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Everything posted by Literata

  1. Agreed. The complaint made her sound ungrateful for the opportunity, which I'm sure wasn't her intent. I like Amy, but her awkwardness with language can sometimes cause her to come across rather badly.
  2. "Strange"? Heavens, that was nothing. I can be much stranger than that. ? Because the assumption was the grandfather was Audrey's, I referenced his being Jeremy's simply because Audrey and Jeremy were the couple being discussed. And per your earlier comment -- if the other three were adopted, he'd still be their grandfather. The act of adoption creates binding and legally recognized familial relationships.
  3. It's Jeremy's grandpa. Amy's dad. I'm still stunned that Jeremy and Audrey agreed to spend time with Amy's family, given that they find Amy such a poor example as a "godly" woman and a mother. I'm glad, for Amy's sake. And I hope they treated her better than they normally do.
  4. I think she just had a bad day and was trying to make light of it. She's a young mom with a lot going on and was trying to find some common ground -- and was maybe trying to humble herself in front of others who might hold her on some kind of celebrity pedestal. She had a shitty day -- literally! I find Tori to be without pretense, and her attitude and demeanor help keep me interested in the show.
  5. There are definitely two camps: the oversharers and the people who don't understand how people can possibly feel comfortable sharing so much. I'm not the typical oversharer demographic; Amy and I are the same age. But I'm a writer and editor and was an early adopter of social media, and it's a big part of my job. So I live in that world and probably share too much by others' standards. The issue I see with it, especially in this case, is it engenders a false sense of intimacy. Tori shares video from inside her home of the up-close-and-personal happenings of her child, and we come to think we know the family. It's a weird state of affairs, and much has been written about the potential ramifications, especially in terms of the safety of the celebrity. While 99 percent of fans take the "relationship" for what it is, that 1 percent might arrive at their front door and expect an invitation inside. The oversharing doesn't bother me at all, but I do hope it doesn't cause any potentially creepy situations for them.
  6. I'm not sure I would have shared that, either, because I would have been so freaked out about my kid potentially having poop in his eye, or something. And yeah, it's so gross. But her sharing that doesn't bother me nearly as much as Audrey sharing that she and Jeremy recite their vows to one another while they're fucking.
  7. She's denying it on her Insta story. Who knows.
  8. Well, that would explain their having enough money to live on. But how interested will people continue to be now that they're no longer associated with the show? I expect to see those books on the bargain table in my local Barnes & Noble.
  9. Can't stand Audrey, but I have to jump in -- the AAP recommends breastfeeding for about the first six months of a baby's life, followed by breastfeeding in combination with the introduction of complementary foods until at least 12 months of age, and continuation of breastfeeding for as long as mutually desired by mother and baby. I don't know anyone who breastfed for 9 years (!) but each of my kids nursed for the better part of two years -- the last year was mainly comfort nursing and to fall asleep, and then they self-weaned. How to feed a baby is entirely a personal call -- but Elbert's not a year yet, right? So this certainly seems within the bounds of appropriate in anyone's book. :)
  10. I'm a little addicted to that thread right now. Good stuff. Wonder why the question-answerer stepped up. What could be in it for her/him?
  11. According to her Insta, she and Elbert were at a close friend's wedding. https://www.instagram.com/audreyroloff/?hl=en
  12. Matt's latest Instagram post is a photo from his dad's 80th birthday party. It features a pic of the whole Roloff clan, with Matt and Caryn smack in the middle. Papa Ron has his hand on Caryn's shoulder. Now, I realize how stalkerish this makes me sound, but I crept once on Peggy Roloff's Facebook. She and her husband are devout fundamentalists; I also remember as much from their early appearances on the show. My guess is they frown on adultery, so I'm a little surprised they've welcomed Caryn so warmly. No wonder Amy wasn't eager to accept when Matt suggested during one of the last episodes that she stop by and visit while his parents were in town. Ron and Peggy, if you're reading this -- ha! -- even if you don't look favorably upon your former daughter-in-law, she's the mother of four of your grandkids and deserves at least a kudo or two for putting up with your son's narcissistic ass all those years. Embracing the woman your son fucked while married to someone else is irritatingly hypocritical.
  13. I laughed out loud and the water I was drinking came out of my nose. Thanks, @Rap541. As a Midwesterner, I had to look up marionberries, as my only frame of reference was that coked-up DC mayor. I assume there's no connection. ?
  14. What is she talking about? Anyone know what she originally posted?
  15. I love long hair on men. I just don't like Jeremy.
  16. Agree entirely. I also think, a la the Duggars/Derick Dillard, that Jeremy and Audrey's insistence on being quite public with their views may have forced TLC's hand a bit. Clearly, everyone is entitled to his or her beliefs. Say, for the sake of argument, that Whitney Thore's mom and dad are Trump supporters who favor separating kids and parents at the border (of course I don't know this to be true). They're entitled to go about their lives and believe what they believe -- but they're on TV. So the moment they begin using that platform to espouse views that are offensive to a majority of TLC's viewership, TLC really has no choice but to step in. I like to think the way Jeremy and Audrey treated Amy didn't help them any. Whether you sympathize more with Amy or with Matt, it's a fact that both are divorced, and if one is going to be maligned and ostracized because divorce is "wrong," it's disingenuous to treat the other well. On one hand, we have Zach saying he doesn't exactly love the way things are between his parents, but he wants them to be happy. On the other hand, we have Jeremy and Audrey proselytizing. The optics around that whole issue have never reflected well on Jeremy and Audrey. And then there's the fact that Audrey is an entitled, arrogant young woman with the worst case of RBF I've ever seen, coupled with the fact that another young woman who appears genuine went public with the fact that Audrey treated her badly because she and Jeremy had a friendship/relationship (about which Jeremy -- not the young woman -- lied). You'll always find people willing to overlook someone's nastiness because of his or her celebrity, but I think Audrey became way too grating.
  17. No marriage is perfect, certainly. But the vibe I get from Z and T is that they have one another's backs, no matter what. I believe Audrey would have Jeremy's back as long as doing so wouldn't harm the brand. And the jury's out on Jeremy's motivation.
  18. Agree entirely. As "real" as a relationship can be on TV, Zach and Tori's rings far more true to me. They certainly seem to love and respect one another, but don't seem to have the need to bone constantly, or make us think they're boning constantly.
  19. I'm sure someone at RadarOnline has been working tirelessly to get this scoop. Fingers crossed. You're right; Matt's silence speaks volumes. Audrey and Jeremy appear to have been in Arizona with him and Caryn at the end of June. Surely, if J and A truly were planning on walking away, Matt would have made every effort to talk them out of it at that time.
  20. Radar Online was pretty gentle, given that the site hates these two: https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2018/07/audrey-jeremy-roloff-quitting-little-people-real-reason-revealed/
  21. The IG video convinces me even more that they were asked to leave. Amy's reaction is further reinforcement. If my employer fired my child, I'd feel compelled to react in such a way that showed support for his future endeavors and reinforced his contributions to the company, while also offering a hearty "Chin up. No worries! After all, none of us will be here forever." One aspect of that scenario confuses me, however. The Jer/Aud/Matt/Amy thing was a source of drama, and drama = ratings. My conspiracy brain is in overdrive. Any chance of a #metoo involving Jeremy?
  22. The "it's time" tacked on the end is the clincher. Something happened. He's pissed.
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