybody! This kid can be a real self jinxer.
  15. The thing about it is, none of them will see Derrick for being the utter control freak he is, either. He's basically telling them to not even socialize - meaning severely limiting interaction, even in non-game talk situations - and they will roll over and say "Yes sir! Right away sir!".
  16. That's true. Its just amazing that nobody has caught on to him yet - other than Donny, and now Nicole (thanks to working with Hayden in the JH). Why was it not a clear sign in the early going when he would get mad at people because they would hear something against him, but not immediately run to him to "get the real story"? He did [& is doing] this EVERY time something got around that painted him in even the slightest bit of a 'bad light'.
  17. No, don't chill out Derrick! This is good for TV. The one who's controlling things, freaking out?? I'm not watching feeds, but if I were, I'd be loving this - well, not really - but at least its some form of 'excitement'.
  18. That's incredibly smart game play to deny it to everyone else. Because that would be an easy reason to give her as to why they're nominating her. "You seem miserable here, so we're going to send you back to your boy-toy and he can make you happier again."
  19. So, Zach out/Nicole in. Nicole or Donny have to win HOH, or both are going on the block. Victoria might not (have) put up Nicole again right away, if she were to win HOH, but you know her boy Derrick would convince her to do it. Cody's threatening to call somebody out?? Alert the media, people. We're literally seeing the endless repeat of a totally meaningless and harmless threat. Why don't you make yourself truly useful; go fist yourself in the forehead some more, kid.
  20. She's gonna start wearing Cody's clothes, staring at him while he sleeps, and pull off her own version of the bananickle, isn't she? Oh Crazy Christine. You keep keeping on. (its soooo funny!)
  21. She better hope he doesn't get super-vindictive and goes after her hair accessories, before leaving tomorrow night. Headwear on headwear violence? That's when you know shit has gotten real serious.
  22. Pssst, Frankie. C'mere. I'm about to drop some knowledge here to let you in on a little secret, as to how Donny has really been winning comps. Now pay close attention, cause I know its a very tough concept and idea to handle, but with some work, I think you can do it. He's been winning the comps because of these things called "do or die" attitude, beating the odds, persistence, and perseverance. Think about that. If you do ponder it, and then still want to call that "production stacking the deck", then you can keep wearing that big invisible dunce hat.
  23. Says the guy who has a hug&cuddle stalker sitting in his lap 24/7; well actually, they're dual stalkers of said affection, soooo.... yeah. Wow. I don't know whether to laugh at him or shake my head and feel extreme pity for his dumb ass. ETA: Not to mention how ridiculous that statement is, true or not. IF anyone was stalking anyone between the two, it was Hayden doing it to Nicole.
  24. I know it wouldn't be fair to anyone else, but a huge part of me wished that Donny gets voted out next week, and then his lady friend, Kristine, gets to go to the JH with him; giving them a nice month long vacation getaway to solidity their bond & relationship - Zach would be the only one that would be any kind of fly in the ointment, the rest would be end up being happy for Donny. Putting up with all this shit, the dude deserves something a little more. JMOPO.
  25. And let's not forget, after knocking said M&Ms out of Donny's hand, he'd follow with the tired and overused "Those M&Ms represent the food you're taking out of my kid's mouth, ya jamoke."
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